This is probably the only thread on this forum that has been "Escalated". More or less.
EDIT: This "escalated" tag seems to be a new feature. Oh well.
EDIT: This "escalated" tag seems to be a new feature. Oh well.
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That sounds amazing! I’m all in on this idea!So Lobby Games is very, very grindy. However we players don't really get rewarded for all that grinding. Not only that, but the fact players only get 1 exp for every time they find a relic or fish and the fact there's a daily limit to the amount of points someone can get is really discouraging. That's why I think adding an exclusive currency to Lobby Games is a good idea.
Players won't be able to get high amounts of points by grinding Relic Hunting or Lobby Fishing and we will be rewarded with some sweet Vanity.
I call them Lobby Points or Lobby Coins/Lobbycoin, whatever. Players will be able to earn Lobby Coins by fishing, relic hunting or finding random amounts inside Chests.
Basically your find will determine how many Lobby Coins you get:
✪ = 1 Lobby Coin
✪✪ = 2 Lobby Coins
✪✪✪ = 3 Lobby Coins
✪✪✪✪ = 5 Lobby Coins
✪✪✪✪✪ = 10 Lobby Coins
Players will be able to buy exclusive vanity items such as Gadgets, Miniatures and cosmetics using such points.
Here are a few examples of available items:
Grappling Hook Fishing Rod gadget (1000 Lobby Coins)
This fishing rod will pull the player wherever its rod lands.
A great combination between the grappling hook of Relic Hunting and the fishing rod of Lobby Fishing.
Jolly Rogger shield design (500 Lobby Coins):
Mayan Temple shield design (500 Lobby Coins):
Cubebeard Miniature (2500 Lobby Coins):
One of the deadliest pirates to ever sail the seven seas.
Whale King Minature (2500 Lobby Coins):
More ferocious than Moby-Dick.
Ancient Relic Miniature (2500 Lobby Coins):
It has been said that this piece of stone is over 3 billion years old. We still don't know what it actually represents.
Golden Relic Miniature (2500 Lobby Coins):
And the most anticipated reward. Cube's own mascot. The AWESOME SENTINEL!!!
For only the price of 3999 this Sentinel Miniature is yours and it can even do this:
Now lets talk about Achievements. After all that grinding some achievements wouldn't hurt.
So here are some of my ideas.
Well I think I said everything. I really enjoy Lobby games and I hope to see other grindy games in the Future.
- True Adventurer: Complete Relic Journal Series 1. (2 Cubelets, 250 Experience, 200 Points)
- Fishing Addict: Complete Fishing Journal Series 1. (2 Cubelets, 250 Experience, 200 Points)
- Lucky Winner: Find one Chest inside the lobby. (100 Experience)
- Treasure Finder: Find 10 chests inside the lobby. (250 Experience, 50 Points, 1 Cubelet)
- Archeologist: Find 5 5-Star items in Relic Hunting. (250 Experience, 1 Cubelet)
- Proffesional Fisherman: Find 5 5-Star items in Lobby Fishing (250 Experienxe, 1 Cubelet)
- Golden Fishing Rod: Catch in total 2500 treasures in Lobby Fishing. (100 Experience)
- Into the Dirt: Find in total 2500 relics in Relic Hunting. (100 Experience)