Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Dec 23, 2015
Beyond The Wall


Survival Games is a Battle Royale/Hunger Games-inspired game where your goal is to be the last man standing.

How to play

  • In this game, players battle and strive for victory, and also search for chests full of things to help them win. The last man (or woman) wins.
  • To begin, players spawn on their very own starting podium! (12-36 in total depending on size of game).
  • Once the starting countdown ends, you either have the choice of running to the middle (cornucopia) for loot right off the bat, or running away from the inevitable bloodbath soon to come from being in the middle.
  • Different from some other servers, we have a grace period (10 seconds or so) which does prevent spawn killing, so rushing to the middle is made easier with this feature.
  • After 3 / 4s of the player count has been killed, the world border (more info below) will start to move and push players in closer.
  • This will initiate the deathmatch, which is the final fight between all the players determining the victor/last man standing.



Chests contain various types of items dependent on the chest type that is voted before the game starts. There are only 3 types just like Skywars and Eggwars, which are Basic, Normal, and OP.

The guaranteed types of items you will find in these chests will be different types of food, weapons, armour, potions, tools (water/lava buckets, flint & steel, etc.) and materials (sticks, ingots, etc.).

Basic chests will contain weaker types of armour and weapons like wood/stone/leather/chain being common and iron being rare. The diamond material will also be very rare.

Normal chests will contain greater chances of iron/diamond items while still supplying leather/chain/gold items.

OP chests will only contain iron/diamond tools and armour while supplying you with strong items like Elytra, God Apples, etc.

All armour/weapons will have a chance to spawn with an enchantment, you better hope it’s a good one!




Archer - 100 Points
1x Bow
2x Arrows
Also have a 10% chance of returning shot arrows.

Bloodlust - 200 points
A kill grants a stack of bloodlust
1 Bloodlust yields 10% damage and -1 max hearts.
Max stacks: 3

Brewing Accident - 300 points
Random changing potion effect.

Cannibal - 250 Points
Saturation effect on kill.

Smuggler - 600 Points
Smuggled chest of items.

Demolitionist - 200 Points
4x of Auto Igniting TNT
Reduced Explosion Damage

Double Edged - 400 Points
Increased Attack Damage
Decreased Damage Taken

Enchanter - 400 Points
Reduced Enchant costs
24x Bottle o’ Enchanting
8x of Lapis Lazuli

Fishermen - 500 Points
1/3 Chance of stealing an item off a player.

Man's Best Friend - 300 Points
2x Wolf Eggs

Ninja - 400 Points
A chance to turn invisible when hit.

Peeta Bread - 100 Points
4x Bread

Pyro - 500 Points
1x Flint & Steel
Ignites a player on hit
But there’s also a chance to ignite yourself

Scout - 450 Points
2:00 Swiftness II on Start.

Tracker - 800 Points
1x Player Tracker

Vampire - 800 Points
Regeneration on Kill
Reduced TIME damage




Underwater / Fantasy / Seasons / Ruins (Event) / Jurassic (Event)

Watch our maps cinematic HERE!

We've removed 7 of the old maps (Village, Castles, Fairytale, Desert, Candy, Pirates, Steampunk) as they don't meet our current standard of maps. However, some of these may be revamped and added in the future with their own world events. The other current maps are 'Ruins' and 'Seasons'. Ruins has a zombie apocalypse world event. A zombie invasion will occur, spawning hordes of zombies wearing different types of gear. Try to fight them to reward yourself with their gear or run to survive. - Joe




The arena border is a literal border (http://minecraft.gamepedia.com/World_border) that starts appearing when 3 / 4s of the player count remain. It is not there before that. If you try to go outside of it when it starts contracting, you will start to be damaged until you go back inside of the border. Moving ever so quickly, it will stop and turn blue once it reaches the spawnpoint which also makes it the final deathmatch area.

Protip: RUN from the border (unless you need to clutch and get some items last second)!




Events are new to Survival Games as they add a special twist and PvE element to the game! Each map has an event that occurs once the game starts, whether it’s meteorites burning to the ground or a huge zombie apocalypse!

Jurassic - Meteorites - Large meteorites (moving clusters of burning coal blocks) are crashing to the ground slowly destroying and burning the arena all around you, dodge them by listening carefully to their sounds!

Ruins - Zombie Apocalypse - The arena has been infected with large amounts of zombies wanting to eat your brains! Fight both players and zombies alike as you try to come out victorious on these Ruins!

Under The Water - Coming soon!

Fantasy - Coming soon!

Seasons - Coming soon!




In the old version of SG, players would be teleported back to their starting pedestals along with the other final tributes as they prepare to fight the final battle determining the victor. While that’s not exactly how we do that anymore, SG does have the world border as a way of pushing players closer to themselves, so that they are forced to fight or die one way or another.

Other NEW changes/features (07/09/16 Update)
No Deathmatch Arena. We’ve used borders that automatically become smaller after a certain amount of time to form an enclosure.

Voting: You can now vote for the time of day (Day, Night, Sunset) and the type of kit (Basic, Normal, OP).

Footprints. When walking over grass you now have footprints that follow you. Be careful, your enemies can see these and trace your every step.

Death. Bodies do not despawn. They simply fall to the ground and drop dead. This allows you to see where people died and may help locate the killer.

Dynamic chest system. Chests do not now spawn in the same location every time. There're over 100+ spawn locations per map.

Lots of food. Chests now have lots more food, we know it’s vital.

Stomping: Thre is now a chance of breaking a block of melon, pumpkin, ice, and leaves when jumping on it.

Aggro Animals: Animals are now aggressive when you hit them, they will fight back!

Items in chests. Items now spawn in chests, such as iron, diamond and sticks, so you can now craft items at the crafting tables located around the maps!​
Last edited:

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Please The Game is Amazing!
The Guide too...
Everything is amazing!
There are only 2 Problems:
My points are gone and Vampire Kit doesn't work :/
Anyways Good job @Cheez
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Reactions: Cheez


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2016
Really good guide. Also i dont play survivel games that mutch because i didn't understand it 100%. After readying this i finely fully understand the survival games. Thanks for the guide ^_^
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Gracias por el follow!! :)
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Happy birthday!
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Happy birthday!! 🎈
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