Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
As many of you already know this but a couple weeks ago, the staff on cubecraft re-added an old rule on the discord removing the ability to report users that are using hacked clients. There reason behind removing it was

(We are no longer accepting reports through #staff-help unless you are a bedrock user. This has been a rule in #cubecraft for a long time, but was not being enforced as we wanted to be able to provide you guys this extra service. Due to abuse/spam, this has been revoked. Thank you for understanding)

Which is completely understandable. I do agree a lot of the users would mass spam staff in tags to get them to reply to there message to go into game and ban the user who is cheating. So i understand why they needed to remove this from the discord.

The main problem with having that feature removed though is the users hacking/cheating has skyrocketed. Cubecraft is kinda like a safe space for cheaters. Cube has always had a problem with cheaters. And i think that there anti cheat is one of the worsts there is for an mainstream server. But the one good thing about cube is that you are able to report on there website. And here is where i (think) or at least its the reason im upset.

The report page takes way too long for your report to go through. By the time your report even gets looked the hacker has already been playing for a few hours and or has already been banned by sentinel. so your report gets denied and you just wasted 10 to 20 minutes of your time recording/editing/uploading/reporting. so a lot of people just don't report anymore because they know its going to get denied.

Here are some ways i think we could fix this system.
1. The first and one of the more easy ones. Just hire more staff. Mods and Admins always complain in the discord that they are understaffed. Simple fix, Hire more staff. They have been complaining about this for over a year now. And i see in discord/forums all the time of people being very helpful and kind to other players helping them with issues. maybe lower your standards a little bit and hire some more people.

2. If the user gets banned by sentinel dont have the report be denied. It always feels like a spit to the face when you put lots of time and effort into a report just to have it denied because the user was already banned because your report took over a day or two to get a reply. The evidence should be added on top of the report to make the user 1. Be banned longer 2. when the user goes into discord saying (IT WAS LAG I NO HACK!) and 3. It will make it feel like the report i just made was not made for nothing. it will show that you guys really do care about us who report and respect that we take time out of our day to try to help make this server a better place.

I honestly do love cubecraft even with the mass amount of hackers, crazy lag spikes, removing favorite games of ours. and everything. i know cubecraft gets a lot of smack for the choices they make (some deserved some not) but i do love this server and i hope a lot of this stuff can get fixed.

Also sorry if i spell things wrong and or some things don't make sense im illiterate
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BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
Simple fix, Hire more staff.
Far easier said than done. No. Hiring more staff may create chaos. But I do agree in some cases they need to hire some people that deserved it. I had several staff asking me to apply. I also speak Arabic. I don't know why I wasn't accepted.
2. when the user goes into discord saying (IT WAS LAG I NO HACK!)
I honestly love this idea. It saves LoonyRules time from checking their appeal, having video proof of them 100% cheating would save a lot of time for Loony (imo).

I'd like to add one thing. PLEASE accept reports through Discord for Assassinations and FFA. A hacker can make far more damage in there than in any other minigame. Assassinations is already a hacker infested mode anyway. Don't make it worse.


Forum Veteran
Nov 15, 2016
I'd like to add one thing. PLEASE accept reports through Discord for Assassinations and FFA. A hacker can make far more damage in there than in any other minigame. Assassinations is already a hacker infested mode anyway. Don't make it worse.

Personally I think that if reports are going to be accepted again in the staff help channel, it should be for all game modes, not just FFA and Assassinations
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BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
Personally I think that if reports are going to be accepted again in the staff help channel, it should be for all game modes, not just FFA and Assassinations
I don't think you understand my point quite clearly, if you're not going to allow reports, allow them for those game modes. Hackers have a massive influence on those. They can hack for hours at a time in one server. It lessens the abuse and spam at the very least. I wouldn't say no to accepting it to all gamemodes again, but it'll generate the same amount of spam, unless you find a proper solution to deal with said spam.


Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2015
Well I agree on you, except like @BringMeTheHorizon said by just hiring more staff will not fix the problem. There is a reason why the process to become a staff member is so long and difficult because they want the best man/women for the job. Also the discord reports, I don’t think we will see that come back soon. They removed it for a reason.

Also like in assassination, a couple of players always tell me to apply for staff because I am pretty long online and always record the hackers. Plus they see me as a friendly face. I made 75 hacker reports on 1 week. And only 35 were accepted by the reason that the others were denied because that they were already banned.

I do have a small suggestion for the staff team. Make the ingame reports from a plus rank to count with the reports on the website. So if you want to go for the team you can use the ingame report more. What I now usually do is report ingame and on the website, so the cheater has a higher chance to get banned faster. But when the ingame report get viewed first, well yea that’s another denied on the website.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
Well I agree on you, except like @BringMeTheHorizon said by just hiring more staff will not fix the problem. There is a reason why the process to become a staff member is so long and difficult because they want the best man/women for the job.

Yeah i do understand now that hiring more people is not super easy to do. but its just the fact that they have been understaffed for over a year now. i just think they need to try to get more people on the team. i see lots and lots of people on discord and on the forums who seems fairly qualified, I think they should maybe seek out players who are really active in discord/forums and interview them, and try to get some more people on the team. it would not only help us the community but the staff as well, so they dont have such a big work load having to deal with over. There is only 1 Admin and 12 mods (which out of the 12 most of them are not active)

the discord reports, I don’t think we will see that come back soon. They removed it for a reason.

Yeah i completely agree with you here. i highly doubt that, that the report feature is coming back to discord.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
I tried to break up the chat with the lines being fancy and it completely failed lmao (Fixed my mistake)
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Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2015
Yeah i do understand now that hiring more people is not super easy to do. but its just the fact that they have been understaffed for over a year now. i just think they need to try to get more people on the team. i see lots and lots of people on discord and on the forums who seems fairly qualified, I think they should maybe seek out players who are really active in discord/forums and interview them, and try to get some more people on the team. it would not only help us the community but the staff as well, so they dont have such a big work load having to deal with over. There is only 1 Admin and 12 mods (which out of the 12 most of them are not active)

Okey, but if these players don’t really reported a hacker, then the staff team can’t be sure if he/her is qualified enough to handle hackers. That’s why you need the requirements of 100+ successful reports. Everything has his reason.

What they can do is lower the requirements of like the reports, but the messages is a must. They need staff that know how the forums works. So they can help others if they need help. It isn’t just discord and forums only that is important.

My opinion is to keep it as it is. Because if you want to become a helper you need to work for it. If you are motivated for the job, then you will get there. I have a feeling that the staff recruitment team prefers a player that maybe isn’t that good as some of the other applicants but has a huge motivation and works hard for it.

My advice for players who wants to become a staff member, if you aren’t passionate about it, don’t go for it then. I have been a staff member on an other server where I helped sometimes with the recruitment team. So I know what I am saying.
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Dedicated Member
Jan 10, 2018
BringMeTheHorizon said:
I had several staff asking me to apply. I also speak Arabic. I don't know why I wasn't accepted.

The fact that you post this comment is probably a reason why you weren't accepted.

It shows that you are unable to find faults in yourself in order to improve. No human is perfect and an good staff member would accept that and understand that they too also sometimes make mistakes.

BringMeTheHorizon ♠

Forum Expert
Mar 29, 2017
United Stairs of America
You can learn from your mistakes and if you really want to become a staff member you should put more effort in becoming one, then just say I got denied.

I don’t think you reapplied? @BringMeTheHorizon
lol no I quit minecraft by the time my last application was denied, still don't understand why was I denied back then tbh. Got denied 3 times, without a proper reasoning as to why I got denied, it's hard to improve, really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
now idc I don't even play the game anymore xd

The fact that you post this comment is probably a reason why you weren't accepted.

It shows that you are unable to find faults in yourself in order to improve. No human is perfect and an good staff member would accept that and understand that they too also sometimes make mistakes.

I do understand I've probably made mistakes but I was basically (I'd like to believe) very good at a lot of fields, like flawlessly catching hackers and having a lot of knowledge about both the game and the server, plus my activity back then was literally 7~ hours a day. If it was because of my childish past then I'd understand, but it's something I cannot fix nor undo. I'm happy I wasn't accepted tbh tho it looks like a hell hole the more I'm being told about it

*I haven't reapplied in about since Animal's promotion days, no, I don't care anymore


Forum Expert
Jan 28, 2015
lol no I quit minecraft by the time my last application was denied, still don't understand why was I denied back then tbh. Got denied 3 times, without a proper reasoning as to why I got denied, it's hard to improve, really. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
now idc I don't even play the game anymore xd

When was your last apply? And didn't they say what wasn't good about your apply if you asked kind? I would love to hear what my improvement points are.


Dedicated Member
Feb 25, 2017
Which is completely understandable. I do agree a lot of the users would mass spam staff in tags to get them to reply to there message to go into game and ban the user who is cheating. So i understand why they needed to remove this from the discord.
I can't exactly remember where I read it or who the thread was by (I believe it was @Livvv), but there was originally a thread trying to fix this problem. It was sort of an idea to make the #staff-help section more organized by adding an original staff help channel, a place where players could ask questions, and then the suggestion was to add an in-game kind of reporting channel, where players could simply write down a username, what hacks they were using, and where they were located. Personally, I like that idea a lot. It would limit (Potentially) the mass tagging of staff and would help revoke a lot of the abuse that the staff claim they are getting.
The report page takes way too long for your report to go through. By the time your report even gets looked the hacker has already been playing for a few hours and or has already been banned by sentinel. so your report gets denied and you just wasted 10 to 20 minutes of your time recording/editing/uploading/reporting. so a lot of people just don't report anymore because they know its going to get denied.
I can completely agree with this. Sentinel is extremely faulty and staff take too long to respond to website reports. Now, bashing staff is not what I'm trying to do. They have their own lives and are busy. But for a large server like Cube Craft, staff should be a lot more active than they are right now.
1. The first and one of the more easy ones. Just hire more staff. Mods and Admins always complain in the discord that they are understaffed. Simple fix, Hire more staff. They have been complaining about this for over a year now. And i see in discord/forums all the time of people being very helpful and kind to other players helping them with issues. maybe lower your standards a little bit and hire some more people.
Hiring staff is a good idea, but it is difficult. There are few players who meet the requirements and even fewer who apply. Cube Craft is, in my opinion, extremely understaffed. That is one of their "main" problems. A lot of the staff are rarely active on Cube Craft. Some people may disagree, the common statement being that they do behind-the-scenes work (Which may be true), but I believe a "good" staff member should be as active as they can be, meaning they play on the server, interact with players, reply to threads, and handle reports.
2. If the user gets banned by sentinel dont have the report be denied. It always feels like a spit to the face when you put lots of time and effort into a report just to have it denied because the user was already banned because your report took over a day or two to get a reply. The evidence should be added on top of the report to make the user 1. Be banned longer 2. when the user goes into discord saying (IT WAS LAG I NO HACK!) and 3. It will make it feel like the report i just made was not made for nothing. it will show that you guys really do care about us who report and respect that we take time out of our day to try to help make this server a better place.
I wouldn't say this is necessarily a fix for the entire discord situation, but I do agree, it is quite annoying to see Sentinel had already banned the hacker (After hours) two days later.

Going back to my main statement, I believe enforcing the entire "you cannot report hackers on discord" statement should be invalidated. Adding a separate server for people to "report" hackers would be, in my opinion, a lot easier than having removed it altogether. Staff members seem to be online on Discord more than the servers. Catching hackers in the act, instead of waiting for Sentinel or a player report, is a lot more professional and allows you time to actually get online and help out the server. Separating the channel and adding another for this specific task would be rather exceptional since a lot of players seem to be upset about the entire accord.
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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
I honestly hope that number 2 gets added. because yet again, i make a report. 6 hours later its denied because the user has already been banned. just would be nice if they could stack evidence onto a sentinel ban. I ran into another hacker in solo eggwars in the last game i played and i did not even bother to report. its just going to get denied anyways why waste my time. just always feels like a spit to the face when you spend time recording/making the report just to have it denied. also to add to the post. ever since they removed the reporting feature in discord, it feels like hackers have sky rocked. FFA has always been bad. usually 4 to 5 hackers in every lobby no matter what. but now its almost every game i play in eggwars. someone flys out of there cage, and breaks our egg in seconds and uses kill aura to kill everyone. Right now at this state i feel like the server is almost unplayable. From the mass amount of lag spikes, too the hackers. Cubecraft is just not fun anymore.

I quit for a good 5 months in the past when they removed minerware. and now i feel like quiting again. the amount of hackers has gotten out of control. I used to take joy into making reports as well. and now it honestly feels pointless. I know nothing will change with cubecraft. The anti cheat will always be mediocre, The crew will always been understaffed. I really dont know what im trying to get at here lol. I just hoping for change. Change for how the report features work. change for having more staff and change to improve the anti cheat. I know its not easy to make a good anti cheat but it feels like this server is the complete worst for hackers. out off all the main severs that have a big player count like cubecraft (most of them have more then cube but you know what i mean) I feel like this server is the worst for there anti cheat. And im not bashing on staff here just to say. i feel like they do a fantastic job at what they do. its just the main people who run the server i feel like they are slowing trying to bring it to the ground.

Sorry for the rant and most likely half of this wont make sense lol.
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Forum Professional
Jul 2, 2015
The first and one of the more easy ones. Just hire more staff.
This is not easy as it looks like. There's a lot more going on then you'd think to become a staff member. You can't just accept people because they need more moderators. What would be another option is that the Helper rank changes. It's more used as a rank inbetween Member and Moderator or at least, that's what I'd experienced when I was a helper. Helpers rarely get demoted to member and I think that needs to change a bit. Accept more people, make sure that being a Helper is for testing if someone is qualified for Moderator and demote if there have been any doubts.

A lot of the staff are rarely active on Cube Craft.
Fully agree on this. Not going into details but there are still staff members that have rarely participated to anything when I was a staff member and probably haven't changed this past year. Majority of the inactive staff members are gone but not everyone. That's why making Animaltamer admin has been one of their best choices as she is/was the most active staff member.

The evidence should be added on top of the report
I really like this idea. Sometimes players get punished in game by a moderator/sentinel and majority of the time nothing has been recorded. Adding evidence from a member to the report makes it without a doubt easy to see that the punishment is right.

What they can do is lower the requirements of like the reports,
Don't really think that would be a good idea. Being a Moderator is mostly about recognizing if someone is breaking the rules. The more reports, the more experience. It was already difficult for me while I had done about 600-700 or more reports.

*I haven't reapplied in about since Animal's promotion days, no, I don't care anymore
You should reapply though. The way applications get accepted have probably been changed a lot since Animal got admin. Or else I'll go cry in a corner.
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