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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
If there is any quests I have forgot just tell me what is called and it objectives and rewards if it has and I will add it. ty
Hi. You might of heard of skyblock before but have you ever wondered how many quests are there? Well there 136
Purple = description
Black = Non description
This took a very long time btw
the links I used https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/skyblock-all-quests.227026/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/documentation-skyblock-quests.226409/
Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Gather a large amount of Oak Logs.
Gather 32 Oak Logs 0/32

Generating cobblestone
Generate 20 Cobblestone from Cobblestone Generators. Cobblestone mined for the world does not count towards Quest progress.
Generate 20 cobblestone 0/20

Let There Be Light Part 1
Craft a Furnace.
Craft a Furnace 0/1

Let There Be Light Part 2
Smelt Logs into charcoal
Smelt 5 logs into charcoal 0/5

Let There Be Light Part 3
Craft torches
Craft 20 torches 0/20

Craft some needed stone tools
Craft a stone axe 0/1
Craft a stone pickaxe 0/1
Craft a stone hoe 0/1
Craft a stone spade/shovel 0/1
New island: Plains

Travel to the plains island
1,000 coins

Bears, Beets... Battlestar Galactica
- Harvest 500 Beetroot
- 2x Experience Bottle

Lord Of Soup
- Craft 100 Beetroot Soup
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Logs For Days
- Gather 200 Oak Logs
- 2x Experience Bottle
- 10x Beetroot Seeds

Theory Of Gravity
- Gather 50 Apples
- Golden Apple

- Generate 200 Cobblestone
- Golden Carrot
- 20x Experience Bottle

The Ultimate Oven
- Craft 30 Furnaces
- 2 Experience Bottles
- 64x Charcoal

John's law
- Craft 18 Crafting Tables
- 18x Cole
- 5x Experience Bottle

Great Heights
- Craft 500 Ladders
- 10x Experience Bottle

Roll Out The Red Carpet
- Craft 500 Red Carpet
- 64x Red Terracotta
- 20x Experience Bottle

Armour Standing
- Craft 10 Armour Stands
- 10x Experience Bottle

Pumpkin Carver
Harvest some Pumpkins and scoop out their seeds.
Halloween or not, I just want pumpkins!
Harvest 3 pumpkins 0/3
Craft 4 pumpkin seeds 0/4

Harvest potatoes and make mash
Harvest 30 potatoes 0/30
Bake 15 potatoes 0/15

Potatoe Farmer
Harvest a lot of potatoes
Harvest 128 potatoes 0/128

Travelling Salesman
Bring your stock to the skyblock hub
Visit the skyblock hub 0/1

Pumpkin slayer
Kill a lot of pumpkins to help Herobrine
Harvest 50 pumpkins 0/50

Got beef
Kill cows then cooked the meat
Kill Cows: 0/30
Cook Steak: 0/15

Craft some well earned leather Armour
Craft leather helmet 0/1
Craft leather chestplate 0/1
Craft leather leggins 0/1
Craft leather boots 0/1

Generating coal
Generate a lot of coal so you craft torches
Generate 64 coal 0/64

Light it up
Craft a lot of torches to light up the place
Craft 100 torches 0/100

- Eat 10 Raw Beef
- 1x Experience Bottle

Leather Armoury
- Put a Leather Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put a Leather Chestplate on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Boots on an Armour Stand
- 20x Experience Bottle

Level 18 Leather Generator
- Upgrade a Cow Spwaner to Level 18
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 64x Leather

- Harvest 200 Pumpkins
- Wear a Pumpkin on your head
- 2x Experience Bottle

Potato Peels
- Harvest 1,000 Potatoes
- Harvest 50 Poisonous Potatoes
- 1x Experience Bottle

- Eat 10 Poisonous Potatoes without being posioned.
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 2x Golden Carrot

Portable Goods
- Dismantle a Skyblock Shop
- Place a Skyblock Shop
- 10x Experience Bottle
- 32x Stone
- 500 Coins

(Btw this is the point where I stopped putting descriptions)

Sell 30 leather 0/30
Cold tagia island

Travel to the Cold Tagia island
5,000 coins
Wheat farmer
Harvest Wheat: 0/50

Burger Buns
Craft 100 bread 0/100

Cubecraft fried chicken
Kill 20 chickens 0/20
Cook 20 chicken 0/20

Spawner Upgrade
Upgrade a chicken spawner 0/1

Island spurce-up
Collect 128 spruce logs 0/128

Novice guide to enchanting
Harvest 50 lapis 0/50

Enchanting Apprentice
Enchant any item to level 1 0/1

Sorcer in training
Enchant leather helmet to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather chestplate to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather leggins to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather boots to level 2 0/1

Paint yourself blue
Dye all the leather Enchant Aroumer blue 0/4 pieces

Eggeclent recipe
Collect 16 eggs 0/16

Cold to the touch
Summon and kill a snow golem boss 0/1

Tomb raider
Travel to the jungle island 0/1
10,000 coins

Pillow Fort
- Gather 500 Feathers

Cold Feet
- Craft 20 Leather Boots
- 10x Experience Bottle

All Cooped Up
- Kill 200 Chickens
- Cook 200 Chickens
- 4x Experience Bottle
- 20x Egg

Cuckoo Ranger
- Throw 1,000 Eggs At Chickens
- Golden Apple
- 25,000 Coins

Welcome To The Jungle
- Kill 20 Spiders

Tree Feller
- Gather 500 Jungle Logs

All Eyes On You
- Kill 50 Spiders
- Gather 25 Spider Eyes

Sleep Tight
- Craft 20 Wool
- Craft a Bed
- Set Spawn Location

Cocoa Farmer
- Gather 100 Cocao Beans

A Blight Of Spiders
- Enchant any weapon with Bane of Arthropods

Tackle The Jungle
- Craft a Fishing Rod

- Upgrade a Spider Spawner 4x

Arachnid Exile
- Kill 10 Though Level 10+ Spiders

- Craft 200 Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Cracked Stone Bricks
- 200x Mossy Stone Bricks

Angler Artisan
- Enchant a Fishing Rod with Lure Level 5
- 20x Experience Bottle

Angler Master
- Catch 64 Fish
- Catch 32 Salmon
- Catch 16 Pufferfish
- Catch 3 Clownfish
- 20x Experience Bottle

Crazy Cat Person
- Tame 20 Ocelots
- 30x Experience Bottle
- 20,000 Coins

- Eat 32 Cooked Fish
- Eat 32 Cooked Salmon
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Omega 3
- Eat 32 Raw Fish
- Eat 32 Raw Salmon
- Eat 5 Clownfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Harmful Appetite
- Eat 10 Pufferfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Eye See What You Did There
- Eat 64 Spider Eyes
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Silk Weaver
- Craft 200 Wool
20x Experience Bottle
- 5,000 Coins

Chocolate Floor
- Craft 400 Brown Carpet
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Chain Of Survival
- Craft 10 Leather Helmets
- Craft 10 Leather Chestplates
- Craft 10 Leather Leggings
- Craft 10 Leather Boots

Cookie Monster's Baker
- Craft 100,000 Cookies
- Cookie Monster's Cookie
- 2,000,000 Coins

Cacti Farmer
- Harvest 250 Cacti

- Enchant a Bow to Level 2

Blot Out The Sun
- Craft a Bow
- Craft 500 Arrows

Target Practice
- Shoot 20 Zombies 20 or more blocks away

Creeper Blanket
- Smelt 50 Cacti into Dye
- Craft 50 Green Wool

- Travel to the Birch Forest Island
- 30,000 Coins

- Retaliate against 100 Zombies
(Kill 100 Zombies after you received damage from them)
- 100x Experience Bottle

- Smelt 500 Glass
- 64x Packed Ice

Bottles Of Fun
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- 32x Lime Stained Glass
- 32x Yellow Stained Glass
- 32x Magenta Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Disciple Of Imhotep
- Craft 300 Sandstone
- Craft 300 Smooth Sandstone
- 64x Smooth Red Sandstone
- 64x Chiseled Red Sandstone
- 64x Red Sandstone

Fragile Artisanry
- Craft 100 Red Glass
- Craft 100 Blue Glass
- Craft 100 Purple Glass
- Craft 100 Brown Glass
- Craft 100 Green Glass
- Craft 100 Cyan Glass
- 32x Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Blue Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Panestaking Glasswork
- Craft 500 Red Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Blue Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Purple Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Brown Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Green Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Cyan Glass Panes
- 64x Pink Stained Glass
- 64x White Stained Glass
- 64x Black Stained Glass
- 64x Orange Stained Glass
- 100x Experience Bottle
- Gather 1000 Birch Logs

Iron Out The Kinks
- Smelt 200 Iron Ingots

- Craft an Iron Axe
- Craft an Iron Pickaxe
- Craft an Iron Spade
- Craft an Iron Hoe

- Craft an Iron Helmet
- Craft an Iron Chestplate
- Craft Iron Leggings
- Craft Iron Boots

Melon Farmer
- Harvest 3000 Melons

A Smithy's Best Friend
- Craft an Anvil

Steel Yourself
- Enchant an Iron Sword to Level 2

Posion And Remedy
- Kill 15 Zombies while Posioned
- Kill 15 Cave Spiders while not Posioned

Heart Of Iron
- Summon and kill an Iron Golem

- Travel to the Savannah Island
- 40,000 Coins

Bark And Birch
- Gather 10,000 Birch Logs
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 1,000 Iron Ingots
- 350,000 Coins

Off The Rails
- Craft 3,000 Rails
10x Experience Bottle
8x Activator Rail
32x Powered Rail
- 32x Detector Rail

- Summon and Kill 100 Iron Golems
- 3x Golden Apple
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Iron Armoury
- Put an Iron Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Iron Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8 Powered Rail
- 40x Experience Bottle
- 8x Detector Rail

Barred and Blocked
- Craft a Shield
- Craft 200 Iron Bars

Shields Up
- Enchant a Shield to Level 3
- Creeper Banner

Venom and Vitality
- Kill 20 Though Cave Spiderrs while Poisoned
- 2x Cave Spiders while Poisoned
- Enchanted Golden Apple

- Harvest 50,000 Melons
- 5x Golden Apple
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Kill 10 Zombies
- Kill 10 Spiders
- Kill 10 Cave Spiders
- Kill 20 Skeletons

The Grand Ham
- Kill 25 Pigs
- Cook 25 Porkchop

- Gather 2,000 Acacia Logs

Golden Core
- Craft 20 Golden Apples

Gold Miner
- Smelt 300 Gold Ingots

- Sell 128 Gold Ingots

Spirit Of Apollo
- Kill 5 Infernal Skeletons flawlessly using arrows

Bone Marrow
- Sell 200 Bones

Dye Master
- Craft 64 Lime Dye
- Craft 64 Light Blue Dye

Colour Co-ordination
- Craft 200 Lime Carpet
- Craft 200 Light Blue Carpet

- Travel to the Extreme Hills Islands
- 50,000 Coins

Golden Age
- Smelt 2,000 Gold Ingots
Rewards: 32x Red Terracotta

Barbeque Bacon
- Kill 100 Burning Pigs
- Gather 500 Grilled Pork
- Fireproof Helmet
- Fireproof Chestplate

Infernal Retribution
- Kill 100 Burning Infernal Skeletons
Fireproof Leggings
- Fireproof Boots

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Deflection Tactics
- Deflect 10 Arrows back at Skeletons
- 256x Withering Arrows

Gold Armoury
- Put an Gold Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Gold Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Boots on an Armour Stand
- 60x Experience Bottle
- 12x Powered Rail
- 12x Detector Rail

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Ceramic Shop
- Buy 500 Clay
- 16x Allium

Porcelain Pottery
- Craft 500 Flower Pots
- 16x Pink Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 500 Clay into Bricks
- Craft 150 Brick Blocks
- Craft 300 Brick Slabs
- Craft 150 Brick Stairs
- 16x Azure Bluet
- 16x Red Tulip
- 16x Orange Tulip
- 16x White Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

Nether Gate
- Unlock the Nether.
- 16x Potion of Regeneration
Bestiary Of Horrors
- Kill 3 Creepers
- Kill 10 Skeletons
- Kill 10 Zombies

Unconventional Shepherd
- Kill 100 Sheep

Carrot Farmer
- Harvest 10,000 Carrots

Lucky Pick
- Harvest 60 Golden Carrots

Merchant of Oz
- Sell 180 Emeralds

Lamb Shanked
- Cook 500 Mutton

Blast Armour
- Enchant Iron Helmet with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Chestplate with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Leggings with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Boots with Blast Protection 2

Hazardous Materials
- Craft 50 TNT

Handcrafted Luck
- Craft 250 Golden Carrots

- Kill 3 Charged Creepers

- Travel to the Swampland Island
100,000 Coins

Explosive Temperament
- Kill 30 Tough Creepers
- Kill 10 Charged Creepers
- 3x Sheep Spawner
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Harvest 15,000 Carrots
- Harvest 150 Golden Carrots
- Craft 500 Golden Carrots
- 2x Enchanted Golden Apple
- 5,000,000 Coins

Trophy Hunter
- Obtain 2 Skeleton Skulls
- Obtain 2 Zombie Skulls
- Obtain 2 Creeper Skulls
- Sheep Spawner
- 500,000 Coins

Vivid Flock
- Dye 20 Sheep Orange
- Dye 20 Sheep Magenta
- Dye 20 Sheep Light Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Yellow
- Dye 20 Sheep Lime
- Dye 20 Sheep Pink
- Dye 20 Sheep Cyan
- Dye 20 Sheep Purple
- Dye 20 Sheep Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Brown
- Dye 20 Sheep Green
- Dye 20 Sheep Red
- 1,000,000 Coins

True Anarchy
- Kill 80 Slimes
- Kill 20 Witches
- Kill 20 Zombies
- Kill 20 Skeletons
- Kill 20 Spiders
- Kill 20 Cave Spiders

Sugar Rush
- Craft 500 Sugar
- Gather 10 Sugar from Witches

Prime Mining
- Craft a Diamond Axe
- Craft a Diamond Pickaxe
- Craft a Diamond Spade
- Craft a Diamond Hoe

Illustrious Finery
- Craft an Diamond Helmet
- Craft an Diamond Chestplate
- Craft Diamond Leggings
- Craft Diamond Boots

- Gather 200 Diamonds

- Kill 300 Level 0 Slimes

- Gather 4,000 Dark Oak Logs

Light In The Shadows
- Craft 50 Glowstone

Glucose Overdose
- Craft 15,000 Sugar

Violent Delights
- Craft 50 Cakes
- 20x Diamond
- 100x Experience Bottle

Violent Ends
- Kill 1,000 Cows
- Kill 1,000 Chickens
- Kill 1,000 Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Ocelots
- Kill 1,000 Zombies
- Kill 1,000 Cave Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Skeletons
- Kill 1,000 Pigs
- Kill 1,000 Creepers
- Kill 1,000 Sheep
- Kill 1,000 Slimes
- Kill 1,000 Witches
- 500x Experience Bottle
- 100x Diamond
- Shard Of The Sky

Parchment Arts
- Craft 1,000 Paper
- Compass
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Library of Secrets
- Craft 500 Books
- Craft 200 Bookshelves
- Secrets / Ch. 1

Occasion Of Celebration
- Craft 100 Fireworks
- 32x Firework

Incredible Pie
- Craft 100 Pumpkin Pie
- 100 Experience Bottles
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamonds In The Sky
- Sell 500 Diamonds
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Personal Portal
- Create a Portal
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamond Armoury
- Put an Diamond Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Diamond Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8x Activator Rail
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 16x Powered Rail
- 16x Detector Rail

Oaken Heart
- Gather 10,000 Dark Oak Logs
- Rose Bush
- 64x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Door To The Skies
- Craft 100 Oak Wood Door
- Craft 100 Spruce Wood Door
- Craft 100 Jungle Wood Door
- Craft 100 Acacia Wood Door
- Craft 100 Dark Oak Wood Door
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Sunflower
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Craft 500 Oak Wood Step
- Craft 500 Spruce Wood Step
- Craft 500 Jungle Wood Step
- Craft 500 Acacia Wood Step
- Craft 500 Dark Oak Wood Step
- Craft 300 Oak Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Spruce Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Jungle Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Acacia Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- Peony
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Lilac
- 1,000,000 Coins

Mythical Majesty
- Enchant 4 items to Level 6
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 200,000 Coins

- Craft 1 Optimiser
- Apply 20 Tree Boosts
- Apply 20 Ore Boosts
Reward | Quartz Generator

Nether Blacksmith
- Craft 10 Iron Swords
- Craft 10 Iron Axes
Reward | Quartz Generator
Slime Time
- Upgrade a Magma Cube Spawner to Level 32
Rewards | 2x Golden Apple - 64x Experience Bottle - 100,000 Coins

Magic Mythos
- Enchant 4 items to Level 7
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Hoarder
- Gather 10,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 750,000 Coins

Flawless Flamewalker
- Kill 100 Pigmen flawlessly
- Kill 100 Magma Cubes flawlessly
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 800,000 Coins
Chalcedony Quartz
- Gather 1,000 Nether Quartz
- Gather 5,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 2x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond

Flaming Brewery
- Craft 20 Brewing Stands
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Harvester
- Gather 25,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 4x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Harvester
- Harvest 50,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

- Brew 20 Awkward Potions
- Brew 15 Potions of Healing
- Brew 15 Potions of Fire Resistance
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Bottles of Hell
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- Fill 1,000 Bottles with Water, in the Nether
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 500,000 Coins

- Apply 20 Crop Boosts

Wither Or Not
- Kill 250 Wither Skeletons
- Gather 50 Wither Skeleton Skulls
Rewards | 2x Diamond Block - 10,000,000 Coins

A Glimmer Of Hope
- Gather 75,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 4x Diamonds

- Gather 2,500 Nether Quartz
- Gather 10,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | 20x Nether Wart - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Reaper
- Harvest 150,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 2,500,000 Coins

Cyrstalline Architecture
- Craft 200 Blocks of Quartz
- Craft 200 Chiseled Quartz Blocks
- Craft 200 Pillar Quartz Blocks
- Craft 400 Quartz Slabs
- Craft 120 Quartz Stairs
Rewards | 1,000,000 Coins

Coming soon
Last edited:
Dec 12, 2020
Hi. You might of heard of skyblock before but have you ever wondered how many quests are there? Well there is about 110
Purple = description
Black = Non description
This took a very long time btw
the links I used https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/skyblock-all-quests.227026/, https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/documentation-skyblock-quests.226409/
Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Introduction part 1
Welcome to Skyblock! This is your first Quest. Completing a quest or a series of Quests yields useful rewards. Start by gathering 10 Oak Logs.
Gather 10 logs 0/10

Introduction part 2
Great work! Now, craft a Crafting Table.
Craft a crafting table 0/1

Tools of the trade
Craft essential Wooden Tools.
Craft a Wooden Axe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Pickaxe: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Spade: 0/1
Craft a Wooden Hoe 0/1
-3x Cobblestone generator

Food for thought
Harvest some Beetroot and make some Beetroot Soup.
Harvest 30 beetroot 0/30
Craft 5 beetroot 0/5
-Water bucket

Gather a large amount of Oak Logs.
Gather 32 Oak Logs 0/32

Generating cobblestone
Generate 20 Cobblestone from Cobblestone Generators. Cobblestone mined for the world does not count towards Quest progress.
Generate 20 cobblestone 0/20

Let There Be Light Part 1
Craft a Furnace.
Craft a Furnace 0/1

Let There Be Light Part 2
Smelt Logs into charcoal
Smelt 5 logs into charcoal 0/5

Let There Be Light Part 3
Craft torches
Craft 20 torches 0/20

Craft some needed stone tools
Craft a stone axe 0/1
Craft a stone pickaxe 0/1
Craft a stone hoe 0/1
Craft a stone spade/shovel 0/1
New island: Plains

Travel to the plains island
1,000 coins

Bears, Beets... Battlestar Galactica
- Harvest 500 Beetroot
- 2x Experience Bottle

Lord Of Soup
- Craft 100 Beetroot Soup
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Logs For Days
- Gather 200 Oak Logs
- 2x Experience Bottle
- 10x Beetroot Seeds

Theory Of Gravity
- Gather 50 Apples
- Golden Apple

- Generate 200 Cobblestone
- Golden Carrot
- 20x Experience Bottle

The Ultimate Oven
- Craft 30 Furnaces
- 2 Experience Bottles
- 64x Charcoal

John's law
- Craft 18 Crafting Tables
- 18x Cole
- 5x Experience Bottle

Great Heights
- Craft 500 Ladders
- 10x Experience Bottle

Roll Out The Red Carpet
- Craft 500 Red Carpet
- 64x Red Terracotta
- 20x Experience Bottle

Armour Standing
- Craft 10 Armour Stands
- 10x Experience Bottle

Pumpkin Carver
Harvest some Pumpkins and scoop out their seeds.
Halloween or not, I just want pumpkins!
Harvest 3 pumpkins 0/3
Craft 4 pumpkin seeds 0/4

Harvest potatoes and make mash
Harvest 30 potatoes 0/30
Bake 15 potatoes 0/15

Potatoe Farmer
Harvest a lot of potatoes
Harvest 128 potatoes 0/128

Travelling Salesman
Bring your stock to the skyblock hub
Visit the skyblock hub 0/1

Pumpkin slayer
Kill a lot of pumpkins to help Herobrine
Harvest 50 pumpkins 0/50

Got beef
Kill cows then cooked the meat
Kill Cows: 0/30
Cook Steak: 0/15

Craft some well earned leather Armour
Craft leather helmet 0/1
Craft leather chestplate 0/1
Craft leather leggins 0/1
Craft leather boots 0/1

Generating coal
Generate a lot of coal so you craft torches
Generate 64 coal 0/64

Light it up
Craft a lot of torches to light up the place
Craft 100 torches 0/100

- Eat 10 Raw Beef
- 1x Experience Bottle

Leather Armoury
- Put a Leather Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put a Leather Chestplate on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Leather Boots on an Armour Stand
- 20x Experience Bottle

Level 18 Leather Generator
- Upgrade a Cow Spwaner to Level 18
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 64x Leather

- Harvest 200 Pumpkins
- Wear a Pumpkin on your head
- 2x Experience Bottle

Potato Peels
- Harvest 1,000 Potatoes
- Harvest 50 Poisonous Potatoes
- 1x Experience Bottle

- Eat 10 Poisonous Potatoes without being posioned.
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 2x Golden Carrot

Portable Goods
- Dismantle a Skyblock Shop
- Place a Skyblock Shop
- 10x Experience Bottle
- 32x Stone
- 500 Coins

(Btw this is the point where I stopped putting descriptions)

Sell 30 leather 0/30
Cold tagia island

Travel to the Cold Tagia island
5,000 coins
Wheat farmer
Harvest Wheat: 0/50

Burger Buns
Craft 100 bread 0/100

Cubecraft fried chicken
Kill 20 chickens 0/20
Cook 20 chicken 0/20

Spawner Upgrade
Upgrade a chicken spawner 0/1

Island spurce-up
Collect 128 spruce logs 0/128

Novice guide to enchanting
Harvest 50 lapis 0/50

Enchanting Apprentice
Enchant any item to level 1 0/1

Sorcer in training
Enchant leather helmet to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather chestplate to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather leggins to level 2 0/1
Enchant leather boots to level 2 0/1

Paint yourself blue
Dye all the leather Enchant Aroumer blue 0/4 pieces

Eggeclent recipe
Collect 16 eggs 0/16

Cold to the touch
Summon and kill a snow golem boss 0/1

Tomb raider
Travel to the jungle island 0/1
10,000 coins

Pillow Fort
- Gather 500 Feathers

Cold Feet
- Craft 20 Leather Boots
- 10x Experience Bottle

All Cooped Up
- Kill 200 Chickens
- Cook 200 Chickens
- 4x Experience Bottle
- 20x Egg

Cuckoo Ranger
- Throw 1,000 Eggs At Chickens
- Golden Apple
- 25,000 Coins

Welcome To The Jungle
- Kill 20 Spiders

Tree Feller
- Gather 500 Jungle Logs

All Eyes On You
- Kill 50 Spiders
- Gather 25 Spider Eyes

Sleep Tight
- Craft 20 Wool
- Craft a Bed
- Set Spawn Location

Cocoa Farmer
- Gather 100 Cocao Beans

A Blight Of Spiders
- Enchant any weapon with Bane of Arthropods

Tackle The Jungle
- Craft a Fishing Rod

- Upgrade a Spider Spawner 4x

Arachnid Exile
- Kill 10 Though Level 10+ Spiders

- Craft 200 Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Chiseled Stone Bricks
- Craft 200 Cracked Stone Bricks
- 200x Mossy Stone Bricks

Angler Artisan
- Enchant a Fishing Rod with Lure Level 5
- 20x Experience Bottle

Angler Master
- Catch 64 Fish
- Catch 32 Salmon
- Catch 16 Pufferfish
- Catch 3 Clownfish
- 20x Experience Bottle

Crazy Cat Person
- Tame 20 Ocelots
- 30x Experience Bottle
- 20,000 Coins

- Eat 32 Cooked Fish
- Eat 32 Cooked Salmon
- 5x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Omega 3
- Eat 32 Raw Fish
- Eat 32 Raw Salmon
- Eat 5 Clownfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Harmful Appetite
- Eat 10 Pufferfish
- Hopper
- 15x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Eye See What You Did There
- Eat 64 Spider Eyes
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Silk Weaver
- Craft 200 Wool
20x Experience Bottle
- 5,000 Coins

Chocolate Floor
- Craft 400 Brown Carpet
- 20x Experience Bottle
- 10,000 Coins

Chain Of Survival
- Craft 10 Leather Helmets
- Craft 10 Leather Chestplates
- Craft 10 Leather Leggings
- Craft 10 Leather Boots

Cookie Monster's Baker
- Craft 100,000 Cookies
- Cookie Monster's Cookie
- 2,000,000 Coins

Cacti Farmer
- Harvest 250 Cacti

- Enchant a Bow to Level 2

Blot Out The Sun
- Craft a Bow
- Craft 500 Arrows

Target Practice
- Shoot 20 Zombies 20 or more blocks away

Creeper Blanket
- Smelt 50 Cacti into Dye
- Craft 50 Green Wool

- Travel to the Birch Forest Island
- 30,000 Coins

- Retaliate against 100 Zombies
(Kill 100 Zombies after you received damage from them)
- 100x Experience Bottle

- Smelt 500 Glass
- 64x Packed Ice

Bottles Of Fun
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- 32x Lime Stained Glass
- 32x Yellow Stained Glass
- 32x Magenta Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Disciple Of Imhotep
- Craft 300 Sandstone
- Craft 300 Smooth Sandstone
- 64x Smooth Red Sandstone
- 64x Chiseled Red Sandstone
- 64x Red Sandstone

Fragile Artisanry
- Craft 100 Red Glass
- Craft 100 Blue Glass
- Craft 100 Purple Glass
- Craft 100 Brown Glass
- Craft 100 Green Glass
- Craft 100 Cyan Glass
- 32x Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Gray Stained Glass
- 32x Light Blue Stained Glass
- 20x Experience Bottle

Panestaking Glasswork
- Craft 500 Red Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Blue Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Purple Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Brown Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Green Glass Panes
- Craft 500 Cyan Glass Panes
- 64x Pink Stained Glass
- 64x White Stained Glass
- 64x Black Stained Glass
- 64x Orange Stained Glass
- 100x Experience Bottle
- Gather 1000 Birch Logs

Iron Out The Kinks
- Smelt 200 Iron Ingots

- Craft an Iron Axe
- Craft an Iron Pickaxe
- Craft an Iron Spade
- Craft an Iron Hoe

- Craft an Iron Helmet
- Craft an Iron Chestplate
- Craft Iron Leggings
- Craft Iron Boots

Melon Farmer
- Harvest 3000 Melons

A Smithy's Best Friend
- Craft an Anvil

Steel Yourself
- Enchant an Iron Sword to Level 2

Posion And Remedy
- Kill 15 Zombies while Posioned
- Kill 15 Cave Spiders while not Posioned

Heart Of Iron
- Summon and kill an Iron Golem

- Travel to the Savannah Island
- 40,000 Coins

Bark And Birch
- Gather 10,000 Birch Logs
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 1,000 Iron Ingots
- 350,000 Coins

Off The Rails
- Craft 3,000 Rails
10x Experience Bottle
8x Activator Rail
32x Powered Rail
- 32x Detector Rail

- Summon and Kill 100 Iron Golems
- 3x Golden Apple
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Iron Armoury
- Put an Iron Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Iron Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Iron Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8 Powered Rail
- 40x Experience Bottle
- 8x Detector Rail

Barred and Blocked
- Craft a Shield
- Craft 200 Iron Bars

Shields Up
- Enchant a Shield to Level 3
- Creeper Banner

Venom and Vitality
- Kill 20 Though Cave Spiderrs while Poisoned
- 2x Cave Spiders while Poisoned
- Enchanted Golden Apple

- Harvest 50,000 Melons
- 5x Golden Apple
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Kill 10 Zombies
- Kill 10 Spiders
- Kill 10 Cave Spiders
- Kill 20 Skeletons

The Grand Ham
- Kill 25 Pigs
- Cook 25 Porkchop

- Gather 2,000 Acacia Logs

Golden Core
- Craft 20 Golden Apples

Gold Miner
- Smelt 300 Gold Ingots

- Sell 128 Gold Ingots

Spirit Of Apollo
- Kill 5 Infernal Skeletons flawlessly using arrows

Bone Marrow
- Sell 200 Bones

Dye Master
- Craft 64 Lime Dye
- Craft 64 Light Blue Dye

Colour Co-ordination
- Craft 200 Lime Carpet
- Craft 200 Light Blue Carpet

- Travel to the Extreme Hills Islands
- 50,000 Coins

Golden Age
- Smelt 2,000 Gold Ingots
Rewards: 32x Red Terracotta

Barbeque Bacon
- Kill 100 Burning Pigs
- Gather 500 Grilled Pork
- Fireproof Helmet
- Fireproof Chestplate

Infernal Retribution
- Kill 100 Burning Infernal Skeletons
Fireproof Leggings
- Fireproof Boots

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Deflection Tactics
- Deflect 10 Arrows back at Skeletons
- 256x Withering Arrows

Gold Armoury
- Put an Gold Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Gold Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Gold Boots on an Armour Stand
- 60x Experience Bottle
- 12x Powered Rail
- 12x Detector Rail

Acacia Grove
- Gather 20,000 Acacia Logs
- 16x Blue Orchid

Ceramic Shop
- Buy 500 Clay
- 16x Allium

Porcelain Pottery
- Craft 500 Flower Pots
- 16x Pink Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Smelt 500 Clay into Bricks
- Craft 150 Brick Blocks
- Craft 300 Brick Slabs
- Craft 150 Brick Stairs
- 16x Azure Bluet
- 16x Red Tulip
- 16x Orange Tulip
- 16x White Tulip
- 1,000,000 Coins

Nether Gate
- Unlock the Nether.
- 16x Potion of Regeneration
Bestiary Of Horrors
- Kill 3 Creepers
- Kill 10 Skeletons
- Kill 10 Zombies

Unconventional Shepherd
- Kill 100 Sheep

Carrot Farmer
- Harvest 10,000 Carrots

Lucky Pick
- Harvest 60 Golden Carrots

Merchant of Oz
- Sell 180 Emeralds

Lamb Shanked
- Cook 500 Mutton

Blast Armour
- Enchant Iron Helmet with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Chestplate with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Leggings with Blast Protection 2
- Enchant Iron Boots with Blast Protection 2

Hazardous Materials
- Craft 50 TNT

Handcrafted Luck
- Craft 250 Golden Carrots

- Kill 3 Charged Creepers

- Travel to the Swampland Island
100,000 Coins

Explosive Temperament
- Kill 30 Tough Creepers
- Kill 10 Charged Creepers
- 3x Sheep Spawner
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Harvest 15,000 Carrots
- Harvest 150 Golden Carrots
- Craft 500 Golden Carrots
- 2x Enchanted Golden Apple
- 5,000,000 Coins

Trophy Hunter
- Obtain 2 Skeleton Skulls
- Obtain 2 Zombie Skulls
- Obtain 2 Creeper Skulls
- Sheep Spawner
- 500,000 Coins

Vivid Flock
- Dye 20 Sheep Orange
- Dye 20 Sheep Magenta
- Dye 20 Sheep Light Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Yellow
- Dye 20 Sheep Lime
- Dye 20 Sheep Pink
- Dye 20 Sheep Cyan
- Dye 20 Sheep Purple
- Dye 20 Sheep Blue
- Dye 20 Sheep Brown
- Dye 20 Sheep Green
- Dye 20 Sheep Red
- 1,000,000 Coins

True Anarchy
- Kill 80 Slimes
- Kill 20 Witches
- Kill 20 Zombies
- Kill 20 Skeletons
- Kill 20 Spiders
- Kill 20 Cave Spiders

Sugar Rush
- Craft 500 Sugar
- Gather 10 Sugar from Witches

Prime Mining
- Craft a Diamond Axe
- Craft a Diamond Pickaxe
- Craft a Diamond Spade
- Craft a Diamond Hoe

Illustrious Finery
- Craft an Diamond Helmet
- Craft an Diamond Chestplate
- Craft Diamond Leggings
- Craft Diamond Boots

- Gather 200 Diamonds

- Kill 300 Level 0 Slimes

- Gather 4,000 Dark Oak Logs

Light In The Shadows
- Craft 50 Glowstone

Glucose Overdose
- Craft 15,000 Sugar

Violent Delights
- Craft 50 Cakes
- 20x Diamond
- 100x Experience Bottle

Violent Ends
- Kill 1,000 Cows
- Kill 1,000 Chickens
- Kill 1,000 Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Ocelots
- Kill 1,000 Zombies
- Kill 1,000 Cave Spiders
- Kill 1,000 Skeletons
- Kill 1,000 Pigs
- Kill 1,000 Creepers
- Kill 1,000 Sheep
- Kill 1,000 Slimes
- Kill 1,000 Witches
- 500x Experience Bottle
- 100x Diamond
- Shard Of The Sky

Parchment Arts
- Craft 1,000 Paper
- Compass
- Enchanted Golden Apple

Library of Secrets
- Craft 500 Books
- Craft 200 Bookshelves
- Secrets / Ch. 1

Occasion Of Celebration
- Craft 100 Fireworks
- 32x Firework

Incredible Pie
- Craft 100 Pumpkin Pie
- 100 Experience Bottles
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamonds In The Sky
- Sell 500 Diamonds
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Personal Portal
- Create a Portal
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Diamond Armoury
- Put an Diamond Helmet on an Armour Stand
- Put an Diamond Chestplante on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Leggings on an Armour Stand
- Put Diamond Boots on an Armour Stand
- 8x Activator Rail
- 100x Experience Bottle
- 16x Powered Rail
- 16x Detector Rail

Oaken Heart
- Gather 10,000 Dark Oak Logs
- Rose Bush
- 64x Experience Bottle
- 1,000,000 Coins

Door To The Skies
- Craft 100 Oak Wood Door
- Craft 100 Spruce Wood Door
- Craft 100 Jungle Wood Door
- Craft 100 Acacia Wood Door
- Craft 100 Dark Oak Wood Door
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Sunflower
- 1,000,000 Coins

- Craft 500 Oak Wood Step
- Craft 500 Spruce Wood Step
- Craft 500 Jungle Wood Step
- Craft 500 Acacia Wood Step
- Craft 500 Dark Oak Wood Step
- Craft 300 Oak Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Spruce Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Jungle Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Acacia Wood Stairs
- Craft 300 Dark Oak Wood Stairs
- Peony
- 64x Experience Bottle
- Lilac
- 1,000,000 Coins

Mythical Majesty
- Enchant 4 items to Level 6
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 200,000 Coins

- Craft 1 Optimiser
- Apply 20 Tree Boosts
- Apply 20 Ore Boosts
Reward | Quartz Generator

Nether Blacksmith
- Craft 10 Iron Swords
- Craft 10 Iron Axes
Reward | Quartz Generator
Slime Time
- Upgrade a Magma Cube Spawner to Level 32
Rewards | 2x Golden Apple - 64x Experience Bottle - 100,000 Coins

Magic Mythos
- Enchant 4 items to Level 7
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Hoarder
- Gather 10,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 750,000 Coins

Flawless Flamewalker
- Kill 100 Pigmen flawlessly
- Kill 100 Magma Cubes flawlessly
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 800,000 Coins
Chalcedony Quartz
- Gather 1,000 Nether Quartz
- Gather 5,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | Quartz Generator - 2x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond

Flaming Brewery
- Craft 20 Brewing Stands
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Lightstone Harvester
- Gather 25,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 4x Nether Wart - 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Harvester
- Harvest 50,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

- Brew 20 Awkward Potions
- Brew 15 Potions of Healing
- Brew 15 Potions of Fire Resistance
Rewards | 1x Diamond - 1,000,000 Coins

Bottles of Hell
- Craft 1,000 Glass Bottles
- Fill 1,000 Bottles with Water, in the Nether
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 500,000 Coins

- Apply 20 Crop Boosts

Wither Or Not
- Kill 250 Wither Skeletons
- Gather 50 Wither Skeleton Skulls
Rewards | 2x Diamond Block - 10,000,000 Coins

A Glimmer Of Hope
- Gather 75,000 Glowstone
Rewards | 10x Nether Wart - 4x Diamonds

- Gather 2,500 Nether Quartz
- Gather 10,000 Lapis Lazuli
Rewards | 20x Nether Wart - 1,000,000 Coins

Soul Reaper
- Harvest 150,000 Nether Warts
Rewards | 2x Diamond - 2,500,000 Coins

Cyrstalline Architecture
- Craft 200 Blocks of Quartz
- Craft 200 Chiseled Quartz Blocks
- Craft 200 Pillar Quartz Blocks
- Craft 400 Quartz Slabs
- Craft 120 Quartz Stairs
Rewards | 1,000,000 Coins

Coming soon
I would like to compare notes with you at some point as I fairly recently started a new save and made a Youtube video for every single quest before completing it. So far I am up to 60 or so videos and I haven't even made it to extreme hills or the nether yet. Also, I haven't done a fair few of the side quests. I think the number might be higher than 110.


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
I would like to compare notes with you at some point as I fairly recently started a new save and made a Youtube video for every single quest before completing it. So far I am up to 60 or so videos and I haven't even made it to extreme hills or the nether yet. Also, I haven't done a fair few of the side quests. I think the number might be higher than 110.
I'm not sure either it was just a guess and I forgt to inculde side quests and hidden quests so that is only main quests so I will edit it
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TheOrderOfSapphire wrote on xSchulzis's profile.
Reesle wrote on Speedy:3's profile.
Thank you for the follow!
Much appreciated =)
iTz1Hamood wrote on TheOrderOfSapphire's profile.
Hii sapph, Thanks for accepting the report!
Btw even with all that hacking

We still managed to win that game somehow lol, we were so worried about out 52 win streak
So we decided to take out the best inside us and played it so smart

We managed to get the win
And ngl, it was so insane
Probably the most insane win
in my 2000 games played on BW.
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