Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on Lucky Islands, try to stay on topic!


Release Manager/Team Ops 🏳️‍🌈
Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
Jul 23, 2015
Hey CubeCrafters! We want your feedback and suggestions for our game Lucky Islands!

New kits:
If you have any suggestions for new kits, please reply with the name of the kit, the price of the kit and the description/contents/purpose of the kit!

Lucky Blocks:
As you know Lucky Islands has a lot of Lucky Blocks, but they sometimes get repetitive. If you have any ideas for new lucky blocks, message below with what you think should be a new opening for a lucky block. You want a flying slime on a pig? Suggest it! :D

Feel like the current kits and lucky block themes are "okay" at the moment? Feel like some need to be tweaked or re-balanced, then comment below if you feel like there's some kits or lucky blocks that need to be changed slightly or re-balanced.

Achievements (Solo and Team):
If you have any ideas for new achievements, comment them below! Of course give possible and reasonable suggestions for achievements.

For the overall suggestions, try and think crazy when you're coming up with ideas. Think of ideas that will make Lucky Islands amazing, crazy and completely mad!

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Britney Spears

Keep on adding more drops on a monthly base, the drops are really becoming less random and "lucky" when you're playing the game for some hours, which at the same time kind of makes it look like Skywars's identical twin brother but then with lucky blocks that provide you one specific thing instead of chests, which provide you multiple things.


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
Note: Spoilers marked with an asterisk (*) are copy/pasted from my thread (See bottom of post for a link)


A lot of the kits are very well balanced, perhaps because there are so few of them. Though, here are my thoughts on some of the weaker ones:

'Barricade' kit --> 'Builder' / 'Defender'
I would buff the 'Barricade' kit. It gives you a mere eight obsidian blocks, which might be useful for Eggwars, but why would you ever want to barricade yourself in obsidian..? I propose renaming it to 'Builder' or 'Defender', and giving it both a Shield Wand and sixteen sandstone. This change would definitely see this kit gets more use.

'Diamonds' is priced wrong, is potentially overpowered
The 'Diamonds' kit gives you a diamond block. This means that the user can instantly create both a diamond sword, and a pair of diamond platelegs. This wouldn't be a problem, if it weren't one of the cheapest kits. It costs a mere 300 points, whereas 'Lucky', which gives you a slim chance of receiving the diamond sword alone, costs a hefty 450 points. I see three solutions to this:

-Change the diamond block to nine diamond ores. At least that way, the user must acquire an iron+ pickaxe before reaping the hefty benefits of this kit
-Change the diamond block to an iron block. Still a very good kit, just not as good
-Buff up the price tag to 800 points or so. The best kits should, after all, cost the most

Personally, I would opt for changing the block to nine diamond ores. It retains its massive advantages, but now has a slight disadvantage that might be difficult to compensate for.

'Lucky' is underwhelming for its price
450 points to get a block that is literally all over the map... I would expect a lot more for the second most expensive kit, though that might just be me. Anyways, I would:

-Change the Lucky block received, so that it cannot give an unlucky drop
-Perhaps give two or three Lucky blocks

This way, you're still on a gamble. After all, you might get a wolf, bread and sword drop, or you might get two pickaxes and some carrots. You have a better chance of getting useful loot, and you're getting a lot more bang for your buck. Either way, your own kit should not have a chance to kill you.

'Healer' is dead
It's not a bad kit, it's just that there are better kits out there. Perhaps also give it a Regeneration I potion, just to sweeten the deal a little bit. It is one of the cheaper kits, so it doesn't need too many changes made to it.

'Bomber' needs a buff
Genuinely bought the kit just to test it, and yes, it confirmed my unfortunate suspicions... It currently gives you 10x TNT, but no way of activating the TNT. I propose changing the reward to a TNT Wand, something that's much more useful. You get infinite TNT that can be thrown at a distance, but can only use it once it's finished charging. Also, I feel scammed, I want my 450 points back... 450 POINTS??? WOT! SCAMMER!!!

New kit - Knight
What do all kits have in common? That's right - they all give you a free item on the house, an item that you might depend on yet struggle to get from the Lucky blocks. So, why is there no sword kit? xd

Cost: 250 points
Contents: 1x Chain chestplate, 1x Iron sword

Gives a pretty decent sword and a little bit of armour, all for a pretty low price.

New kit - Lumberjack
Similar to the sword kit, it gives you both a weapon and a secondary perk. 'Knight' has a chain chestplate, whereas this kit's "secondary perk" is built into the weapon.

Cost: 300 points
Contents: 1x iron axe

Lower DPS than a sword, but has the added perk of making block gathering easier. Most maps do, after all, have sources of wood on each island.

New kit - Barterer
This kit maintains the theme of getting lucky...

Cost: 250 points
Contents: 3x Villager egg, 64x Emerald

Potential to get the best gear that this game has to offer, but your chances are pretty low...

Lucky Blocks
You know those lucky blocks that are on top of the canvases in 'Art'? Or the blocks that are beneath the spawn islands in 'Dinner'? If you don't, then that's why this suggestion will work so well. I propose removing some of the harder-to-reach or obscure lucky blocks, and changing them so that they're green instead of yellow. These green lucky blocks, ever so creatively named 'Luckier blocks', will always give the player a wand. There will only be a handful of them on each map, but they'll reward map knowledge and also encourage players to go that one step further to obtain what will always be a good drop.

Here is what they'll look like, though in 2D:

Lucky blocks - New loot, changing loot regularly, loot variants
Not only should new loot be added to the Lucky blocks, but old loot should be removed. For example, replace the traditional witch and blaze with a shulker and silverfish infestation. Do away with the Enderdragon for a while, and give us the Wither instead. Who needs an armour stand wearing leather, when we could instead be given a hefty amount of leather and gold, allowing us to make our own set of armour? 'The world has become corrupted' jeez I'm scared, let me just walk two blocks to the left of me to avoid all harm. Why not remove this, and instead, have the entire island that you're standing on suddenly turn into magma blocks? This forces you to get off your island with whatever resources you have, else you'll eventually die. How about instead of giving everybody "luckier loot" for thirty seconds, you give everybody a random power-up for thirty seconds? It could be Speed II, Strength I, Jump Boost V, Regeneration I, etc.

There's also a golden pressure plate that can spawn from Lucky blocks, which when stepped on, will give you either a neat item or a harsh punishment. Instead, why not have that give you a random enchantment? It could be a positive one (i.e. Speed I), or a negative one (i.e. Poison I).

Rather than adding new content, replace existing content with a similar variant. That way, every month or so you could change the loot around at random, making every month a totally different experience from the last.

One month you might have the golden pressure plate that gives enchantments, the next month it might always blow you to bits. Instead of unleashing a witch one month, you might find yourself in a standoff with a hive of silverfish or endermites. Not a fan of the Enderdragon? Well perhaps next month, you'll summon a Wither or Elder Guardian instead. An iron block that shocks you with lightning? Not this time, instead you get two gold blocks that set you on fire for ten seconds.


Funny how the wands, the main gimmick of Lucky Islands, are all useless with an exception to perhaps the Shield wand or TNT Wand. Even so, due to their immense cool-downs and lack of use in most situations, having them isn't going to change up the gameplay much at all. I propose both adding new wands, and changing existing wands, to better diversify gameplay.

Slime wand --> Roulette wand

I propose renaming the 'Slime wand' to the 'Roulette wand'. This wand will still shoot out a projectile, however it will not necessarily be a slime. Here are six projectiles that I recommend it fire:
-Slime mob

See how the wand is a thousand times more practical now? When not in combat, the player can use it in hopes of getting either a diamond for gear, or a chicken for food, two necessities that are often times scarce in Lucky Islands. When in combat, the player can hope for either an arrow or a slime, to either deal cheap, one-time damage from afar, or to distract their opponent. If you notice that a player is bridging, you can hope for either a slime, snowball, egg, or arrow. This essentially makes the wand a bow with infinite ammunition, but with a hefty cool-down.

Dragonfire wand
This is another wand that is rarely used. I simply propose changing it so that it instead emits a large fireball, rather than a sporadic shower of fire. How often are you actually going to even hit somebody with the Dragonfire wand as it currently stands? Next to never, because you cannot control where the fires land. How often, assuming you hit your target, is it going to change the outcome of a fight? Next to never, because who in their right mind would even use this thing at close range? The fireball that it shoots will be on par with a ghast fireball, meaning that it will do some explosive damage, and assuming it makes direct contact, will also inflict fire on your opponent. This makes it a force to be reckoned with, both up close and from afar. Its cool-down will remain the same.

Lightning wand
Easily the worst wand in the game, period. It's so difficult to hit, even if against an idle target, unless you're very close to your opponent. It deals an unreliable amount of damage, and simply doesn't need to exist. Here me out, because what I suggest be done might sound a little pointless at first glance. You know how people use the Shield wand to save themselves when they get hit off the map? Or use it when they have no blocks to bridge across gaps? Well, have the lightning shield not only instantly destroy the shield, but also deal five hearts of damage, guaranteed, to everybody inside. This will therefore serve as a very useful counter-measure to what's probably the best wand in the game thus far. I suggested this quite a while back, and absolutely love the idea. It's so small, yet probably one of my favourite suggestions to date.

Gravitation wand

This is a new wand that intends to add extra usage to wands. I mentioned it briefly in my Cubecraft 3.0 thread, as well as the other two new wands that I am going to suggest in this thread, which you can find here. Basically, the wand will send the user ten blocks into the air, and will also totally negate all fall damage for six seconds. This wand can be used to traverse short gaps (such as between the canvases and the centre stage in 'Art'), or used to escape by elevating oneself to a higher platform instantly (such as the pig in the middle of 'Dinner', or the pots of paint in 'Art', houses in 'Steampunk', etc.). It will have a thirty second cool-down.

Aegis wand
The Aegis wand is very simple in what it does, yet will be used in combat, unlike any other wand as of current. Sure, it could be argued that the Regeneration wand can be used in combat, but be honest, is it really going to change the outcome of a fight, with how long the effect lasts? Anyways, the Aegis wand will reduce damage received by 20% for the next six seconds (Resistance I). If timed right before an encounter, this could be the difference between life and death. It could also be used in some clutch escapes, to reduce fall damage, or to deal with mobs. It will also have a thirty second cool-down.

Resurrection wand
Timing is everything for this wand. If you die within three seconds of its activation, you will be brought back to life with five hearts, in a similar fashion to the Totem of Undying. It will have a 60 minute cool-down, meaning that each wand is only good for one resurrection. I suppose the lore behind this could be that it drains all of its energy in resurrecting you or something.

Gorgon wand
The Gorgon wand will also shoot a projectile, much like how the Roulette wand will shoot eggs, arrows, and snowballs. However, this projectile will deal no knockback nor damage. Instead, it will freeze the opponent in place for five seconds. Its cool-down will be 120 seconds, meaning that if you miss or you waste it, you're probably not going to be using it again any time soon. This wand could be used strategically to stun a close enemy, so that you can shoot them from afar with a bow. Alternatively, it could be used in escapes.

Regeneration wand
The Regeneration wand, alongside its already mediocre ability, will instantly free the user from the effects of the Gorgon wand when activated. It's a small buff, but turns what would otherwise be an overpowered wand into just a very good wand. Its cool-down time will remain the same.

Maps and camping >:v
I don't have time to go through every single map, but some of them have unnecessarily powerful camp spots. One such example is 'Butterfly (2)', which has a huge freaking underworld beneath every island, lmao. Please fill in all that empty space! I would go through every map and just check the tops & bottoms of every island, to see whether any other maps have this issue. It's not the biggest issue in the world, but it does get annoying. See, if somebody falls down there, they usually don't actually have blocks / a pickaxe to get out. They have no choice but to either camp or leave, so you can't really blame people who hide down there.

A very okay thread on Lucky Islands suggestions:
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Mar 10, 2017
My suggestions are:
1) Eliminate the rain of money
It only brings lag and is much worse if it is combined with another rain of money or with a rain of meteorites or with the dragon. I think that with the blocks of minerals that are distributed on the maps is enough.
2) Reduce or eliminate the sound of corruption
It is quite annoying to listen to him throughout the game once corruption begins.
3) Increase the color in the wands
The design is beautiful, but almost all have the same color and this confuses.
4) Reduce the effect of poison
The poison effect lasts for more than 1 minute practically eliminating all life. It would be best to last 30 seconds and the slowness effect 40 seconds.


My suggestions are:
1) Eliminate the rain of money
It only brings lag and is much worse if it is combined with another rain of money or with a rain of meteorites or with the dragon. I think that with the blocks of minerals that are distributed on the maps is enough.
2) Reduce or eliminate the sound of corruption
It is quite annoying to listen to him throughout the game once corruption begins.
3) Increase the color in the wands
The design is beautiful, but almost all have the same color and this confuses.
4) Reduce the effect of poison
The poison effect lasts for more than 1 minute practically eliminating all life. It would be best to last 30 seconds and the slowness effect 40 seconds.
This!! I agree with your idea. :p:)


Team CubeCraft
💙 Admin Team
🎨 Designer
Oct 20, 2013
Also be specific as possible, don't just say an item from the creative menu (which a few of my old ideas did), describe it, if it should have particle effects? If it has particle effects, what motion do they move, the sound effects it could have, like the sound of an anvil being struck, if the item has a unique name etc

Old idea
- Get a potato that explodes like a grenade, call it hot potato

New idea
- Fire particle effects come off the block as you break it. You receive a potato called "Hot Potato" (could use red text). You right click to throw it, makes a hissing noise, sound of a creeper before it blows up. Does around 2/3 TNT worth of damage.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2016
Merrillville, Indiana
My suggestions are:
1) Eliminate the rain of money
It only brings lag and is much worse if it is combined with another rain of money or with a rain of meteorites or with the dragon. I think that with the blocks of minerals that are distributed on the maps is enough.
Yeah, I do crash sometimes on my older Notebook from 2013. Anyone else having that problem?
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Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Lucky Islands, changes and imrovements, suggestion thread

Hey there! I am a huge fan of the Lucky Islands gamemode, and therefor, I have much experience with it! (2100 games played in total)
So here are my suggestions for this gamemode!

Existing kits
Name: Warrior
Price: 0 points
Contains: Stone sword
Changes: None, this one is fine!
Name: Builder
Price: 0 points
-16 stone
-Leather chestplate
Changes: Give the player the Leather chestplate in a random coulor
Name: Scout
Price: 250 points
Contains: 3 potions of speed
Changes: Add a leather helmet (Color: #7FCC19) so it looks like a real explorer ;)
Name: Heavy
Price: 400 points
-Leather helmet
-Chainmail chestplate
-Leather leggings
-Leather boots
Changes: Change the leather leggings to chainmail leggings, it will be a little bit better.
Name: Bomber
Price: 450 points
Contains: 10 TNT
-Add golden boots (blast protection III, Feather falling II)
-Add 2 more TNT (total amount of 12 TNT)
-Add a wooden button
-Add a water bucket
-Change the price to 900 points
-Change the name to TNT jumper
Name: Diamonds
Price: 300 points
Contains: Diamond block
Changes: Change the price to 500 points, because this kit is worth it more than 300 points.
Name: Egg Farmer
Price: 250 points
Contains: 16 eggs
Changes: Add 16 more eggs (total amount of 32 eggs)
Name: Archer
Price: 350 points
-12 arrows
Changes: Add 12 more arrows (total amount of 24 arrows)
Name: Lucky
Price: 450 points
Contains: Lucky block
-Add 2 more Lucky blocks to the kit
-Like @Sophie said, make it so these Lucky blocks can't be unlucky.
Name: Healer
Price: 250 points
Contains: 3 potions of instant health
Changes: Make the potions instant health II
Name: Enchanter
Price: 350 points
-Enchanting table
-32 lapis lazuli
-32 bottle o' enchanting
-Add 16 more bottle o' enchanting (total amount of 48 bottle o' enchanting)
-Add Stone pickaxe (so you can mine your Enchanting table)
Name: Chef
Price: 150 points
-3 golden apples
-12 apples
-Change the price to 200 points
-Rename the kit to Apples
Name: Miner
Price: 250 points
Contains: Diamond pickaxe
Changes: Remove it (replace it with Toolsmith, explained in New kits)
Name: Barricade
Price: 250 points
Contains: 8 obsidian
Changes: Remove it (it is to camp inside an obsidian cage, not too useful :/)
Name: Wizard
Price: 600 points
Contains: Random wand
Changes: Reduce the price to 400 points
New kits
Name: Toolsmith
Price: 500 points
-Iron pickaxe
-Stone axe
-Stone shovel
Use: To mine blocks easier
Icon (in the shop menu): Iron pickaxe
Name: Sweet chef
Price: 200 points
-3 buckets of milk
-3 sugar
-2 eggs
-5 wheat
-1 cocoa bean
-1 pumpkin
Use: A fun way to make sweets in Lucky Islands :)
Icon (in the shop menu): Cake
Things you could make with this kit:

Source: https://www.digminecraft.com/food_recipes/make_cake.php

Source: https://www.digminecraft.com/food_recipes/make_cookie.php

Source: https://www.digminecraft.com/food_recipes/make_pumpkin_pie.php
Name: Player Tracker
Price: 300 points
Contains: Player tracker
Use: To track players, useful at the end of the game
Icon (in the shop menu): Compass
Overall changes
What: A perk where you get resistance II for 5 seconds after a kill
Why: To reduce cleaners after a big fight
What: Change the max build limit to a limited amount, now it's still Y=256.
Why: Because some players go to Y=256 to wait untill they win
What: You will get kill credit if you kill someone using a TNT wand
Why: Because if you kill a player using a TNT wand, it'll just say he blew up.
Lucky Blocks
What: You get 20-40 stone/dirt/sandstone blocks
Change: You get 30-50 stone/dirt/sandstone blocks
Why: Because with only 20 blocks, you can sometimes only bridge between 2 islands
What: You get an enchantment table, with 3-7 lapis and some auto-falling xp bottles
Change: The xp bottles fall around the table, but make them fall on the middle of the table, one by one
Why: Because in much cases, you'll lose a lot of xp because it fell in the void or something
What: You get a potion set, with:
-instant damage II (splash potion)
-poison [0:45] (splash potion)
-regeneration [0:22] (lingering potion)
-speed [0:30] (lingering potion)
Change: The poison potion less duration: from [0:45] to [0:30]
Why: 45 seconds of potion is way too much.
What: You get a wolf, 2 bones and a nametag
Change: Replace the 2 bones with 2 cooked chicken
Why: The wolf can't eat the bones, but he can eat cooked chicken to regain health
What: You get a snowman called "Frosty" and a stone shovel
Change: Replace the stone shovel with an iron shovel
Why: You can mine snow faster with the iron shovel
New wand:
What: A wand that gives you Saturation [0:07]
Why: To regain your hunger. (Like a regeneration wand gives you regeneration for [0:07])
What: Win a game using only projectiles
What: Kill a player using the TNT wand
Thank you all so much for reading my thread!
This took me quite a while! But is for my favorite game of all time!
Cya next time!


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Achievements (Solo and Team):
If you have any ideas for new achievements, comment them below! Of course give possible and reasonable suggestions for achievements.
Solo achievements
What are the odds? - Die while the luckier blocks drop is active - 150 EXP
Double the drops - Get the same drop twice in the same 20 seconds - 1 cubelet, 20 points, 200 EXP
You're not a Wizard Harry - Win a game without using a single wand - 25 points, 150 EXP
Magic Fanatic - Use every wand within 10 seconds - 2 cubelets, 50 points, 300 EXP
When Pigs Fly - ride a pig into the void - 20 points, 200 EXP

Team Achievements
Nicholas Cage - Use the shield wand to catch a wolf named Nicholas - 20 points, 100 EXP
Man's 3 best friends - Have 3 tamed wolves in the same game - 33 points, 333 EXP
Karma - die from a lucky block drop shortly after killing someone - 1 cubelet, 35 points, 200 EXP
Luckiest Person Alive - wear full diamond armour and hold out a diamond - 40 points, 100 EXP

Lucky Blocks:
As you know Lucky Islands has a lot of Lucky Blocks, but they sometimes get repetitive. If you have any ideas for new lucky blocks, message below with what you think should be a new opening for a lucky block. You want a flying slime on a pig? Suggest it! :D
unluckier blocks for 30 seconds
Rains food from the sky
Heals you to full and teleports you up 23 blocks and gives you a water bucket
summons sand to fly around and possibly hit you to suffocate you
gives you random positive effect for 5 seconds
gives you a fortune 5 pickaxe with 0 durability left
gives you looting 5 wooden sword with 9 durability left
summons a little pet for you, a cat with a cake on it's back


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Solo achievements
What are the odds? - Die while the luckier blocks drop is active - 150 EXP
Double the drops - Get the same drop twice in the same 20 seconds - 1 cubelet, 20 points, 200 EXP
You're not a Wizard Harry - Win a game without using a single wand - 25 points, 150 EXP
Magic Fanatic - Use every wand within 10 seconds - 2 cubelets, 50 points, 300 EXP
When Pigs Fly - ride a pig into the void - 20 points, 200 EXP

I like these achievements! +1 ^^

Team Achievements
Nicholas Cage - Use the shield wand to catch a wolf named Nicholas - 20 points, 100 EXP
Man's 3 best friends - Have 3 tamed wolves in the same game - 33 points, 333 EXP
Karma - die from a lucky block drop shortly after killing someone - 1 cubelet, 35 points, 200 EXP
Luckiest Person Alive - wear full diamond armour and hold out a diamond - 40 points, 100 EXP

For these ones, the red one means I don't like that achievement (no offence, you'e awesome ;p)
The orange one can change in my opinion:
Man's 3 best friends - Have 3 tamed wolves in your team in the same game - 33 points, 333 EXP (suggestion :p)
The green ones are good! :D

Heals you to full and teleports you up 23 blocks and gives you a water bucket

I like this one, but what if you have a full inventory? Or what if 23 blocks above you is a big thing where you'll suffocate?
I really like it but I think this won't be go well for most players ;p

Anyways, good suggestion, and, I'm just giving my opinion on your suggestion! You did a good job :D


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
I like this one, but what if you have a full inventory?
Than it either moves any items like slime blocks, hay bales, etc. from in your inventory to your hand or you will just have to take damage
Or what if 23 blocks above you is a big thing where you'll suffocate?
up being in an open area, meaning that it will clear all blocks above from where you were so you can't suffocate/land on a rooftop
I really like it but I think this won't be go well for most players ;p
I generally don't see very many people with full inventories

A pigeon

The problem with this game is that lucky blocks do not provide basic amenities and often have the same stuff over and over and over. Most games often end not by PvP , but by someone getting unlucky.

Unluckiness should be decreased just a bit so games actually end nicely and become memorable.


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
Than it either moves any items like slime blocks, hay bales, etc. from in your inventory to your hand or you will just have to take damage

up being in an open area, meaning that it will clear all blocks above from where you were so you can't suffocate/land on a rooftop

I generally don't see very many people with full inventories

Oh, this is the first game I played yesterday ;p


Forum Expert
Sep 2, 2016
In A Box In San Francisco
Oh, this is the first game I played yesterday ;p
do you really expect to be keeping 2 wooden swords? when you have 3 diamond swords? also you have a stone sword, and plenty of armour in your inventory that you are just hogging your inventory with
be honest if you weren't doing this just to take a screenshot, I am sure you'd be emptying out your inventory
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Dec 28, 2016
Kit Suggestion: Tank
Includes: -Full Diamond Armour
-1 minute slowness effect

Doesn't have to be implemented but would like to see it


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
do you really expect to be keeping 2 wooden swords? when you have 3 diamond swords? also you have a stone sword, and plenty of armour in your inventory that you are just hogging your inventory with
be honest if you weren't doing this just to take a screenshot, I am sure you'd be emptying out your inventory
I never empty my inventory, it's a time waster, at least for me, but yeah, I like the idea of the water bucket mlg thing, I hope it'll get added!


Forum Veteran
Dec 22, 2016
Sweden ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
im playing Lucky island before i don't will play now becuase nothing uptd, i gonna play more if they coming new kits and little more new maps events map now on halloween Team lucky island not a new map only solo :/ somthing new in lobby exemple ester egg hunt
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