yes,in this threat you gets to see me posting how it works
>the noobs (or default skin you say,whatever else.)
yes,they got default skin (sometimes not) and most likely not speaking at all,while also using a default cage and yeah they takes every resource possible then just dies like an actual idiot,then they will either ragequit (literally leaving the game after dying ONCE) or just repeat the loop of "get a tons of resource --> buy the best set --> dies --> get a tons of resource", the people who ruins your gameplay experience on some point.
>the regular human beings
they are normal,just like you and me,thats it.
what are you expecting?
>the people who comes in a party
you see those people who joins a lobby together? with like 3-4 of them at once? yeah,they are grouped up and knows what they're doing,you're gonna have a hard time coming up against them. (oh and yeah they most likely got ranks)
>the toxic chemicals
yes,they aren't even good,not on the game itself nor the pvp section,they just spams "EZ" "NOOB" whenever they win a fight,no matter how much advantage they have gotten,beating them up is fun,but if you got beaten,well too bad but you gotta experience doubled frustration from both losing and him spreading his toxicity at you.
>the tryhards
yes,if you saw a team's egg were broken at the first 3 minutes of the game,expect that being a sign of a tryhard in your game,they are good at the game,and will crush you unless their entire team is dumb as hell or you're just good enough to counter him.
>the god
yes,its just a god,they will crush you down no matter what,you just don't stand a chance,they crits you on every hit (1.9),have 69 cps (1.8),can just godbridge to your egg and tpose on it without wonder,consider trying to get as much advantage you can from the parts he ain't joining in,even that wont save you from them.
>the non english speaking beings
ليس لدي أي فكرة عما أكتبه ولكن أيا كان الأمر الذي حصلت عليه للتو على جوجل ترجمه واحصل على معنى مختلف تمامًا. ونعم يفعلون نفس ما يفعله هؤلاء المبتدئون ، لكنهم يتحدثون أيضًا بطريقة غريبة.
i have no idea what i just typed please dont sue me if google translate sucked
>the funny hackerman
yeah no,just leave the game unless they are completely retarded,you aint standing a chance against them.
the end
>the noobs (or default skin you say,whatever else.)
yes,they got default skin (sometimes not) and most likely not speaking at all,while also using a default cage and yeah they takes every resource possible then just dies like an actual idiot,then they will either ragequit (literally leaving the game after dying ONCE) or just repeat the loop of "get a tons of resource --> buy the best set --> dies --> get a tons of resource", the people who ruins your gameplay experience on some point.
>the regular human beings
they are normal,just like you and me,thats it.
what are you expecting?
>the people who comes in a party
you see those people who joins a lobby together? with like 3-4 of them at once? yeah,they are grouped up and knows what they're doing,you're gonna have a hard time coming up against them. (oh and yeah they most likely got ranks)
>the toxic chemicals
yes,they aren't even good,not on the game itself nor the pvp section,they just spams "EZ" "NOOB" whenever they win a fight,no matter how much advantage they have gotten,beating them up is fun,but if you got beaten,well too bad but you gotta experience doubled frustration from both losing and him spreading his toxicity at you.
>the tryhards
yes,if you saw a team's egg were broken at the first 3 minutes of the game,expect that being a sign of a tryhard in your game,they are good at the game,and will crush you unless their entire team is dumb as hell or you're just good enough to counter him.
>the god
yes,its just a god,they will crush you down no matter what,you just don't stand a chance,they crits you on every hit (1.9),have 69 cps (1.8),can just godbridge to your egg and tpose on it without wonder,consider trying to get as much advantage you can from the parts he ain't joining in,even that wont save you from them.
>the non english speaking beings
ليس لدي أي فكرة عما أكتبه ولكن أيا كان الأمر الذي حصلت عليه للتو على جوجل ترجمه واحصل على معنى مختلف تمامًا. ونعم يفعلون نفس ما يفعله هؤلاء المبتدئون ، لكنهم يتحدثون أيضًا بطريقة غريبة.
i have no idea what i just typed please dont sue me if google translate sucked
>the funny hackerman
yeah no,just leave the game unless they are completely retarded,you aint standing a chance against them.
the end