I've taken a break from playing for months on this network since new stuff was added while I was away there. Then I got back to the server and played for a few hours, then I caught attention on Minerware's update, it had a new boss minigame called "Wrecking Ball." I had fun for a few minutes it was completely utter CHAOS then knew it was a good potential Gamemode. There is little originality on Cubecraft right now, so I am here creating this thread about this fresh awesome game mode.

- The Gamemode will be large-scale compared to the Minerware minigame version.
- Most blocks destroyed by a player win the game instead of most points gained. Points will be used as a currency for shops.
- Instead of gaining just 5EXP for the losing player, the losing player will gain a proportion of the winning player's EXP just to make the game even more fair. There is an example and equation if you want to know how it works.
A player named "newb20" lost with 450 blocks destroyed, while "GAM3R40" won with 500 blocks destroyed, so the winner will gain the usual 125 EXP. If we did the math by dividing newb20's destroyed blocks (450) by GAM3R40's destroyed blocks (500) this results in 90% close to GAMER3R40's destroyed blocks. If we multiply it by 125 EXP, which is the winning player's EXP, and then round them up to the nearest whole number, newb20 will gain 113 EXP.
Note: Round the losing player's EXP to the nearest whole number. For example, 100.5 EXP into 101 EXP and 99.3 into 99 EXP.
- The game will have a Teams of Four version of it, where the most blocks destroyed by a team win the game.
- Maps are large just as aforementioned in the first suggestion. Players destroy the maps as anywhere as possible.
- The players start with simple tools and then proceed to upgrade by buying from shops.
- Points are gained by the players themselves, not by the team.
- More points are gained according to how hard is the block to break.
- Buying items are in hand by right-clicking then a GUI appears.
- The shop contains tiers of tools, enchantment upgrades, explosives, and more.
- The game can have different "To Win The Game" options where any player can vote if they want to "Get to One Thousand Destroyed Blocks" or "Have the Most Destroyed Blocks in 3 Minutes"
- Ranked can vote for game options, the Overpowered, Crazy, etc. Take note it is separate from the "To Win The Game" options, so the players have two kinds of options, each is given a different option than the other.
Might add more suggestions in this thread so probably give some ideas by replying. I have hopes for the future of Cubecraft for a new original game mode.