Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Hi there! You probably never asked yourself: "what does Blommmmie think of Snowman Survival?" That's why today I will give you the answer anyway. How nice of me!

Before I start, I would like to state that I love the game concept of Snowman Survival and I think it is only fair that the game upon release is getting played by hundreds of people. The game overall is simply good. As an old Arcade/MinerWare main on Java network, I can only appreciate this version of Slime Survival being brought back each year. However, there are some concerns I have with the entirety of the third consecutive year of the game being brought back.

1. Seasonal Games
CubeCraft has had an impressive amount of seasonal games, dating all the way back to 2016 (if I remember correctly), added on the network during seasonal events over the year. Some were more popular than others, which is only understandable. Under here a list, with at the bottom all the games relevant for the point I want to make:

Spring RPG (I doubt you can consider this a gamemode but it was definitely a banger)

Carving Chaos

Snow Down
Present Rush
Snowman Survival
Colony Control

As said, some where more popular than others. Carving Chaos for example did not do what was expected, since it was repetitive and therefore became boring rather quickly. The winter games in contrast all performed pretty well. Some even did so great that they were made in their own permanent gamemode (being Snow Down to Line Dash and Snowman Survival to Slime Survival). It's good to see a gamemode you have seen on the network before return. Sadly, most of these good winter games have not returned anymore. Some since a year or two, others for many years already. I think this is a shame. With as many good games as have been created, I think it is good to switch every once in a while. I don't think it is good to leave a gamemode out for as long as happening right now. Obviously, I expect CubeCraft not to add the other gamemodes back at all, but that would be a shame. Snow Down has not returned due to Line Dash taking over its purpose, but we have seen Snowman Survival while Slime Survival was an active mode as well and Line Dash is also unavailable right now for the foreseeable future. Colony Control is one of the most requested games to return to the network since it was removed back in 2021 (or January 2022 for that matter). And about Present Rush, people are too young to remember this masterpiece of a game. I really really hope Snowman Survival doesn't return every year, but gets switched out every once in a while as well for one of the other brilliant games.

2. Freeze Tag
Talking about repetitiveness in a game: this has been a massive issue with game design and player retainment over the years. I don't have the numbers, but to give you the logic of this argument: Carving Chaos will never be added back due to it. Ender was removed due to the lack in player count and the only way to play is by going through the same rooms to look for pages on the same places every time. Games like Pillars of Fortune reach a record number of players on Java because of its unpredictability. Similar, Lucky Islands outscores SkyWars in player counts for similar reasons. To prevent this from happening to Snowman Survival as well, I don't understand why the Freeze Tag gamemode from Slime Survival has not been ported over. I understand this not happening the first year, because the game was rather new. The second year was after Slime Survival has proved to be a success, including both of the gamemodes. Not adding it here seems strange as well. With the new framework, I don't think the team even remembers Freeze Tag was a thing back then...

To fresh up some minds: the goal of Snowman Survival is to infect players to be a snowman with you. Eventually, the lobby will fill up with more snowmen compared to survivors. You win the game by converting all the players or staying alive and safe from the snowmen, depending on which team you are in at that moment. Freeze Tag is a bit different. Instead of hybrid teams where you switch teams once you are converted, Freeze Tag will select multiple snowmen (idk what the player count is on bedrock per game, but for the 8 in Java it will probably be 2 snowmen). If a survivor gets hit, they will freeze in place, glow up for the teammates and are out of the game. You can however return those people back to the game by standing next to them for long enough. The goal is not to convert all the players to be snowman with you, but instead to eliminate all the players from the opposing team. Wonky explanation, so any questions, feel free to ask.

This type of gamemode allows completely different gameplay. Definitely within the winter theme, I think this gamemode within Snowman Survival would give more depth to the game as a whole and an additional reason to sell a rank for a voting option, which then would be good for the company. Obviously, I don't expect this to be the new main gamemode, but it would be nice to add this as voting option. I don't see a reason why not to since the game pretty much didn't change at all in the past 3 years (no massive additions or anything really).

3. Power-ups
This might be the smallest possible change, but the one I hate the most. Before, power-ups such as the Snowman Stabber, Gravity Explosion or Jump Boost, would be depicted as an actual item floating above the ground with the name tag above it. These items would be invisible to snowmen. The power-ups were very easy to recognise because of the name tags, colour of the name tag and the actual items that made a lot of sense.

The change that has been made here is that the power-ups first of all don't have a name tag anymore. This causes me, a player from the old guard, to get used to something that is not as intuitive as before. I love the new pictures and design btw, massive fan, but removing the name tags is a very unintuitive change which I simply don't get. The art is very hard to separate from a distance and the colours that were used to assist in separation are now gone, except for when the items spawn in the map.

Secondly, the items are visible for snowmen, giving them a really big advantage over the survivors. Before it worked that if you were converted, you could see the power-ups that spawned in while you were a survivor (open information to you as a player). I think this is fair. A lot of changes have been made to give the edge to snowmen, which is really working, but this is a change with tiny impact for new players but for players with more experience helps a lot.

Lastly I miss the Cage Trap power-up. I don't know if it was ever in the game, but it was good and now it is sadly gone. Also, 10 seconds freeze time for a stab instead of the 7 seconds from before? insane.

4. Charged Snowball
Over the years, mechanics for a game can change. So is also the case with Snowman Survival, where the snowmen have a new way to throw their snowball. I miss the old ways. I know I sound like I cannot handle change (which is fair cuz for this stuff it is true), but it was sooo much better than the new system. Right now, you have one way to throw your snowball, which is right clicking it. It sends the snowball away in the same size and with the same speed. Before, you could hold right click to charge up. This would slow a player down, send the snowball with a higher velocity, make it travel more distance and make the size bigger. It obviously took time to throw it, making it rather inefficient, but the option was nice and came in handy a lot of times, by reaching places you normally can barely reach. I suggest adding this back. It was nice and worked perfectly.

Small QoL change: Make your snowball (or every snowball) glowing, so you know which of the snow blocks was yours and which just belonged to the map :D

5. Tracker Cooldown
This is a really small thing that annoys me a lot. There are two clear cooldown timers in your screen that help you during the game as a snowman. One is the game timer that shows you the time left during the game, showed in your right scoreboard and on the XP level bar. The second one is the Snowball reload timer, showing the time left for your snowball to return to your inventory. Both are great. The compass that allows you to track a survivor as first snowman should in my opinion also have a timer. This could be done by having a permanent bossbar in the top of the screen, but I think it would be nice to not remove the compass from the inventory at all, but just give it the reload effect that Minecraft has by default for when for example a shield was disabled by an axe hit. Small change, again with big impact for more experienced players. In addition, it would be nice to sort the scoreboard to actually show the order of when people were found, so you know who the first snowman is.

A lot of crying about nothing, but overall I think Snowman Survival, even though the game is really great and gives me the arcade feeling I really miss from CubeCraft, fell off quite a bit in comparison to previous years. I think the experience is less nice and could be enhanced, or the chance could be given to other very well executed seasonal games. Either way, I hope you are very happy spending a lot of time reading my yapping and getting answer to the question: what does Blommmmie think of Snowman Survival. Have a good one!


Novice Member
Dec 28, 2022
Snowman survival is a huge hype each Winter and somehow its always the same awesome feeling when playing it with friends


Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
As said, I never wanted to proof or ever even tried to claim that snowman survival is a bad game. In fact, I think it is a great game! I do however think that it has not been the same as two years ago, when the mechanics of the game felt better, as well as that having Snowman Survival means that other great games cannot be played, which I think is a shame as well.

I love the game, would love to see it permanently, but this is my thought on it being back for the third year in a row in the state that is has been addte


Forum Expert
Feb 23, 2020
Sweden ♡
Heyo! Amazing thread Blom, I love the time and energy you put down! I thought I would share what I think regarding what you brought up.

First of all - I don't really have anything to say regarding Snowman Survival returning every year instead of other games. Since Slime Survival is my favourite gamemode all time, I love seeing Snowman Survival making a return every year. However that is purily personal, and I don't really have an objective opinion regarding the matter.
2. Freeze Tag
Talking about repetitiveness in a game: this has been a massive issue with game design and player retainment over the years. I don't have the numbers, but to give you the logic of this argument: Carving Chaos will never be added back due to it. Ender was removed due to the lack in player count and the only way to play is by going through the same rooms to look for pages on the same places every time. Games like Pillars of Fortune reach a record number of players on Java because of its unpredictability. Similar, Lucky Islands outscores SkyWars in player counts for similar reasons. To prevent this from happening to Snowman Survival as well, I don't understand why the Freeze Tag gamemode from Slime Survival has not been ported over. I understand this not happening the first year, because the game was rather new. The second year was after Slime Survival has proved to be a success, including both of the gamemodes. Not adding it here seems strange as well. With the new framework, I don't think the team even remembers Freeze Tag was a thing back then...

To fresh up some minds: the goal of Snowman Survival is to infect players to be a snowman with you. Eventually, the lobby will fill up with more snowmen compared to survivors. You win the game by converting all the players or staying alive and safe from the snowmen, depending on which team you are in at that moment. Freeze Tag is a bit different. Instead of hybrid teams where you switch teams once you are converted, Freeze Tag will select multiple snowmen (idk what the player count is on bedrock per game, but for the 8 in Java it will probably be 2 snowmen). If a survivor gets hit, they will freeze in place, glow up for the teammates and are out of the game. You can however return those people back to the game by standing next to them for long enough. The goal is not to convert all the players to be snowman with you, but instead to eliminate all the players from the opposing team. Wonky explanation, so any questions, feel free to ask.

This type of gamemode allows completely different gameplay. Definitely within the winter theme, I think this gamemode within Snowman Survival would give more depth to the game as a whole and an additional reason to sell a rank for a voting option, which then would be good for the company. Obviously, I don't expect this to be the new main gamemode, but it would be nice to add this as voting option. I don't see a reason why not to since the game pretty much didn't change at all in the past 3 years (no massive additions or anything really).
I really love Freeze Tag and it would be so fun to see it making a return, however I don't know if it would be worth for Cube to really spend time and energy working on it. Snowman Survival is already a pretty popular seasonal game as you have mentioned, and I feel like even if this would be fun, there are more important projects they could spend their resources on.

The change that has been made here is that the power-ups first of all don't have a name tag anymore. This causes me, a player from the old guard, to get used to something that is not as intuitive as before. I love the new pictures and design btw, massive fan, but removing the name tags is a very unintuitive change which I simply don't get. The art is very hard to separate from a distance and the colours that were used to assist in separation are now gone, except for when the items spawn in the map.
I have a bit of mixed feelings regarding this. I see your point that it might be harder serparate the power-ups, however I feel like it was very easy when you could see the nametags through walls. The power-ups are already pretty op as they are, especially Decoy. Making so you can see name tags again makes it very easy to just camp and move out to get whichever power-up you want, instead of having to find them. But as I said, I have pretty mixed feelings so I wouldn't mind too much if nametags got readded.

Lastly I miss the Cage Trap power-up. I don't know if it was ever in the game, but it was good and now it is sadly gone.
Even though the Cage Trap was so much fun, I assume it could have been removed due to being harder to place while moving on phone etc. As it also pretty much serves the same purpose as the sword, it doesn't really matter too much that it was removed imo.

4. Charged Snowball
Over the years, mechanics for a game can change. So is also the case with Snowman Survival, where the snowmen have a new way to throw their snowball. I miss the old ways. I know I sound like I cannot handle change (which is fair cuz for this stuff it is true), but it was sooo much better than the new system. Right now, you have one way to throw your snowball, which is right clicking it. It sends the snowball away in the same size and with the same speed. Before, you could hold right click to charge up. This would slow a player down, send the snowball with a higher velocity, make it travel more distance and make the size bigger. It obviously took time to throw it, making it rather inefficient, but the option was nice and came in handy a lot of times, by reaching places you normally can barely reach. I suggest adding this back. It was nice and worked perfectly.
I'm not 100% sure about this, but I think it was changed to make it more consistent between platforms/and consoles. I'm not really that familiar with playing on phone etc. but I definitely think that the charging mechanism would be much harder, which would lead to even further skill gaps between consoles.

Small QoL change: Make your snowball (or every snowball) glowing, so you know which of the snow blocks was yours and which just belonged to the map :D
I love this idea, it can definitely be a bit confusing to find your snow block at times. I don't really think it would be hard or take much time to add either.

I want to end my post with mentioning again, I love the energy you put into this thread Blom. Hope these thoughts can give another perspective regarding these thoughts. In general- even though I love Snowman Survival and it's easily my favourite current gamemode, I don't really know if it is worth to spend resources on at the moments, as it already is a popular and very well working gamemode. But if CubeCraft decides to work on it, I really hope some of these ideas get implemented. :)
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