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Dedicated Member
Jan 3, 2016
The North Obsidian Pillar in The End
Hey Guys! Zig here bringing you an updated thread in response to the older one that I made about the different mobs you'll encounter in a game of Tower Defence. That thread was kinda cluttered so I made a completely new one that took its place. I'll be highlighting the strengthens and weaknesses of each mob and provide fun and interesting bios told from the viewpoint of "Steve" himself to spice it up a little bit. This thread won't cover EVERYTHING ofc so be sure to check out these threads.

https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-guide-info.216409/ by @ShEeEeEeEeEeP
https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/tower-defence-tower-information.233083/ by Me and @Sophie

Anyways lets start with the first mob!



The Zombie groans and moans all the way down to the castle.... If he survives the first few feet of course... Being the first mob encountered in the game he doesn't have much health but is ultimately reliable at getting you some early EXP

Key Strengths: Good, cheap, and perfect for farming XP in the beginning of the game. Upgrades to Diamond Armor Zombie with more health. Upgrades are relatively cheap.

Key Weaknesses: Not many key weaknesses tbh. Becomes pretty useless as the game continues, as there are more mobs that have higher health, damage, and XP output.

Steve's Memiors - Zombie: "I'm constantly being awoken by these monstrosities outside my home. They seem to possess the same attire i wear instead ragged and torn. Where do they come from? What purpose do they serve? Why do so many of them insist on getting in my way.... wait.... How many times did i die again?..."

Spider/Cave Spider


The Spider is a little bit faster than the zombie but doesn't fair much better. The real power comes with it's counterpart the Cave Spider. He gains immense focus making him invisible to most towers. They can be overwhelmed by the Ice and Mage tower so I'd suggest paring them with a witch to aid their survival. A pretty good investment that can be easily underestimated.

Key Strengths: Spider moves a little faster than the zombie. Cave Spider is Invisible to most towers. The Cave spider is also invulnerable to the towers that cannot see it.

Key Weaknesses: Ice and Mage Tower

Steve's Memiors - Spider: "I've never had a fear of spiders, that is until i encounter a rather prodigious one on one of my spelunking trips deep underground. It's four hideous eyes glowed in the the darkness and was locked on to me ready to pounce. Perhaps i made the wrong call taunting and squishing that smaller spider back at the house..."

Steve's Memiors - Cave Spider: "I encountered yet another one of those cursed, 8 legged, arthropods after coming across a secluded part of an abandon mineshaft decorated with cobwebs, but this one was different. It was a little smaller than it's counterpart but still large and a lot more dangerous. This thing had a venomous bite and was small enough to squeeze through the one block large holes that littered the mineshaft. Getting to that spawner was nothing short of impossible. I will stay away, it is the wisest thing to do for now."

Zombie Pigman


The Zombie Pigman is a mob that is both speedy and resistant at the same time. Its rotten yet tough exterior makes it resistant to lightning and fire, making a mockery out of the Zeus and Mage Tower. Most enemies will rush these mobs when least expected, and if unprepared can take a big chunk of health out of your castle especially in large hordes. A group of Artillery towers and a Ice tower are recommended.

Key Strengths: Invulnerable to fire and lightning. Can definitely catch a team off guard if sent early on in game.

Key Weaknesses: Speed is cancelled out by the Ice Tower

Steve's Memoirs - Zombie Pigman: "It's been a few months ever since my pigs mysteriously disappeared. I've been living off my cows and wheat since then but it's only now that I start to feel concerned about what's happened to them for there has been zombified creatures with remnants of pig flesh, wielding a golden sword, emerging from my nether portal. I took a trip to the nether and soon realized what has become of my pigs. I shouldn't have left the gates open..."


Silverfish are small, grey like mobs that loves to fly past you defenses. These can be a real burden if only ground attacking towers are used, as they will not be affected by them. The Endermites are even worse as they have more health and fire resistance. Any air attacking towers are recommended especially The Archer, Turret and Zues towers. Be prepared, these can also be apart of a dangerous rush on your castle.

Key Strengths: The ability of flight, making them resistant to all ground attacking Towers. The Endermite has fire resistance and higher health.

Key Weaknesses: Any tower that can attack from the air.

Steve's Memoirs - Silverfish: "Through my adventures I noticed there are some creatures in this world who makes it their hobby to scare the crap out of me. This was particularly true for a specific type of creature who finds solace in the mimicry of various blocks of stone. The block breaks almost instantly revealing a gray bug like creature. Fighting it with a pick seems to agitate it further and it seems to have the ability to summon others when in jeopardy as block after block starts to break on their own revealing more of these creatures. They're more of a nuisance than a threat, but they still manage to keep me out of the mines for weeks.

Steve's Memoirs - Endermite: "The Ender Pearl is a mysterious item and it's origin may be even more fascinating. I can't quite understand their language but i could've sworn an enderman tried to communicate with me when they saw me hold it, as if he was trying to tell me something about it. What was more pronounced with the ender pearl is its teleportation capabilities. When i threw it however something more unexpected happened. The teleportation was a success as usual but something was left in it's wake. A creature similar to the dreaded silverfish i encountered in the caves. Like the stone variant, it can be easily dispatched. Unfortunately, it caught me off guard when it threw me back down a ravine after a close teleport...



Creepers don't explode in this game. They instead focus there energy on staying alive and in the fight by giving them permanent regeneration and lots of health to back up that regeneration. A key strategy is to not let this mob regenerate health so a mixture of fast and heavy shooting towers are recommended to cancel out the regeneration

Key Strengths: A vast amount of health, regeneration, Immune to Ice Tower.

Key Weaknesses: Being dealt Lost of damage at once, Artillery Tower

Steve's Memoirs - Creeper: "After fighting these monsters for some time now i have successfully picked up on their attack patterns and distinct sounds. However, there is one creature that continues to surprise me time and time again. It moves in close with little to no sound, approaching me and detonating at the sound of a dreaded hiss. It seems to simply come out of nowhere. Several times it has caught me without me even seeing it closing in. Often convinced I have my back covered, it has promptly 'spawn' right behind me to strike from close range. All i can say about this creature is.... tasks as simple as chopping down a tree has never been more unnervingly dangerous."

Skeleton/Wither Skeleton


Skeletons are mobs that gives themselves a second chance at storming your castle. When the first skeleton dies (Wither Skeleton) The next skeleton takes its place (Skeleton). Anything but the Mage tower can be used to take down the first one, and the other towers can take out the second one easily. moves at a decent speed.

Key Strengths: Rides a horse in further upgrades! Wither Skeleton is immune to fire and lightning and has more health.

Key Weaknesses: Sending the Skeleton without the upgrades is not recommended since the Skeleton is much weaker than the Wither Skeleton, the same goes for the Silverfish.

Steve's Memoirs - Skeleton: "I met a rather interesting monster tonight. Walking skeletal remains armed with a bow and arrow. He comes with determination, but more worrying, he comes with the apparent grasp of the hunt. Unlike the other mobs here, he carries with him a significant strategy to taking me down. I attack from afar his aim is more precise and movement is more structured. I move in close he shoots faster without sacrificing precision. This monster is more dangerous than he seems..."

Steve's Memoirs - Wither Skeleton: "I came across a terrible fortress on one of my adventures in the nether. within it i found another one of those skeletons except this one was without a bow. It was charred beyond recognition, armed with a stone sword but that wasn't the only thing it possessed. It carried with him a disease i can only describe as the touch of death, for when it struck me i could feel my body withering away. I have never met a call so close. I shall keep my distance for now.



Witches are mobs that uses their magical powers to heal other mobs, Doesn't seem like much of a threat right. Quite the opposite if you send out a giant with a few witches behind it. That is the key to this Mob. It can be used to heal even the strongest of mobs that can be sent. They can be dangerous, but also hard to keep alive under intense conditions as they can not heal themselves.

Key Strengths: A fair amount of health, Heals nearby mobs, Immune to Poison, Mage tower, and Zeus Tower.

Key Weaknesses: Healing effect only lasts if one witch is alive with the mobs. Cannot be healed by other witches. Healing effect has a limited range, so if slowed by the ice tower, it moves slower than, (Therefore farther away from) the mobs that are immune to the slowing effect

Steve's Memoirs - Witch: "I cherish the Villagers of this world. They're walking proof that i'm not the only humanoid being in this world with the ability to engage in everyday activities. Next to the village, I can across a hut in the swamps. Another one of them emerged from the hut, but she was not normal. She seemed to be a sorceress possessing many magical qualities and concoctions that she proceeded to throw at me from a distance causing all sorts of negative effects. There is something else in her too, she seems to seek something."

Slime/Magma Cube


Straight from the swamps, Slimes are creatures that has lots of health and splits when it takes fatal damage into smaller versions of itself. This mob is VERY dangerous in groups and even more dangerous with the upgrade to Magma Cube as it's resistant to fire. Artillery towers and other heavy hitters are highly recommended.

Key Strengths: Lots of health, With upgrades splits into multiple smaller slimes upon death of bigger ones. Dangerous in groups, Magma Cube has fire resistance.

Key Weaknesses: Movement is slow

Steve's Memoirs - Slime: "My altercation with the Witch has left me weakened and damaged. However i had little time to lick my wounds for night fell and a full moon rose. A beautiful sight anywhere else in the world but a terrifying one here in the swamps. The moon brought with it swarms of gelatinous forms that refused to die. Any fatal hit it took only split it into halves. the halves were weaker, but i was too ill-equipped to deal with them all. I retreated back to the village."

Steve's Memoirs - Magma Cube: "The more i explore the nether the more i make the connections between it and the overworld. Even the monsters it possess are similar but are ultimately much more powerful. I encountered yet another familiar foe, but it seemed to be coated in the lava it emerged from. This being was more relentless in its pursuit and just like its counterpart split in two with the strike of my sword. Even the smaller ones were deadly. The nether is truly a dangerous place."


One of the strongest mob in the game is known as the Blaze. Blazes are mobs that has lots of health, fire protection, and the ability to fly. This mob is what most teams use to finish the game. If you don't have the money for a Giant rush, A rush of blazes is the next best thing for ill-prepared teams. Your best air defense strategy is necessary to take down these mobs. Especially in groups.

Key Strengths: Flying Entity, Fire Immunity, Lots of Health

Key Weaknesses: Zeus, Archer, and Turret Tower and other Aerial attacks

Steve's Memoirs - Blaze: "I returned back to that terrible fortress in hopes of collecting the heads of those decayed skeletons for further examination, only to find what appeared to be a floating head surrounded by rods engulfed in smoke. When i approached it however, the smoke turned to fire and it began pelting me with fireballs. Fighting more than one of these things proved to be difficult. They deal damage from afar and up close rarely giving me enough time to use my bow. with the fireballs and the blazes, it was a constant battle between switching from range to melee."



The second strongest mob in the game is the Giant, This mob is the nightmare of all Tower Defense players, Having Great amounts of health, health regeneration, and having the ability to summon reinforcements upon death (which usually consist of Slimes, Magma Cubes and much stronger Zombies) Be aware of the other teams actions and prepare early on for a Giant rush. Also have some AoE potions at the ready to impede the progress of these invading giants while also keeping in mind that the other team will have potions helping them out as well. Have a well equipped defense, and use your AoE potions wisely and you should be fine.

Key Strengths: Toughness is Extremely high, Regeneration, Summons strong reinforcements upon death. Immune to Ice Tower. Every few seconds, it summons a small group of zombies. Can't be stunned or knocked back.

Key Weaknesses: Movement is Very Slow, Zues Tower seems to prioritize the Giant first. Most Expensive Mob In The Game, costing 1,500 XP to unlock plus an additional 10,000+ XP to upgrade fully, and 6,000 coins per Giant.

Steve's Memiors - Giant: "I was awoken yet again in the night by what sounds like a zombie only the moans of this beast were deep and seemed to shake the house by noise alone. I stepped outside to find a zombie yet 10X the size of a normal one. I was frozen in place unable to move. All i could do was watch as it raised its foot getting ready to trample me. Everything went black, then I woke up to the sun seeping trough my window. Maybe i should consider placing torches around my house at night."

The Wither

Be Very Afraid, for The Wither has joined the battle. This mob is known as a boss mob, and is the first boss mob in the game. It cannot be summoned by any other player and only appears in Armageddon Mode completely changing the feel of the game mode. Beware the Wither, for if it reaches the castle it's an automatic game over.

Key Strengths: The Strongest and Toughest mob in the game with higher health than the Giant. When near a tower, Shoots a wither skull that destroys the tower completely. Regens health over time. Leaves a trail of decay that summons Wither Skeletons every few seconds. Immune to the Ice, Mage, Necromancer, Quake, and Leech Towers. Unfortunately, it can be healed by a Witch.

Key Weaknesses: Movement is Extremely slow, Even slower than the Giant. Can't be affected by AOE Potions

Steve's Memoirs - The Wither: "I collected a few skulls from those withered skeletons and upon closer examination concluded that there were others like me who roamed this land. They built these temples, these shrines, these fortresses all that were long since abandoned. What happened to these ancient builders still remains a mystery, but maybe one day I’ll figure it out. I extracted the sand that housed the very souls of those that has passed before me. Back in the overworld I tried my hand at necromancy, combining the body and the soul hoping to bring the dead back to who they once were. Instead what i have summoned was truly horrifying. A three headed beast of decay and damnation. This thing began to pummel me with massive skulls spreading the decay like a virus. Its very presence and blood curdling howls spoke of endless torture. I could not even began to fathom the immense power this beast had. What have i unleashed upon this peaceful world? By what seemed like sheer luck i manage to triumph over this monstrosity and lay it back to rest, but not after it caused a prodigious amount of damage to my house and the surrounding landscape. Looks like i have a lot of work ahead of me."

Honorable Mentions
Recently I came across a spreadsheet covering The prices of the mobs, EXP to Gold Ratio, and much more, so i though i'd include it here in this thread. It's worth a look if you're curious about the prices and experience needed to reach a certain lvl. Props to @Pardity and his friend 1stClassTaco for making it! :)


Thank you all for reading. I hope this helps you understand the mobs a bit better. Good luck in Tower Defense :)

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Deleted member 481668

Nice to know this information, Zig! I don't play Tower Defence, but I think I have to give the game a change! It's also very helpfull for new people or people like me I don't even know what they do, but this thread gives me a little bit of motivation to play the game. I have now all the information I need to beat them!! :)
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Forum Expert
Mar 1, 2019
Nice to know this information, Zig! I don't play Tower Defence, but I think I have to give the game a change! It's also very helpfull for new people or people like me I don't even know what they do, but this thread gives me a little bit of motivation to play the game. I have now all the information I need to beat them!! :)
We can play togheter as you seem to be a nice guy:D
It’s pretty nice game:}

Deleted member 481668

We can play togheter as you seem to be a nice guy:D
It’s pretty nice game:}
That would be amazing man, I am a noob.. I played always the old Tower Defence with fighting and capture points. But this Tower Defence, I should give it a change, I never play this Tower Defence before! I am nice guy haha, if you want to play with me hit me up, pm me or add me me on discord: Voltage#7604 ;)


Forum Expert
Oct 24, 2016
This is a beautiful and detailed thread! Well done!

I often play Tower Defence, and I was waiting for someone to make some kind of thread like this because it is really helpful especially for new players who want some information.
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coolzombiee wrote on LemonyBreak459's profile.
Bro actually thinks he can get free ranks by asking people lol
Unlocked Iron in Skyblock for the 5th time haha. Feeling good.
yo sup sooo i just hit level 30 !! im not grinding or something just having fun :cubie2:
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