Dedicated Member
Slightly modified repost of this thread, which is a repost of this thread from the old suggestions system.
Current situation
Currently, several game modes, like among slimes or lucky islands, ask you to install a resource pack every time you open the game menu (provided that you haven't installed it). There is no way to not get this question, unless you install it, causing an inconvenience for many players that do not want to download the resource pack.
Exhibit A: The annoying question when opening the among slimes menu 
Desired situation
Give players the option, in their settings menu, to disable the Resource Pack question. That'll be all.
Exhibit B: The settings menu where the 'Ask for resource pack' option should be added 
Please react with
Agree if you agree with this suggestion. If you disagree with this suggestion or are unsure about it, please leave a comment as well, I would love to get some feedback about this idea.
Edit: added links to the threads that where great inspiration to this one.
Current situation
Currently, several game modes, like among slimes or lucky islands, ask you to install a resource pack every time you open the game menu (provided that you haven't installed it). There is no way to not get this question, unless you install it, causing an inconvenience for many players that do not want to download the resource pack.

Desired situation
Give players the option, in their settings menu, to disable the Resource Pack question. That'll be all.

Please react with


Edit: added links to the threads that where great inspiration to this one.