Before we start, big shout-out to @t0xii for helping with this thread. 
Hello! After some thinking we've come to the conclusion that CubeCraft needs major improvement in how to gain experience (XP).
Currently, the only ways you get XP is by;
• Winning games (Varies from 10XP to 250XP)
• Getting eliminated (Gives 5XP)
• Saying "gg" (Gives 1XP) after you get eliminated.
• Getting a kill in FFA (1 XP)
• Defeating bosses in seasonal events (e.g. Killing the Evil Bunny which gave 250XP)
The suggestion that we are making is that there should be more ways to gain XP in different scenarios.
Here are a few ways that you could gain extra experience:
• Breaking an egg in EggWars (Gives 3 XP)
• Eliminating a player in any game (Gives 1XP)
• Capturing a flag/pit in BlockWars (Gives 1XP)
• Completing a parkour level (Gives 1XP)
Any more suggestions please reply below and we'll add :)
We understand that this isn't a game breaking change, but we believe it'll be for the good. Giving players extra ways to gain XP during the game while trying to win!
We hope you like this suggestion, as mentioned above, this isn't a major change, but we believe it'll be good to implement :)
If you disagree with anything that we've suggested, please let us know below :D
If you agree with us, please react with
; vice versa with 
Dammnnn thanks for the support on this :) 20+ agrees in under 20 mins!
And 50 in under a day :O

Hello! After some thinking we've come to the conclusion that CubeCraft needs major improvement in how to gain experience (XP).
Currently, the only ways you get XP is by;
• Winning games (Varies from 10XP to 250XP)
• Getting eliminated (Gives 5XP)
• Saying "gg" (Gives 1XP) after you get eliminated.
• Getting a kill in FFA (1 XP)
• Defeating bosses in seasonal events (e.g. Killing the Evil Bunny which gave 250XP)
The suggestion that we are making is that there should be more ways to gain XP in different scenarios.
Here are a few ways that you could gain extra experience:
• Breaking an egg in EggWars (Gives 3 XP)
• Eliminating a player in any game (Gives 1XP)
• Capturing a flag/pit in BlockWars (Gives 1XP)
• Completing a parkour level (Gives 1XP)
Any more suggestions please reply below and we'll add :)
We understand that this isn't a game breaking change, but we believe it'll be for the good. Giving players extra ways to gain XP during the game while trying to win!
We hope you like this suggestion, as mentioned above, this isn't a major change, but we believe it'll be good to implement :)
If you disagree with anything that we've suggested, please let us know below :D
If you agree with us, please react with

Dammnnn thanks for the support on this :) 20+ agrees in under 20 mins!
And 50 in under a day :O
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