Hello everyone! I'm coming up with my first suggestion WOOO! 
As you can understand with the title of this thread, we should make arrows sellable in SkyBlock.
On my skyblock co-op island with my friends, I made a farm for each mobs so I did one for skeletons. At first everything was good, I was storing arrows in double chests and we got 3 double chests like that and I was selling bones from the skeletons. After few days (2 or 3 days after) we already filled 3 double chest with arrows and we were still getting arrows (and bones) from the skeletons. Since we don't need more arrows than what we already got, we didn't had any choice other than destroy the ones we were keeping getting in the farm I made (Mainly throwing them in the void).
If I remember correctly I already threw like 3 other full double chest of arrows in the void, and all of these could have been arrows I sell for having coins.
The amount of coins we get for selling them need to be determined with a fair amount of coins to make it not too overpowered.
Give me your opinions about my suggestion in the comment :D
And if you agree with is don't forget to react with
Thanks to everyone who took time to read it!

As you can understand with the title of this thread, we should make arrows sellable in SkyBlock.
On my skyblock co-op island with my friends, I made a farm for each mobs so I did one for skeletons. At first everything was good, I was storing arrows in double chests and we got 3 double chests like that and I was selling bones from the skeletons. After few days (2 or 3 days after) we already filled 3 double chest with arrows and we were still getting arrows (and bones) from the skeletons. Since we don't need more arrows than what we already got, we didn't had any choice other than destroy the ones we were keeping getting in the farm I made (Mainly throwing them in the void).
If I remember correctly I already threw like 3 other full double chest of arrows in the void, and all of these could have been arrows I sell for having coins.
The amount of coins we get for selling them need to be determined with a fair amount of coins to make it not too overpowered.
Give me your opinions about my suggestion in the comment :D
And if you agree with is don't forget to react with

Thanks to everyone who took time to read it!