This thread is to expose some stupid/funny things your friends or just players say in public or private message or via Skype.
Rules of this thread
1.)Ask permission of the person before posting it.
2.)Do not post if you think it will hurt the other player or anybody else.
3.) Keep it clean.
4.)No swearing
5.)Must be posted in a link or picture.
This thread isn't made to insult people or make them feel bad, it's just to laugh at ourselves once in a while.
Rules of this thread
1.)Ask permission of the person before posting it.
2.)Do not post if you think it will hurt the other player or anybody else.
3.) Keep it clean.
4.)No swearing
5.)Must be posted in a link or picture.
This thread isn't made to insult people or make them feel bad, it's just to laugh at ourselves once in a while.