Hey there! What is your favourite minigame? Mine is Skywars :)
Skywars or Blockwars Bridges, I used to play Battle Arena loads but I am targeted, mobbed up and killed whenever I play now :(Hey there! What is your favourite minigame? Mine is Skywars :)
Skyblock is not a minigame but is super funSkyblock is my absolute favourite. I also really enjoy Lucky Islands, Blockwars Bridges and Skywars.
So true! And that's why I way better at Lucky Islands than SkywarsFor me, it's definitely Lucky Islands! It can be really chaotic sometimes, but that is what makes it fun in my opinion. PVP skills also aren't really necessary since there are lots of ways to kill people. (:
Skywars ofc. It's pretty fun to learn new tactics and move everyday and raging and crying after getting bullied by a guy who's obviously is 600 quintillion+ times better than me.Hey there! What is your favourite minigame? Mine is Skywars :)
1-FFA is pretty fun (except with targetters(stop pls)),Hey there! What is your favourite minigame? Mine is Skywars :)