Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Veteran
Aug 31, 2019
The Netherlands
This is a report with my old suggestion here: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/send-messages-with-official-rules.279725/

Hi everyone!

The past few weeks I noticed a huge amount of players broke rules without (probably) knowing they were breaking any rules, since it seems they were just messing around and having fun. It seems like many players don’t even know that rules exist and they are certainly not following the rules.

My suggestion:
Send a message with a link to the official rules on the whole network, an example of a message could be:
Read our official rules HERE.
Have you read our official rules already? Read them HERE.

These messages can be send every 10 (or another time period) minutes or every time someone joins the network.

As I said a lot of players don’t even know the rules exist and will get punished for breaking rules while that’s not their intention. These players who join CubeCraft to have fun (examples I’ve experienced: sending fake message of their friend getting banned by Sentinel or sending 3+ times a message about their friends, which isn’t allowed but could be done to make a funny movement), but get punished for breaking rules. If a message will be send in the chat, there is a larger chance of players reading the rules and that they follow the rules.

Of course there already is the '/rules' command, but without announcing this command no one will ever use this command.

Note: obviously when someone breaks the rules they should get punished for it, even if they don’t know the rules, but the rules needs to be pushed more imo.

- ShinyArrow​


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
As much as I believe in the idea that players should have the basic common sense to read the rules before joining the server this wouldn't harm anyone and will just encourage them to do as such. Don't see a reason for why not
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Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2016
I think it should be the same as it used to be. You get a message that says type /rules to read the rules and it gives a simple short rulebook with at the end a link to a more detailed version. I think this would get more people understanding the rules than what your suggesting. In conclusion good suggestion but I don't think it should only give link to the detailed rules as I think much fewer people would read this than what there used to be.
Example of how it used to be:
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Forum Veteran
Aug 31, 2019
The Netherlands
I believe CubeCraft encourages/forces you to read the rules when you join for the first time with a book popup
I’m not sure if CubeCraft does this, but if it’s true I still think it’s not enough. I can’t remember reading the rules before I became active on the forums, simply because I never knew there were any rules. If you get a pop-up with the rules once you joined the server for the first time, you can easy click it away. With broadcasted messages on the network way more players will probably read the rules, since it’s announced more often and rules will be more accessible.
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Forum Veteran
Apr 10, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
Yaya! Tiny, but helpful... Not requiring a lot of time, but worth the few minutes... Favv species of suggestions 🤤

Woopsie forgot my manners, hopefully Server Team won't pull my ears 😬 - Hello Shiny, we thank you lots and everyone else here for bringing such a nice addition to our attention!

Our Server Team considers it beneficial, is now marking it as Planned and looking very forward to hearing any future improvements you may have in mind! 💙
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