Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Do you like the idea of a Cubecraft leveling system like the one below?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2017
You know that fancy XP Bar at the bottom of your screen. It shows you your level. You raise your level by earning experience.
As far as I'm aware of, there is no reward for leveling up. So let's create one.

It doesn't have to be over the top.... unless if your like lvl 100

Alright, lemme give you an example of what I would like. Every once in a while, give em a gadget or some points or a cubelet, ya know. Make playing on Cubecraft for 8 hours a day worth while. Also, if you have a rank, you get a little bonus.
RB - Rank Bonus
RED - points
ORANGE - loot points
GREEN - gadget
AQUA - cage
BLUE - cubelet
PINK - hat
PURPLE - miniature


Level 1 - 100 points
Level 2 - 50 loot points
Level 3 - Earth Hat
Level 4 - Snowball gadget RB - + Winter Wardrobe + Winter Sheild
Level 5 - 100 loot points 1 common cubelet
Level 6 - Nothing
Level 7 - Nothing
Level 8 - 250 points Grassy Cage RB - + Grassland Sheild
Level 9 - Nothing
Level 10 - 250 loot points 2 common cubelets Durpy Baby miniature RB - +1 common cubelet
Level 11 - Nothing
Level 12 - Nothing
Level 13 - Nothing
Level 14 - 500 points Fireball Cage
Level 15 - 1 super cubelet
Level 20 - Firework gadget 1 super cubelet RB - +1 super cubelet + Firework Wardrobe
Level 25 - 500 loot points 3 common cubelets
Level 30 - 8 Ball Hat 750 points RB - +250 points + 8 ball Sheild
Level 35 - 1 super cubelet
Level 40 - 1000 points 500 loot points RB - + 1 super cubelet
Level 45 - Meteor gadget RB - + Space Wardrobe + Alien Miniature
Level 50 - 1000 points 500 loot points 1 uber cubelet EPIC Cubecraft 50 Cage RB - + 1 uber cubelet
Level 60 - 1000 points 2 super cubelets RB - + 1 super cubelet + 500 points
Level 70 - 500 loot points 2 super cubelets RB - +1 super cubelet + 1000 loot points
Level 80 - Rainbow Hat Rainbow Cat gadget 1500 points 3 super cubelets RB - + 1 uber cubelet
Level 90 - 1000 loot points EPIC Dragon Hat Super Jump gadget 1500 points 2 uber cubelets RB - + Fire Sheild
Level 100 - 2500 loot points 3000 points 5 uber cubelets LEGENDARY Cubecraft 100 Cage Titan miniature
RB - + 500 loot points + 1000 points + 1 uber cubelet + Cubecraft Legend Shield + Titan Wardrobe
Level 125 - 3000 loot points 4000 points 10 super cubelets Candy Land Gadget Cotton Candy Cage
RB - + 10 super cubelets + Candy Sheild + Candy Wardrobe + Willy Wonka Miniature
Level 150 - 5000 loot points 10000 points 10 uber cubelets Overlord miniature LEGENDARY Overlord Wardrobe
RB - + 1000 loot points + 2500 points + 5 uber cubelets + Overlord Cage + Cubecraft Flames Shield

Now obviously there are some items in there that aren't real, so you'll have to use your creative minds to picture what they would look like. If you have a rank, you get everything PLUS what the bold text says. If you don't have a rank, you don't get what the bold text says. I hope you get the idea of this. It would take a ton of time to make happen, so don't rush it.

As you can tell, every ten levels or so has a theme to it. Level 125 has a candy theme, Level 45 has a space theme, and if you're above 150 you pretty much get all the cool stuff.

This was only meant to start up ideas for the Cubecraft leveling system, so if you have any, maybe create a thread over it. This is my idea.

Godbless - CamBam300


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