Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Oct 3, 2018
Is it even possible if you could bring back 1.8 ffa even for at least a limited time? It would give a lil boost in the amount of players in cube for that time. Even if you can't, can you at least consider making a 1.8 platform for 1.9 ffa just like Skywars/LuckyBlocks has a 1.8 platform? A lot of players really miss 1.8 ffa. There was no other 1.8 ffa server quite like this.
Last edited:


Jan 2, 2019
Planet Epsilon Eridani
Is it even possible if you could bring back 1.8 ffa even for at least a limited time? It would give a lil boost in the amount of players in cube for that time. Even if you can't, can you at least consider making a 1.8 platform for 1.9 ffa? A lot of players really miss Cube. There was no other 1.8 ffa server quite like this.
Yes I think that is a good idea especially because not only is 1.9 well bad errr.. its like hella full all the time so if we had 1.8 brought back that would mean that some of the 1.9 players might migrate over to 1.8 meaning that the 1.9 lobbies aren’t as full so people have more of a variety of pvp sessions that they can join


Forum Professional
May 1, 2014
Arendine Sink
I always felt 1.8 PvP was done really dirty.

-It was put on the 1.9 server, which meant 1.8 players had to reinstall all their mods for a version they'd only be using for one game mode on one server. If they wanted to play something else it would mean restarting their client. Any 1.9 players who stumbled past it would be put off immediately by the wide skill gap and their habits towards 1.9 gameplay. How was this gamemode ever meant to grow in players???
-It never had an OP version, which was always the most popular game due to longer survivability and the option of long killstreaks
-1.8 PvP made many achievements totally impossible due to its low time-to-kill and its limited-use kits such as Archer or Wizard)
-1.8 PvP also never received any non-map updates. Every update FFA ever got was strictly for the OP 1.9 mode. This killed the Archer kit permanently, since you could not regenerate arrows without buying them or ending your killstreak. The Wizard kit was also never nerfed, meaning shoppers couldn't play this mode without being poisoned for forty seconds of constant damage
-The Tank kit meta was never changed: The game had the exact. same. non-potion, identical gear, sword-only, high-defence, low-DPS meta throughout its entire life. Kills would take ages and health regeneration per kill was never added, making cleans with the Ninja or Tank kits the safest way to build up a killstreak. Even the best of the best couldn't survive for too long, because their sword would break! I ask again, how was this gamemode ever meant to grow in players???

If 1.8 FFA ever comes back, here's what I would want to see:

-Put it on the 1.8 server. It your intended audience is 1.8 players, why would you ever put it on the 1.9 server? You're doing a major disservice to your actual player-base, to the benefit of people who do not care about 1.8
-Add health regeneration on kill. People should not feel punished for winning a fight
-Add OP FFA. PvP isn't going to be fun if it feels like you're hitting people with a pool noodle or inflatable hammer. By giving each kit a big defence buff, you'd also be making long killstreaks viable, which is one of the few objectives to be found in FFA
-Nerf the tank kit. In pre-update FFA, the Tank kit seriously over-centralised the gameplay. In post-update FFA, every kit sees a good amount of usage
-Nerf the Wizard kit's poison potions. You should not feel punished for spending hard-earned points on better gear
-Introduce arrow regeneration on kill for the Archer kit, and potion regeneration over time for the Wizard (capped at default quantities). Pre-update, the best way to use these kits was to hard-rush weaker targets for three minutes and then kill yourself to restock after only getting two kills
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Oct 3, 2018
I always felt 1.8 PvP was done really dirty.

-It was put on the 1.9 server, which meant 1.8 players had to reinstall all their mods for a version they'd only be using for one game mode on one server. If they wanted to play something else it would mean restarting their client. Any 1.9 players who stumbled past it would be put off immediately by the wide skill gap and their habits towards 1.9 gameplay. How was this gamemode ever meant to grow in players???
-It never had an OP version, which was always the most popular game due to longer survivability and the option of long killstreaks
-1.8 PvP made many achievements totally impossible due to its low time-to-kill and its limited-use kits such as Archer or Wizard)
-1.8 PvP also never received any non-map updates. Every update FFA ever got was strictly for the OP 1.9 mode. This killed the Archer kit permanently, since you could not regenerate arrows without buying them or ending your killstreak. The Wizard kit was also never nerfed, meaning shoppers couldn't play this mode without being poisoned for forty seconds of constant damage
-The Tank kit meta was never changed: The game had the exact. same. non-potion, identical gear, sword-only, high-defence, low-DPS meta throughout its entire life. Kills would take ages and health regeneration per kill was never added, making cleans with the Ninja or Tank kits the safest way to build up a killstreak. Even the best of the best couldn't survive for too long, because their sword would break! I ask again, how was this gamemode ever meant to grow in players???

If 1.8 FFA ever comes back, here's what I would want to see:

-Put it on the 1.8 server. It your intended audience is 1.8 players, why would you ever put it on the 1.9 server? You're doing a major disservice to your actual player-base, to the benefit of people who do not care about 1.8
-Add health regeneration on kill. People should not feel punished for winning a fight
-Add OP FFA. PvP isn't going to be fun if it feels like you're hitting people with a pool noodle or inflatable hammer. By giving each kit a big defence buff, you'd also be making long killstreaks viable, which is one of the few objectives to be found in FFA
-Nerf the tank kit. In pre-update FFA, the Tank kit seriously over-centralised the gameplay. In post-update FFA, every kit sees a good amount of usage
-Nerf the Wizard kit's poison potions. You should not feel punished for spending hard-earned points on better gear
-Introduce arrow regeneration on kill for the Archer kit, and potion regeneration over time for the Wizard (capped at default quantities). Pre-update, the best way to use these kits was to hard-rush weaker targets for three minutes and then kill yourself to restock after only getting two kills
They are also some players that will never grow into 1.9. I like how they are choices to switch to either 1.8 or 1.9. Because as stated, they are some players who will never grow into 1.9 and they are just some who prefer the 1.8 pvp style. It gives them a choice.


Nov 26, 2016
Sweden, kalmar


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
If I would like to be able to fight in version 1.8. But I would also like to see all the mini-games in that version.


Novice Member
Mar 27, 2018
Its good cuz then 1.9 players like me also have another choice of playing something different cuz then when u maybe get bored or wanna do something else for a time u can just hop over to 1.8 ffa


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2016
Belgium Oost-Vlaanderen

We loved so match 1.8 ffa. Their are a ton of players that quit cubecraft cuz of this update.
It will also be great if the other type's came back like. Classic, Normal, Overpowerd(the only mode now) but also for 1.8 ffa now.
I really hope it will come back.


Mar 30, 2018
I agree on that cuz many players left cube with their own reasons and a high amount of that players are 1.8 (ffa) players who couldn’t play what they wanted to play anymore. When the big update came it just made cube more empty and 1.8 ffa like many other things where gone but i have facts why 1.8 ffa should be brought back earlier then the other ones and that it still have to be brought back.. 1.8 ffa on cube was different and unique from everything else and of all servers cuz now u didn’t had blockhit and the kb was different and i personally like the way they did that cuz its like the same u play sumo on a server and if it would be on the actual 1.8 cube it would get the same laggy and crappy kb like hypixel that the player geta far into air and stuff so cube did a great job and many others loved it as well cuz it was so fun and addictive me and others only constantly played that on cube cuz it was “FUN” to do so thats why a bunch of people left and thats JUSTLY. But things like Minerware/Arcade games against it... Pfff that also can be done on Mineplex, Hypixel or what ever and if they like that why won’t they go to that servers? There are a bunch of servers to play party games on so they can’t complain if they leaved because of that and its just 1 gamemode i picked randomly.. Just the same thing with every gamemode as well but 1.8 ffa on cube was just the best thig they ever made tbh.. And i know cube had problems and stuff but i don’t c why this is better for CubeCraft and the community it self cuz should’t it be better to have more players instead of less cuz if its about money.. More players means that you have a high chance of getting more players to buy ranks but what do you have with less.. TOTALLY NOTHING! And i actually feel the same way when it has another problem then money or not only just that. Cuz in which way can less players and players who play it less often can be totally right.
_ _
\_( ‘ ‘)_/ ????
I just think cube made a majure mistake and another fact. Why do you think cube still haven’t got filled up yet? Cuz people don’t like the specific requests which you make come true. That are just opinions of players what doesn’t cube make any better. And why can’t 1.8 ffa be brought back if a random useless request of a gamemode can be hmm? Its not about what some people like cuz they can just do what they want somewhere else on another server and yes its still sad that they leave i know but making it come back won’t really help either cuz only sertern players love it and besides that. Not much people will leave cuz its like u just made a little difference in a tiny uodate but the only thing huge in the known “Big Update” is deleting and removing 1.8 ffa so other gamemose aren’t the problem. And yes others have opinions about the lobby’s BUT CAN THEY STILL PLAY THERE GAMES???? A BIG FAT YES SO WHY ARE THOSE PEOPLE COMPLAINING WHEN THE REAL DEAL IS THE SOURCE WHY CUBE ACTUALLY GOT WORSE. And the players them selfs also surely have to have a great time on CubeCraft and now players who like 1.8 more get forced to play 1.9 and the only reason why some of those people still are online is bcz they have no choice and got nowhere to go cuz on no server they have what cube did did have but now its gone and thats really sad so this is only a reply on the topic but as 1 person saying this i think that WE REALLY NEED TO GET CUBE BACk.. IT ISN’t JUST A POSITIVE REPLY OR AN AGREEMENT I THINK IT ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE BROUGHT BACK AND AS U GUYS KNOW IM WITH NO DOUBTS NOT THE ONLY ONE. Its better for the future of CubeCraft and its community. This is not an opinion but a fact im not writing this like the type of person who just says “Yes 1.8 is better bring it back 1.9 sucks” or the opposite of that.. My only opinion is that i also really love Cube and its games and mostly 1.8 ffa and i just try to help cube in this time of actual crisis of this server. With this amount of players around each day it just became an average server and CubeCraft used to be really popular with the 10k-30k players and times above but now its getting dead and i also don’t want that to happen cuz cube is a great server but it just needs to get the stuff back it had and. This is just 1 serious topic about why cube is dying for a part but i don’t mind u guys also bringinf back other things if u do like but this is just specificly about why and what cube is dying off and thats mainly this so PLZZ do something about this. This is not just not an opinion of what i like to play but it helps cube and many other players do like to play on cube 1.8 ffa and it even is an advantage towards 1.9 players who can just play which ever type of pvp they want on every sertern time they do like themselfs cuz its possible then for everyone but now even less then the half is happy cuz i also know many 1.9 players who also play 1.8 ffa are sad about this so its a sirious problem.. PLZZ DO WHAT EVER U STAFF TEAM HAVE TO DO TO GEY THIS DONE AND IT DOESN’T MATTER HOE LONG IT TAKES TO BRING IT BACK BUT JUST BRING IT BACK!! EVERYONE AGREES ON THAT. WE LOVE UR SERVER AND WHAT U GUYS DO ON IT BUT THIS HAVE TO BE DONE FOR IT CUZ MAYBE THE END WILL PRETTY MUCH BE NEIR SOON FOR CUBECRAFT NO JOKE. AUB
i love cube as many as everyone does who really likes it


Oct 3, 2018
I agree on that cuz many players left cube with their own reasons and a high amount of that players are 1.8 (ffa) players who couldn’t play what they wanted to play anymore. When the big update came it just made cube more empty and 1.8 ffa like many other things where gone but i have facts why 1.8 ffa should be brought back earlier then the other ones and that it still have to be brought back.. 1.8 ffa on cube was different and unique from everything else and of all servers cuz now u didn’t had blockhit and the kb was different and i personally like the way they did that cuz its like the same u play sumo on a server and if it would be on the actual 1.8 cube it would get the same laggy and crappy kb like hypixel that the player geta far into air and stuff so cube did a great job and many others loved it as well cuz it was so fun and addictive me and others only constantly played that on cube cuz it was “FUN” to do so thats why a bunch of people left and thats JUSTLY. But things like Minerware/Arcade games against it... Pfff that also can be done on Mineplex, Hypixel or what ever and if they like that why won’t they go to that servers? There are a bunch of servers to play party games on so they can’t complain if they leaved because of that and its just 1 gamemode i picked randomly.. Just the same thing with every gamemode as well but 1.8 ffa on cube was just the best thig they ever made tbh.. And i know cube had problems and stuff but i don’t c why this is better for CubeCraft and the community it self cuz should’t it be better to have more players instead of less cuz if its about money.. More players means that you have a high chance of getting more players to buy ranks but what do you have with less.. TOTALLY NOTHING! And i actually feel the same way when it has another problem then money or not only just that. Cuz in which way can less players and players who play it less often can be totally right.
_ _
\_( ‘ ‘)_/ ????
I just think cube made a majure mistake and another fact. Why do you think cube still haven’t got filled up yet? Cuz people don’t like the specific requests which you make come true. That are just opinions of players what doesn’t cube make any better. And why can’t 1.8 ffa be brought back if a random useless request of a gamemode can be hmm? Its not about what some people like cuz they can just do what they want somewhere else on another server and yes its still sad that they leave i know but making it come back won’t really help either cuz only sertern players love it and besides that. Not much people will leave cuz its like u just made a little difference in a tiny uodate but the only thing huge in the known “Big Update” is deleting and removing 1.8 ffa so other gamemose aren’t the problem. And yes others have opinions about the lobby’s BUT CAN THEY STILL PLAY THERE GAMES???? A BIG FAT YES SO WHY ARE THOSE PEOPLE COMPLAINING WHEN THE REAL DEAL IS THE SOURCE WHY CUBE ACTUALLY GOT WORSE. And the players them selfs also surely have to have a great time on CubeCraft and now players who like 1.8 more get forced to play 1.9 and the only reason why some of those people still are online is bcz they have no choice and got nowhere to go cuz on no server they have what cube did did have but now its gone and thats really sad so this is only a reply on the topic but as 1 person saying this i think that WE REALLY NEED TO GET CUBE BACk.. IT ISN’t JUST A POSITIVE REPLY OR AN AGREEMENT I THINK IT ACTUALLY HAVE TO BE BROUGHT BACK AND AS U GUYS KNOW IM WITH NO DOUBTS NOT THE ONLY ONE. Its better for the future of CubeCraft and its community. This is not an opinion but a fact im not writing this like the type of person who just says “Yes 1.8 is better bring it back 1.9 sucks” or the opposite of that.. My only opinion is that i also really love Cube and its games and mostly 1.8 ffa and i just try to help cube in this time of actual crisis of this server. With this amount of players around each day it just became an average server and CubeCraft used to be really popular with the 10k-30k players and times above but now its getting dead and i also don’t want that to happen cuz cube is a great server but it just needs to get the stuff back it had and. This is just 1 serious topic about why cube is dying for a part but i don’t mind u guys also bringinf back other things if u do like but this is just specificly about why and what cube is dying off and thats mainly this so PLZZ do something about this. This is not just not an opinion of what i like to play but it helps cube and many other players do like to play on cube 1.8 ffa and it even is an advantage towards 1.9 players who can just play which ever type of pvp they want on every sertern time they do like themselfs cuz its possible then for everyone but now even less then the half is happy cuz i also know many 1.9 players who also play 1.8 ffa are sad about this so its a sirious problem.. PLZZ DO WHAT EVER U STAFF TEAM HAVE TO DO TO GEY THIS DONE AND IT DOESN’T MATTER HOE LONG IT TAKES TO BRING IT BACK BUT JUST BRING IT BACK!! EVERYONE AGREES ON THAT. WE LOVE UR SERVER AND WHAT U GUYS DO ON IT BUT THIS HAVE TO BE DONE FOR IT CUZ MAYBE THE END WILL PRETTY MUCH BE NEIR SOON FOR CUBECRAFT NO JOKE. AUB
i love cube as many as everyone does who really likes it
all the words in my mind rn ^


Jan 2, 2019
Is it even possible if you could bring back 1.8 ffa even for at least a limited time? It would give a lil boost in the amount of players in cube for that time. Even if you can't, can you at least consider making a 1.8 platform for 1.9 ffa just like Skywars/LuckyBlocks has a 1.8 platform? A lot of players really miss 1.8 ffa. There was no other 1.8 ffa server quite like this.
Is it even possible if you could bring back 1.8 ffa even for at least a limited time? It would give a lil boost in the amount of players in cube for that time. Even if you can't, can you at least consider making a 1.8 platform for 1.9 ffa just like Skywars/LuckyBlocks has a 1.8 platform? A lot of players really miss 1.8 ffa. There was no other 1.8 ffa server quite like this.
Is it even possible if you could bring back 1.8 ffa even for at least a limited time? It would give a lil boost in the amount of players in cube for that time. Even if you can't, can you at least consider making a 1.8 platform for 1.9 ffa just like Skywars/LuckyBlocks has a 1.8 platform? A lot of players really miss 1.8 ffa. There was no other 1.8 ffa server quite like this.


Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2016
Pvp Free for All 1.8
I agree, I feel that 1.8 ffa should be added back. I'm not gonna jump on the whole "1.8 > 1.9!!!!11!" bandwagon because that's just gonna open a whole new can of worms that I don't wanna deal with, but there was a community. I felt really comfortable in this community to stick around for years. The day cubecraft did that big sweep update that got rid of all those game modes, it's like they just casually swept away an entire world. Yes, 1.9 overpowered ffa exists but it just isn't the same. 1.8 may be the minority but that doesn't mean it doesn't exist, there are people that really desire this game mode back (including me). You can even go as far as to say many players quit because of this, that's how passionate the minority of cubecraft's people feel about 1.8 ffa. I don't really care whether it's in 1.8 or 1.9 simulating 1.8. I met a lot of really good friends on 1.8 ffa who's company I still enjoy today. This is just my slightly opinionated take on the matter, but I do hope to see some sort of change in the future. I don't see a reason to not listen to all these player's pleas for it.
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