Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
Dec 29, 2018
Hello minecrafters,
I've been playing Lucky Islands for a long time and so I seized many uncomfortable items that are hard to deal with.

Most of them like the wooden sword or the automatic bow are relatively allright, but the potions, especially the instant harm potion is overpowered in my opion.Not only that with 2 of them you kill any player, but I've seen that armour has little if any effect on stopping the damage.Unless you avoid it (something that mostly depends on how the enemy uses the potion) it's fine, but othewise half of you health is gone.

Then the poision potion (0:45) is overpowered and is an item hard to deal with.No matter how strong you are or how many gapples you have, you have to retreat until the effect dissappears.Those are easy to use for everyone, fact that makes it even harder for those who "deserve" to win a game to actually win it.

I write this article in the hope that something might be changed in better anytime soon, even if it's a little change, it will be good enough.



Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
I totally agree with you, posion is by far the most OP item on lucky islands, that combined with instant damage II literally kills everyone.

Before there was a poison (0:45) and a poison (0:20), there was only one poison (0:45) and a healing II potion (drinkable).

It was sad to hear that they took away that thing because it was usefull.

I suggested back then to remove the poison, but they added another poison potion.

I agree with your suggestion to change the potion kit to take out the poison (0:45) or to take out both of them.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2016
Yup, they are OP, they need to be nerfed.
Why two potions of poison? I don't get it, you can leave it just with one, why don't we get two healing pots? or speed? why posion?...

I feel like a lot of items are unbalanced because it gives several oportunities to a player to use it, this is Lucky Islands, so, if you are lucky enough and succed when you use and item, great, if you don't, that's unlucky.
Examples, the wooden sword, it has like 3 uses... that's exesive, why don't just one use? (leaving aside what you can do with just two levels and some wood).
Bows like the grappling, why do we have infinite uses instead of they being limited?
Elytras, just make it 1/4 of the durability when it appears... I have encountered many players that use that combo just to joke around and not fight.

Many things need to be done but no one is acting.
I am pretty sure that most of the people that add this mecanichs to the game don't even play that often to realise how bad things are.


Novice Member
Nov 24, 2018
My Enchant Labr- Oh Wait Freebuild's Gone
You have to land the potion first though, and the poison only lasts for the full 45 seconds on a perfect hit, which is actually impossible due to hitboxes and 'core proximity' (how far a potion's splash is from the point of a player where it has the most effect.). Even if you were to throw the potion and it landed on the head of the target, it would only last for roughly 38 seconds as the effect of a potion to the head is only about 85% effective. If it landed at the target's feet it would last for roughly 27 seconds (60% effectiveness)

Usually the effect of the 45 second potion lasts for 15-20 seconds based on the average player's throw accuracy and their target's evasiveness. The 20 second potion tends to last for about 6-8 seconds. Not the WORST in the world if you ask me, you can easily stall for that length of time.


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
You have to land the potion first though, and the poison only lasts for the full 45 seconds on a perfect hit, which is actually impossible due to hitboxes and 'core proximity' (how far a potion's splash is from the point of a player where it has the most effect.). Even if you were to throw the potion and it landed on the head of the target, it would only last for roughly 38 seconds as the effect of a potion to the head is only about 85% effective. If it landed at the target's feet it would last for roughly 27 seconds (60% effectiveness)

Usually the effect of the 45 second potion lasts for 15-20 seconds based on the average player's throw accuracy and their target's evasiveness. The 20 second potion tends to last for about 6-8 seconds. Not the WORST in the world if you ask me, you can easily stall for that length of time.
I don't know if you actually ever experienced the potion duration length, but I can guaranty you that it can, and in most cases of me, will be about 40 seconds, which can still get you to half a heart, even if you keep eating food.


Novice Member
Nov 24, 2018
My Enchant Labr- Oh Wait Freebuild's Gone
I don't know if you actually ever experienced the potion duration length, but I can guaranty you that it can, and in most cases of me, will be about 40 seconds, which can still get you to half a heart, even if you keep eating food.

I have, but that IS a direct hit. You can avoid the potion fairly easily by keeping at mid range. If it get poison for over 30 seconds, I tend to back away behind a teammate or stall until the effect ends. I also tend to keep a bucket in my inventory if I have the spare iron, and on some occasions I manage to spawn a cow where I can get milk. I tend to generally be a backline fighter who is generally good at avoiding projectiles so I guess I wouldn't be the best person to talk about how supposedly overpowered the 45 second poison is. I tend to only use the regen and speed potions and make them into tipped arrows, then shoot my team with them via dispenser.


Gameplay Engineer
Mar 18, 2017
the selfie area
I have, but that IS a direct hit. You can avoid the potion fairly easily by keeping at mid range.
There are some occasions where a direct hit is inevitable.
I tend to back away behind a teammate
Possible IF it’s allowed to have team mates (not on solo, of course) or IF the team mates aren’t hit by the poison too or IF they aren’t dead.
I also tend to keep a bucket in my inventory if I have the spare iron, and on some occasions I manage to spawn a cow where I can get milk.
On a lot of maps, you can’t even get iron, and if the game influencer blessed is chosen, you won’t get a cow either.
That also is kind of a rare chance since other mob eggs can appear in the monster egg kit loot.
I tend to generally be a backline fighter who is generally good at avoiding projectiles so I guess I wouldn't be the best person to talk about how supposedly overpowered the 45 second poison is. I tend to only use the regen and speed potions and make them into tipped arrows, then shoot my team with them via dispenser.
Yep, already thought you didn’t play the game like I do (rushing/trapping), which is perfectly acceptable! You rely more on the loot you get from the lucky blocks, while I just try to kill people to get their gear and other good stuff.


Dedicated Member
Feb 2, 2018
I tend to only use the regen and speed potions and make them into tipped arrows, then shoot my team with them via dispenser.
You can just as well throw the potions directly on them...


Novice Member
Mar 3, 2017
es verdad yo casi siempre juego lucky islands y por no genral siempre hago unas 8 kills y siempre queda el camper que tiene 2 posiones de daño y asi yo este full diamante el me mata con esas 2 posiones deberian bajar un poco el daño que producen
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