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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
My house
Hello, fellow Cubecrafters! I am Powerofbeds, a guy who plays an unhealthy amount of Snowman Survival. I have played around five thousand games now (including Snowman Survival and Slime Survival on Java), and it is sometimes too easy for me to win. That is why I make threads like this one and all of these, which I have made in the past:

15 ways to get better at slime survival
Tips for using powerups in Snowman Survival
How to use the powerups in slime survival well
Slime Survival tips for evading slime-hitting powerups
Slime Survival basics and map-specific tips
Slime Survival: How to read minds
Slime Survival: Rarely Used Tricks
Slime Survival: Rare uses for powerups
Snowman Survival: Common Mistakes
Snowman Survival: Survivor Strategy
Snowman Survival: Snowman Strategy

My previous thread said that it would probably be my last tips thread for Snowman Survival, but "who knows if ... the game will get an update?" And the game got an update before I even posted the thread. This thread focuses on what has changed from last year and how to incorporate those changes into your playstyle.

Toys is one of the two maps introduced in the new update. Do not expect to win here as a survivor because this map is quite unbalanced in the favor of the snowmen. There are several reasons for this. There are minimal hiding spots for those who like to hide, and for those who don't, the map is small and open, there is minimal high ground to take a safer location, and what high ground there is can usually only be accessed via ladders that are out in the open. The structure of the map also provides few options for escaping when you are getting chased and it is very easy to get cornered. However, there are some tips that can help to make things a little easier. I always recommend against hiding, but if you must, I find that the best spot to do so is inside the train on the high shelf (the one that can only be accessed via the jump pads). Try to maintain high ground whenever possible, and hold a Leap powerup for as much of the game as you can because it allows you to get to higher ground (on top of one of the presents) more easily, and it also allows you to leap over snowmen as they try to shoot up to a high spot you are already at. One more tip I have is comparable to a mechanic of the classic game "Pac-Man", which, if you've ever played, you might know that there is a path that leads off the screen and leads to the other side of the screen which the ghosts (who you are trying to avoid) cannot move through nearly as quickly as you can. Similarly, by going to the side of the shelf that is accessed via two jump pads, you can land on the edge of the lower jump pad and get to the top without using the second one. This saves you several seconds and cannot be done by snowmen because they lack the permanent speed effect survivors have. If you are playing on this map as the snowman, don't give the survivors a moment to breathe, as they will use it to climb one of the ladders they can only climb if they are alone.

Snowglobe is the other of the two maps that did not exist last year, and similarly to the Toys map, this one is also very unbalanced, but this time, it favors the survivors. A lot of the map is open like Toys map, but the difference this map has is how easy it is to access good locations to stay. The cake in the middle is not such a location because there are too many ladders that lead up to it and it is too easy for snowmen to sneak up on you, but by jumping from it to the nearby tree and from there onto the house, you can remain up there for a long time. Watch for snowballs being thrown from the neighboring house and snowmen attempting to get onto the house with you from the same way you came. Snowballs cannot reach you from the ground. Additionally, the giant snowman near the edge of the map is a great asset for survivors because although it is never wise to try to escape a snowman who is chasing you by climbing a ladder as you are slow and predictable, this ladder, which is accessed from behind the snowman, is completely concealed within the snowman and takes an entire ten seconds to climb. This gives you a great opportunity to stall. If you bring a Decoy up there, that's even better because you can jump down onto the snowman's nose (the structure) if you see a snowman (enemy) ascending the ladder. By placing it on the base of the nose, you force your enemy to jump down onto it to destroy the Decoy, and meanwhile, you just casually make your way back up the ladder again. Grab another powerup on the way if you can. The turkey is also great for survivors as there are many ways up and you can use the high ground to your advantage. If you are playing on this map as a snowman, good luck. It won't be easy. Try to force survivors out into the open as the map is still fairly open, and if you happen to be on top of the giant snowman, you can get onto the ladder and throw your snowball downward (right-click is better here) and hit a survivor as they are coming up. Due to the lack of space to move aside, there's nothing the survivor can do. This does not tend to be something you should try for unless the opportunity happens to present itself because there is no guarantee that a survivor will come along.

Snowman is a map that existed last year but has since been removed. So I guess there's not much to say about it.

The shield has recently been added to Bedrock edition. It is a powerup that already existed in Java, and now it is here on Bedrock edition to be the new most powerful powerup in general. In some situations, it might be better to take something else (such as taking a Decoy somewhere to try to gain space if you are attacked, a Leap to get somewhere faster than the snowmen, or a Snowman Stabber for a medal if you are more competitive), but the Shield powerup is generally the strongest powerup due to the simple trick of not showing your powerups. I say this in every thread because it is simple and effective. Select the second hotbar slot until you are ready to use your powerup, then switch to the first to use it. Snowman cannot see it, so they will not know what to expect. This goes double for shield because the 15-second timer does not count down if you are not holding the shield. This means you are vulnerable, but if you only hold the shield when a snowman could hit you and hide it when you are safe, your shield essentially means you can survive a hit for free. It is supposed to launch snowballs away from it as well, but don't count on this because it doesn't always work this way. And please don't just stand next to the snowmen with your shield. You block a hit. So what? You lose the shield and now you have to escape without it. That's a huge mistake I see a lot of people making. If you have a shield and get hit twice, you're now a snowman.

Fireballs are another new powerup recently added, and isn't this just crazy? Two new powerups arrive in Bedrock edition and one of them is instantly the best powerup and the other is instantly the worst. Fireballs have incredibly small hitboxes snowmen can easily dodge, and they have a cooldown of about half a second, preventing burst fire, which was really the only way to use them effectively on Java. If you do manage to hit the snowman, they get the blindness effect for a few seconds. This is not even worth the risk. By turning toward a snowman who is chasing you to shoot fireballs at them (which is the only good way to use this powerup, as any other usage is wastage), you slow yourself down almost as much as they will if you hit them. The problem is that you probably won't hit them, so all you're doing is losing space and potentially becoming a snowman yourself. With how hard it is to hit snowmen with these, they should just do the realistic thing they would do and cause the snowmen to instantly melt, but that means that snowman doesn't get to enjoy the rest of the game. What a predicament. My recommendation is to simply not use these, and even to pick them up if you don't have a powerup just for the sake of getting them out of the way for later.

Powerup Pickups
Powerup pickups have changed as well, as the models are bigger and fancier but the nametags that accompanied them are now gone, meaning you can no longer see them through walls. Snowman Stabbers can also be difficult to locate due to the model being three small swords, all separate from each other. It is better to use the firework color to locate Snowman Stabbers. I believe yellow fireworks indicate Snowman Stabbers, but I can't say for sure about any powerup because I have (mild) colorblindness, so you probably know more about it than I do. The other difference about powerup pickups is the size of their hitboxes. For this year, the radius of powerup pickup hitboxes was about three blocks. They have since been reduced to closer to around 1.5 blocks radius. This is still huge, so be extra careful about these powerup pickups if you already have a powerup you would rather keep.

With that, you have now learned about the changes this year's new update has given to snowman survival and how to incorporate those changes into your playstyle to increase your win rate. I have learned a lesson of my own and will therefore not say that this will be my last tips thread again (in fact, I already intend to write a remake of my first thread, "15 ways to get better at slime survival", because I now have over six times as much experience now than I did then). Thanks for reading!


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Agree with pretty much everything posted here. I literally shot a fireball while being inside someone and somehow I missed.

For some reason toys is a very easy map for me to hide in. No one checks the train for some reason lol.

What your opinion on name tags not being able to be seen by those opposite your team?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
My house
What your opinion on name tags not being able to be seen by those opposite your team?
I think it's a nice change to how the game is played, at least. It mainly makes the game easier for survivors because snowmen are more likely to want to use this mechanic, which I'm not sure I like because survivors win more often than snowmen anyway, but I pretty much just always win as survivor or first snowman, so I'm one to talk. I can't really say much about how to use this, though, as this is a removal of a previously available tactic.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2023
As a survivor I would prefer if you could see snowman name tags as there have been times I’ve been running though one block wide passages and then seeing a snowman come out of nowhere and all of a sudden I’m caught. It’s easier when I see the message that ” a snowman is tracking me “ so I’m on alert.


Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
As a survivor I would prefer if you could see snowman name tags as there have been times I’ve been running though one block wide passages and then seeing a snowman come out of nowhere and all of a sudden I’m caught. It’s easier when I see the message that ” a snowman is tracking me “ so I’m on alert.
Honestly I perfer name tags too but for opposite reasons. I like having the snowmen chase me and winning a 1v11 but often time I need to actively seek out the snowman for the chase to start and it ends way easier now.


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
My house
If snowmen could see my nametag, it would make it a lot easier to bait them into getting hit with a Snowman Stabber and earning me a medal, bringing me one step closer to getting onto the Bedrock leaderboard. Hard to say whether more people would like or dislike it though, because there are just so many ways it can change the game that some people would like and some wouldn't.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
My house
Maybe (if not too unbalance) something could be implanted wher you could be told if a snowman was within 5 blocks of you.
I'm not sure this would really matter. Ideally, snowmen should throw their snowballs from 5-10 blocks from the survivor anyway because this is the range that makes it most difficult to dodge it. If a survivor is particularly close to a snowman, the direction the snowman has to throw the snowball is rapidly changing as the survivor moves and it is difficult to properly aim the shot. If the distance is too long, the survivor has more time to react and dodge or the snowball simply cannot reach them. If a survivor is hiding in an enclosed space, it's probably too late if the snowman is already within five blocks. So if this were a feature they would add, it would have to be more like ten blocks if it were to mean anything. But I do think this would make it a bit unbalanced, like you said.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2016
My house
One other thing I forgot to mention in this thread is that the physics of Gravity Explosives have changed. They now launch the snowman away from the Gravity Explosive, whereas last year, they were more focused on launching the snowman upwards (which gave them some tactical opportunities, so this change is a massive buff to the powerup). Gravity Explosive is now much better and easier to use because it will give you a lot more space to work with and you can now more effectively launch snowmen off of raised platforms. I recommend jumping and placing the Gravity Explosive at the peak of your jump so that you get even more of that horizontal launch speed instead of allowing snowmen to more easily take advantage of your powerup misuse.

Also, the tactic I mentioned for Toys map where survivors can skip one of the jump pads (the one I compared to Pac-Man) does not work quite as well as I previously thought. It saves a lot of time, but snowmen are able to do it as well, it's just a lot harder. So now it's no longer "do this to save time", but rather "do this so you don't waste time".
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