This could be implemented in several modalities. But I will rely specifically on Eggwars.
I would like to see statistics implemented at the end of each Eggwars game.
As ? :
About the color (the design of the statistics), it is only an example, it could be the color of your range or colors by posts.
And when you put the Click in their names you can see the assists, the broken eggs by the player and their deaths.
I think it would be great to have this idea implemented, I have not seen it on another server, it occurred to me to see that this statistic at the end of the game is in Tower Defense.
I think it would also be great, rewarding with points and additional experience to the players (to the first three).
This is the reason for being of my suggestion: This could firstly: Motivate the players not to camp, and to leave their island to break eggs and kill other players, playing strategically.
The second is: This would help to have a better account of our statistics, how many eggs we break per game, how many users we kill per game, since we rarely pay attention to the statistics found in the Main Lobby of Eggwars.
Esto se podria implementar en varias modalidades. Pero me basare especificamente en Eggwars.
Me gustaria que se implementara estadisticas al final de cada partida de Eggwars. Algo asi
Y cuando pones el Click en sus nombres puedes ver las asistencias , los huevos rotos por el jugador y sus muertes.
Creo que seria muy genial tener esta idea implementada , no la he visto en otro servidor , se me ocurrio al ver que esto de las estadisticas al final del juego esta en Tower Defense.
Creo que tambien seria genial , premiar con puntos y experiencia adicional a los jugadores ( a los tres primeros ).
Esta es la razon de ser de mi sugerencia : Esto podria primeramente : Motivar a los jugadores a no campear , y a salir de su isla a romper huevos y a matar a los demas jugadores, jugando de una forma estrategica.
La segunda es : Esto ayudaria a tener una mejor cuenta de nuestras estadisticas , cuantos huevos rompemos por partida , cuantos usuarios matamos por partida, ya que muy pocas veces prestamos atencion a las estadisticas que se encuentran en el Lobby Principal de Eggwars.
I would like to see statistics implemented at the end of each Eggwars game.
As ? :
RafaelChacon1 Kills: 5
Rafaelchacon2 Kills: 3
Rafaelchacon3 Kills: 1
Rafaelchacon2 Kills: 3
Rafaelchacon3 Kills: 1
About the color (the design of the statistics), it is only an example, it could be the color of your range or colors by posts.
And when you put the Click in their names you can see the assists, the broken eggs by the player and their deaths.
I think it would be great to have this idea implemented, I have not seen it on another server, it occurred to me to see that this statistic at the end of the game is in Tower Defense.
I think it would also be great, rewarding with points and additional experience to the players (to the first three).
This is the reason for being of my suggestion: This could firstly: Motivate the players not to camp, and to leave their island to break eggs and kill other players, playing strategically.
The second is: This would help to have a better account of our statistics, how many eggs we break per game, how many users we kill per game, since we rarely pay attention to the statistics found in the Main Lobby of Eggwars.
Esto se podria implementar en varias modalidades. Pero me basare especificamente en Eggwars.
Me gustaria que se implementara estadisticas al final de cada partida de Eggwars. Algo asi
RafaelChacon1 Kills : 5
Rafaelchacon2 Kills : 3
Rafaelchacon3 Kills : 1
Rafaelchacon2 Kills : 3
Rafaelchacon3 Kills : 1
Creo que seria muy genial tener esta idea implementada , no la he visto en otro servidor , se me ocurrio al ver que esto de las estadisticas al final del juego esta en Tower Defense.
Creo que tambien seria genial , premiar con puntos y experiencia adicional a los jugadores ( a los tres primeros ).
Esta es la razon de ser de mi sugerencia : Esto podria primeramente : Motivar a los jugadores a no campear , y a salir de su isla a romper huevos y a matar a los demas jugadores, jugando de una forma estrategica.
La segunda es : Esto ayudaria a tener una mejor cuenta de nuestras estadisticas , cuantos huevos rompemos por partida , cuantos usuarios matamos por partida, ya que muy pocas veces prestamos atencion a las estadisticas que se encuentran en el Lobby Principal de Eggwars.