So today i was playing a game of Eggwars, everything was going fine and fun! we were kill other people vice-versa. orange decided to come to our island and cover our spawn with Obby. they left a gap in there wall so they could farm kill us. farily annoying but whatever. i record all my games so i figured since they are exploiting the bad spawn on beach and farm killing i could just get them banned or warned and i could go on with my day.
I go into discord and ask a staff if farm killing in Eggwars is bannable. not knowing if its a warning or a ban. and i was told that its not bannable at all. i was fairly confused since farming messes up peoples stats and let alone ruins the game for the people or person being trolled. they told me that its not bannable and there was nothing they really could do.
So i am here now wanting farming to be a bannable punishment in Eggwars.
imagine being a new player and the first game you get into is a bunch of kids kill farming you. i would quickly delete the server and never play it again.
The rules are very vague but even though i was told that farming kills does not fall under trolling, the definition of trolling in there rules kinda fall under the issue that happened today
"Trolling is defined as intentionally taking an action with the sole purpose of annoying, upsetting, or bullying another player. Trolling is strictly prohibited"
Also to the people who will say well you can just leave the game. i should not have too. why cant i play and lose fairly and not be kill farmed. it could go the same way for a hacker, why ban them just leave the game and join another game. its just frustrating.
Welp theirs my rant lol i would like to hear what the community thinks about this as well. do you think people so be punished for farming kills?