These are actually some interesting ideas, before anyone shuts them down. Let me elaborate and then give some points of feedback.
A lot of people will probably start screaming like "oh, but VIP XP is only for those who spent money, why make it free?" Let's first state that getting a 100 winstreak is not easy. Sure, with a tryhard party, it is definitely possible, but it is not easy. I feel like there is a way to balance it out, and that way even with F2P you can still unlock some of the goodies that are normally locked behind a paywall. This will require some re-ordening and re-designing how VIP XP works, but it is not impossible and the results could be plausible.
Secondly, rewarding players more for a winstreak is also not an uncommon idea. It is also done in games from other big companies, such as Supercell's Brawl Stars, but also if you look at the real world games, namely bowling, where you get double points after a spare or strike. This would also require some designing and there should definitely be a cap for how much you can be rewarded for a winstreak, as a big winstreak should not give a player full levels, but if we look at a slight increase of 10% per win if your winstreak is above 10 or smth, that could be great!
The first point makes me think a lot of achievements we have on Java, which also rewards you with Cubelets, points and XP for achievements similar to the one you mentioned above. If that update is still on the backlogs somewhere, this might be a good adjustment/addition to that suggestion.
Then the feedback: First off, how do you get winstreaks in skyblock? I don't see how that would work. Additionally I believe the other two games you mentioned already have the winstreak statistic, but I could be wrong (Java player

Secondly I disagree with the idea of getting additional rewards for EACH 100 streak you have, as that would only cause big parties to farm all the VIP XP needed, which would cause a huge problem with the financial situation of CubeCraft. Sure, some more F2P rewards would be great, but the company needs to run.
Overall, I agree with your suggestion and I hope people can see past the short explanation and see the greater idea of it!