Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2024
Hey! I've made a guide of everything to do with EggWars, and I hope you'll like it! I add a few more sections everyday! NOTE: Some of this applies only to Overpowered mode

Section 1- The Game
This section runs through a basic Egg Wars game.

If you have an EggWars rank, ALWAYS vote Overpowered. This makes games a lot quicker and funner. You should spend the seconds waiting for more players to view your surroundings; where is the gold and iron generator?

Once you have landed, you have two options: Defend or Rush, but both of those involve the iron generator. For now, a few concrete blocks is sufficient, on Overpowered it is smart to have a small coating of Ancient Debris. Purchase Iron Armour and a Stone or Iron Sword, and 64 Concrete Blocks. These are the most vital items you will need in early-game.

Defending isn't just what the useless player that can't fight does. In fact, it is just as important as fighting and breaking eggs. In 2, I discussed the basics of early game defence, but there is a few more things to learn. The simple and easiest defence is blocks making it so you can't see the egg, but no more fancy blocks. Glass isn't the best block to make defence out of, as it is quite expensive, breaks quick, and is see-through. You might be considering making a fort of defence, and this is quite a good technique. You should wait until mid-game for this, as the main purpose of a fort is to block arrows and at this point, nobody has any bows.

Rushing is one of the best ways for good players to win the game in seconds. Whilst new players should avoid this technique due to it needing speedbridging and concentration, it is perfect for the intermediate players. Rushing is the act of quickly bridging to other teams and breaking their egg before they have the chance to act. Once you are at the other team's base, don't fight them! Break their egg before worrying about the fight that comes after. If you think you'll die, remember that they are probably terrified of you because they can't respawn. If they are trying to hide really high up and you have no bow or anything, just ignore them instead of coming up and being hit off for now. If your egg is broken, it is extremely risky to rush. The only way to protect from rushers is having even the slightest amount of defence blocks, becuase they are highly unlikely to have brought decent (Iron/Diamond/Netherite) pickaxes.

The centre of the map is the most dangerous and most rewarding location in the game. It is the only source of diamonds (before you upgrade your own generator), which are very valuable and useful tokens. It also has much better and more upgraded generators than the ones back at your base. Mid-game, it is very dangerous and full of a lot of other players trying to get diamonds and sneak to other team's bases. It's sometimes good to make your bridge connecting your base and the centre a bit more hidden so other teams can't easily rush in. Collect about 15 diamonds which you can use to upgrade your base's diamond generators, making it easier to collect.

In the middle of the game, everything is frantic and all over the place. Using your newfound diamonds, you should level up to diamond armour and a diamond sword + pickaxe. Bow and arrows would also be vital for knocking people off bridges. This is when you should go to break an egg. Wait until most of them or their team is in the centre, and then sneak into their base and crash their egg. Go back to your base and eliminate them later. There is probably about 5 other teams left on Singles, 3 other teams left on Duos, 2 other teams left on Squads and Mega. You must make sure to have a member of your team manning your egg or at least your base to prevent other people using your technique of sneaking and breaking an unmanned egg. Don't get yourself in any duels with people that have better armour than you.

Oh no! A whole team is coming after your egg! If they are coming from your bridge between the base and the centre, see if you can shoot them off. If they are coming from above and you can't shoot them off, try and bridge to their sky-bridge and knock them off. Don't run off; you must stay at your egg so they can't break it. If they manage to come near your egg, just make sure to be always hitting them so they don't have a chance to break the defensive blocks. Don't use TNT as that can really easily end up destroying your egg defence if used incorrectly. Focus on fighting off the one closest to your egg.

Emeralds are a big part of EggWars. You are rewarded them for upgrading generators, eliminating other players, and breaking eggs. These can be used 2 ways: as discounts or as upgrades. Discounts are simple; in the shop, you get a discount on items which increases by percentage based on how much emeralds you give. Upgrades are more complex; at the centre, a merchant can give you 3 types of upgrades: Solo, Team, and Game. Game ones are mainly useless, and Solo and Team ones are very useful. These range from Totems of Undying (useful if your egg is broken), Second Hit (very useful if you have an egg), and Sabotage Other Generators (pointless unless you are evil).

The game is nearing the end, with very few teams remaining. This is another time for your gear to be updated to the next tier. Everyone will have got most of their diamonds and gear, so there will be hardly anyone not at their base or attacking another base. This is your chance to show off how good you are at PvP. Bring the team (if you have one) along to fight off another remaining team, and this is the time for the duels. If you're nearing death and they are still high health, consider running away to knock them off the end of a bridge instead. You should first focus on killing everybody now, so they have no gear to defend with. After breaking their egg, this is where the game enters the final stretch.

Congratulations! The game is nearing the end, with very few teams remaining, You are completely geared up and ready to fight the remaining team. Make sure you have honourable defence as the other team won't have really good pickaxes. Buy 2 ender pearls, 8 ancient debris and 5 TNT. Grab an ender pearl and use one of them to go to the other team with your team. TNT can be useful here. Duel them until the fall off, and then surround yourself with an ancient debris cage whilst you break their egg. Now, break your cage and kill the nearby players. If they are running away, ender-pearl to them and destroy them. You have won a game of Egg Wars!

Section 2- Multiplayer
The ins and outs of playing EggWars with friends!

Without communication, your team wouldn't really be a team. There is 3 main types of communication: verbal (using the chat), physical(using gestures and emotes), and third-party (using other non-CubeCraft apps to chat with). Verbal is not recommended as a lot of players don't know how to use the chat or don't use it, although it is sometimes good for things that can't be portrayed visually. Physical is the most effective and commonly-used method of communication because of it being really easy to convey happiness by repeatedly crouching instead of making a massive 'Thank you!' letter in the chat. Third-party is useful for more professional games with friends because it doesn't require any focus to be took away from the game.
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Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2023
OG Blockwars Lobby
Hey! I've made a guide of everything to do with EggWars, and I hope you'll like it! I add a few more sections everyday!

If you have an EggWars rank, ALWAYS vote Overpowered. This makes games a lot quicker and funner. You should spend the seconds waiting for more players to view your surroundings; where is the gold and iron generator?

Once you have landed, you have two options: Defend or Rush, but both of those involve the iron generator. For now, a few concrete blocks is sufficient, on Overpowered it is smart to have a small coating of Ancient Debris. Purchase Iron Armour and a Stone or Iron Sword, and 64 Concrete Blocks. These are the most vital items you will need in early-game.

Defending isn't just what the useless player that can't fight does. In fact, it is just as important as fighting and breaking eggs. In 2, I discussed the basics of early game defence, but there is a few more things to learn. The simple and easiest defence is blocks making it so you can't see the egg, but no more fancy blocks. Glass isn't the best block to make defence out of, as it is quite expensive, breaks quick, and is see-through. You might be considering making a fort of defence, and this is quite a good technique. You should wait until mid-game for this, as the main purpose of a fort is to block arrows and at this point, nobody has any bows.

Rushing is one of the best ways for good players to win the game in seconds. Whilst new players should avoid this technique due to it needing speedbridging and concentration, it is perfect for the intermediate players. Rushing is the act of quickly bridging to other teams and breaking their egg before they have the chance to act. Once you are at the other team's base, don't fight them! Break their egg before worrying about the fight that comes after. If you think you'll die, remember that they are probably terrified of you because they can't respawn. This is the ONLY time where you should suicide-jump (meaning jumping of a pillar just to get a good angle to hit the other person off). This is becuase YOU can respawn, and they can't. If your egg is broken, it is extremely risky to rush. The only way to protect from rushers is having even the slightest amount of defence blocks, becuase they are highly unlikely to have brought pickaxe.
Every rusher buys a pickaxe (unless they rush mid on cyber or far in squads). And suiside jumping is bad in all scenarios, just fight him and win


Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2024
Every rusher buys a pickaxe (unless they rush mid on cyber or far in squads). And suiside jumping is bad in all scenarios, just fight him and win
Suicide jumping IS good in the scenario that where they have better armour and sword than you, and their egg is broken. I'll change the bit about the pickaxe though

edit: okay fine i'll remove it
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Jan 21, 2024
Samoyed Land
Hey! I've made a guide of everything to do with EggWars, and I hope you'll like it! I add a few more sections everyday! NOTE: Some of this applies only to Overpowered mode

Section 1- The Game

If you have an EggWars rank, ALWAYS vote Overpowered. This makes games a lot quicker and funner. You should spend the seconds waiting for more players to view your surroundings; where is the gold and iron generator?

Once you have landed, you have two options: Defend or Rush, but both of those involve the iron generator. For now, a few concrete blocks is sufficient, on Overpowered it is smart to have a small coating of Ancient Debris. Purchase Iron Armour and a Stone or Iron Sword, and 64 Concrete Blocks. These are the most vital items you will need in early-game.

Defending isn't just what the useless player that can't fight does. In fact, it is just as important as fighting and breaking eggs. In 2, I discussed the basics of early game defence, but there is a few more things to learn. The simple and easiest defence is blocks making it so you can't see the egg, but no more fancy blocks. Glass isn't the best block to make defence out of, as it is quite expensive, breaks quick, and is see-through. You might be considering making a fort of defence, and this is quite a good technique. You should wait until mid-game for this, as the main purpose of a fort is to block arrows and at this point, nobody has any bows.

Rushing is one of the best ways for good players to win the game in seconds. Whilst new players should avoid this technique due to it needing speedbridging and concentration, it is perfect for the intermediate players. Rushing is the act of quickly bridging to other teams and breaking their egg before they have the chance to act. Once you are at the other team's base, don't fight them! Break their egg before worrying about the fight that comes after. If you think you'll die, remember that they are probably terrified of you because they can't respawn. This is the ONLY time where you should suicide-jump (meaning jumping of a pillar just to get a good angle to hit the other person off). This is becuase YOU can respawn, and they can't. If your egg is broken, it is extremely risky to rush. The only way to protect from rushers is having even the slightest amount of defence blocks, becuase they are highly unlikely to have brought decents (Iron/Diamond/Netherite) pickaxes.

The centre of the map is the most dangerous and most rewarding location in the game. It is the only source of diamonds (before you upgrade your own generator), which are very valuable and useful tokens. It also has much better and more upgraded generators than the ones back at your base. Mid-game, it is very dangerous and full of a lot of other players trying to get diamonds and sneak to other team's bases. It's sometimes good to make your bridge connecting your base. and the centre a bit more hidden so other teams can't easily rush in. Collect about 15 diamonds which you can use to upgrade your base's diamond generators, making it easier to collect.

In the middle of the game, everything is frantic and all over the place. Using your newfound diamonds, you should level up to diamond armour and a diamond sword + pickaxe. Bow and arrows would also be vital for knocking people off bridges. This is when you should go to break an egg. Wait until most of them or their team is in the centre, and then sneak into their base and crash their egg. Go back to your base and eliminate them later. There is probably about 5 other teams left on Singles, 3 other teams left on Duos, 2 other teams left on Squads and Mega. You must make sure to have a member of your team manning your egg or at least your base to prevent other people using your technique of sneaking and breaking an unmanned egg. Don't get yourself in any duels with people that have better armour than you.

Oh no! A whole team is coming after your egg! If they are coming from your bridge between the base and the centre, see if you can shoot them off. If they are coming from above and you can't shoot them off, try and bridge to their sky-bridge and knock them off. Don't run off; you must stay at your egg so they can't break it. If they manage to come near your egg, just make sure to be always hitting them so they don't have a chance to break the defensive blocks. Don't use TNT as that can really easily end up destroying your egg defence if used incorrectly. Focus on fighting off the one closest to your egg.

Emeralds are a big part of EggWars. You are rewarded them for upgrading generators, eliminating other players, and breaking eggs. These can be used 2 ways: as discounts or as upgrades. Discounts are simple; in the shop, you get a discount on items which increases by percentage based on how much emeralds you give. Upgrades are more complex; at the centre, a merchant can give you 3 types of upgrades: Solo, Team, and Game. Game ones are mainly useless, and Solo and Team ones are very useful. These range from Totems of Undying (useful if your egg is broken), Second Hit (very useful if you have an egg), and Sabotage Other Generators (pointless unless you are evil). i

The game is nearing the end, with very few teams remaining. This is another time for your gear to be updated to the next tier. Everyone will have got most of their diamonds and gear, so there will be hardly anyone not at their base or attacking another base. This is your chance to show off how good you are at PvP. Bring the team (if you have one) along to fight off another remaining team, and this is the time for the duels. If you're nearing death and they are still high health, consider running away to knock them off the end of a bridge instead. You should first focus on killing everybody now, so they have no gear to defend with. After breaking their egg, this is where the game enters the final stretch.
Get 31 iron (miner kit) iron armor, wooden sword and 64 blocks and rush


Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
One thing that I personally find my team should do more often is run away if the egg gets destroyed. By this, I don’t mean if a rusher wearing nothing but a leather helmet breaks your egg, but rather if your team is overwhelmed by enemy players. Having alive teammates staying on another island is better than having dead teammates who got eliminated trying to fight the enemy team.

This is especially true if you and your teammates had recently died at some point before the egg was destroyed. If the other team can kill you once, they can do it again, especially since you no longer have the resources that you had earlier and can no longer respawn

In certain cases, it’s actually worth it to leave your island right before the egg’s destroyed. If you and your teammates have no armor, your egg has little to no protection, and an entire team is coming that has great gear, you can imagine how that is going to go.

To add to this, while or before your egg is getting destroyed is when the enemy team is more likely to be distracted, as one of their main goals in that moment is to destroy the egg. While not every player is aiming for your egg, it’s better to have one or two of them distracted than to have all of them focus on attacking your team after your egg is destroyed.

However, this only fits certain scenarios. In most cases I recommend defending the egg and having a plan in case the egg gets destroyed, in this case leaving the island.
From there, I recommend finding an abandoned island that another team once used. There, your team can gather good enough gear to face the enemy players once again later. Also, if the enemy players don’t know where you are, they might look on your island first rather than the island that you’re actually on, giving you some time

If leaving your island won’t work in that scenario, I recommend hiding somewhere on your island. Sometimes the enemy player(s) will give up looking for you and you’ll be able to gather tokens and buy resources again after they leave

Edit: I feel like I should clarify a little more; sometimes I would barely have enough gear to defend myself, and I know that jumping in and fighting with (for example) my wooden sword and lack of armor wouldn’t make much of a difference against the enemy players; I would just become the next eliminated person. It’s better to have one team member alive than to have all four of us dead
I often told my teammates in chat to run, but I left that part out because up until 5-6 months ago my chat messages were invisible to most other players
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Well-Known Member
Oct 30, 2024
Hey! I've made a guide of everything to do with EggWars, and I hope you'll like it! I add a few more sections everyday! NOTE: Some of this applies only to Overpowered mode

Section 1- The Game
This section runs through a basic Egg Wars game.

If you have an EggWars rank, ALWAYS vote Overpowered. This makes games a lot quicker and funner. You should spend the seconds waiting for more players to view your surroundings; where is the gold and iron generator?

Once you have landed, you have two options: Defend or Rush, but both of those involve the iron generator. For now, a few concrete blocks is sufficient, on Overpowered it is smart to have a small coating of Ancient Debris. Purchase Iron Armour and a Stone or Iron Sword, and 64 Concrete Blocks. These are the most vital items you will need in early-game.

Defending isn't just what the useless player that can't fight does. In fact, it is just as important as fighting and breaking eggs. In 2, I discussed the basics of early game defence, but there is a few more things to learn. The simple and easiest defence is blocks making it so you can't see the egg, but no more fancy blocks. Glass isn't the best block to make defence out of, as it is quite expensive, breaks quick, and is see-through. You might be considering making a fort of defence, and this is quite a good technique. You should wait until mid-game for this, as the main purpose of a fort is to block arrows and at this point, nobody has any bows.

Rushing is one of the best ways for good players to win the game in seconds. Whilst new players should avoid this technique due to it needing speedbridging and concentration, it is perfect for the intermediate players. Rushing is the act of quickly bridging to other teams and breaking their egg before they have the chance to act. Once you are at the other team's base, don't fight them! Break their egg before worrying about the fight that comes after. If you think you'll die, remember that they are probably terrified of you because they can't respawn. If they are trying to hide really high up and you have no bow or anything, just ignore them instead of coming up and being hit off for now. If your egg is broken, it is extremely risky to rush. The only way to protect from rushers is having even the slightest amount of defence blocks, becuase they are highly unlikely to have brought decent (Iron/Diamond/Netherite) pickaxes.

The centre of the map is the most dangerous and most rewarding location in the game. It is the only source of diamonds (before you upgrade your own generator), which are very valuable and useful tokens. It also has much better and more upgraded generators than the ones back at your base. Mid-game, it is very dangerous and full of a lot of other players trying to get diamonds and sneak to other team's bases. It's sometimes good to make your bridge connecting your base and the centre a bit more hidden so other teams can't easily rush in. Collect about 15 diamonds which you can use to upgrade your base's diamond generators, making it easier to collect.

In the middle of the game, everything is frantic and all over the place. Using your newfound diamonds, you should level up to diamond armour and a diamond sword + pickaxe. Bow and arrows would also be vital for knocking people off bridges. This is when you should go to break an egg. Wait until most of them or their team is in the centre, and then sneak into their base and crash their egg. Go back to your base and eliminate them later. There is probably about 5 other teams left on Singles, 3 other teams left on Duos, 2 other teams left on Squads and Mega. You must make sure to have a member of your team manning your egg or at least your base to prevent other people using your technique of sneaking and breaking an unmanned egg. Don't get yourself in any duels with people that have better armour than you.

Oh no! A whole team is coming after your egg! If they are coming from your bridge between the base and the centre, see if you can shoot them off. If they are coming from above and you can't shoot them off, try and bridge to their sky-bridge and knock them off. Don't run off; you must stay at your egg so they can't break it. If they manage to come near your egg, just make sure to be always hitting them so they don't have a chance to break the defensive blocks. Don't use TNT as that can really easily end up destroying your egg defence if used incorrectly. Focus on fighting off the one closest to your egg.

Emeralds are a big part of EggWars. You are rewarded them for upgrading generators, eliminating other players, and breaking eggs. These can be used 2 ways: as discounts or as upgrades. Discounts are simple; in the shop, you get a discount on items which increases by percentage based on how much emeralds you give. Upgrades are more complex; at the centre, a merchant can give you 3 types of upgrades: Solo, Team, and Game. Game ones are mainly useless, and Solo and Team ones are very useful. These range from Totems of Undying (useful if your egg is broken), Second Hit (very useful if you have an egg), and Sabotage Other Generators (pointless unless you are evil).

The game is nearing the end, with very few teams remaining. This is another time for your gear to be updated to the next tier. Everyone will have got most of their diamonds and gear, so there will be hardly anyone not at their base or attacking another base. This is your chance to show off how good you are at PvP. Bring the team (if you have one) along to fight off another remaining team, and this is the time for the duels. If you're nearing death and they are still high health, consider running away to knock them off the end of a bridge instead. You should first focus on killing everybody now, so they have no gear to defend with. After breaking their egg, this is where the game enters the final stretch.

Congratulations! The game is nearing the end, with very few teams remaining, You are completely geared up and ready to fight the remaining team. Make sure you have honourable defence as the other team won't have really good pickaxes. Buy 2 ender pearls, 8 ancient debris and 5 TNT. Grab an ender pearl and use one of them to go to the other team with your team. TNT can be useful here. Duel them until the fall off, and then surround yourself with an ancient debris cage whilst you break their egg. Now, break your cage and kill the nearby players. If they are running away, ender-pearl to them and destroy them. You have won a game of Egg Wars!

Section 2- Multiplayer
The ins and outs of playing EggWars with friends!

Without communication, your team wouldn't really be a team. There is 3 main types of communication: verbal (using the chat), physical(using gestures and emotes), and third-party (using other non-CubeCraft apps to chat with). Verbal is not recommended as a lot of players don't know how to use the chat or don't use it, although it is sometimes good for things that can't be portrayed visually. Physical is the most effective and commonly-used method of communication because of it being really easy to convey happiness by repeatedly crouching instead of making a massive 'Thank you!' letter in the chat. Third-party is useful for more professional games with friends because it doesn't require any focus to be took away from the game.
You are not aware on how long this took me 🤣
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For who might want to know, i am not Ukrainian, but im just a huge supporter of ukraine AND a zelensky fan.
Reesle wrote on crystal59gaming's profile.
Happy Birthday! 🥳 🎊
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Happy Birthday! 🎈
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