I understand this has been brought up several times, but I truly believe that its unfair to disallow double clicking or drag clicking. In the rules is states that drag clicking or double clicking will result in a cheating ban, when it is not cheating. People cant help if there mouse double clicks or not, yes some mice are built to double click, but overtime standard office mice will end up double clicking after a lot of use, same goes for really cheap mice. Now I found this post: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/drag-clicking.288645/ which appears to be the post that sparked the rule against all of this, the argument in here "not all mice can do it, so why should it be allowed?" is fair and true, yes not all mice can do it, but thats the same as saying "high FPS computers should be disallowed because not all computers are capable" or "people with low ping should be kicked because not everybody has good wifi" these may be stupid arguments but its the same thing. Not everyone can jitter click, not everyone can butterfly, and not everyone can drag click, yet its still disallowed. All mice are capable of drag clicking, just some mice register them differently. Also there is no really good way to prove one drag clicking and double clicking when a lot of people and mice are capable of clicking high cps without drag clicking or double clicking, this concerns me because it could result in false bans. Have a nice day!