Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Sep 6, 2019
Catalonia, Spain.
Hey guys! I've been thinking about making this thread for quite some time, and I think it's finally time to unleash some of the ideas I've been having these days, to know what are your thoughts about them ^-^

First of all gonna start with the forums, and the two ideas are; adding a new option to hide your activity from people you don't follow and a second one to add a statistics website where player's statistics are shown, and the third is to add different emotes to the forums, as funny, useful etc.
  1. First idea: Allow people to change the activity status to people you follow only. As party and friend requests in game, you might only want some people to know you're online, and this would allow you to do it. There's literally no cons, if you don't want to be noticed by everyone you toggle this option, if you do want to get noticed you don't toggle it.
  2. Second idea: Add a statistic website. Yes, I know this has been suggested by multiple people including myself, but I do believe that a statistic website linked with the linked account on the forums would be pretty neat. If you clicked on the linked account you'd be redirected to their statistic website, where all their statistics would be shown (including featured games) which would help you to keep track on your statistics when you're not in game, and to see other people's statistics. It doesn't have much use other than that, but would certainly be cool to see other people's statistics. Besides, for everyone who might be shy about their statistics there should be an option to lock your page so people can't access it and your stats are protected, obviously you would have to have your account linked to the forums to perform this action.
  3. The idea of adding different emotes has been going around for quite a while, and honestly, I don't think of any reason why this shouldn't be added: you don't always feel identified with just a like and you want to express different emotions with different reactions, but you don't really want to comment. However, I am kinda against the addition of negative reactionsl, since it could lead to the abuse of those, just adding the negative readtions to people you don't like, however, I do agree it could be handy on certain situations
Now we're moving to SkyWars.

Second point of the day, skywars, the ideas are gonna be: ideas for chaos mode, the change of some loot (to improve movement), and revamp to team skywars's team balancing system.

I did feel like it was necessary to add a separate spoiler for this since it's a bedrock gamemode.
This game hasn't been update since it was realeased as far as I am aware, which is a completely bad thing since a gamemode kinda starts dying out if it remains the same for a very long time, since it gets repetitive and boring.

World events:
  1. Dinosaur invasion: Dinosaurs start spawining over the map, it lasts for 30 (those dinosaurs would attack all the players depending if they're in range of their vision), raptors would spawn in individual islands and a T-Rex in the center of the map. To end the event, it would be cool if a meteorite shower started afterwards always.
  2. Earthquakes: The map starts to desintegrate on it's own, lasts for 40 seconds and it doesn't fully destroy any island, but could slightly damage players.
  3. Dangerous fogs: A border starts shrinking when 15 minutes have passed into a game (that's a lot of time, but possible!) and it severly damages anyone who tries to go inside of it.
  4. The floor is lava: Literally the floor starts becoming lava and the players have to get to a safe point before they die of the lava! (It would be progressive, the floor should begin to become lava slowly and end up being only made of it. Only the first layer of blocks). Should last around two minutes, and the lava should disapear when the event is finished.
  1. Expelliarmus: Literally a stick with Knockback X that could knock any enemy away (I know it might seem overpowered but remember this is literally chaos mode)
  2. Pig launcher: Literally a launcher of pigs, those would deal zone damage and would destroy blocks. The item should be a named porkchop.
  3. Parachute: A item that whenever you are suposed to take fall damage reduces it by 100%. The item should be a feather.
  4. Zombie call: A squad of zombies surrounds you for 1 minute when you right click the item ( a rotten flesh renamed) and furiously attacks anyone who tries to harm you.
  5. Shield: Whenever you right click the item (a obsidian block renamed) a obsidian shield surrounds you, and you instantly get a diamond pickaxe.
  6. Santa's Sleight: It's chaos mode! I know it's cool to go around jumping with enderpearls, but it would be much cooler if you could fly around with a sleight with unlimited duration, that can only be destroyed with a projectile??
  7. Weather Clearer: As I suggested a lot of world events in the last point, I think it's fair to add an object that whenever you click it instantly removes the on-going event.
  8. Grappler: A fishing rod that allows you to grapple around and move a lot faster! No cooldown or 1/2 seconds cooldown.
  9. Tsunami: A normal appearence water bucket but with much more power, this would generate a 8x8 area of water.
And that's unfortunately all the suggestions I have for chaos skywars!

  1. Slight revamp to loot in the middle of the map. It's true that being in the middle often offers you a control over the map, but with that it also comes a disadvantage: being trapped in the middle of the map. Yes, it's true there are kits like enderman that allow you to receive enderpearls to get outside of it, but that's about it, and constructing a safe bridge is often too tedious and not really fun. Besides, SkyWars is pretty much a rushy gamemode and going to the mid doesn't allow you to play like that, so the idea is to add enderpearls in the center of the map in normal mode too, so you can fastly move to the enemies after looting the middle and be able to kill them quickly.
  2. Balacing system in team skywars: it doesn't work, and it does make the waiting process more tedious, which is annoying and causes some people dislike the game for the wait time in the lobby. There's two options:
  • Remove the balancing system to avoid extra waiting time, but increase the amount of unfair games, and the annoyance of multiple people. (Counter producent in my opinion, and wouldn't be a great addition)
  • Make it as blockwars's balancing system (or tower defence's) where in 30 seconds after a game hasn't been able to start because the teams are unbalanced, they get instantly balanced, to avoid these tedious moments where games just won't start. (Which in my opinion, is the right option to choose)
It is really necessary to change the balancing system, since sometimes you have to wait some extra minutes because the balancing system isn't really balancing but just a extra waiting system until some people join the game.

And that's all I have for skywars!

Moving on to Parkour!

Okay, so, I am gonna completely assume that the TL:DR of the https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/were-changing-how-we-run-cubecraft.225304/ thread is a confirmation of Competitive Parkour being added to make this point.

This point is about Leaderboards, specially competitive parkour's. Well, if you currently look at Parkour's leaderboard you can clearly see there's barely any competition in it anymore, a grand total of 34 players have achieved the goal of reaching
109 golden medals, which basically means 34 people is top 1 of the game, and eventually more than 200 will. The idea is, if you add Competitive Parkour, remove normal parkour's leaderboard (since it's very boring and isn't even a competition at all) and instead, add separate leaderboards through the different levels of the maps, to see who is the best at the map. Then, the leaderboard of normal parkour would be a competition of who has the best time, instead of just a leaderboard where the first 200 people to reach 109 medals will be displayed.

This is all I wanted to say about parkour.

Minerware is such a fun game, non pvp based.... oh wait! It does have pvp based mini games that don't really add anything to the game besides a vague interpretation of another existing PvP game you can also play when it's featured, and this microgame usually leads to teaming.... and it's not punishable...

Jokes aside, I think the removal of PvP based microgames (mini sg, be the last knight standing..) and boss games (Get the most kills, Lucky block PvP) is necessary, as I said, those completely add on nothing to the game besides a copy of a PvP game you can play on the network, which is completely unnecessary and takes the spot of some others that could be much more fun (Fly through the hoops, Colour floor...).

Now that I've cleared that point, I do wanna suggest some boss games:

  1. Dance floor: this boss game is about avoiding falling into the void and lasting the longest you can. This boss game would last ten rounds and each one would become harder than the last, each round you receive a coloured stained clay block, and the floor is filled with different colors of this same material, when the timer runs out, if you haven't posisioned in a zone that's the same color of the block you received, you lose.
  2. Barn Brawl: Minerware has twelve players, Barn Brawl has twelve players... I see no inconvinience on adding this remove game to Minerware's Boss Game list. Obviously, limiting the amount of points you have to obtain so it doesn't take super long.
And last thing, that hast been bothering me for a long time: Do not give the same points to every winner of the Minerware boss game... it just doesnt' make sense, as you don't give the same reward to first, second and third position at the end of the game, why giving the same points to the winners of the boss game?
In my opinion it would be better if first place winner of the boss game got three points, second got two and third got one, it would be more even and would actually make the boss game more game changing.

That's it for Minerware!!

Now moving to discord

There's not much I can say about discord, it is indeed a very good discord server and these event channels (bzzz-bzzz, food, animals...) is so much fun and does really unite the community. But, I think it would be cool if you added a streaming room (one for each language that has a main channel and one for other-languages) and prohibe streaming in normal comunication channels. It's just not very fun when someone randomly starts streaming without your permission in a channel, and it makes the call kinda awkward. But other than that, I don't think it's really necessary to do any other change, besides maybe the allowance of players to suggest emotes, but that's not too relevant.

That's it for discord!!

And the last change....

In case you're planning on keeping the main lobby as it is, without changing it's structures I think it would be neat to add a top 5 of each permanent game in this space in the lobby:

it could be revamped so it looked like a house you can acceed, and that would kinda be the hall of fame, rewarding to the players that have reached the top 5 of any of the permanent games and besides, a giant purple background kinda looks ugly in my opinion.

And that's about it for the thread... I hope you liked it and if so, leave a comment and tell me what you liked the most and how to improve my suggestion. I truly appreciate the feedback you can give to me!
Thanks <3

Dubby Plays

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2019
But, I think it would be cool if you added a streaming room (one for each language that has a main channel and one for other-languages) and prohibe streaming in normal comunication channels. It's just not very fun when someone randomly starts streaming without your permission in a channel, and it makes the call kinda awkward.

me that I was always streaming in a VC room few weeks ago: despair.png


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
I agree with every point in the thread, especially the back area of the lobby and SkyWars center revamp. It’s a good place to put a leaderboard area at the back of the lobby behind the games and as for SkyWars center revamp, not only pearls are a good idea, but maybe buff the sharpness 1 diamond sword since sharp 2 iron swords are as strong as a sharp 1 diamond (1.8 and bedrock). Btw congrats on the post being escalated


🤝 Partner 💜
Oct 12, 2018
I think it's a great idea, since that lobby space is not being used at all only when there is a holiday and they put things in, it would be a good mini-aztualization of the lobby, so that the players have a purpose to enter the top and appear in lobbies
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