Hi cubecraft, I really love your Eggwars, untill this happened. So me and my 2 friends were playing solo (just for some fun) then me and my friend passed each other at mid. So a EMERALD said we're going to get banned because he's a mod. OK YAY someone impersonating a mod. Lovely. So me and my friend argued that we weren't teaming, we just passed each other (because we did). Fast forward to me and him left, i e-pearl to his island, i fail and he said EZZ TAKE THIS L LOSER. OK thats not fun to play a game where someone says that. Im just letting you know to watch out for this impersonater and yeah. Thank you for your time if you read this and his player ign is: markie2005
Thank you for your time for reading this again and i hope to play on eggwars again!
Thank you for your time for reading this again and i hope to play on eggwars again!