Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Sep 29, 2019
Assassinations has recently found a glitch that let you dupe your inventory, which gave everyone more stuff and more fights were occurring which resulted in more players coming back to play and more fun. So why would you remove these things after like a week of them being found when all it does is make everyone have fun and come to play the game more. It's sad to see you remove something fun and ban players for doing it when you aren't even bothered about the gamemode. I mean gap glitch within the shop has been occurring for years now it's been reported so much and nothing has been done. So much has been suggested and nothing has been done yet again??? Like for real? But when something like this which is fun comes out your first thoughts are to remove it then forget about it till something like this comes out again. Damn good server you got.
On top of all of this don't you think this would make newer players able to get stuff rather than making it impossible due to hackers or the same players killing them. I haven't seen this many new players with full diamond in a long time, there isn't any point of your game if nobody can get stuff but the same players. It is boring. Haven't had this much fun on the game since the previous time the glitch was found.
Staff, are you serious? they spend more time in lobbies doing nothing while they could spend a bit of time monitoring the assassination lobbies that are filled with hackers btw. It's just funny you got more time to ruin legit players fun rather than banning hackers. Oh and when you do get them banned after we all already died where does the loot go? Oh right into the dispose pile rather than giving back the stuff to the players that have spent hours getting it all to be gone unfairly. Yes thats really fair. Can't lie haven't seen a more useless staff team ever. Oh and before you minimodders come along and say "they have a life too" "they can't always be on" oh right but they can stand in lobbies for hours? and then tell you to just go "report on the cube website" yeah thats good get them banned hours later when all the stuff is already gone. "Oh but just do /sr" yes that works great against hackers who bypass sentinel and can't be banned by it. Also if you got time to become a staff member then thats your job, if you ain't got the time to help then you shouldn't bother. Doing reports that gets the hackers banned when it's too late isn't great for us is it?

It is just sad to see you ruin the game over and over again. I mean come on you don't have a clue what your community want and thats clear from the fact your player count used to average 10k+ players on every day now barely scrapes 3k. Try listening rather than implementing trash gamemodes no one asked for, or fixing stuff no one asked to be fixed, even maps that are so not needed.

Also map of Siftenly and Basket was denied due to "We don't accept assi maps" seriously? how can you ever expect a gamemode to thrive if you don't try to update. Games only stay relevant due to updates if you can't be bothered to do that much then you'll keep losing players like you already do now. They worked hard for it give them the chance to show their work rather than discarding like it is nothing. I bought a rank a while back, very regretful knowing I spent money on a server that can't listen to their community, so go ahead keep going as you are because I know for sure that you ain't going anywhere at the moment, if anything you've managed to evolve backwards.


Dedicated Member
Apr 16, 2020
Glitches/Bugs, although may result in some people having fun abusing them, are not how games are supposed to be played. I do not play assassinations myself, I do not know this duplication glitch or how it is caused, but it sounds like it gives insanely unfair advantage. I am not sure if you should speak for everyone when you said everyone loved it and people weren't bothered. It's a game breaking bug that literally duplicates items, how could that not result in abuse and exploits of the game for unfair advantage?

If you submitted a map for assassinations and it was denied, that's because map submissions are currently closed, as designers have to currently prioritize other primal projects before working on community made maps.

And for the last part, they do make updates for their games. It may take months, or sometimes even over a year, depends on how much the game needs it. But they do get it. Even tower defense, a game everyone memed about not getting an update for the past few years, got an update a few months ago. Would it help to have more updates? Yes, absolutely, who doesn't want more updates? Do they never make updates? Certainly not, a lot of attention is being put into updates.


Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
To comment on the first part of your thread about duping items and to also quote what I've said about this exact bug:
"While I understand your point on this bug resulting in newer players getting items easier, truth is we are never going to allow this. Gamebreaking bugs like these basically ruin the gameplay experience and can also look bad from a newer player's perspective as in general duping is basically cheating in items but with extra steps. Cheaters will always exist and in reality bugs like these will not help the situation as much as you think, infact it will make it worse. So as said before, duping items can result in a ban if your intentions are not to report the bug and this bug will be fixed as soon as possible, regardless if a few of you like the bug existing." The whole point of being a new player to add on is to start off fresh, not to start off with full sets of diamond gear which otherwise you would spend a few hours grinding to get rather than using bugs/glitches.

As for your next time part on staff, you need to keep in mind we have lives, we aren't robots and we are only volunteers therefore this isn't a job. It may seen that staff aren't doing anything in lobbies, but most likely they are afk or doing other moderation stuff. We aren't expected to be like "Hey, I'm staff now time to do 168 hours in a week" because in reality that isn't going to happen. I understand your frustrations here, but really if I'm being honest cheaters are being banned quite quickly than you think rather than hours afterwards. Though again, I do understand your frustrations whenever an ingame report of yours doesn't get looked at because there's no available mod to check it, but always remember you can use the reports site as a backup option.

And now onto your next point of "that works great against hackers who bypass sentinel and can't be banned by it." Keep in mind that Sentinel is not perfect and yes there have been a few blatant cheaters who you think should be banned by Sentinel, but do keep in mind that this is most likely a new bypass that Sentinel hasn't been made to counter and before you say "well just update it", I suggest reading this thread here first :)

So td;rl, we aren't going to allow this dupe glitch and anyone caught using it with the intentions of abusing it will be banned and remember that mods have lives and are only volunteers.


Forum Expert
May 23, 2018
Poland but live in Belgium
it gives insanely unfair advantage.
That's not true, there's stuff everywhere on the ground even literally the brand new nubie assi players with less then 30 fps get the chance to get full dia FINALLY for the first time in years.
If you submitted a map for assassinations and it was denied, that's because map submissions are currently closed, as designers have to currently prioritize other primal projects before working on community made maps.
This was something, Assi map were always closed because they have some kind of mechanism that works different or so, but I do not belive that at all.
And for the last part, they do make updates for their games. It may take months, or sometimes even over a year, depends on how much the game needs it.
Assi got a first update after what? 2-3 years, did you see how huge FFA update got and Assi got what, a scoreboard, spawn protection against cheaters I'm assuming, even that no one ever asked for bcs it's useless and screws up our dia kills bcs they have spawn prot when they join for about 3 or 5 seconds. And a small buff of coins in chests.


Forum Expert
May 23, 2018
Poland but live in Belgium
but really if I'm being honest cheaters are being banned quite quickly than you think rather than hours afterwards.
Yeah that's true ig, but whenever there's no staff doing /reports then we are screwed you know that right? I mean I can report on site I do it a lot, but it gets to a point that it's just boring doing it over and over again and wasting my time reporting them as in under 1 sec they have a new alt with new proxy... Though I heard that timer got patched so they don't have that fast speed onground anymore. But they'll probs find bypasses again soon in notime...


Sep 29, 2019
Glitches/Bugs, although may result in some people having fun abusing them, are not how games are supposed to be played. I do not play assassinations myself, I do not know this duplication glitch or how it is caused, but it sounds like it gives insanely unfair advantage. I am not sure if you should speak for everyone when you said everyone loved it and people weren't bothered. It's a game breaking bug that literally duplicates items, how could that not result in abuse and exploits of the game for unfair advantage?

If you submitted a map for assassinations and it was denied, that's because map submissions are currently closed, as designers have to currently prioritize other primal projects before working on community made maps.

And for the last part, they do make updates for their games. It may take months, or sometimes even over a year, depends on how much the game needs it. But they do get it. Even tower defense, a game everyone memed about not getting an update for the past few years, got an update a few months ago. Would it help to have more updates? Yes, absolutely, who doesn't want more updates? Do they never make updates? Certainly not, a lot of attention is being put into updates.
How can it be unfair when every one has the same type of stuff. The game was even more unfair before when dying to hackers and the same players getting loot all the time, this way new players were able to actually get stuff for once. It mostly annoys me the fact that they are willing to get rid of this immediately but don't do anything about other glitches that are annoying to players which have been their for years. It can't give unfair advantages if everyone has the same stuff instead of players hiding behind shops this encourages players to fight for once making the game more fun as a whole. The maps is bs because they have the time to spend on FFA maps and all of that but refuse to update assi, have the decency to give the assi community something back thats what a server is meant to be, listen to the community rather than block them out. You'll only end up losing plays.
They have made so many updates that no one has asked for and suggestions that were highly loved by most people weren't even implemented after years of multiple people suggesting, a ranked system for duels gives a reason for players to play it. Suggested a lot but no, instead they update the maps and release new maps constantly and on top of that trash gamemodes that weren't asked for. Assassinations has 2 maps, FFA and duels have several maps, yeah good updates they make releasing unnecessary maps.
Other servers are thriving over cubecraft and smaller server have chosen to make their own ffas and assassination gamemodes rather than play it on cubecraft? why is that? because they don't listen they're ignorant. Rather than listening they do what they want and trust me thats not what you should be doing when creating games for people or else they will die.


Forum Expert
May 23, 2018
Poland but live in Belgium
truth is we are never going to allow this. Gamebreaking bugs like these basically ruin the gameplay experience and can also look bad from a newer player's perspective
I mean even the newer player's they do get stuff, like I'm telling you, that there's stuff everywhere around the whole map. They can just go and pick them up you know that right? - Though even if the ''newer players'' to get full dia or so they will never fight, so what's the point of removing the dupe for us the og's player's that actually do let us fight. I bet you mine 22k kills I have on assi or so, 75% from those kills is from new/nubie players like there's no fun killing them. So why not let us for a month just leave us with the dupe can't we make like a deal?


Sep 29, 2019
To comment on the first part of your thread about duping items and to also quote what I've said about this exact bug:
"While I understand your point on this bug resulting in newer players getting items easier, truth is we are never going to allow this. Gamebreaking bugs like these basically ruin the gameplay experience and can also look bad from a newer player's perspective as in general duping is basically cheating in items but with extra steps. Cheaters will always exist and in reality bugs like these will not help the situation as much as you think, infact it will make it worse. So as said before, duping items can result in a ban if your intentions are not to report the bug and this bug will be fixed as soon as possible, regardless if a few of you like the bug existing." The whole point of being a new player to add on is to start off fresh, not to start off with full sets of diamond gear which otherwise you would spend a few hours grinding to get rather than using bugs/glitches.

As for your next time part on staff, you need to keep in mind we have lives, we aren't robots and we are only volunteers therefore this isn't a job. It may seen that staff aren't doing anything in lobbies, but most likely they are afk or doing other moderation stuff. We aren't expected to be like "Hey, I'm staff now time to do 168 hours in a week" because in reality that isn't going to happen. I understand your frustrations here, but really if I'm being honest cheaters are being banned quite quickly than you think rather than hours afterwards. Though again, I do understand your frustrations whenever an ingame report of yours doesn't get looked at because there's no available mod to check it, but always remember you can use the reports site as a backup option.

And now onto your next point of "that works great against hackers who bypass sentinel and can't be banned by it." Keep in mind that Sentinel is not perfect and yes there have been a few blatant cheaters who you think should be banned by Sentinel, but do keep in mind that this is most likely a new bypass that Sentinel hasn't been made to counter and before you say "well just update it", I suggest reading this thread here first :)

So td;rl, we aren't going to allow this dupe glitch and anyone caught using it with the intentions of abusing it will be banned and remember that mods have lives and are only volunteers.
"gamebreaking bugs like these basically ruin the gameplay experience" It is funny you think you can talk on a gamemode you don't even play. If anything this bug has increased the amount of players and made it more fun for everyone. You always need to ruin the game for the legit players but let the hackers do whatever they want. They're the one ruining the gameplay but you do nothing about it. Fair there are always going to be hackers but it isn't hard to take it in turn as staff to monitor the servers to prevent this type of stuff from happening constantly. You all put no effort and only do reports thinking it'll help us when in fact half the time you still deny reports which are clear. If you are going to remove a bug like this at least have the decency to give us back something and fix the other bugs, actually monitor the servers, because right now you are all useless your whole staff team is a joke and when we talk about it you all hide away and give invalid comments like "go report on the site" oh yes good use of our time rather than being a staff and helping. Where by the way we still doesn't help if they get banned as they come back in seconds as well as the stuff we worked for is already gone. "We have lives we ain't robots" I ain't asking for you to monitor it 24/7 am i? It isn't difficult to take it in turns and monitor for a small amount of time rather than coming to ban 1 person then leave for the day, doesn't help what so ever. You are meant to be staff this is just a joke if all you can do is do pointless reports that don't help, sit in lobbies doing nothing in vanish. You can't understand anything since you don't play it so don't say you do. Try listening rather than making excuses for your awful staff team, players stop playing because you don't do anything, you refuse to update it or let anyone in the community have a voice but instead just come when its convenient. You say you have lives, don't have the time and all that but it is funny how all helpers are constantly on assassinations when they need to get reports. Only time staff are on for a decent amount of time to get their mod rank so they can go do nothing.
I get sentinel isn't perfect that is exactly why we ask the staff team to do something and help rather than sitting in lobbies, telling us to report isn't good enough rather than being lazy do something. There used to be great staff iLoveYouu being one of them who would actually help when asked rather than being useless and telling you to "report here".
Even if you have lives don't volunteer if you ain't got the smallest amount of time to come help for 30 minutes focus on your life since you clearly don't have the time to be staff.
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Senior Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
May 2, 2016
"gamebreaking bugs like these basically ruin the gameplay experience" It is funny you think you can talk on a gamemode you don't even play. If anything this bug has increased the amount of players and made it more fun for everyone.
At this moment of time of me saying this, there are currently 42 players online on Assi which from what I've seen is the normal player count therefore not true. Again going back to my point of having any sort of dupe bug ruining gameplay experience, I really don't think newer players will enjoy quite a big gamebreaking bug in any gamemode/game as much as you think it would.

You always need to ruin the game for the legit players but let the hackers do whatever they want.
So us fixing gamebreaking bugs ruins the gameplayer experience for legit players?

They're the one ruining the gameplay but you do nothing about it. Fair there are always going to be hackers but it isn't hard to take it in turn as staff to monitor the servers to prevent this type of stuff from happening constantly. You all put no effort and only do reports thinking it'll help us when in fact half the time you still deny reports which are clear. I
It's much more complicated than simply telling a mod to monitor Assi for a few hours and then get them to tell another mod to do the same thing, not really how that works because in general that's how life works. If you feel as though your ingame reports are being denied then feel free to use the reports site if you have evidence of the player cheating.

If you are going to remove a bug like this at least have the decency to give us back something and fix the other bugs
So are you trying to say that for every bug we fix we should give out free stuff? Because this won't be happening as really whenever you report a player/bug you shouldn't be expected to be rewarded for it and as for those other bugs, I'm not sure what you are referring to since I don't deal with bugs though you can report any bugs you find here. Though any bugs that are known will be fixed asap

useless your whole staff team is a joke and when we talk about it you all hide away and give invalid comments like "go report on the site"
Being told to report on the reports site is a completely valid comment since it's really the place besides /report or /sr to report people at :]

Where by the way we still doesn't help if they get banned as they come back in seconds as well as the stuff we worked for is already gone. "We have lives we ain't robots" I ain't asking for you to monitor it 24/7 am i? It isn't difficult to take it in turns and monitor for a small amount of time rather than coming to ban 1 person then leave for the day, doesn't help what so ever. You are meant to be staff this is just a joke if all you can do is do pointless reports that don't help, sit in lobbies doing nothing in vanish.
"It's much more complicated than simply telling a mod to monitor Assi for a few hours and then get them to tell another mod to do the same thing, not really how that works because in general that's how life works. If you feel as though your ingame reports are being denied then feel free to use the reports site if you have evidence of the player cheating." + It isn't exactly right to assume staff are doing nothing since mods have other responsibilities than simply banning cheaters in Assi and most likely are doing those other responsibilities and again, we are volunteers. We aren't expected to moderate for more than a few hours a day than you want it to be.

Try listening rather than making excuses for your awful staff team, players stop playing because you don't do anything, you refuse to update it or let anyone in the community have a voice but instead just come when its convenient.
I'm only commenting on the moderation related stuff to this thread, everything else I'm simply ignoring as it's out of my depth to comment on

You say you have lives, don't have the time and all that but it is funny how all helpers are constantly on assassinations when they need to get reports. Only time staff are on for a decent amount of time to get their mod rank so they can go do nothing.
Helper is a time of being in a trial to become mod therefore you do have to be active + being helper means a lot less responsibilities than a mods has though to comment on helpers using Assi to simply "gain reports". This isn't exactly true since isn't this basically also helping Assi to be a bit more cheater-free in a way ? + from my personal experience as being a helper, helpers also reported cheaters/other rule-breakers from other gamemodes

I get sentinel isn't perfect that is exactly why we ask the staff team to do something and help rather than sitting in lobbies, telling us to report isn't good enough rather than being lazy do something. There used to be great staff iLoveYouu being one of them who would actually help when asked rather than being useless and telling you to "report here".
Even if you have lives don't volunteer if you ain't got the smallest amount of time to come help for 30 minutes focus on your life since you clearly don't have the time to be staff.
Again, you cannot force mods to come online since again that's not how it works. Yes it can be frustrating when a mod isn't available (Even if in a lobby) to review your report but again the reports site is an option. And in terms of reporting, things have changed a lot since ILoveYouu left the staff team, you are talking about 3, almost 4 years here of change :))
And as for your last point here, I wouldn't necessary say just because you don't have 30 mins on one day to be active then you don't have time. Again life gets in the way and also spectating for 30 minutes isn't going to solve the cheater issue that much even if it does result in a few cheaters being banned.
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Forum Expert
May 23, 2018
Poland but live in Belgium
At this moment of time of me saying this, there are currently 42 players online on Assi which from what I've seen is the normal player count therefore not true. Again going back to my point of having any sort of dupe bug ruining gameplay experience, I really don't think newer players will enjoy quite a big gamebreaking bug in any gamemode/game as much as you think it would.
42 people yes, yesterday or so 30 people got banned so that's why there's less people online.
So us fixing gamebreaking bugs ruins the gameplayer experience for legit players?
Yeah it does. Hackers hate it Miep known assi hacker literally dm'ed and said he hates it badlyy just bcs he can't cheat now.


Sep 29, 2019
At this moment of time of me saying this, there are currently 42 players online on Assi which from what I've seen is the normal player count therefore not true. Again going back to my point of having any sort of dupe bug ruining gameplay experience, I really don't think newer players will enjoy quite a big gamebreaking bug in any gamemode/game as much as you think it would.

So us fixing gamebreaking bugs ruins the gameplayer experience for legit players?

It's much more complicated than simply telling a mod to monitor Assi for a few hours and then get them to tell another mod to do the same thing, not really how that works because in general that's how life works. If you feel as though your ingame reports are being denied then feel free to use the reports site if you have evidence of the player cheating.

So are you trying to say that for every bug we fix we should give out free stuff? Because this won't be happening as really whenever you report a player/bug you shouldn't be expected to be rewarded for it and as for those other bugs, I'm not sure what you are referring to since I don't deal with bugs though you can report any bugs you find here. Though any bugs that are known will be fixed asap

Being told to report on the reports site is a completely valid comment since it's really the place besides /report or /sr to report people at :]

"It's much more complicated than simply telling a mod to monitor Assi for a few hours and then get them to tell another mod to do the same thing, not really how that works because in general that's how life works. If you feel as though your ingame reports are being denied then feel free to use the reports site if you have evidence of the player cheating." + It isn't exactly right to assume staff are doing nothing since mods have other responsibilities than simply banning cheaters in Assi and most likely are doing those other responsibilities and again, we are volunteers. We aren't expected to moderate for more than a few hours a day than you want it to be.

I'm only commenting on the moderation related stuff to this thread, everything else I'm simply ignoring as it's out of my depth to comment on

Helper is a time of being in a trial to become mod therefore you do have to be active + being helper means a lot less responsibilities than a mods has though to comment on helpers using Assi to simply "gain reports". This isn't exactly true since isn't this basically also helping Assi to be a bit more cheater-free in a way ? + from my personal experience as being a helper, helpers also reported cheaters/other rule-breakers from other gamemodes

Again, you cannot force mods to come online since again that's not how it works. Yes it can be frustrating when a mod isn't available (Even if in a lobby) to review your report but again the reports site is an option. And in terms of reporting, things have changed a lot since ILoveYouu left the staff team, you are talking about 3, almost 4 years here of change :))
And as for your last point here, I wouldn't necessary say just because you don't have 30 mins on one day to be active then you don't have time. Again life gets in the way and also spectating for 30 minutes isn't going to solve the cheater issue that much even if it does result in a few cheaters being banned.
"So are you trying to say that for every bug we fix we should give out free stuff?"
I am saying that the least you can do is fix the bugs that have been there for years or just leave the gamemode alone.
"Being told to report on the reports site is a completely valid comment since it's really the place besides /report or /sr to report people at :]"
Yes very valid, reporting on the site wasting your time to do so after the hacker has always ruined the game not only in assi but skywars eggwars and other gamemodes, when you could simply help rather than acting like its going to take away years of your life to it really isn't hard to spare a couple minutes.
"It's much more complicated than simply telling a mod to monitor Assi for a few hours and then get them to tell another mod to do the same thing"
It really isn't all that complicated to at least send different staff to help every few hours, rather than being in lobbies for hours like, you wanna say you got lives and ain't got time but while monitoring lobbies doing nothing you could use that time to help in assi while doing reports even you are legit useless in lobbies.

"comment on helpers using Assi to simply "gain reports". This isn't exactly true since isn't this basically also helping Assi to be a bit more cheater-free in a way ?"
Yeah I wouldn't say that if they weren't completely gone off the gamemode after they get mod, even as helper they've never actually played it and only reported. How you gonna say its to help when they don't even stick around after they get mod. It is simply to get mod nothing more, defend your staff team all you want but it is true otherwise people wouldn't think it.

Legit 30 minutes every couple of hours would help so much more than 10 minutes maximum every day. It isn't going to solve the issue but it is going to help us massively. You really wouldn't understand since you don't play but there are constant bhoppers on stopping everyone from being able to step out of shop. So for you to say that it wouldn't solve the issue at least it would help a hell more than what you guys currently do.

Even if things have changed a lot since iLoveYouu left at least he took the time to actually help rather than hold a rank you can't live up to. You keep saying you "volunteered" but damn what is the point if you can't even do the most basic things.

Anyways your views on things are always going to be ignorant since you don't understand how we feel on it. Imagine playing the game for years even buying a rank as you believed in the game and server to then have staff be lazy not only mods the whole staff team because they can't be bothered to help. You start ignoring everyone in the community and do what you want, so keep defending your staff team and say the same thing you all say with "we have lives" we ain't expecting you to be on all the time but damn do a hell of a lot more than you already do. I think anyone could be staff with the amount of things you lot do. Not to forget half the time you ban legit players like real niceeeee can't even see through the easiest things, this staff team is a joke.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
"Being told to report on the reports site is a completely valid comment since it's really the place besides /report or /sr to report people at :]"
Yes very valid, reporting on the site wasting your time to do so after the hacker has always ruined the game not only in assi but skywars eggwars and other gamemodes, when you could simply help rather than acting like its going to take away years of your life to it really isn't hard to spare a couple minutes.
if its just a few minutes then why dont you just spare a couple of minutes to do the report yourself :p


Sep 29, 2019
if its just a few minutes then why dont you just spare a couple of minutes to do the report yourself :p
Because asking them to come help ban gets our stuff back from the hackers, most of the time they get banned outside combat or across the map where no one finds the stuff and all your hard worked gear is gone. Staff can help ban and give the stuff back it really isn't difficult. On top of that reports get denied most the time, get done when it is too late and reports aren't accepted if you play laby mod, so you shouldn't be forced to play on a different mod to do a pointless report.


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2020
Because asking them to come help ban gets our stuff back from the hackers, most of the time they get banned outside combat or across the map where no one finds the stuff and all your hard worked gear is gone. Staff can help ban and give the stuff back it really isn't difficult. On top of that reports get denied most the time, get done when it is too late and reports aren't accepted if you play laby mod, so you shouldn't be forced to play on a different mod to do a pointless report.
then dont complain if you arent willing to do your part :p
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