I saw THIS thread and THIS and immediately thought playing for so long must definitely be a health hazard... many people have undergone serious health repercussions for playing videogames for a very extended period of time without consistent breaks. I believe it would be responsible for CubeCraft to encourage their users (especially their youngest ones!) to take breaks from the game every once in a while, for the sake of their good health.
@komododragon2002 mentioned this in a thread but it never really received a response and its been inactive for a while now. However I do think it could be a potentially life saving addition to both networks. Maybe a message like the one Nintendo uses "You've been playing for a while. Why don't you take a break?" every hour or two could definitely be benefitial!
Now some people might say a message is just an annoyance, and most players will likely not even pay attention to it... that's true! But it is the least that I imagine could be done to try and prevent people from playing for dangerous periods of time without a break. Any alternatives to a chat message might be too intrusive, not sure. Either way, the intention is what matters, after seriously long playing periods users might actually pay attention to the message, and take a very necessary break!
How Supercell implemented this measure, in their hit game "Clash of Clans"
@komododragon2002 mentioned this in a thread but it never really received a response and its been inactive for a while now. However I do think it could be a potentially life saving addition to both networks. Maybe a message like the one Nintendo uses "You've been playing for a while. Why don't you take a break?" every hour or two could definitely be benefitial!
Now some people might say a message is just an annoyance, and most players will likely not even pay attention to it... that's true! But it is the least that I imagine could be done to try and prevent people from playing for dangerous periods of time without a break. Any alternatives to a chat message might be too intrusive, not sure. Either way, the intention is what matters, after seriously long playing periods users might actually pay attention to the message, and take a very necessary break!
How Supercell implemented this measure, in their hit game "Clash of Clans"