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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
Simple as the title says.
For example: If a staff member (any staff member) swears on the Discord, they should receive a warning then a ban if it happens again.

This was mainly a problem on Discord but doesn't happen as much as the staff team (noteably admin team) no longer interacts with the community on discord anywhere near as much but it used to be a big problem. While a lot of staff risk losing their positions for telling one trusted friend a tiny detail about something that ultimately doesn't matter if people know or not, some members of the team often thought and potentially do think that the rules don't apply to them because they are so senior. Constant swearing, spamming and admin abuse was prevelant and as much as the admin team may want to deny it - it happened. And when it did, it just got swept under the rug.

It does not matter if people do or don't care about what was actually said, if a regular member got punished for it so should a staff member.

No I do not believe that they should lose their position if they break a single tiny rule, but I do think that they should receive the same punishment as a regular member as all staff are still members of this server and they do not deserve to be above the rules. Additionally, this should be based on the idea that staff have a clean slate and any previous breaking of rules should be let off as this system is implemented.

I'm not naming any names because I refuse to ignite any witch hunts or attacks on people.


Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
That’s like putting a police officer in jail for a weak for stealing at a supermarket and after the week they’ll continue with the same job. Just no. The fact that you obviously don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes makes this a useless suggestion because certain staff-members do get warnings if they do something against the rules and if they continue they just get a demote. Also, there is a magic place called ‘staff feedback’. Just write your concerns of a staff member there and they’ll handle it.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
That’s like putting a police officer in jail for a weak for stealing at a supermarket and after the week they’ll continue with the same job. Just no.
They if they break a rule make them lose their position too.
The fact that you obviously don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes makes this a useless suggestion because certain staff-members do get warnings if they do something against the rules
The reason I made this thread is because it was widespread, especially among people in the admin team and above. I have had countless issues which have required staff feedback threads and action has only been taken on some of them because of the authorities getting involved or legal action being threatened. I don't know for certain currently but I know in the past the admin team would swear constantly whenever a single one of them joined with absolutely no repercussions whenever someone reported them.
certain staff-members do get warnings if they do something against the rules
Only certain staff? So certain staff members don't? Is that what you're implying here?

if they continue they just get a demote.
So they receive more chances than a regular member? And then they receive a lesser punishment? Doesn't sound equal or fair to me.

Also, there is a magic place called ‘staff feedback’. Just write your concerns of a staff member there and they’ll handle it.
From experience, staff often refuse to take action unless the authorities or legal action is threatened because they like to just get away with whatever they have. I have been stalked, harassed, bullied and targeted by countless staff before. Reported it and they straight up refused to investigate. Reported multiple staff members breaking Discord's terms of service once, they didn't even reply to the thread until Discord T&S started banning their staff. Staff feedback does not work, that is a separate issue which I will be addressing another time.


Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
They if they break a rule make them lose their position too.
That’s my point. But you didn’t say they should lose their position, you said they should receive a punishment, that’s something completely different.
The reason I made this thread is because it was widespread, especially among people in the admin team and above. I have had countless issues which have required staff feedback threads and action has only been taken on some of them because of the authorities getting involved or legal action being threatened. I don't know for certain currently but I know in the past the admin team would swear constantly whenever a single one of them joined with absolutely no repercussions whenever someone reported them.
As I’ve said before, you don’t know what’s going on behind the scenes. It’s not like staff members get an instant demote for breaking a rule. In 90% of the cases they get a warning first.
Only certain staff? So certain staff members don't? Is that what you're implying here?
Yes, because it completely depends on the context. A staff member will not be demoted after they say a little swearword in a voice call.
So they receive more chances than a regular member? And then they receive a lesser punishment? Doesn't sound equal or fair to me.
Trust me, getting demoted is the worst punishment a staff-member can get. You can’t give them a punishment as well, that’s just too much.
From experience, staff often refuse to take action unless the authorities or legal action is threatened because they like to just get away with whatever they have. I have been stalked, harassed, bullied and targeted by countless staff before. Reported it and they straight up refused to investigate. Reported multiple staff members breaking Discord's terms of service once, they didn't even reply to the thread until Discord T&S started banning their staff. Staff feedback does not work, that is a separate issue which I will be addressing another time.
It’s not like the admin team hasn’t anything to do, they can’t watch every staff member with a magnifying glass and see anything they do, after all, the staff members got their rank because the recruitment team trust them and like I said before; things are happening behind the scenes. In some cases they also can’t do too much due to lack of evidence whatsoever.


Forum Expert
Feb 11, 2016
The Netherlands
I don't understand the point of this suggestion. I totally agree with what @Goefy said above. I highly doubt that team members break the rules, especially moderators who know the rules. Also, why would a moderator warn/ban another mod for breaking the rules? That's why Cube has a moderation (CapitanGato) & staff manager (AnimalTamer). Staff members do get a warning if they break a rule, after that the admins can decide to remove someone from the team if they misbehave again.

Only certain staff? So certain staff members don't? Is that what you're implying here?

If a staff member breaks a rule they'll get a message from the admin team. Doesn't matter what their rank is, or how active they are.

So they receive more chances than a regular member? And then they receive a lesser punishment? Doesn't sound equal or fair to me.

More chances? Members get a warning, then a 1day punishment, 3 days, 7 days etc etc. Staff members get a warning and then a demote, or in some cases an instant demote. Doesn't look like ''more chances'' to me.

Also, ''lesser punishments''? All staff members applied because they like doing moderation stuff. Most staff members who got demoted can not reapply. The ones who can have to wait quite a lot of months before they can reapply. I had to wait 6 months before I could reapply. My application process took a few months.. This means that I was able to rejoin the team after 6-9 months. If the admins gave me a choice.. demote or 1-month ban, I would def choose the one-month ban. A demote is the worst punishment a staff member can get. Believe me...

It does not matter if people do or don't care about what was actually said, if a regular member got punished for it so should a staff member.

I don't understand why you said this? You don't know how things work within the team so why would you say ''so should a staff member''. Whenever you see a staff member breaking a rule, the admins will notice and the staff member will receive a message from the admin team. Staff members are role models and players look up to them, so in my opinion, they should not be treated like members if it comes to breaking the rules.
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