Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


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Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016
Simple suggestion,

With Cubecraft growing lately, a lot of bugs are appearing and lobbies are crashing quite frequently...
Cube is releasing a lot of amazing new stuff, which is awesome but in my opinions not what should be focussed on at the moment!
Fixing smaller bugs like, blocks disappearing, eat glitch, ...
And bigger stuff, like lobbies crashing when joining with larger parties or simply because they're full

As I'm just one of many players in the community, I'd like to see a community talk about this! But a bit different from the earlier...
Advertised on the server as a lot of the players that play it way more than the rest don't even know that these talks are held, and they're in my opinion more important voices than the players that play less often.

@Younisco, tagging you since you do the community talks and have always received great feedback from you on most things ♥️
@HackersDontWin, you know why 👀


Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2016
I don't think there needs to be a community talk about this. They are only bugs
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
I would definitely like something like this, but I just don't see it doing much. The Tower Defence talk was over 2 months ago and the Bedrock KB talk over 1 month ago and there's not been a single update or even glimpse of an update since then. They need to actually fufill the promises they made before making new ones


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
I would definitely like something like this, but I just don't see it doing much. The Tower Defence talk was over 2 months ago and the Bedrock KB talk over 1 month ago and there's not been a single update or even glimpse of an update since then. They need to actually fufill the promises they made before making new ones
I think it's unfair of you to assume Community Talks have no real impact. They are done for a reason and Younisco wouldn't go to such extents to promise updates they will never make. Updates take a lot of time to plan out and then develop. Damage Indicators came out a few months after they were announced and we had a community talk about it, if anything that just means they are taking a reasonable amount of time to make sure that the updates that they push out is what all of you want to see.

Instead of guessing there is no progress I would advice patience, these things can't be done so quickly!

About the suggestion, this seems pretty unnecessary. Bugs are bugs and there's nothing to discuss about them.


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
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Oct 17, 2016
I don't think there needs to be a community talk about this. They are only bugs
The few bugs I gave are bugs that are not "only bugs". Miss one gapple, you lose your game of Eggwars. Your block that disappears? You (could) die... Stairing away has become really hard for me as placing blocks directly under you is not possible 50% of the time (when not doing it after one and other).
The community talk is not only about fixing bugs but also finding out what the community what's for updates?
Do we want a lot of new games, or do we rather wait for new games and have the bugs fixed?
Also, lobbies crashing left and right is in no way just a bug...
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Forum Expert
Apr 10, 2020
The Land Of Pigs
The few bugs I gave are bugs that are not "only bugs". Miss one gapple, you lose your game of Eggwars. Your block that disappears? You (could) die... Stairing away has become really hard for me as placing blocks directly under you is not possible 50% of the time (when not doing it after one and other).
The community talk is not only about fixing bugs but also finding out what the community what's for updates?
Do we want a lot of new games, or do we rather wait for new games and have the bugs fixed?
Also, lobbies crashing left and right is in no way just a bug...
Yes, this ☝️


Bagel Maker
Jan 30, 2014
I would definitely like something like this, but I just don't see it doing much. The Tower Defence talk was over 2 months ago and the Bedrock KB talk over 1 month ago and there's not been a single update or even glimpse of an update since then. They need to actually fufill the promises they made before making new ones
Would have been nice to include the Community Talks that have been a success and followed through with.
Also worth noting that Tower Defense is by far the hardest game to do an update for on CubeCraft.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
I think it's unfair of you to assume Community Talks have no real impact. They are done for a reason and Younisco wouldn't go to such extents to promise updates they will never make. Updates take a lot of time to plan out and then develop. Damage Indicators came out a few months after they were announced and we had a community talk about it, if anything that just means they are taking a reasonable amount of time to make sure that the updates that they push out is what all of you want to see.

Instead of guessing there is no progress I would advice patience, these things can't be done so quickly!

About the suggestion, this seems pretty unnecessary. Bugs are bugs and there's nothing to discuss about them.
I did not say at any point that community talks have no real impact, I just said that there has been no information about the current talks, like there was with the damage indicators. The damage indicators talk we were given updates as to it's progress every couple of weeks. My message way not trying to say that they'll never happen and that cube is useless or whatever, but that if it takes time to do the updates from the talks then they should wait a bit before doing another one, rather than keep adding more and more topics and areas that they want to improve to the point that they can't do it. I completely understand that it takes time, and I'm not saying that cube should just be snapping out updates the day after the talks, if you think that I expect that of the server then you clearly don't know me and shouldn't be assuming the worst of me. All I'm saying is that cube should wait a little bit for their load to lighten from the previous talks as adding more stuff to the to-do list before the previous stuff is a good way through being implemented isn't a good idea.
Would have been nice to include the Community Talks that have been a success and followed through with.
Also worth noting that Tower Defense is by far the hardest game to do an update for on CubeCraft.
Just because I'm not praising cube as if it's a god every message I send, it does not mean I'm completely ignoring the amazing stuff that cube does and honestly if you think that then you really just assume the worst of me.

I never said that cube was evil, or awful or doesn't care about doing the community talks or updates. I never even implied that. As I said earlier in this message, I just don't want cube to overload themselves with work and from you telling me that "Tower Defense is by far the hardest game to do an update for" just proves my point that cube shouldn't be trying to doing lots of community talks while it still has stuff to do on previous talks. In fact, I literally said "I definitely want to see a talk on something like this". I admit, my wording could have been better but instantly going and assuming I'm doing nothing but aimlessly hating on cubecraft or that I'm on some crusade to do nothing but make cube seem bad is straight up toxic.


Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
blocks disappearing, eat glitch, ...
I just checked this in our bug tracker but both of these bugs aren’t logged, meaning that they either never got reported in the past few months or with insufficient evidence


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
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Oct 17, 2016
I just checked this in our bug tracker but both of these bugs aren’t logged, meaning that they either never got reported in the past few months or with insufficient evidence
I’ll report them both tomorrow :)
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Katsia Stray

Well-Known Member
May 18, 2020
I agree with this. It's not that simple to just say "eh it's a bug we dont need to discuss anything" but when we have solid bugs it's better to fix them than to add more games. Dont quote me to go completely against me I'm just saying


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
Hey Fesa! Thanks for the suggestion! 💙

I appreciate your concern about seeing bugs on our network - I understand that it diminishes the player experience, especially when severe bugs and issues are encountered, and it's something that happens all the time!

I personally feel like a Community Talk regarding the state of our server with bugs would be more destructive than constructive, and really won't have too much content, considering all we'd say is "Yes, we have bugs on the server, we are working to fix them as soon as they come up, but priorities for our developers are always shifting.". With bugs that you've listed, such as:
blocks disappearing, eat glitch
lobbies crashing when joining with larger parties or simply because they're full
We're aware of the growing number of cases of these occurring, and I understand how frustrating it is. We're working on fixing these issues, but they're often a lot more complex than it is on the surface.

Our bug-solving process is something that could be optimised and bettered, of course, however bugs will eventually stack up, and we're working on delegating bug-handling alongside the balance of server projects.

I'm interested - if I were to hold a community talk about this, what are you wanting to bring up? I would love to hold one, and I'm planning on holding one fairly soon regarding a certain game, however, any ideas are worth!
The Tower Defence talk was over 2 months ago and the Bedrock KB talk over 1 month ago and there's not been a single update or even glimpse of an update since then.
That's because I haven't told you guys about what's happening. 😉

Obviously, over the last couple of months, there has been a colossal shift of priorities on our server; growth has been massive and I'm super excited for the future of CubeCraft! However, as that happens, we need to keep our momentum going, and that tends to involve shifting our priorities away from the less-equitable projects. This means that we'll be focusing on polish updates - updates that patch problems in gameplay, help the balance, and potentially introduce some new mechanics!

When the Tower Defence talk took place, we wanted to start work on it relatively soon after one of our game devs finished their project. However, organisation and planning took a while. I'm happy to say that development should be starting, and as we've gathered a team of members representing the Tower Defence community, we hope for it to be an epic update for you all! As mentioned before, Tower Defence is one of the most difficult games to change, especially since there's been no update for 3 years, and so, metas have been established. We don't want to disrupt the established community, and we don't want to convolute the gamemode for new players.

As for the KB test, we're working on these also soon. More information soon!
The talk itself didn't have empty promises too - we released health indicators on Bedrock, and it seemed to have really positive feedback around the community! We hope to be acting on more of the things we have discussed in our community talks, but there's a limited amount I'm able to share.

Thanks for this thread! I love these debate-y threads - your feedback is super important to us, so seeing these threads that challenges us reminds me that our community truly does care about our server. I hope you're excited as I am! 💙 If you have any questions or anything that needs further clarification, let me know!


Forum Expert
Nov 21, 2016
1.8 big bugs like blockwars ctf had a game breaking bug for months ruining every game making the game 0 fun. Duels 1.8 stats not updating for months. 1.8 duels multipliers not working for months. Especially the blockwars bug since I loved to play that game before the bug.
I'm interested - if I were to hold a community talk about this, what are you wanting to bring up? I would love to hold one, and I'm planning on holding one fairly soon regarding a certain game, however, any ideas are worth!


Forum Professional
May 13, 2014
1.8 big bugs like blockwars ctf had a game breaking bug for months ruining every game making the game 0 fun. Duels 1.8 stats not updating for months. 1.8 duels multipliers not working for months. Especially the blockwars bug since I loved to play that game before the bug.
Like I've said - I feel like a call like that would just be me parroting all the time with "Yes, we're aware of this bug" or "No, we're not aware of this bug". If we are aware and it hasn't been fixed, I'm really sorry, but we always have shifting priorities around. They aren't neglected, but things are often changing in priority to suit the severity and scale of an issue. I.E. If we have a problem of crashing lobbies on both Java and Bedrock, this would be put in front of a bug that has affected one player and no one else. Hope you understand where I'm coming from with this!


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
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Oct 17, 2016
Let me start of by saying that I highly appreciate you taking the time to write out a detailed reply! 💙
Our bug-solving process is something that could be optimised and bettered, of course, however bugs will eventually stack up, and we're working on delegating bug-handling alongside the balance of server projects.
As, having done bug reports myself while I was a moderator, this is amazing to hear!! I'm honestly really happy, it's worked at!

I do have to agree that a talk about all the bugs would be rather useless and as you said, you reported the same thing over and over again :)

I've since come to the idea that a talk might not be the best thing after all, as you asked for:
I'm interested - if I were to hold a community talk about this, what are you wanting to bring up? I would love to hold one, and I'm planning on holding one fairly soon regarding a certain game, however, any ideas are worth!
I'm not sure how I would hold it about bugs. But I had a more general concept in mind, initially for the call. I just read that Cubecraft is bringing out a new game! Which, is amazing I like the new game although it being slowed pace, the mechanics are awesome and something different from the rest :D I'm really excited for yet another brand-new game!!
But, and this is quite a big but for me, I'm not sure if bringing out new games is what Cubecraft should be focusing on. And I'm saying focusing as, it should still be worked at, but not the primary goal. I'm not going to spell out what Cubecraft should be focusing on as again, I'm just one in many.
You also said this:
updates that patch problems in gameplay, help the balance, and potentially introduce some new mechanics!
Which is, again (WOW), amazing news to hear!! And, at least for me, something important. Perhaps more important than a new game :P

While, Cubecraft has been releasing updates that are amazing and at the looks at is going to release brilliant updates! I do believe the updates should be inline with what the community wants. A talk, as you said, is maybe not the best idea... perhaps a thread as with the damage indicators showing a few options as to what Cubecraft is whiling to focus on that the community can vote on. Give feedback on and so forth.
May I once more out that the community for me is everyone that plays. A few servers wide announcements with a link to thread would be great, such that everyone (and especially the players that play more often) can give their vote and let their voices be heard.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2017
The Netherlands
While, Cubecraft has been releasing updates that are amazing and at the looks at is going to release brilliant updates! I do believe the updates should be inline with what the community wants. A talk, as you said, is maybe not the best idea... perhaps a thread as with the damage indicators showing a few options as to what Cubecraft is whiling to focus on that the community can vote on. Give feedback on and so forth.
May I once more out that the community for me is everyone that plays. A few servers wide announcements with a link to thread would be great, such that everyone (and especially the players that play more often) can give their vote and let their voices be heard.
i dont think letting the community decide would work in a fair way. a massive part plays eggwars and stuff, and TD is ignored by most. by this, TD would never get a priority. of course you can come up with limited options between games that arent played too much, but feedback on TD cant be done by people who simply dont know the game.
when it comes to comparing games like skywars with lucky islands, which are both quite big games, i think this still wouldnt work too great when letting the community decide. yes a lot of people want changes, but then there's the discussion of what should change.
i think the server has added a lot of new games lately, but needs to fix a lot of things before adding more. the daily complaining about the same bug over and over... should be the main goal in my opinion.

a community talk about the server in general would be useful maybe. not just bugs or updates on games, but on how to improve the server itself. maybe how to involve the players more?
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