Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
In its current state, Free for All is not a bad game. It is however, a game with many easily fixable issues. In this thread I will cover what these issues are, and discuss a few ways they can be resolved. Free for All is comparable to Black Ops II; it is so close to being perfect, but there are just enough annoyances that any amount of fun is seriously endangered.

Part One - The Maps
With all due respect, I think maps have gotten worse on this server in the past few years. There seems to be more emphasis on aesthetics than gameplay. Case in point, the map 'Classic'.


These blocks don't do much to the appearance of the map, and to the uninformed they may seem completely arbitrary. To the more informed however, they are a well-spaced jump into the library, an extremely rewarding shortcut that rewards skill under pressure and benefits solo players greatly. Not only do you need to jump from a specific block, you also need to direct and space it perfectly, otherwise you fall into the very vulnerable pit below.


Here is another area that seems uninspired and pointless, but it is actually one of the best spots of the map. It is a one-way route; if you are hit from the truck onto the street, you cannot get back. It again punishes targeting behaviours and rewards players for both their combat and map knowledge. It gives players a chance to escape certain death, but the cost is knowledge and skill. The risk is coming into close range with the very person you're trying to escape, and the time loss of climbing a ladder to get into a position of advantage.


A final example. Again, the blocks seem sporadic and unnecessary. But they are spaced well enough to act as stepping stones that allow you to traverse the rough terrain much easier and more consistently. Yet again, they reward good parkour and map knowledge, especially under pressure. The risk is that you'll slow to a halt if you misspace a jump. The map is constantly rewarding your skills, both in parkour and combat, as well as your knowledge of the map and its various quirks. It feels like no block in the entire map has been placed without reason. If you see an odd block placement somewhere, it is probably there for a reason.



Now, compare it to the map 'Mirage'. Here is a spot with great potential. Does it do anything? Of course not. It's a time waste if anything, taking longer and offering more fall damage than the alternative. Had this map been made at the same time as 'Classic', it would be a clever strafe to a height advantage, or a shortcut to the window across. None of the other maps in Free for All reward the player for map knowledge other than the map's actual layout. There is nothing rewarding you for exceptional parkour under pressure, and nothing you can use to escape combat, like the truck, or the slime blocks beneath the skyscrapers, in 'Classic'. This is why I was thirsty for Admin rank back in the day, so I could reform some of these maps and give them elements which complement different styles of play. Where you are fighting always matters in 'Classic'. It never matters in 'Flatlands', 'Savannah' or 'Kingdom', unless you're an archer near water or Samurai up high.

Fighting in the forest of 'Classic'? You have head-bumping to speed yourself up in flight; trees which can be parkoured on to create a gap; a river for various escapes, archer traps, situational advantages, etc.; nearby lava for an environmental advantage; mounds which benefit high-knockback weapons.
Fighting by the beach? Mounds for the aforementioned reason; water for environmental advantages; small rooftops you can jump to; a well for high-risk escapes.
Fighting in the city? Multiple entrances to the sewers for high-risk escapes; scattered debris which reward good parkour and navigation skills; a high ladder upwards for a high-risk escape; lava for environmental advantages; buildings to hiding out in; shortcuts to the beach and centre; high-ground advantages, etc.

No other map has this level of depth and variety. This is why in 'Savannah' or 'Flatlands', all you see is an ocean of Beast kits. It's because the kit's playstyle is the only one ever rewarded.

I think 'Mirage' is the biggest waste of potential. It'd be really neat with all the buildings it has, if two or so rooftops were actually accessible. They should be difficult to reach, but provide a way for archers to go on killstreaks without being torn apart by all the close-quarters fighting. They should also be low enough that archers can land easy hits against opponents in common places, whilst being accessible in only one way to allow archers to easily defend themselves. Also, these spots should overlook one another, simulating the long-range combat seen on the many buildings in 'Classic'.

There are plenty of redstone opportunities that are also missed in 'Mirage':

Look at all these rooftops and tell me it wouldn't be fun as heck to run around on them:

Part Two - The Toxicity
Free for All has a serious toxicity issue. The source? Mostly teamers, but almost always tryhards. Keep ignoring it if you like, but it is a problem. Personally, it was enough to make me quit the game I had loved for years. Died to somebody better than you? You're an ez noob. Parents can't afford a £60 internet package? You need to stop hotspotting McDonalds so they can have more fun killing you. Used a bow? You're a bow-spamming noob. Used potions? Fight them 1v1 with a real kit. Killed them when they're typing? Enjoy being targeted for not asking permission before attacking them. Interrupted a 1v1? You're dead. Get used to being chased by a pack of six cringy predators. Tactically ran away from a losing battle? Coward! Disgusting, filthy coward! Swine! Bought an item from the shop? You repulsive, filthy, disgusting, nasty, vile, sickening, atrocious, absolute...

The solution? It's hard to say. I had hoped the kit rebalance would flush most of them out but apparently not, probably because the reasons mentioned in Part One; everybody still uses the Beast or Swordsman kits. The best bet would be to encourage a more varied way of playing, as per the suggestions in Part One. Also, make the game feel more casual to play. Have announced loot crates fall at random locations with weapons like tridents and Punch I bows. Randomly give players items just for staying alive for long periods of time. Award xp and point multipliers based on your current killstreak.

Killstreak 5 - 1.25x point multiplier
Killstreak 10 - 1.25x experience multiplier
Killstreak 25 - 1.5x point multiplier
Killstreak 30 - 1.5x experience multiplier
Killstreak 50 - 1.75x point multiplier
Killstreak 55 - 1.75x experience multiplier
Killstreak 75 - 2x point multiplier
Killstreak 80 - 2x experience multiplier
Killstreak 100 - 3x point multiplier

Another fine suggestion would be to encourage more team play. Clan members are the biggest toxicity issue in this game, however I think if you were to disallow teaming, you would kill the game. Perhaps have a frequent message pop up in chat along the lines of 'Struggling to stay alive? Try teaming up with your fellow players to give you an edge on your rivals!'
You'd be surprised how many people still think the name 'Free for All' somehow implies that teaming is not allowed, or is against the spirit of the game. By encouraging players to team against these clans, you'd be at least giving the illusion of a fairer fight. Also, I think supply crates would help encourage more cooperation among players. If locations are randomised and announced moments before they land, it'll help randomise the payouts and won't necessarily disproportionately benefit teamers who can camp the spawns in advance.

Lastly, add repercussions for being toxic to other players. Here are two examples:
-1 experience for saying 'ez'
-2 experience for saying 'noob'

It'll be easily worked around, but to the annoyance of the people typing it. After all, they're vulnerable every second their chat box is open. If they have to type workarounds, it'll leave them unnecessarily vulnerable and hopefully will discourage them from typing at all. Let's face it, most of these tryhards only ever speak in chat to be condescending or berating to somebody less skilled than them anyways.

Part Three - The Shop
The shop is... not great. There's very little you can buy in the shop, and there isn't anything exclusive to certain maps (another dynamic I think would be really cool!). Shopping is frowned upon and is a source of toxicity, because of the high costs of buying gear and the effectiveness of buying said gear. It encourages players to gang up on "shoppers" so they lose large amounts of points. It makes strategical sense to team up on the stronger player, but it is very discouraging to players who spend all they have on armour only to be given no fair chance.

The solution to ridding the shop of its negative stigma is to encourage greater use of the shop. First things first, lower the prices. Add an 'armour set' option beside each set of armour, allowing players to buy all four pieces of the set at once. Set the cost of the 'armour set' option to be slightly cheaper than each individual piece. For example, the Protection III diamond armour set currently costs 200 points. Firstly, naturally lower this to 160 points, and then add an 'armour set' option for 120 points. That is a 30% decrease from current prices, making the set more affordable to newer players and making KitPvP gameplay slightly more self-sustainable. However, it comes at the price of possibly buying gear you didn't need.

Secondly, add an 'arrow quiver' to the Weapon Shop menu, gifting the player 64 arrows at once for the cost of ten points. This is a huge discount, but keep in mind every three arrows shot that don't kill currently are a wasted point. The archery play-style is the only one to currently have a constant upkeep. Yep, the most unique kit in the game actively punishes poorer players for using it.

People should be reminded that the shop exists. Broadcast that people can type /shop to access it at any time, and put an item in people's inventories that lets them click to open the shop.

The Misc Shop menu should have enchanting books, and each kill against a player should earn you a set amount of experience points. Each map could then have a "forge" consisting of anvils and enchanting tables (an idea considered in the past but scrapped) where players can interactively - and dangerously - enhance their load-outs. Unenchanted armour sets should be added to the shop for low costs to encourage this type of activity, and it would be the only way to earn the likes of Sharpness V swords, Power V bows and Protection IV armour. You would be introducing an element of progression into the game (with which achievements could be added), and tackling one of its greatest current issues: Repetition.

Map-Exclusive Shop Items
I think it'll be really neat to have shop items that are exclusive to certain maps. It'll further tackle the issue of every map that isn't 'Classic' feeling like another blank arena where the location of the fight has no significance. Here are a few examples, all of which aim to complement the map in question:

Savannah - Depth Strider Boots (varying levels) - Complements the aquatic areas of the map and is especially a benefit to archers who are too vulnerable against other projectile users in water for the kit to ever be viable
Classic - Feather Falling Boots (tier II) - Complements the high-risk verticality often seen on rooftops of this map
Classic - Fire Protection potions - Encourages activity around the volcano, of which there is currently very little. This area was once very popular due to the Pyromaniac kit back in 2014, but has since declined. Also, given that it's the location of an enchanting table already, it makes sense for this area to be "The Forge" discussed prior
Kingdom - Trident - One of the worst maps in the game imo, I think it should be home to different play styles that have it stand out against all the other maps, which do everything Kingdom does but better
Kingdom - Punch I, Power II Bow - With so much space and so little verticality, adopting an archer playstyle is borderline suicidal on this map. This bow will make archery slightly more viable, as will hopefully future map reworks
Tropical - Jump Boost II Potion - With so much verticality on this map, I think it'd be nice to be able to climb the many mounds and bridges a little bit faster
Flatlands - I think this map is fine without any shop exclusives. It feels the purest of all the maps, so should be left as is
Mirage - Speed I Potion - You do a lot of narrow-corridor running in this map. This potion will make movement a little more enjoyable whilst helping you push through the crowds of combatants fighting in such narrow spaces, getting you to your destination alive

Part Four - Kit Balancing
The previous kit rebalance did wonderful things for the game. However, it did leave a few kits feeling underwhelming. The Archer is currently the least satisfying kit in my opinion, but I think that's down to the maps rather than the kit itself.

Beast kit - Fine
Swordsman kit - Fine
Archer kit - Fine, but could spawn with more arrows. Even the best archers in the world have to constantly buy arrows because of how few you start with, how many arrows the Beast kit can eat, and how any missed arrows are completely lost
Samurai kit - Still dies extremely early. Could do with a tiny defence boost, just to make it somewhat more viable
Wizard kit - Really bad. It needs to be able to regain its potions somehow, perhaps every five kills it should be able to completely refresh its kit. The gear itself is fine, but it's one-time use. Also, extending its Speed Potion by 50% or so would also help it survive the kits that otherwise out-tank it



"Shut up" says xImNIGHTMARE, because some kid asked them a question
"u cant pvp" says xImNIGHTMARE, because I used the "wrong" kit
This happened whilst typing out this final part of the thread, so yeah... I'm not even trying to run into tryhards, they are just that inescapable. There were four people in the game!

FFA is so close to being the perfect game. In my opinion, I think the toxicity is the biggest problem, though I feel the maps complement a lot of the behaviours found in toxic people. Please save FFA. It has been sub-par for too long, despite having so few flaws. Thank youuu for reading this x
@Camezonda @Efcluke94 @AnimalTamer1 @IdkWhoToTagAnymoreWhoIsEvenHeadAdminNowadays @Sophie @Spuuuni


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Just been target-harassed again. They did stop after about half an hour and three messages, but if this ever happens again I'm going to start reporting it with the dedication to get these people banned. I have never known a game community to be so corrosive and toxic, nor so dedicated to a troll they'll waste an hour of their own time just to waste an hour of mine. I shouldn't have to record whenever I'm playing, but I will start to do so if this continues. I've been target-harassed in FFA for just shy of two straight years now, and I can only imagine it's because people either remember me or they dislike the kit I'm using.

For the record when I say target-harassed, I don't mean seeing me then deciding to try and fight me. I mean actually going out of their way to look for me at the expense of all other fights, buying gear and using Samurai to make sure I can't escape nor fight back, then chasing me endlessly around the map until I either die or leave the game. I have had people chase me for over an hour at a time without stopping in 'Classic' and 'Savannah', with as many as eight or nine of their clan members all joining in and using combinations of kits to cover cut off points. An easy way to tell between a situational attacker and a targeter is they'll usually spam boasts in the chat whenever I die.

It's ironic how the people who take the game this seriously are also the ones usually complaining that the server/game is dying. It'll help if you stop flat-out harassing the player-base. I've recently started playing Free for All for the first time in nine months or so, and I am already sick of it enough that I want to permanently uninstall the game.

If anything is ruining FFA, it's the toxicity. Every game you go into is full of "ez" or "get internet". It's like they're trying to make people feel as unwelcome as possible. Screw the Eggwars update, fix FFA's trashy community.


Forum Veteran
Dec 25, 2017
Bogota, Colombia
In its current state, Free for All is not a bad game. It is however, a game with many easily fixable issues. In this thread I will cover what these issues are, and discuss a few ways they can be resolved. Free for All is comparable to Black Ops II; it is so close to being perfect, but there are just enough annoyances that any amount of fun is seriously endangered.

Part One - The Maps
With all due respect, I think maps have gotten worse on this server in the past few years. There seems to be more emphasis on aesthetics than gameplay. Case in point, the map 'Classic'.

View attachment 150622
These blocks don't do much to the appearance of the map, and to the uninformed they may seem completely arbitrary. To the more informed however, they are a well-spaced jump into the library, an extremely rewarding shortcut that rewards skill under pressure and benefits solo players greatly. Not only do you need to jump from a specific block, you also need to direct and space it perfectly, otherwise you fall into the very vulnerable pit below.

View attachment 150623
Here is another area that seems uninspired and pointless, but it is actually one of the best spots of the map. It is a one-way route; if you are hit from the truck onto the street, you cannot get back. It again punishes targeting behaviours and rewards players for both their combat and map knowledge. It gives players a chance to escape certain death, but the cost is knowledge and skill. The risk is coming into close range with the very person you're trying to escape, and the time loss of climbing a ladder to get into a position of advantage.

View attachment 150624
A final example. Again, the blocks seem sporadic and unnecessary. But they are spaced well enough to act as stepping stones that allow you to traverse the rough terrain much easier and more consistently. Yet again, they reward good parkour and map knowledge, especially under pressure. The risk is that you'll slow to a halt if you misspace a jump. The map is constantly rewarding your skills, both in parkour and combat, as well as your knowledge of the map and its various quirks. It feels like no block in the entire map has been placed without reason. If you see an odd block placement somewhere, it is probably there for a reason.

View attachment 150628
View attachment 150631
Now, compare it to the map 'Mirage'. Here is a spot with great potential. Does it do anything? Of course not. It's a time waste if anything, taking longer and offering more fall damage than the alternative. Had this map been made at the same time as 'Classic', it would be a clever strafe to a height advantage, or a shortcut to the window across. None of the other maps in Free for All reward the player for map knowledge other than the map's actual layout. There is nothing rewarding you for exceptional parkour under pressure, and nothing you can use to escape combat, like the truck, or the slime blocks beneath the skyscrapers, in 'Classic'. This is why I was thirsty for Admin rank back in the day, so I could reform some of these maps and give them elements which complement different styles of play. Where you are fighting always matters in 'Classic'. It never matters in 'Flatlands', 'Savannah' or 'Kingdom', unless you're an archer near water or Samurai up high.

Fighting in the forest of 'Classic'? You have head-bumping to speed yourself up in flight; trees which can be parkoured on to create a gap; a river for various escapes, archer traps, situational advantages, etc.; nearby lava for an environmental advantage; mounds which benefit high-knockback weapons.
Fighting by the beach? Mounds for the aforementioned reason; water for environmental advantages; small rooftops you can jump to; a well for high-risk escapes.
Fighting in the city? Multiple entrances to the sewers for high-risk escapes; scattered debris which reward good parkour and navigation skills; a high ladder upwards for a high-risk escape; lava for environmental advantages; buildings to hiding out in; shortcuts to the beach and centre; high-ground advantages, etc.

No other map has this level of depth and variety. This is why in 'Savannah' or 'Flatlands', all you see is an ocean of Beast kits. It's because the kit's playstyle is the only one ever rewarded.

I think 'Mirage' is the biggest waste of potential. It'd be really neat with all the buildings it has, if two or so rooftops were actually accessible. They should be difficult to reach, but provide a way for archers to go on killstreaks without being torn apart by all the close-quarters fighting. They should also be low enough that archers can land easy hits against opponents in common places, whilst being accessible in only one way to allow archers to easily defend themselves. Also, these spots should overlook one another, simulating the long-range combat seen on the many buildings in 'Classic'.

There are plenty of redstone opportunities that are also missed in 'Mirage':
View attachment 150629View attachment 150630

Look at all these rooftops and tell me it wouldn't be fun as heck to run around on them:
View attachment 150632

Part Two - The Toxicity
Free for All has a serious toxicity issue. The source? Mostly teamers, but almost always tryhards. Keep ignoring it if you like, but it is a problem. Personally, it was enough to make me quit the game I had loved for years. Died to somebody better than you? You're an ez noob. Parents can't afford a £60 internet package? You need to stop hotspotting McDonalds so they can have more fun killing you. Used a bow? You're a bow-spamming noob. Used potions? Fight them 1v1 with a real kit. Killed them when they're typing? Enjoy being targeted for not asking permission before attacking them. Interrupted a 1v1? You're dead. Get used to being chased by a pack of six cringy predators. Tactically ran away from a losing battle? Coward! Disgusting, filthy coward! Swine! Bought an item from the shop? You repulsive, filthy, disgusting, nasty, vile, sickening, atrocious, absolute...

The solution? It's hard to say. I had hoped the kit rebalance would flush most of them out but apparently not, probably because the reasons mentioned in Part One; everybody still uses the Beast or Swordsman kits. The best bet would be to encourage a more varied way of playing, as per the suggestions in Part One. Also, make the game feel more casual to play. Have announced loot crates fall at random locations with weapons like tridents and Punch I bows. Randomly give players items just for staying alive for long periods of time. Award xp and point multipliers based on your current killstreak.

Killstreak 5 - 1.25x point multiplier
Killstreak 10 - 1.25x experience multiplier
Killstreak 25 - 1.5x point multiplier
Killstreak 30 - 1.5x experience multiplier
Killstreak 50 - 1.75x point multiplier
Killstreak 55 - 1.75x experience multiplier
Killstreak 75 - 2x point multiplier
Killstreak 80 - 2x experience multiplier
Killstreak 100 - 3x point multiplier

Another fine suggestion would be to encourage more team play. Clan members are the biggest toxicity issue in this game, however I think if you were to disallow teaming, you would kill the game. Perhaps have a frequent message pop up in chat along the lines of 'Struggling to stay alive? Try teaming up with your fellow players to give you an edge on your rivals!'
You'd be surprised how many people still think the name 'Free for All' somehow implies that teaming is not allowed, or is against the spirit of the game. By encouraging players to team against these clans, you'd be at least giving the illusion of a fairer fight. Also, I think supply crates would help encourage more cooperation among players. If locations are randomised and announced moments before they land, it'll help randomise the payouts and won't necessarily disproportionately benefit teamers who can camp the spawns in advance.

Lastly, add repercussions for being toxic to other players. Here are two examples:
-1 experience for saying 'ez'
-2 experience for saying 'noob'

It'll be easily worked around, but to the annoyance of the people typing it. After all, they're vulnerable every second their chat box is open. If they have to type workarounds, it'll leave them unnecessarily vulnerable and hopefully will discourage them from typing at all. Let's face it, most of these tryhards only ever speak in chat to be condescending or berating to somebody less skilled than them anyways.

Part Three - The Shop
The shop is... not great. There's very little you can buy in the shop, and there isn't anything exclusive to certain maps (another dynamic I think would be really cool!). Shopping is frowned upon and is a source of toxicity, because of the high costs of buying gear and the effectiveness of buying said gear. It encourages players to gang up on "shoppers" so they lose large amounts of points. It makes strategical sense to team up on the stronger player, but it is very discouraging to players who spend all they have on armour only to be given no fair chance.

The solution to ridding the shop of its negative stigma is to encourage greater use of the shop. First things first, lower the prices. Add an 'armour set' option beside each set of armour, allowing players to buy all four pieces of the set at once. Set the cost of the 'armour set' option to be slightly cheaper than each individual piece. For example, the Protection III diamond armour set currently costs 200 points. Firstly, naturally lower this to 160 points, and then add an 'armour set' option for 120 points. That is a 30% decrease from current prices, making the set more affordable to newer players and making KitPvP gameplay slightly more self-sustainable. However, it comes at the price of possibly buying gear you didn't need.

Secondly, add an 'arrow quiver' to the Weapon Shop menu, gifting the player 64 arrows at once for the cost of ten points. This is a huge discount, but keep in mind every three arrows shot that don't kill currently are a wasted point. The archery play-style is the only one to currently have a constant upkeep. Yep, the most unique kit in the game actively punishes poorer players for using it.

People should be reminded that the shop exists. Broadcast that people can type /shop to access it at any time, and put an item in people's inventories that lets them click to open the shop.

The Misc Shop menu should have enchanting books, and each kill against a player should earn you a set amount of experience points. Each map could then have a "forge" consisting of anvils and enchanting tables (an idea considered in the past but scrapped) where players can interactively - and dangerously - enhance their load-outs. Unenchanted armour sets should be added to the shop for low costs to encourage this type of activity, and it would be the only way to earn the likes of Sharpness V swords, Power V bows and Protection IV armour. You would be introducing an element of progression into the game (with which achievements could be added), and tackling one of its greatest current issues: Repetition.

Map-Exclusive Shop Items
I think it'll be really neat to have shop items that are exclusive to certain maps. It'll further tackle the issue of every map that isn't 'Classic' feeling like another blank arena where the location of the fight has no significance. Here are a few examples, all of which aim to complement the map in question:

Savannah - Depth Strider Boots (varying levels) - Complements the aquatic areas of the map and is especially a benefit to archers who are too vulnerable against other projectile users in water for the kit to ever be viable
Classic - Feather Falling Boots (tier II) - Complements the high-risk verticality often seen on rooftops of this map
Classic - Fire Protection potions - Encourages activity around the volcano, of which there is currently very little. This area was once very popular due to the Pyromaniac kit back in 2014, but has since declined. Also, given that it's the location of an enchanting table already, it makes sense for this area to be "The Forge" discussed prior
Kingdom - Trident - One of the worst maps in the game imo, I think it should be home to different play styles that have it stand out against all the other maps, which do everything Kingdom does but better
Kingdom - Punch I, Power II Bow - With so much space and so little verticality, adopting an archer playstyle is borderline suicidal on this map. This bow will make archery slightly more viable, as will hopefully future map reworks
Tropical - Jump Boost II Potion - With so much verticality on this map, I think it'd be nice to be able to climb the many mounds and bridges a little bit faster
Flatlands - I think this map is fine without any shop exclusives. It feels the purest of all the maps, so should be left as is
Mirage - Speed I Potion - You do a lot of narrow-corridor running in this map. This potion will make movement a little more enjoyable whilst helping you push through the crowds of combatants fighting in such narrow spaces, getting you to your destination alive

Part Four - Kit Balancing
The previous kit rebalance did wonderful things for the game. However, it did leave a few kits feeling underwhelming. The Archer is currently the least satisfying kit in my opinion, but I think that's down to the maps rather than the kit itself.

Beast kit - Fine
Swordsman kit - Fine
Archer kit - Fine, but could spawn with more arrows. Even the best archers in the world have to constantly buy arrows because of how few you start with, how many arrows the Beast kit can eat, and how any missed arrows are completely lost
Samurai kit - Still dies extremely early. Could do with a tiny defence boost, just to make it somewhat more viable
Wizard kit - Really bad. It needs to be able to regain its potions somehow, perhaps every five kills it should be able to completely refresh its kit. The gear itself is fine, but it's one-time use. Also, extending its Speed Potion by 50% or so would also help it survive the kits that otherwise out-tank it

View attachment 150625
View attachment 150626
"Shut up" says xImNIGHTMARE, because some kid asked them a question
"u cant pvp" says xImNIGHTMARE, because I used the "wrong" kit
This happened whilst typing out this final part of the thread, so yeah... I'm not even trying to run into tryhards, they are just that inescapable. There were four people in the game!

FFA is so close to being the perfect game. In my opinion, I think the toxicity is the biggest problem, though I feel the maps complement a lot of the behaviours found in toxic people. Please save FFA. It has been sub-par for too long, despite having so few flaws. Thank youuu for reading this x
@Camezonda @Efcluke94 @AnimalTamer1 @IdkWhoToTagAnymoreWhoIsEvenHeadAdminNowadays @Sophie @Spuuuni
I definetly agree with everything you suggest. Especially about toxicity, I’ve met many people who seem nice but when you play FFA with them, they turn into completely different people. It’s sad to see the kind of environment FFA players have among each other. It seems as if always trying to defame other players because they play differently. And when they criticize you for your ping, I feel it’s no longer an gameplay but a racism problem. (Because no ping can’t really be reduced much with better internet, it depends on your location)
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Forum Expert
Jan 30, 2016
Toulouse (France)
I like a lot here and will edit this post further so as to cover my thoughts on this when I have the time.
Right now I see a contradiction between wanting to have balanced kits, but then want a progression system in game. The whole point of having balanced kits is to give all the players a fair chance, rewarding the more skilled players with better gear is only going to widen the gap between the players that are new to FFA and the other players that have been in that game session for longer.
I like the idea of a progression system, but I don't think progression should be linked to better gear.
I've seen other ways you could add progression that have been suggested in the past:
Have a gold "crown" which is given to the first player to join an FFA session, when that player dies or leaves it is passed on to the player that killed him or another random player.
Have an icon next to your name in tab displaying your current kill streak, though this would lead to unwanted focussing making the gameplay more infuriating if it is unwanted which is why I prefer the gold crown.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I like a lot here and will edit this post further so as to cover my thoughts on this when I have the time.
Right now I see a contradiction between wanting to have balanced kits, but then want a progression system in game. The whole point of having balanced kits is to give all the players a fair chance, rewarding the more skilled players with better gear is only going to widen the gap between the players that are new to FFA and the other players that have been in that game session for longer.
I like the idea of a progression system, but I don't think progression should be linked to better gear.
I've seen other ways you could add progression that have been suggested in the past:
Have a gold "crown" which is given to the first player to join an FFA session, when that player dies or leaves it is passed on to the player that killed him or another random player.
Have an icon next to your name in tab displaying your current kill streak, though this would lead to unwanted focussing making the gameplay more infuriating if it is unwanted which is why I prefer the gold crown.
I see what you mean, but what is proposed is not a lot different to the shop we have now. It'll allow you to buy the new best gear in the game, but would require you to have already gotten many kills without dying to be able to purchase the materials for it. You would then have to go to a high-risk environment and leave yourself vulnerable whilst you enchant/craft the best gear available. I do think this could make teams and clans even stronger though, which is giving me second thoughts.

The crown idea is neat, but I think it could annoy a lot of players. If a crowned player attacks them, they either have to run away and hope they can escape, or kill the crowned player and become the lobby's most wanted. The option to fight back suddenly becomes more dangerous because it almost guarantees you'll be killed later on.


Novice Member
Jul 25, 2018
Imo the defense/attack ratio of ffa is not balanced, so its too hard to kill people, a good example of gear level is sharp 1 diamond sword + full iron, everyone in diamond armor is making the fight boring


Novice Member
Jul 25, 2018
I've had an idea of a new game before call "ffa mega" that have more kits, slightly bigger maps and global events (and also some form of block placing!)
I want to make a post but I doubt if it will get enough attention


Dedicated Member
Jul 31, 2016
In its current state, Free for All is not a bad game. It is however, a game with many easily fixable issues. In this thread I will cover what these issues are, and discuss a few ways they can be resolved. Free for All is comparable to Black Ops II; it is so close to being perfect, but there are just enough annoyances that any amount of fun is seriously endangered.

Part One - The Maps
With all due respect, I think maps have gotten worse on this server in the past few years. There seems to be more emphasis on aesthetics than gameplay. Case in point, the map 'Classic'.

View attachment 150622
These blocks don't do much to the appearance of the map, and to the uninformed they may seem completely arbitrary. To the more informed however, they are a well-spaced jump into the library, an extremely rewarding shortcut that rewards skill under pressure and benefits solo players greatly. Not only do you need to jump from a specific block, you also need to direct and space it perfectly, otherwise you fall into the very vulnerable pit below.

View attachment 150623
Here is another area that seems uninspired and pointless, but it is actually one of the best spots of the map. It is a one-way route; if you are hit from the truck onto the street, you cannot get back. It again punishes targeting behaviours and rewards players for both their combat and map knowledge. It gives players a chance to escape certain death, but the cost is knowledge and skill. The risk is coming into close range with the very person you're trying to escape, and the time loss of climbing a ladder to get into a position of advantage.

View attachment 150624
A final example. Again, the blocks seem sporadic and unnecessary. But they are spaced well enough to act as stepping stones that allow you to traverse the rough terrain much easier and more consistently. Yet again, they reward good parkour and map knowledge, especially under pressure. The risk is that you'll slow to a halt if you misspace a jump. The map is constantly rewarding your skills, both in parkour and combat, as well as your knowledge of the map and its various quirks. It feels like no block in the entire map has been placed without reason. If you see an odd block placement somewhere, it is probably there for a reason.

View attachment 150628
View attachment 150631
Now, compare it to the map 'Mirage'. Here is a spot with great potential. Does it do anything? Of course not. It's a time waste if anything, taking longer and offering more fall damage than the alternative. Had this map been made at the same time as 'Classic', it would be a clever strafe to a height advantage, or a shortcut to the window across. None of the other maps in Free for All reward the player for map knowledge other than the map's actual layout. There is nothing rewarding you for exceptional parkour under pressure, and nothing you can use to escape combat, like the truck, or the slime blocks beneath the skyscrapers, in 'Classic'. This is why I was thirsty for Admin rank back in the day, so I could reform some of these maps and give them elements which complement different styles of play. Where you are fighting always matters in 'Classic'. It never matters in 'Flatlands', 'Savannah' or 'Kingdom', unless you're an archer near water or Samurai up high.

Fighting in the forest of 'Classic'? You have head-bumping to speed yourself up in flight; trees which can be parkoured on to create a gap; a river for various escapes, archer traps, situational advantages, etc.; nearby lava for an environmental advantage; mounds which benefit high-knockback weapons.
Fighting by the beach? Mounds for the aforementioned reason; water for environmental advantages; small rooftops you can jump to; a well for high-risk escapes.
Fighting in the city? Multiple entrances to the sewers for high-risk escapes; scattered debris which reward good parkour and navigation skills; a high ladder upwards for a high-risk escape; lava for environmental advantages; buildings to hiding out in; shortcuts to the beach and centre; high-ground advantages, etc.

No other map has this level of depth and variety. This is why in 'Savannah' or 'Flatlands', all you see is an ocean of Beast kits. It's because the kit's playstyle is the only one ever rewarded.

I think 'Mirage' is the biggest waste of potential. It'd be really neat with all the buildings it has, if two or so rooftops were actually accessible. They should be difficult to reach, but provide a way for archers to go on killstreaks without being torn apart by all the close-quarters fighting. They should also be low enough that archers can land easy hits against opponents in common places, whilst being accessible in only one way to allow archers to easily defend themselves. Also, these spots should overlook one another, simulating the long-range combat seen on the many buildings in 'Classic'.

There are plenty of redstone opportunities that are also missed in 'Mirage':
View attachment 150629View attachment 150630

Look at all these rooftops and tell me it wouldn't be fun as heck to run around on them:
View attachment 150632

Part Two - The Toxicity
Free for All has a serious toxicity issue. The source? Mostly teamers, but almost always tryhards. Keep ignoring it if you like, but it is a problem. Personally, it was enough to make me quit the game I had loved for years. Died to somebody better than you? You're an ez noob. Parents can't afford a £60 internet package? You need to stop hotspotting McDonalds so they can have more fun killing you. Used a bow? You're a bow-spamming noob. Used potions? Fight them 1v1 with a real kit. Killed them when they're typing? Enjoy being targeted for not asking permission before attacking them. Interrupted a 1v1? You're dead. Get used to being chased by a pack of six cringy predators. Tactically ran away from a losing battle? Coward! Disgusting, filthy coward! Swine! Bought an item from the shop? You repulsive, filthy, disgusting, nasty, vile, sickening, atrocious, absolute...

The solution? It's hard to say. I had hoped the kit rebalance would flush most of them out but apparently not, probably because the reasons mentioned in Part One; everybody still uses the Beast or Swordsman kits. The best bet would be to encourage a more varied way of playing, as per the suggestions in Part One. Also, make the game feel more casual to play. Have announced loot crates fall at random locations with weapons like tridents and Punch I bows. Randomly give players items just for staying alive for long periods of time. Award xp and point multipliers based on your current killstreak.

Killstreak 5 - 1.25x point multiplier
Killstreak 10 - 1.25x experience multiplier
Killstreak 25 - 1.5x point multiplier
Killstreak 30 - 1.5x experience multiplier
Killstreak 50 - 1.75x point multiplier
Killstreak 55 - 1.75x experience multiplier
Killstreak 75 - 2x point multiplier
Killstreak 80 - 2x experience multiplier
Killstreak 100 - 3x point multiplier

Another fine suggestion would be to encourage more team play. Clan members are the biggest toxicity issue in this game, however I think if you were to disallow teaming, you would kill the game. Perhaps have a frequent message pop up in chat along the lines of 'Struggling to stay alive? Try teaming up with your fellow players to give you an edge on your rivals!'
You'd be surprised how many people still think the name 'Free for All' somehow implies that teaming is not allowed, or is against the spirit of the game. By encouraging players to team against these clans, you'd be at least giving the illusion of a fairer fight. Also, I think supply crates would help encourage more cooperation among players. If locations are randomised and announced moments before they land, it'll help randomise the payouts and won't necessarily disproportionately benefit teamers who can camp the spawns in advance.

Lastly, add repercussions for being toxic to other players. Here are two examples:
-1 experience for saying 'ez'
-2 experience for saying 'noob'

It'll be easily worked around, but to the annoyance of the people typing it. After all, they're vulnerable every second their chat box is open. If they have to type workarounds, it'll leave them unnecessarily vulnerable and hopefully will discourage them from typing at all. Let's face it, most of these tryhards only ever speak in chat to be condescending or berating to somebody less skilled than them anyways.

Part Three - The Shop
The shop is... not great. There's very little you can buy in the shop, and there isn't anything exclusive to certain maps (another dynamic I think would be really cool!). Shopping is frowned upon and is a source of toxicity, because of the high costs of buying gear and the effectiveness of buying said gear. It encourages players to gang up on "shoppers" so they lose large amounts of points. It makes strategical sense to team up on the stronger player, but it is very discouraging to players who spend all they have on armour only to be given no fair chance.

The solution to ridding the shop of its negative stigma is to encourage greater use of the shop. First things first, lower the prices. Add an 'armour set' option beside each set of armour, allowing players to buy all four pieces of the set at once. Set the cost of the 'armour set' option to be slightly cheaper than each individual piece. For example, the Protection III diamond armour set currently costs 200 points. Firstly, naturally lower this to 160 points, and then add an 'armour set' option for 120 points. That is a 30% decrease from current prices, making the set more affordable to newer players and making KitPvP gameplay slightly more self-sustainable. However, it comes at the price of possibly buying gear you didn't need.

Secondly, add an 'arrow quiver' to the Weapon Shop menu, gifting the player 64 arrows at once for the cost of ten points. This is a huge discount, but keep in mind every three arrows shot that don't kill currently are a wasted point. The archery play-style is the only one to currently have a constant upkeep. Yep, the most unique kit in the game actively punishes poorer players for using it.

People should be reminded that the shop exists. Broadcast that people can type /shop to access it at any time, and put an item in people's inventories that lets them click to open the shop.

The Misc Shop menu should have enchanting books, and each kill against a player should earn you a set amount of experience points. Each map could then have a "forge" consisting of anvils and enchanting tables (an idea considered in the past but scrapped) where players can interactively - and dangerously - enhance their load-outs. Unenchanted armour sets should be added to the shop for low costs to encourage this type of activity, and it would be the only way to earn the likes of Sharpness V swords, Power V bows and Protection IV armour. You would be introducing an element of progression into the game (with which achievements could be added), and tackling one of its greatest current issues: Repetition.

Map-Exclusive Shop Items
I think it'll be really neat to have shop items that are exclusive to certain maps. It'll further tackle the issue of every map that isn't 'Classic' feeling like another blank arena where the location of the fight has no significance. Here are a few examples, all of which aim to complement the map in question:

Savannah - Depth Strider Boots (varying levels) - Complements the aquatic areas of the map and is especially a benefit to archers who are too vulnerable against other projectile users in water for the kit to ever be viable
Classic - Feather Falling Boots (tier II) - Complements the high-risk verticality often seen on rooftops of this map
Classic - Fire Protection potions - Encourages activity around the volcano, of which there is currently very little. This area was once very popular due to the Pyromaniac kit back in 2014, but has since declined. Also, given that it's the location of an enchanting table already, it makes sense for this area to be "The Forge" discussed prior
Kingdom - Trident - One of the worst maps in the game imo, I think it should be home to different play styles that have it stand out against all the other maps, which do everything Kingdom does but better
Kingdom - Punch I, Power II Bow - With so much space and so little verticality, adopting an archer playstyle is borderline suicidal on this map. This bow will make archery slightly more viable, as will hopefully future map reworks
Tropical - Jump Boost II Potion - With so much verticality on this map, I think it'd be nice to be able to climb the many mounds and bridges a little bit faster
Flatlands - I think this map is fine without any shop exclusives. It feels the purest of all the maps, so should be left as is
Mirage - Speed I Potion - You do a lot of narrow-corridor running in this map. This potion will make movement a little more enjoyable whilst helping you push through the crowds of combatants fighting in such narrow spaces, getting you to your destination alive

Part Four - Kit Balancing
The previous kit rebalance did wonderful things for the game. However, it did leave a few kits feeling underwhelming. The Archer is currently the least satisfying kit in my opinion, but I think that's down to the maps rather than the kit itself.

Beast kit - Fine
Swordsman kit - Fine
Archer kit - Fine, but could spawn with more arrows. Even the best archers in the world have to constantly buy arrows because of how few you start with, how many arrows the Beast kit can eat, and how any missed arrows are completely lost
Samurai kit - Still dies extremely early. Could do with a tiny defence boost, just to make it somewhat more viable
Wizard kit - Really bad. It needs to be able to regain its potions somehow, perhaps every five kills it should be able to completely refresh its kit. The gear itself is fine, but it's one-time use. Also, extending its Speed Potion by 50% or so would also help it survive the kits that otherwise out-tank it

View attachment 150625
View attachment 150626
"Shut up" says xImNIGHTMARE, because some kid asked them a question
"u cant pvp" says xImNIGHTMARE, because I used the "wrong" kit
This happened whilst typing out this final part of the thread, so yeah... I'm not even trying to run into tryhards, they are just that inescapable. There were four people in the game!

FFA is so close to being the perfect game. In my opinion, I think the toxicity is the biggest problem, though I feel the maps complement a lot of the behaviours found in toxic people. Please save FFA. It has been sub-par for too long, despite having so few flaws. Thank youuu for reading this x
@Camezonda @Efcluke94 @AnimalTamer1 @IdkWhoToTagAnymoreWhoIsEvenHeadAdminNowadays @Sophie @Spuuuni
Legit, all of this is true. The toxicity and don't forget "you won because of your ping" and "four bar pinger". This kind of made me quit FFA
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Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
This is a wonderful thread to read. I will definitely be taking some of these suggestions and implement them into FFA, love it! For the maps that you want changing and more challenging feel free to private message me to help me out :)
Wooo thank youuu!<3 I'm going to explore all the maps in good detail tomorrow and Thursday to try and come up with ideas for making them less all-the-same. I'll start with Mirage because I think it has the most potential. Thank you for responding to the thread :3


Dedicated Member
May 28, 2017
I agree with everything. Here's why:

The maps need some changes. Instead of focusing on looks, they should add more buildings that offer tactics and strategy instead of a hack and slash "who has less health/who is a better fighter" type of game. Like you said, players could use the crazy plans they've made up like using the Forge, waiting at places for making an ambush, or, this would be really fun, go on challenging adventures like doing some parkour or climbing to strategic points that have power-ups or loot crates.

I also like the regenerating all of your potions too. If I use all my potions on a couple of people, then I have nothing to use anymore. Also maybe regenerating arrows may be a good idea too.
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