Deleted member 601525
I noticed, while playing bedwars, that regardless what armor you buy, you die quickly. Even with "maxed" armor it feels rather easy to get killed quickly. So I did the only ting I could have come up with, which was pulling out an old excel spreadsheet that calculates damage which I "made" (received from a bug tracker moderator) for an older post long ago when I was attempting to prove damage is broken (it turned out the damage was working fine, its the HP bar that is broken af), put in the values of the armors and weapons from bedwars, and see when it makes sense to buy which type of armor (if at all).
So, to start off, I put in wooden sword on leather armor to see if its even worth buying.
NOTE: In case you haven't noticed, you don't get helmets in bedwars, so the armor points are lower than when you have full armor.
Another NOTE: Weapon damage is always a combination damage of the weapon (4 for wooden swords, 5 for stone, 6 for iron, etc.) AND one extra point of damage from your fist. Which means that a wooden sword, for example, deals 5 points of damage.
So, what results did I get out of that.
For a TL;DR, just skip to the end. Otherwise, happy reading.
Sidenote: its still worth checking the conclusion as I may mention things there that aren't anywhere else in the post due to having discovered them later in the writing process.
Here is the calculation for a wooden sword on leather armor.
Just like I expected, against a wooden sword, leather armor barely makes a difference (you only last one extra hit compared to not having armor)
And what about stronger swords?
Well, the moment your opponent has a stone sword, it makes ZERO difference in the amount of hits you can survive:
For comparison, here are the stats for a stone sword without armor:
I didn't even put in leather with iron and diamond swords, because its pointless.
But what about chainmail?
Well, it does make a slightly bigger difference against wooden swords, where you last 2 extra hits.
And you last one extra hit against stone.
And you last one extra hit against Iron.
Same applies for diamond.
Its only against sharpness I diamond that it stops making a difference.
Lastly, Iron Armor.
Against wooden sword, finally there is significant difference. You last 3 extra hits compared to not having any armor.
Same for stone swords, where you also survive 3 hits compared to the norm.
For Iron swords, the difference is 2 hits.
For Diamond, one singular hit.
And finally, sharp I diamond, also one extra hit.
But that isn't all. There is a bonus that can buy protection I for your armor. Does it make a difference?
For that I created another excel sheet, this time one that takes into account the level of prot your armor has and the amount of elements that have it.
NOTE 3: In that same sheet is another table where you can input the values and calculate them for the "old" system/java 1.8 pvp, so that's why some screenshots may say "New System (1.18+)" at the top
The way protection (on bedrock) works is: If you receive 4 damage, and your armor were to reduce it by one, protection then takes the remaining 3 damage and reduces that by a certain percentage. That percentage is determined by the amount of armor that has protection on it, as well as the level of protection. Each level of protection increases that percentage by 4% on the piece of armor that has it. So, for example, a protection I helmet with the rest being unenchanted, puts that percentage at 4%. A prot 2 helmet at 8%. And this stacks to a maximum of 64% if all 4 pieces of armor have protection 4.
For the armor in bedwars, its always 12% if you buy prot 1.
So, how much difference does it make?
For wood on leather, it makes you last a grand total of... 2 extra hits compared to not wearing any armor.
Stone, on that same armor, finally deals reduced damage to the point you last one extra hit.
Against Iron, prot 1 leather also lasts one extra hit.
To my suprise, against diamond, you also last one extra hit compared to the same armor without prot/not wearing armor at all.
Against sharp I diamond, prot 1 leather finally makes zero difference.
Onto chainmail again.
Against wood, Prot I chainmail lasts one hit more than without prot 1.
Same applies for stone swords,
and Iron Swords.
Unluckilly, but also strangely (because prot made a difference on leather armor), yet unsuprisingly, it makes prot makes zero difference against a diamond sword:
BUT, you do get to survive one extra hit against sharp I diamond if you have prot I chainmail.
Finally, Iron armor.
Against wood, with prot I Iron, you last one extra hit compared to unenchanted Iron.
Same for stone,
and Diamond,
It makes zero difference against Sharp I diamond though, you might as well not have protection on the armor.
Okay, but there is also another bonus that can make you last longer, the extra hearts one.
Except, the difference here is... weird.
And by that I mean: While you do get to last longer if your opponents have weak weapons (screenshot below shows Wooden sword on leather armor with 0 protection, as a reminder: on 20 health you last 5 hits):
The difference disappears if the weapons get stronger.
Leather, Ironically enough, benefits a lot from the 2 extra hearts of health as it allows you to take on one extra hit from all weapons except sharp I diamond compared to having normal health. (Not showing the screens for all of them now)
Chainmail probably benefits the most from extra health, as not only does unprotected chainmail last one extra hit against all weapons except for a plain diamond sword, with Prot I chainmail also providing that "effect" against plain diamond.
Iron Armor doesn't actually benefit from it that much.
While against wood, unprotected Iron lasts 2 hits more than without the extra health on that same armor,
It makes zero difference against sharp I diamond if its prot I Iron. (Or, translated to humanly comprehensible speech: on prot I Iron, you can have 10 hearts or 12 hearts, and it makes zero difference against a sharp I diamond sword).
Even with a golden apple popped in, equalling to a total of 28 health, that still means just one extra hit for prot I Iron against a sharpness I diamond compared to having just 20 health, and only 2 extra hits compared to having unprotected Iron Armor.
1. For the love of whatever deity, higher power, moral, laws, cults, religions, currencies, states, sciences, pseudosciences, or states of mind you believe in, DO NOT BUY LEATHER, UNLESS YOU HAVE PROT I
2. All armors are next to useless when faced with a sharpness I diamond sword, and pretty bad when faced with a normal diamond sword.
OR, rephrased in a simpler way:
2. Diamond swords and sharpness I are overpowered af in this game.
3. prot I Leather armor and UNPROTECTED chainmail last equally long against all weapons, so if you do have prot I bought for your team, you can now face players who have chainmail and no enchantments as players equipped equally to you.
4. Wooden Swords remain viable options all the way until the opponents either have Iron Armor OR Prot I chainmail.
5. The difference Prot I makes compared to not having prot, in most situations and against most weapons, is small. Its not worth buying over sharpness I OR extra hearts.
5b. Sharpness I is the strongest enchantment in the game.
6. When against sharp I diamond, the health upgrade is useless if you are on prot I Iron. Even further supporting conclusion no. 2.
7. The only armor making a difference of more than 2 extra hits is Iron Armor if you have no Prot, and Chainmail (in some scenarios) and Iron Armor if you DO have prot. This means that a lot of the time armor, especially before buying protection, is not really worth it that much.
So, to start off, I put in wooden sword on leather armor to see if its even worth buying.
NOTE: In case you haven't noticed, you don't get helmets in bedwars, so the armor points are lower than when you have full armor.
Another NOTE: Weapon damage is always a combination damage of the weapon (4 for wooden swords, 5 for stone, 6 for iron, etc.) AND one extra point of damage from your fist. Which means that a wooden sword, for example, deals 5 points of damage.
So, what results did I get out of that.
For a TL;DR, just skip to the end. Otherwise, happy reading.
Sidenote: its still worth checking the conclusion as I may mention things there that aren't anywhere else in the post due to having discovered them later in the writing process.
Here is the calculation for a wooden sword on leather armor.
Just like I expected, against a wooden sword, leather armor barely makes a difference (you only last one extra hit compared to not having armor)
And what about stronger swords?
Well, the moment your opponent has a stone sword, it makes ZERO difference in the amount of hits you can survive:
For comparison, here are the stats for a stone sword without armor:
I didn't even put in leather with iron and diamond swords, because its pointless.
But what about chainmail?
Well, it does make a slightly bigger difference against wooden swords, where you last 2 extra hits.
And you last one extra hit against stone.
And you last one extra hit against Iron.
Same applies for diamond.
Its only against sharpness I diamond that it stops making a difference.
Lastly, Iron Armor.
Against wooden sword, finally there is significant difference. You last 3 extra hits compared to not having any armor.
Same for stone swords, where you also survive 3 hits compared to the norm.
For Iron swords, the difference is 2 hits.
For Diamond, one singular hit.
And finally, sharp I diamond, also one extra hit.
But that isn't all. There is a bonus that can buy protection I for your armor. Does it make a difference?
For that I created another excel sheet, this time one that takes into account the level of prot your armor has and the amount of elements that have it.
NOTE 3: In that same sheet is another table where you can input the values and calculate them for the "old" system/java 1.8 pvp, so that's why some screenshots may say "New System (1.18+)" at the top
The way protection (on bedrock) works is: If you receive 4 damage, and your armor were to reduce it by one, protection then takes the remaining 3 damage and reduces that by a certain percentage. That percentage is determined by the amount of armor that has protection on it, as well as the level of protection. Each level of protection increases that percentage by 4% on the piece of armor that has it. So, for example, a protection I helmet with the rest being unenchanted, puts that percentage at 4%. A prot 2 helmet at 8%. And this stacks to a maximum of 64% if all 4 pieces of armor have protection 4.
For the armor in bedwars, its always 12% if you buy prot 1.
So, how much difference does it make?
For wood on leather, it makes you last a grand total of... 2 extra hits compared to not wearing any armor.
Stone, on that same armor, finally deals reduced damage to the point you last one extra hit.
Against Iron, prot 1 leather also lasts one extra hit.
To my suprise, against diamond, you also last one extra hit compared to the same armor without prot/not wearing armor at all.
Against sharp I diamond, prot 1 leather finally makes zero difference.
Onto chainmail again.
Against wood, Prot I chainmail lasts one hit more than without prot 1.
Same applies for stone swords,
and Iron Swords.
Unluckilly, but also strangely (because prot made a difference on leather armor), yet unsuprisingly, it makes prot makes zero difference against a diamond sword:
BUT, you do get to survive one extra hit against sharp I diamond if you have prot I chainmail.
Finally, Iron armor.
Against wood, with prot I Iron, you last one extra hit compared to unenchanted Iron.
Same for stone,
and Diamond,
It makes zero difference against Sharp I diamond though, you might as well not have protection on the armor.
Okay, but there is also another bonus that can make you last longer, the extra hearts one.
Except, the difference here is... weird.
And by that I mean: While you do get to last longer if your opponents have weak weapons (screenshot below shows Wooden sword on leather armor with 0 protection, as a reminder: on 20 health you last 5 hits):
The difference disappears if the weapons get stronger.
Leather, Ironically enough, benefits a lot from the 2 extra hearts of health as it allows you to take on one extra hit from all weapons except sharp I diamond compared to having normal health. (Not showing the screens for all of them now)
Chainmail probably benefits the most from extra health, as not only does unprotected chainmail last one extra hit against all weapons except for a plain diamond sword, with Prot I chainmail also providing that "effect" against plain diamond.
Iron Armor doesn't actually benefit from it that much.
While against wood, unprotected Iron lasts 2 hits more than without the extra health on that same armor,
It makes zero difference against sharp I diamond if its prot I Iron. (Or, translated to humanly comprehensible speech: on prot I Iron, you can have 10 hearts or 12 hearts, and it makes zero difference against a sharp I diamond sword).
Even with a golden apple popped in, equalling to a total of 28 health, that still means just one extra hit for prot I Iron against a sharpness I diamond compared to having just 20 health, and only 2 extra hits compared to having unprotected Iron Armor.
1. For the love of whatever deity, higher power, moral, laws, cults, religions, currencies, states, sciences, pseudosciences, or states of mind you believe in, DO NOT BUY LEATHER, UNLESS YOU HAVE PROT I
2. All armors are next to useless when faced with a sharpness I diamond sword, and pretty bad when faced with a normal diamond sword.
OR, rephrased in a simpler way:
2. Diamond swords and sharpness I are overpowered af in this game.
3. prot I Leather armor and UNPROTECTED chainmail last equally long against all weapons, so if you do have prot I bought for your team, you can now face players who have chainmail and no enchantments as players equipped equally to you.
4. Wooden Swords remain viable options all the way until the opponents either have Iron Armor OR Prot I chainmail.
5. The difference Prot I makes compared to not having prot, in most situations and against most weapons, is small. Its not worth buying over sharpness I OR extra hearts.
5b. Sharpness I is the strongest enchantment in the game.
6. When against sharp I diamond, the health upgrade is useless if you are on prot I Iron. Even further supporting conclusion no. 2.
7. The only armor making a difference of more than 2 extra hits is Iron Armor if you have no Prot, and Chainmail (in some scenarios) and Iron Armor if you DO have prot. This means that a lot of the time armor, especially before buying protection, is not really worth it that much.
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