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Feb 22, 2024
The Cubecraft FFA Tier List.

Cubecraft FFA has always been close to my heart. I’ve played it for years, & I always played after school to unwind. Even now, as I am starting college, I still have an intense passion for it. Its fast-paced gameplay is elegantly mixed in with spatial awareness, & its wide range of kits all have their own specialized playstyle.
Unfortunately, this game mode is not only largely overshadowed by other game modes, but it also has to compete with bigger servers like Hypixel. This is why today, I will be ranking each kit on the tier list, so new players can get inspired to check it out while current players can understand which kit they should look out for.
Before we begin, let me explain the ranking criteria. For those who haven’t played yet, its premise is simple: You spawn into a room where you can pick your kit. Once you pick, you can choose to spawn somewhere. You then get thrown into the map. There is no way to “Win”, but every time you land a kill, your kill points meter increases by one. But if you die, your death meter fills up, & you go back to kit selection. The lack of a win condition makes it more interesting, although the main point of the game is to maintain a high K/D ratio & get as many kills as possible before dying. Therefore, I will rank this list by how easy it is to get a kill streak.

F Tier: Unviable. Bottom of the food chain.
Equipment: Diamond Boots (Swift Swim II) & Helmet, Iron Chestplate, Trident (Loyalty I).
Specialty: Nothing.
At the bottom of this list is the only kit that I can truly say is unviable: The Poseidon. It’s supposed to be a melee/ranged hybrid. However, everything it does is outclassed by something else. As a melee bruiser type, its pitifully weak armor makes it easy for most kits to 4HKO, meaning it can’t compete with the Warrior or Beast. Meanwhile, its lack of mobility means it cannot be a glass cannon like the Samurai, Wizard, Assassin or Stealth (yes, it's really called that.) Even as a ranged attacker, it really cannot compete with the Sniper, who not only does way more damage at a distance, but also stronger armor. Overall, it spreads itself thin & cannot reasonably face other kits in a head on confrontation.
Pros: Good DPS
Cons: Terrible Armor, No Escape Options, & needs to constantly escape.
(Note: The Poseidon, Stealth, Blind Luck & Assassin are all Featured Kits, meaning they each take turns being available to play each week. This keeps the gameplay fresh & exciting)

D Tier: Generally outclassed, but not useless. Below average K/D ratios.
Blind Luck
Equipment: Netherite Sword (can have various levels of Sharpness), Randomized Armor (leather to netherite, various levels of Protection)
Specialty: Close Quarters 1v1s & Ambush combos. Can Trade hits well with good RNG.
Starting on New Year’s Eve of 2024 came an exciting new update. In addition to generally buffing the armor of various kits & other changes, they introduced Feature Kits. They picked the first Featured Kit to be Blind Luck, a kit that completely randomizes their equipment. At first people were mad, because if you're lucky, you could get full Netherite with Protection & you’d be a menace. But then...well they’re still angry. But the kit is just that: blind luck. Since Diamond Armor is stronger than most other armors, the chance of getting something weaker is much higher, which just makes you a poor man’s Warrior.
Pros: Good DPS, & if you're lucky, your armor can actually be useful
Cons: Roll a dice. If you get four or below, you’re just a worse Warrior.

Equipment: Diamond Armor (Protection I), Diamond Sword)
Specialty: Close Quarters 1v1s & Trading Hits. Also has the strongest armor in the game.
Okay, this one is a bit of a hot take for how popular it is. The Beast, Warrior & Blind Luck have a lot of similarities, so let’s clump them all together as “Bruisers”. Bruisers are mainly defined by having great DPS & armor, in exchange for any special abilities or Knockback enchantments. They excel at close quarters combat & trading hits. Thier generally simple playstyles make them easy to pick up & use. This combined with them being able to resist a lot of damage allowing them to easily bully other kits when pinned down, makes them some of the most popular choices for both new & experienced players.
The Beast is unique in that it has some of the most durable armor in the game, only surpassed by an extra lucky Blink Luck player. In a world where teaming can happen a lot, having strong armor is crucial to escaping such situations.
However, they don’t have any way of escaping like a Knockback enchantment or a Swiftness effect, so being at low health can be a death sentence. In addition, their reliance on their ability to trade hits further makes them vulnerable at low health. Normally, this wouldn’t be so terrible, because at least they can scare off attackers with their high DPS combos (less knockback can also actually allow them to more easily not knock an opponent out of range of a combo, further enhancing DPS). However, the Beast is unique in that its sword is not enchanted, which actually puts them at a below average damage output. This is important, because Bruisers rely on ambushing opponents with their combos, but the lower DPS means they can react more easily. Also, even though they technically have the strongest armor in the game, they still take a lot of fall damage compared to other kits, like the Samurai or Assassin.
Pros: Best Armor in the game. Lack of knockback allows for good combo potential.
Cons: Low DPS, no special abilities, & no way to escape other than good ol’ running.

C Tier: Strengths & Weaknesses are equal. Can struggle as a bad player, but skilled ones can rack up a 10-20 killstreak.

Equipment: Full Iron Armor, except for leggings, Iron Sword (Sharpness IIII), Leap Feather (grants the ability to leap 50 blocks in the air, but has a 10 second cooldown), Immunity to Fall Damage.
Specialty: Ambushing & Map Exploration.
The Assassin is one of my favorite kits to play as. It can leap up mountains & other terrain easily, which opens up areas that were previously inaccessible. In addition, it also has some of the highest DPS in the game, making it excel at ambushing. The most important part of it is still its Leap Feather, though. It allows any player to jump at you out of nowhere & really suprise you with a deadly combo (Knockback enchantments sold separately). This also means that just climbing up a terrain isn’t enough to escape them. This complements nicely with their complete immunity to fall damage.
However, this ability comes with a 10 cooldown. This may not seem like that much, but when you have no Knockback enchantment, Swiftness, or Plan B for escaping, failing to time your usage of it correctly can be the difference between continuing your killstreak, or going back to square zero. They also have some of the weakest armor in the game, comparable to even The Poseidon. This means attacking head on it is super dangerous & should be avoided at all costs.
Pros: Best DPS in the game, can easily escape with feather, fall damage immunity, & excellent ambusher. Also great at exploring maps.
Cons: Terrible armor. Weak Knockback. Overly reliant on leap feather to escape, which has a 10 second cooldown.

Equipment: Diamond Armor, Diamond Sword (Sharpness II)
Specialty: Close Quarters 1v1s, Trading Hits, & Ambush Combos. Highest DPS of any Bruiser.
The Warrior is the definition of a Bruiser. It may not have any weird gimmicks that allow it to cheat its way to success, but it doesn’t need any of those. Its armor & DPS is already good enough to succeed. This is maybe why it is by far the most popular kit. If you die, it's your fault, not the kit’s. If you get a 39 killstreak (my personal best with the Sniper) you are a good player.
It general, the Warrior has excellent DPS, which is only surpassed by the Assassin & the top 2 kits on this list, which both have weak armor. This means that, head on, nothing can beat it in theory. I say in theory because of several weaknesses that hold it back. As a bruiser, it still keeps all of the weaknesses that come with it. For starters, it lacks any way of escaping a bad fight except for just running away. Its knockback is much weaker than many other kits, it isn’t fast, it can’t leap up mountains, etc. This also means that your ability to get kills fluctuates based on your health a lot. At least with something like a Sniper, they can just hit you at a distance.
Pros: Excellent DPS & Strong Armor.
Cons: No special abilities. Bad at escaping bad situations.

B Tier: Strengths somewhat outweigh weaknesses, but not entirely. Good, but not amazing. Bad players can see limited success with it, but good players can rack up 20-40 killstreaks

Equipment: Diamond Chestplate & Boots (Protection & Feather Falling III) Leather Helmet, Diamond Sword (Sharpness & Knockback I), Swiftness II.
Specialty: Escaping, Hunting down specific targets, & Combos. Also good at knocking you off a cliff.
The Samurai is the poster boy of Fast Glass Cannons. It not only outruns anything else in the game, except for the top 2 kits on this list, who only have it in small periods of time anyway. This is an amazing ability to have for both offense & defense. On the defensive side, it can easily escape most bad encounters, as long as it can escape before being hit. Offensively speaking, it makes its combos some of the longest in the game. It also means that you can spawn in & get revenge on whoever you want, as long as they don’t kill you first. The Samurai also has resistance to fall damage, which can come in handy.
I say “as long as” a lot because the Samurai’s Armor keeps it from getting away with a lot of stuff. For example, if you’re on your last heart & trying to escape, then you can just be hit before getting away. It also means that you can’t just face Bruisers head on, instead you have to suprise them with a combo before they can hit you back.
Pros: Fastest kit in the game, High DPS, & Fall Resistance.
Cons: Weak Armor & can’t face Bruisers without an ambush.

A Tier: Skilled players can rack up enormous 30-50 killstreaks with these kits. Even bad players may see some success with them. However, a few weaknesses hold them back from being overpowered.
Equipment: Full Iron Armor (Protection II), Iron Sword (Knockback I), Bow (Power III), Crossbow (Quick Charge I), 32 Arrows (8 gained per kill).
Specialty: 1v1 Combat, can beat any other kit (other than Stealth) in a 1v1. Camping.
As a Sniper main myself, I believe the Sniper gets a terrible reputation for being weak by the general player base. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, however.
For starters, when fully charged, the Sniper can easily 3HKO or even 2HKO most other kits. In addition, it really doesn’t even need much time to charge it anyways, meaning a skilled player can almost always defeat most other kits in a 1v1, since they can easily keep them away most of the time. Even if you can’t just keep them away, you can always take advantage of your high knockback to either escape or make a new opportunity to shoot at them with your bow. Snipers also have good armor, which can come in handy sometimes.
If this is the case, why are Sniper players so rare? The answer: their reputation. You see, their sword DPS, unlike their bow’s DPS, is actually really poor. Even though most of the time a good player can keep you away, many people are pretty bad at the game, meaning they mainly see armor & sword DPS as the most important factors. Normally this wouldn’t be so bad for skilled players who know the truth. However, this has led to many players teaming up to specifically bully Snipers. Since Snipers rely on the ability to keep opponents at a distance, it can be especially frustrating to us to deal with the fact that every time we spawn in, there’s always an army of Bruisers ready to destroy us. If this wasn’t the case, Snipers would probably be much better, but not S Tier by any means.
The Stealth is the Ultimate counter to them, which I’ll get to after this one.
Pros: Amazing Ranged DPS, is the only ranged kit in the game, High Knockback & Good Armor.
Cons: Everyone hates them. Low Sword DPS

S Tier: These kits are so powerful that even bad players can get decent killstreaks with them. Skilled players can warp the server around them & can potentially get 40-60 killstreaks.

Equipment: Leather Armor (Protection III), Iron Sword (Sharpness I), Potion of Strength, 2 Potions of Swiftness, 2 Potions of Regeneration, 2 Splash Potions of Healing, 2 Splash Potions of Poison, & a Splash Potion of Harming. (It gains a potion every
Specialty: Ambushing, Combos, Healing Teammates, AOE Damage, & Escaping Encounters.
The Wizard is the game’s premier jack of all trades, master or none. Well, that second part is a lie, because it’s basically a master of everything.
When it’s fully prepared, its DPS can surpass Warriors, its Speed can match a Samurai, & its level of annoyingness is second only to the other top tier kit. Seriously though, it has everything. In addition to having the highest DPS in the game & being super-fast, it also gets access to Splash Potions of Poison & Harming, which can be surprisingly effective in the right hands. It even gets 2 Splash Potions of Healing, meaning all the hard work you put into defeating could easily go down the drain at the click of a button.
Don’t go about thinking it’s completely unstoppable, though. It does have weak armor, but this has not only been buffed but can be made up for by a simple Splash Potion of Healing. Its real biggest weakness is spawnkilling. Spawnkilling is a shamed upon practice. But you know what’s worse? Spawning in the same spot all the time just to be close to the guy you want to get revenge on just because they’re better than you. Since Wizards still need to drink up all their soda to get really OP, they are extremely vulnerable to this.
So, if you catch a Wizard in the wild, please, please, PLEESE spawnkill it!

Equipment: No Armor (made up for by Resistance IIII), Iron Sword (Sharpness IIII) Invisibility Crystal (Turns you invisible for a period of time) & Potion of Swiftness II.
Specialty: Ambushing, being impossible to spot, & escaping any situation with ease.
Remember when I said one of the best parts of this game mode is the complex spatial dynamics that you have to consider when making decisions? Yeah, the Stealth throws this all out of the window.
Its signature ability is to be able to turn invisible in an instant. The problem with this is that you not only get to do this INSTANTLY which makes it super easy to escape any fight, but it also has a small cooldown, meaning it can stay invisible 80% of the time. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn’t it?
This alone would make it super overpowered, especially when combining it with amazing DPS. But of course, they just HAD to give it a Splash Potion of Swiftness. It not only makes it easier to just run away from anything, but also allows you to make your combos extra devastating. Even their armor isn’t too bad, as they still have Resistance IIII.

Yeah, I’ve been harsh on the last two kits, but don’t walk away with the impression that the game is ruined just because of it. As I’ve said, the game has a huge diversity of maps & kits to choose from, each with their own unique playstyle. Also, the fact that you can’t “win” the game just leaves it up to you to just have as much fun as possible.
Agree or disagree with this list? Please tell me why in the comments.


Feb 22, 2024
I'd rank them:
S: Wizard
A: Warrior and Beast
C: Sniper and Samurai
D: Poseidon
F: Stealth and Blind Luck (these 2 shouldn't be in the game!!)
With Blind Luck, I can definitely see your point.

I think Stealth should be higher. It looks like they have no armor, but they have Resistance IIII, which makes up for it. Also, if you use the crystal while falling, you can actually take less fall damage! Check this clutch out! So at least D Tier, but should still get removed!

For Sniper, I also kinda disagree. If you get really good at timing & aiming with the bow, you can dominate 1v1s with any other kit except for Wizard & Stealth.

Other than that, your list is good. You forgot the Assassin though!


Feb 22, 2024
Stealth is one of the best kits in my personal opinion.
Remember when I said one of the best parts of this game mode is the complex spatial dynamics that you have to consider when making decisions? Yeah, the Stealth throws this all out of the window.
Its signature ability is to be able to turn invisible in an instant. The problem with this is that you not only get to do this INSTANTLY which makes it super easy to escape any fight, but it also has a small cooldown, meaning it can stay invisible 80% of the time. Sounds like a recipe for disaster, doesn’t it?
This alone would make it super overpowered, especially when combining it with amazing DPS. But of course, they just HAD to give it a Splash Potion of Swiftness. It not only makes it easier to just run away from anything, but also allows you to make your combos extra devastating. Even their armor isn’t too bad, as they still have Resistance IIII.
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