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Hey Bedrock CubeCrafters!

Survival Games has been given an update with a new map, supply drops, new chest items, rank refresh & more. Read below to learn more!

☄️ New Map - Space


One giant heap for SG kind...

🪂 Supply Drops!

Need a little support when playing? We've got you! - Introducing Supply Drops for SG. They will spawn every 45 seconds within the arena, located using gold markers. Follow the marker, then loot the supply crate!

Supply Drop

🛍️ Rank Refresh!

The Survival Games rank has been given a polish. With all gravestones redesigned and retextured, and the biggest change, the kill effects have been revamped with the addition of a new one! - Check them out.


Survival Games Rank

Revamp Explosion Kill Effect
Hello CubeCrafters!

It's time for a new cosmetic bundle, which also means new maps! 🎉

🌈 RGB Bundle!

Check out our latest cosmetic bundle, themed around RGB! - Filled with over 10 items!

RGB Bundle!

🗺️ RGB - Lucky Islands Teams of 4 Map!


🌈 Giveaway

We will be hosting a giveaway on our Discord. We will select 3 lucky winners to obtain this awesome new bundle!


We all hope that enjoy these epic RGB cosmetics and have fun playing on the new maps! :D

Sometimes maps can feel stale after playing them over and over again... introducing MAP ROTATIONS!

We will aim to rotate Java maps every 3 months. We will implement some new ones and bring back some old ones. If one of your favourite maps was removed in this rotation, it could make a return the next rotation!

Rotations are a very manual process at the moment, but I would love them to be more automated in future! This would allow us to bring the concept to Bedrock.


Map Rotations post copy.jpg

Introducing new maps

These were all made in a couple of days for fun. We wanted to experiment with a 6 vs 6 map on EggWars! However, if it is repeatedly and consistently used for win farming, it ruins the fun for new players, so please keep that in mind when playing CubeCraft. We want to bring more players to our server (I'm looking at you sweaty tryhards 👀)

🌋 Volcanic - EggWars [6]

I lava pun

🎋 Jungle - SkyWars

the rocks favourite movie theme

😮 Clickbait - Lucky Islands


push the red button... do it

Are these maps coming to Bedrock?

Some will yes! We will be launching a network-wide map update in the next couple of weeks (fingers crossed). You can view the community page for teases and keep up to date with what the team is doing.

Inspo for doing the update - @Alexp192 and this post by @_EliteDavy

Cheers and hf!
Hello Bedrock CubeCrafters!

As promised in our last MinerWare update news post, we're here to add back 10 microgame classics to MinerWare, plus a NEW Boss game!

Void Hunters - Boss Game

Hunters - Catch all the monsters!
Monsters - Survive the timer, or eliminate all hunters!

Dodge Lasers

Avoid touching the lasers!

Stepping Stones

Jump from stone to stone and get to the end!

Chicken Shooter

Shoot chickens to get points - But avoid the parrots!

Balance Beam

Cross the balance beam and avoid getting shot off!

Feed Blobbo

Collect feed and throw it into the pit for Blobbo to eat!

Deliver Nuggets

Kill zombies, earn gold nuggets, then deliver them to the villager!

Here are the other Microgames we've added:
  • Hatch Eggs​
  • Keep Moving​
  • Dress Like Mannequins​
  • Grab Flower​

Once again, we hope you enjoy these new MinerWare additions! - Have fun
Hello Bedrock CubeCrafters!

As mentioned in a recent news post, we've been wanting to refresh our existing server content offers, now is that time!

Below you'll see the before (left) and after (right) of the refreshes. All of them are live on our Bedrock network now, and if you already own the content, you'll have the new looks!

Food - Buddy Pack

Emoji - Buddy Pack

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This is YOUR daily dose of facts #48-
In 2013, a two-year-old Bernese Mountain Dog named Bella saved her injured owner, Chris Laroque, from a burning house in Canada.
Mintypie231 wrote on JellyFish01's profile.
Happy birthday!! 🎈 🎂
AnolTongi wrote on Hoshi's profile.
New Interview video out in some hours:D All feedback are welcomed so I can improve future interviews!
Vorealys wrote on Loskol's profile.
Why don't I see you as much on cube anymore? Did you find new adventures?

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