Make it where if your friend(s) are online you can have the option to spectate the game they're currently in. When that game ends/restarts, you'll be put into said game.
I think that a spectate request is a good idea; that way you can choose whether or not to allow someone to spectate you, and you’ll know when they are doing soOr maybe the server can send you a chat message that you need to accept, if your friend requests to spectate your game.
I think its already a thing when u join your friends party in middle of the game.Make it where if your friend(s) are online you can have the option to spectate the game they're currently in. When that game ends/restarts, you'll be put into said game.
This is already a think but there is a bug that you are not spectating.Make it where if your friend(s) are online you can have the option to spectate the game they're currently in. When that game ends/restarts, you'll be put into said game.
I don't agree bc it will be so annoying for who playMake it where if your friend(s) are online you can have the option to spectate the game they're currently in. When that game ends/restarts, you'll be put into said game.