Hello, I believe that at the moment the discord punishment track against misuse of channels is too strict. The current rule has the punishment track of Warning → 3 days ban → 7 days Ban → 30 days ban → Permanent ban - and I believe, as the title suggests, that the punishment track should contain two warnings rather than one.
The reason I think this is too strict is because it's so much easier to break this rule than any other rule in the discord, to be in the wrong channel is a normal thing that happens to everyone and I think having two warnings instead of one is more reasonable than having one warning and then bans after it.
Rules with punishment tracks very alike to the misuse of channel rule are the likes of swearing and spamming, the difference between these is being in a wrong channel is so much easier than literally typing out a swear word or spamming five messages or more.
A lot of people may say "shouldn't people learn from one warning", well maybe they should learn from one warning but I don't see why misuse of channels should require a ban anyway, while people maybe should have learned from one warning I still don't see it as right to ban people if it happens a second time. People are never effected by people misusing channels or answering questions correctly in staff help etc. it should not require a ban in any circumstance, but Cubecraft does ban people so I think it would be much more reasonable to have it as two warnings and then bans.
This used to be the case for staff help misuse and I believe it was a much more fair punishment track than what now, bans people after there first warning rather than second.
In conclusion I believe the old way of having two warnings for misuse of staff help was much better and I think it should be pushed out to the whole rule of "Using Channels Incorrectly". if you agree

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