Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

Power Ranger

Forum Professional
Apr 20, 2016
The ♡
UHC terrain generation is incredibly broken and exploitable. Since maps don't change every single game people can simply memorize or write down the coordinates of where diamonds or other things are. What makes this worse is incredibly exploitable ore generation in Cubecraft's UHC such as "Ore Explosions" and water temples which I will explain in this thread. To have a chance against anyone on the leaderboards you have to exploit these bugs yourself or you will end up fighting a full team of fully enchanted, diamond armor teams by the end of the game. With that said let's get started exploiting! :D

Exploit #1 - World's stay the same for at least a day.​

Even if the other bugs in this thread are eventually fixed this will remain. All UHC worlds are manually reset it seems and the current worlds have been around for 2 weeks. This has given leaderboards people such as myself plenty of time to memorize where the best places are to get gear. If cubecraft reverts back to daily resets though you will still be able to use those same world's and coordinates for the entire day. I have my doubts that UHC worlds are going to be reset soon anyway as these worlds have already been around for 2 weeks. I will give coordinates for key places later in this thread so that you can stand a chance against the leaderboards people who already know where all these places are.

Exploit #2 - Ore Explosions​

Ore explosions are massive amounts of ores that spawn in gravel patches. They will include every type of ore that spawns at that y level. Often these ore explosions will extend from near the surface at y=60 all the way down to bedrock so if you find one at the surface chances are you can find tons of diamonds below it. What's even worse about these ore explosions is that they are predictable and are at the same places on every single map. Currently I remember that there are ore explosions on every single map around (-22, -22) and (-218, -218) but there are many more. If you mine down to one at diamond level you will typically have enough diamonds to gear up 2 people in full diamond armor, tools, and weapons. Clicking the spoiler below will reveal a video showing a fraction of what you can find in one of these ore explosions.

Exploit #3 - Water Temples​

You may not want to go to water temples in vanilla UHC as they are incredibly dangerous but in Cubecraft UHC they will win you the game if you know how to use them. Cubecraft water temples will typically spawn underground and contain ores of every type at every level. To exploit them effectively just mine underground into one of the walls with ores. Do not go into the water area as you will be two shot by guardians. Once you are at one of the side walls at any y level simply break ores one by one and replace them with a cheap block like cobblestone. You can probably find enough diamonds to gear up 6 people in full dia from one of these and enough gold to make half a stack of gapples if you spent the time mining it all out. I've managed to get full diamond within 10 minutes of the game starting using one of these is your best option to gear up in diamond before anyone else would even get iron armor in vanilla. Below are screenshots of the current coordinates to the 3 water temples on the current maps.
I hope you guys have fun exploiting these bugs to win I know for sure I don't. These bugs do occur in speed UHC as well but ore explosions are harder to spot with increased ore generation and I do not have the coordinates to any water temples for speed UHC.

How to Deal With Leaderboards Teams​

This thread would be incomplete without telling you guys the strategies/weaknesses I've seen with the current leaderboards teams. Please note that Danikka, Bob_the_Giraffe, and Chrisi(string of random numbers) are all on the same team. If you don't want to fight against any leaderboard people simply play solo UHC as they like to carry each other/be carried onto the leaderboards. The only leaderboards player who often plays solo is me and you won't have to worry about me because after this I'm quitting Cubecraft UHC and sticking to much funner private UHCs. The spoilers below will tell you what I know about each leaderboards team.

Danikka often teams with Chrisi, Bob_the_Giraffe, tacosbefriends, Mistie, some person with a 3 letter name starting in
"y" (idk xD), and a few other people. Along with these teammates I've seen Bob_the_Giraffe play with players who are dedicated ghosters for him. These players will find some way to kill themselves at the start of a match and then ghost for Bob. If someone dies at the start of a game and stays the entire game in a match with any of these people chances are they are a dedicated ghoster and they will know where you are at all times. Danikka will often team with the players she thinks are the best if she is not with her teammates.

Danikka's teammates always use the hunter kit so get a shield as soon as possible when in a game against them (which you probably should do for any UHC anyway :P) I would recommend either hunter or pyro agaisnt them but they are used to dodging lava after I used pyro against them so many times. If you want to stoop low you can also use cowboy and abuse the horse glitch! :D (thx cubecraft for being 1.9)

Typically Danikka's team will go to the ore explosion at (-22, -22) on the current maps or go to a water temple. If they are teaming with tacosbefriends kill him first as he is simply the best PvPer on her team and killing the rest of her team will be easy without him.

GiovanniPvP typically teams with his clan which consists of people who have names ending in PvP. The current teammates I can think of off the top of my head are AlvaPvP, EmblaPvP, MrJordyPvP, GewoonChar, and many more. Giovanni's team are frequent abusers of the horse invis glitch and indirectly and possibly directly cross team if they can't all be on one team. I've seen one match where one of Giovanni's teammates from another team circled Giovanni and protected him from other players while still keeping his distance so it would not be considered teaming.

Giovanni's teammates typically use the cowboy kit to take advantage of the horse invis bug. Sometimes they will use hunter if the map is not suitable for horses. I would highly recommend pyro as the lava bucket can be used to trap the horse and kill the rider if they do not dismount quickly enough. If you do end up in a fight against any invis player on a horse though just aim for where the rider should be and you will hit.

Giovanni's team will almost always head to (0,0) and the ore explosion at (-22, -22) if you want to kill them at the start. They will occasionally go for a water temple though. If you are on the map "Desert" they will always ride around on horses trying to kill everyone off quickly.

In the event that I ever play Cubecraft UHC again before these bugs are fixed this will be what I do :P

My teammates which I'll rarely have will probably be DaJosh, GamerFreak (if he's not a scrub and wants to go against me :3), MagnificentSpam, PinkySan, and on rare occasions HuNous (MastaWinda). I will typically use the pyro kit and will first lava my enemies before trying to melee. Sometimes I will use hunter though. I'll typically go around raiding structures to get full iron really quickly. Sometimes I will go for water temples or ore explosions if I'm in a game with other leaderboards people but recently I've been sticking to getting full iron and checking the spots I think the other leaderboards people will be. For the most part the best way to counter me is with hunter as I will not have a bow when I pick pyro. Using a bow and keeping your distance seems to be the best bet for most people I fight. I will typically stick to the surface and constantly check locations of ore explosions and water temples in normal games to make sure no one else uses them.

You probably won't have to worry about me though as I won't be playing normal UHC on cubecraft anymore.

I'll end this off with a little rant :P UHC on cubecraft just isn't fun for me anymore. People often die to mobs and the environment before you get to even have a fair fight with them. Games with leaderboards players are just mad rushes to the nearest water temple or ore explosion. Hackers often are able to the majority of players in some of my games before I can hunt them down and try to kill them. Winning games just by outliving every other player is not fun at all to me and exploiting these terrain bugs has grown very boring as the normal player doesn't even stand a chance. To top it all off the two people I really wanted to get on the leaderboards with GamerFreak and DaJosh are almost never online due to school and lost interest in minecraft :( I remember playing the very first 1.9 UHC as having so much fun with other private UHCs from 1.9-1.11 because: I knew most of the people, all the people could easily beat mobs and not take environmental damage, the worlds were randomly generated, people would all agree not to abuse bugs like the horse invis glitch, and there were never hackers or cross teamers I would have to worry about killing off everyone before we could have a fair fight. When cubecraft UHC first came out I was really excited to check out the custom world generation and relive at least some of the awesome experiences I had when playing 1.9-1.11 UHCs with friends before. Since then I have been heavily disappointed.

Sorry for the long, messy thread but this has just been really bothering me for the past week almost. I hope you guys find playing uhc more fun than I have in the past 2 weeks and I hope this gives people more of a chance against leaderboards players. ♡♡♡♡


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
Top notch thread bro!
I was the same as you when uhc was being released, got told by everyone on discord and rushed home after work to play it.
After playing many private uhcs with you and many other people from cube our expectations were quite high.
For me, and many other people it's been a terrible experience. I spoke about most of my frustrations with the game a couple of days after it was released, and I stand by them.

I said from the start that it was nothing like what a uhc should be. Be as well just giving everyone full iron and proceed straight to the deathmatch. Most people couldn't get anything more than that due to the terrible ore generation. It's honestly been the most boring games of uhc I've ever played. Who wants to spend an hour or so mining stone? And like you said, most people would die to mobs, so there wasn't even point doing any mining. Just head to 0-0 build a little house and wait for everyone to die. We actually did that on one game, a team of 3 game. We got enough iron from dipping in caves on the way to the centre, then built a house. One team remained and made it to the centre. We took them out fairly easily as we hadn't encountered any mobs or other players and they were quite low on health.
Of course them being low on health was partly their own fault and partly because of the map generation. Massive trees that are impossible to chop down? Plenty of leaves around the map though, but who wants to waste time punching leaves to hopefully get an apple. Normal trees, chop them down, go get other stuff done, like getting food, sugarcane, leather, and then come back to find all the leaves despawned and a nice amount of apples for you to gather up.
I've not played it in a couple of weeks, doesn't interest me at all. Think I would rather go play uhc on a 1,8 server instead. (I hate 1.8)

The fact that there's been no change to the maps in 2 weeks is just appalling. Either they're making changes to the game and don't see the point in wasting any more time on the current failure that is uhc or someones just lazy and can't be assed rotating the maps.

I do hope the issues with the gamemode are rectified and that the low player count aren't taken as a sign that people aren't interested in the game. I know many people that would love to see it being a success.
And if anyone wants to see how a real uhc is played then feel free to join us ;)
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Forum Expert
Nov 20, 2015
somewhere deep in the woods
Amazing thread Power!
One thing though, I'm pretty sure AlvaPvP and EmblaPvP don't team with Giovanni, cause I've seen them argue with eachother and join different teams. :P
They more or less hate eachother xD
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Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
Can't express my hatred for GiovanniPVP enough, he asked me for a fair fight and said he had leathers. He then showed up in full iron in 4 minutes using the invisible horse glitch, he then called me bad and easy. He continued to brag about his place on the leaderboard (which is particularly annoying considering the circumstances of his wins), you don't really have the right to brag about your place on the leaderboard if you're exploiting bugs that other players do not know about.

Anyways, fantastic thread. I won't be exploiting these bugs, I will be playing UHC legit because that's how I like it plus exploiting bugs is against the rules. So yeah.


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
Can't express my hatred for GiovanniPVP enough, he asked me for a fair fight and said he had leathers. He then showed up in full iron in 4 minutes using the invisible horse glitch, he then called me bad and easy. He continued to brag about his place on the leaderboard (which is particularly annoying considering the circumstances of his wins), you don't really have the right to brag about your place on the leaderboard if you're exploiting bugs that other players do not know about.

Anyways, fantastic thread. I won't be exploiting these bugs, I will be playing UHC legit because that's how I like it plus exploiting bugs is against the rules. So yeah.

The ores being in the same place isn't a bug, if that's what you're referring to. It's just they haven't bothered resetting the maps.
The invisible players on horses again is an easy fix that nobody has bothered fixing as they must not see it as much of an issue.
No rules can be broken doing any of these.


Forum Professional
Jan 30, 2014
The ores being in the same place isn't a bug, if that's what you're referring to. It's just they haven't bothered resetting the maps.
The invisible players on horses again is an easy fix that nobody has bothered fixing as they must not see it as much of an issue.
No rules can be broken doing any of these.

Rules said:
No exploiting bugs/glitches
Do not exploit any bugs or glitches (includes but not limited to map and plugin bugs or glitches).

It's against the rules.


Dedicated Member
Aug 27, 2016
The jungle
Technically all of them are bugs.

Invisible players on a horse is a bug that staff have said give you no advantage. It would also take no more than a couple of minutes to disable the use of the horse kit, which would easily solve that issue. This has been known to the staff for a long time.
The maps not being reset is not a bug. The staff already said that they manually reset the maps at the end of the day, why they've not done it in several weeks, only they can answer. Definitely no bug, just neglect of a game.


Forum Professional
Jan 13, 2014
Breakfast for Dinner Club HQ
If they are teaming with tacosbefriends kill him first
I love that murdering me is part of a strategy guide on UHC.

On topic: A lot of our higher staff, dev team especially, has been busy with a plethora of other projects and Insomnia 60 is really not helping the issue. Once they're back, I plan to get on their butts about the many issues with the UHC map generation. As a huge fan of UHC and generally good survivalist, it really irks me to see these issues easily being exploited by players more geared toward PvP than survival. UHC typically does not reward PvP skills over survival and wits, so I get a little triggered when someone with little knowledge of survival can gear up easily from these bugs.


Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2013
I'll be honest here, I don't have any dedicated "spotters", I usually play with Danikka/Taco/Chrisi and occasionally other friends but many games I have played alone and won without anyone helping me or telling me where other players are.
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Dedicated Member
Nov 5, 2013
Cut the bs you've done it while on my team.
Funny how cloudy is a player that I consider to be one of my friends, I have played with them before multiple times in SG. I don't ask random players to ever give away coords. Not to mention I can't think of anytime I've played with them in UHC other then that game. If you consider ONCE and asking a friend as being "Dedicated Spotters" then I think you should rethink everything you said about us and maybe just quit crying about it. If you said you quit then don't bother causing drama about it, grow up and move on if that's what you want.
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on xSchulzis's profile.
Reesle wrote on Speedy:3's profile.
Thank you for the follow!
Much appreciated =)
iTz1Hamood wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Hii sapph, Thanks for accepting the report!
Btw even with all that hacking

We still managed to win that game somehow lol, we were so worried about out 52 win streak
So we decided to take out the best inside us and played it so smart

We managed to get the win
And ngl, it was so insane
Probably the most insane win
in my 2000 games played on BW.
TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on Eli's profile.
Cool member appreciation moment:D 💙
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