Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Gameplay Engineer
Jul 12, 2020
The Netherlands
Hello there,

My name is Egg (not really, but here it is). I've been on these forums since April this year but I have never done an introduction. I am a Dutch 14 years old boy.
Everyone seems to tell about their first Minecraft experiences and their carreer, so do I.

I remember a friend playing the game "Minecraft". It looked really fun and he was very enthusiastic about it. I wanted to play it too, so I teased my parents until they bought me Bedrock Edition (on the family's iPod). Back then I only made random high towers of wool, which were for some reason deleted since that iPod was too slow for the game, but I enjoyed it.
In 2016 I got Java Edition for my birthday. I was really hyped since all the youtubers also played Java Edition. On Java I played mainly on CubeCraft (yes, it was the first server I joined). I kept playing on that old iPod, because I could not always use my father's laptop. On the iPod I started playing around with commands.

I have always been interested in programming, and Minecraft's Datapack Language was a good easy start for me to learn it. In my first commandblock test world I made a wall with all the commands I knew (very little), and kept expanding it as I learned more.
I was really PvP tryhardy (and toxic) back then, so I used my commandblock skill, not really impressive yet, to make systems that helped me practise strafing, reach, blockclutching and building. I always sticked to 1.12.2 (Labymod), so I had never used 1.13+ commands.
At some point I became less toxic and tryhard, so I switched to 1.13+ commands and started using Function instead of commandblocks. Now I make command creations and share them with the community. I espacially like making minigames or systems that are complicated and a challenge to make, so you will not see me making simple parkour maps. They are getting more difficult and more difficult.
I am now learning Java.

I also started trapping on the server. I think it's just amazing to do, especially when people get toxic. I know you will get many haters but I don't care. I have now almost 2000 wins using traps only.

Well I think that's enough (probably even way too long).


Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2019
I like the fact that you're interested in programming.
Great representation, glad to meet you!
Enjoy the rest of your day.
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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Mar 31, 2018
Hello Egg, it's nice to meet you! I love your introduction!
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