Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

sky wars

  1. Traincar100

    Bedrock Sky wars/Egg wars- fights

    I think that if you have a sword in your hand you can’t open up chests or shops because it is annoying when it happens in Sky wars/Egg wars because it interrupts your fight.
  2. DreamFudge

    Builds Sonic SkyWars

    Sonic SkyWars
  3. iTrqZe

    I want to see cube craft players statistics

    Mine in solo skywars: Wins: 1585 Kills: 10147 Deaths: 3237 Games played: 4720 Time played: 6 days and 12 mins I would like to see cubecraft players statistics No hate at all I will respected all of your statistics 💛
  4. M

    Bedrock Fix joining with a party for chaos mode

    Currently if you have lvl 1 VIP which I have you can join sky wars chaos mode and bring your friends with you if you're in a party even if they don't have VIP this is great but i can only bring two other people in to the game even though the game is 4 player all Vs all it should be made so this...
  5. DylanTheCrawlr

    Bedrock Hackers

    Hey I’d like to report the player SmokeySpark243 for using fly hacks in sky wars. I’ve found an enormous amount of hackers on bedrock edition and I think there needs to be more action in banning them. I think some public players should have the control to report a player in game. I think some...
  6. maflenoo

    All Networks NEW Skywars Kits

    Hello cubecrafters :D I hope you are all good and safe <3 Today I have a new amazing suggestion It is about adding new skywars kits Now, I will telll you the kit name with details : 1.No cleaners or Strongman : - You start the game with drinkable strength potion for 30 seconds or you take 5...
  7. YahirplaysMC123

    Why do people hide

    Im not talking about the people who block themselves up after a fight to not die. Im not talking about trapers. Im not talking about people who take 7 years to take loot. In talking about people people who take all their stuff and just block themselves up on their island and NEVER come out until...
  8. NINJAT0M789

    Bedrock SkyWars Projectile Kit

    I think a sky wars kit that comes with projectiles would be very useful. E.G 8 snowballs and 8 eggs
  9. YahirplaysMC123

    What do you think about bow-spamming

    Im just wondering about how you guys think about bowspamming. i personally am fine with it, since if used correctly could be a good strat. But when its used incorrectly is when it just kinda flops. I dont think it should ever be used in melee range, since youre kinda just limiting yourself to...
  10. icewallow

    Bedrock kit updates

    i think skywars would be better if the kit you select before a skywars match corresponds to the game in which you are playing. for example with kit ‘tank’ in op mode it would be diamond armour in normal it would be iron and in basic it would be chain. let me know if you agree because i think...
  11. P

    Java Skywars mode

    Skywars mode suggestion: Hello fellow CubeCraft players, My in-game name is Phytion and I've an idea to make skywars more fun to play for everybody. In this post I will share this idea with all of you. It's about a new skywars mode, perhaps. (CHEST TYPE) This mode will be called something...
  12. YahirplaysMC123

    Bedrock Which kit do you use

    Im just curious due to the tank and healer kit subjectivly seem to be better than the others. Golden apples are good for rushing and pvp, since you arent guaranteed to get golden apples at your starter chests, tank is good for rushing and you arent guaranteed to get boots and chestplate from...
  13. icewallow

    All Networks loot

    add knockback swords and punch bows to skywars
  14. icewallow

    Bedrock skywars

    i think there should be a skywars game mode where if you get killed by another player you respawn back on your starting island (with none of you’re gear obviously) you should get 3 respawns. however if you die to the void or fall damage then you don’t respawn and your game is over. let me know...
  15. S

    Bedrock Ranked Eggwars/Skywars

    I think that Eggwars and Skywars on bedrock is not as fun as they could be because of there being a lack of a ranking system. I believe that if you were to make one it would make the game a lot more fun for everyone. People get to play with people the same skill level as them so they don't have...
  16. icewallow

    All Networks extra xp

    i think you should get extra xp if you’re alive when you’re team wins in skywars as if you just jump into the void at the start you get the 5 xp for dying and then if you spectate and your team wins you will get another 100 xp which is more than the others will get for doing all the work and...
  17. L

    Java GameMode Mini-Games

    Hello, I was plaing egg-wars and each multi and single player match wass half health in combination with overpowerd... I was wondering if there could be a section of maps or a whole other option where you cant vote in minigames like sky-wars/egg-wars. That measn there are maps/servers where you...
  18. Tech1e

    Bedrock Add Flint and Steel to SW?

    Hi. recently I've come across TNT in SW OP mode and realized there isn't much use to TNT in game.I listed below it's utilities in game. Good: Blows up. Great for dealing with campers. Bad: Appears only in Overpowered Chest Items/Chaos Mode Spawns during late game at mid only (I'm pretty sure)...
  19. Foxy011

    Video 7 minutes of Skywars

    I finally recorded a Skywars video! (I don’t usually play it much)
  20. Jk_16

    Java ability to view previous match results and people you played with

    Hey there! Everyone now and then I come across a killaura hacker at the end of a skywars or lucky island match which usually results in my death. A lot of the time I press 'new game' without reporting them. That is why I think there should be a log viewer or past match viewer that allows you to...
  21. ITWolf

    Java Full Reduce Ender Pearl damage

    I think in SW Abilities(perks) you need to change one perk. For example: Not a chance 10.20%, etc., but a decrease in damage by 10, 20, 30 to 100%
  22. ITWolf

    Java Far maps

    Most of the maps in the solo mode skywars are too big, and the islands are too far apart, and the mid is generally very far, this is bad, because any noob can throw you snowballs and win! Ping is good here, but maps need to change and it will be nice!
  23. Cheatta

    Hello, CubeCrafters!

    This idea literally came from nowhere. xD But it might be a good addition if you could, in Solo / Team SkyWars, customize the hotbar slot where you put your items from the kit you chose! Let me give you an example, I always choose kit scout, and I put the speed potions in Hotbar slot "7". It...
  24. SnowyZaFon

    Java "private Games" SkyWars

    Hello I have created a poll about the idea "private games" Most opinions were yes or all Except for two link- poll about "private games" https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/private-games-in-skywars.213935/ The idea is as follows you can join with players on the party and playing "private...
  25. awesomecat1149

    Bedrock Some suggestions I think will make the server way better than it already is

    I'm not one to complain but sorry the anti-cheat is rubbish. Every game I encounter there are anti knockback hackers fly hackers kill aura hackers and a lot more in Skywars if you can find a top of the line anti-cheat I would love that and so would a lot of other people My 2nd suggestion will be...
  26. ser1234HD


    What happened to the Mystic map? (I stayed almost 1 year and a half without playing minecraft, so I do not know what happened) - If anyone knows, comment - Thanks! .
  27. ser1234HD

    xJetFan Cheater

    He is using Reach and Anti-KnockBack, video is in 360p because he is rendering ... someone who ban him. Thank's for your time. :) And I already used https://reports.cubecraft.net/report
  28. S

    What are some good SkyWars tactics?

    I think SkyWars is on of the best Minecraft mini-games out there. And to see it on Cubecraft is even better, but I'm not very good at it. I try to watch YouTubers like Technoblade to see how to get better like them, but I end up failing like I always do. If someone can help please respond to...
  29. Foxy011

    The New Update

    Hey guys, so, the new update has brought some pretty cool features. I like how the chests refill now and some of the maps have had some cool tweaks done to them etc (and I quite like the new Fruit map in team Skywars :p). But I think something is not quite right. I believe that there are too...
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