Top 10 Best Updates
I’ve been diving deep into the news section of the forums, categorising all the updates they ever made. Some were okay, some were good, some were terrible. Today, we are going to take a look at, for me, the 10 most amazing updates CubeCraft ever did.
Disclaimer: I am a Java player, therefore I might be a bit biased. Sorry if I say an update was good when it clearly wasn't :o
TL;DR - Just read the titles, maybe press the links to the actual threads. If you don't understand, you can always read! :)
10: Friends System
This update made back in 2014 was the base for the friend system we have for almost 10 years already! The crazy thing is that it hasn’t even changed too much from how it was implemented back in the days, with the only differences being the party invitation possibilities by clicking on the join message or the /fmsg commands. The Friends system has been a key part of the community for forever and couldn’t be left out on my list!9: CubeCraft 1.9 Released!
Here is a controversial one for you! 1.8 is a version loved by a lot of players. CubeCraft has seen some backlash because of the removal of all version below 1.8, which is in line with the reaction they got for adding 1.9. At this time, it was difficult to say where everything was going. Hypixel, the Hive and other big servers decided to stay with the old version at this time, so it was quite a gamble. A gamble not every player liked. Why did I put it on the list then? 1.9 allowed CubeCraft to make a lot of progress in their content, flourishing by eventually making the server 1.12 and up. The content added was different from other servers and made it stand out. However, 1.8 was not removed at this time. For the first time in the history of the server, you could choose yourself which version to play. This would also mean that this ‘experiment’ could show which version would be more popular, and gave the option to return to 1.8 entirely if this was liked better. This way of updating was not only smart, but also paid off in the end, as it made CubeCraft one of, if not the biggest competitor for 1.9+ PvP servers on Java.8: Welcome to the new forums
I was hesitating to put the original forums update here, the one that put the actual base of everything the website has to offer right now. However, a ton has changed since then. I don’t even remember what the website looked like back then, as it was so long ago. What the Admin team did in this update however is also incredible. The forums look clean, well-organised and that is also the reason CubeCraft has one of the most active forums community, even after so many years. Updates like these deserve some spotlight, so here you go! And I’m just gonna put it out there: Passports on the Forums, which was announced in this thread first, is an underrated feature.7: Arcade is here!
One new game? That’s cool! Two new games? Epic! But FIVE?!! And they were all good games as well! The return of Arcade was much anticipated! With Layer Spleef and Paintball being revamped from their old, boring versions (okay, Spleef was fine but not as entertaining), Line Dash taken over from the Christmas game Snow Down and two completely new games (of which my favourite, Barn Brawl, and the other one being Mario Kart on steroids) this new game lobby was bound to be a success. Arcade games are always nice: they are fast-paced, easy to understand and barely repetitive. I really miss it right now, but this also caused some of the most popular arcade games ever to be released, such as Quake Craft (updated version) and Slime Survival. For sure a must-mention6:
Magic & Mayhem – A Magical RPG Adventure!
An unique idea that has showed the great potential of all of team CubeCraft. The story writing of this limited time gamemode was great, designs were very beautiful and the gameplay was fantastic. I remember every day coming to the forums seeing more people requesting this to be permanent. Ever since the Easter RPG, RPG’s seems to be the recipe to success. I secretly hope for another RPG in the near future, but with the available resources I think this is unlikely. A person can hope though, so I will!5: We’re changing how we run CubeCraft!
After one of the biggest hits the Java Network has ever taken up until now, this update was the pivotal point in restoring CubeCraft in a way the community could grow big again. Right before the pandemic, meaning this was the perfect time for an update like this, as it was boosted a lot with the rising player count during lockdown. Even though only Capitan is still left from the team members that joined with the update, the mindset and ambitions these admins and developers brought with them left a permanent impact on the server. I still think about some of them sometimes, they were also just great human beings. Thanks for everything once more <34: PvP joins Bedrock Edition! 
I am not familiar enough with Bedrock to say this is one of the best updates, but I have to expect it is. Battle Arena is such a key part of the Bedrock community, I can’t see how it shouldn’t be on the list. PvP in both duel as FFA version is just great to have. This is also the home to game duels, which is quite popular on the network, as well as 2v2, which is quite unique to CubeCraft. I think they did a great job, everything looks amazing and definitely with the new kill effects, this should be awesome!
: CubeCraft 2.1
If you find this an unpopular opinion for me to put this in third, then I hope it is because you wanted it higher up. This update brought A TON for the all-round community, the casual player, the sweaty try-hard, the guy who got bored easily or the girl that wanted to perfect everything. Achievements, Challenges, Cubelets, Experience/levelling and even a better way to enjoy spectating a game you finished! The update was insane, it had so many good features and bounced back amazing from an update that wasn’t as well perceived as hoped, being the CubeCraft 2.0 update. And even if all of that didn’t convince you, it also brought an underrated quote from Rubik, which I think should’ve been highlighted way more often:Sorry about the bugs everyone, it just wouldn't be a Cube Craft update without them. :)
: EggWars
I always find it lame to only highlight the releases of games as best updates, but not putting EggWars in there would not be objectively accurate. I personally enjoy(ed) MinerWare, Lucky Islands or Among Slimes! More, but they all didn’t make the list for me. Why then did EggWars release make it? Without EggWars, there would not be a CubeCraft anymore. EggWars was from the start a well-designed, easy to play and great potential for friends game that from then on would drag the server forward. CubeCraft became known for EggWars, as Hypixel is for BedWars for example. It introduced some of the most loved maps and amazing gameplay. As for today, ‘OG EggWars’ is one of the most suggested things on the forums. Normally, I would link all the suggestions I was talking about below, but there are so many that you don’t really have to try to find one yourself. But, let’s say you’re too lazy to search, you can probably wait a couple days/weeks and a new suggestion for OG EggWars will pop up. Great game, great release and just amazing in general!
: CubeCraft Games: Bedrock Edition
I don’t like Bedrock. I think the way the PvP works is terrible, building is just lame and overall, I don’t like it. However, not putting Bedrock as the number one update would’ve been a lie. CubeCraft has DOMINATED the server list on Bedrock, being by far the biggest. What CubeCraft put up on a different server is just incredible. I am glad to see so many good games being continued in a way it wasn’t possible for Java. Without Bedrock, there is no way we would even have Java at this point. I love all the community it brought in and I hope to meet many more of you, as you are with so many. CubeCraft Bedrock just is that kind of thing: you don’t have to like it to know it is simply great. Unbelievable!That concludes the list. Do you think I missed one? Or did I put one in you are in complete disagreement? Let me know what your picks would be! Next up, top 10 worst updates?
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