Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
I believe there are some problems with the suggestion system that should be addressed, I've been sharing my suggestions that I feel would make Cubecraft better for a while and have noticed lots of flaws in my time suggesting.

Here are my opinions on two areas relating to the Feedback and Suggestion systems of Cubecraft Games.

Disagree and Unsure Reactions

Disagree reactions are a complete fail and are currently killing the suggestions system as a whole. The whole point of an online forums is to discuss and debate ideas. Currently, neither are being done. People press there disagree button and leave the thread as fast as anything, without giving the thread owner or people who agree with the original thread point any idea of why they disagree. When the suggestion maker thinks of the idea they only see upsides - not always but they at least outweigh the downsides - yet people disagree, and why? you need to share your belief and not just disagree, its ruining the whole suggestion system. The downsides need to be pointed out, whether it be by a forums user describing the downsides they see, or staff showing interest finally and actually sharing the cubecraft related downsides.

The reason why i think disagree reactions are killing the system and not agree reactions is because disagree reactions show that the individual has an opinion on the cons or the downsides yet they don't share them, which is the most important thing in the entire forums and the whole point of a feedback and suggestions system. Whereas when someone reacts with agree they are showing they agree to the opinion already stated by others, which is a good thing to do as it still shows your opinion. The only time i see disagree being used correctly is when someone disagrees with the original suggestion posts and then agrees with the disagreement message(best messages on the forums) because it shows why you disagree. Whereas if you disagree, don't agree to the downside argument and dont say what you feel you may as well leave the thread as your useless to everyone, whether it be Cubecraft staff, the thread owner, or anyone involved in the discussion.

Unsure reactions are completely useless, and there's not much i can say about them really.. they're just useless, they tell you nothing. At least disagree reactions tell you that someone disagrees with your point(still not good as it doesn't show why).

So, in my opinion disagree reactions should be completely removed from the feedback and suggestions sub-forum, if you disagree with a point and see downsides you should share that with the people involved in the discussion and cubecraft staff. If you see a point you agree with whether it be in favour of or against the original thread point you should press agree. But please, please, share opinions on the forums and do not press a button that means nothing to everyone whether they are removed or not. And with the suggestion of disagrees being removed, unsures should too as no one likes you if you vote unsure(trust me). Agrees should stay as they show you agree with the point raised and pay a vital role in the suggestions system relating to forwarded suggestions.

Forwarded and Planned Suggestions

There is another huge problem within the suggestion system and that is the false hope it brings, like a lot of other Cubecraft messages and excuses. People get excited when a suggestion they think will improve Cubecraft for the better gets forwarded, and they should, as they've made a suggestion that the Cubecraft community clearly like. Yet, it will not be implemented unless its incredible easy and fast to make so cube look like they listen every once in a while..

There are currently, at this time, seven pages of planned and forwarded suggestions - all of which are what the *community* wants - yet, updates like simple parkour which is a joke (im sorry but wasting developer and design time on that really made me sad) and blockwars which no one asked for, go ahead. Cubecraft need to use the suggestion system for what it is - its there plans for the future-. Not there calender which says we need to do this here and this here etc etc etc. Cubecraft needs to see that the forums is what the community wants, not what the admins want.

I suggest Cubecraft use the forums as there calender, not there own one they made out through there own opinions but the ideas the community want to be seen implemented to Cubecraft. Cubecraft are constantly stating the devs are busy and admins are too busy etc.. they should not be busy with the Blockwars update that no one asked for, they should be busy adding a small, qol feature to a game like Minerware which has been suggested by the community or an extra command to make the communities time on cubecraft easier or a simple design change, for the community. That's what the community wants, not go by Cubecrafts calendar but by what the community tells you they want.

  • Use the community for what they are - your most valuable asset.
  • Use the forums as your future calendar, the community should come first.
  • Big updates mean nothing when there's seven pages of small ones, use them to your advantage and keep your community happy.
  • We will not be saddened by your updates not coming, if we are, the community will tell you on the forums!
In Conclusion...

Again, I want to repeat what I've said at first, these are my opinions, and shouldn't be forced upon anyone, it's just what I think as a Cubecraft community member. and I want to really thank Cubecraft for the happiness their server brings to so many people.

Here is a shortened list of suggestions I have named above:

  • Remove the reactions disagree and unsure as they remove the point of an online forums.
  • Implement community suggestions.
  • Implement a system where the cubecraft feedback and suggestions sub-forum IS your development and server calendar.
  • We will not be saddened by not having your updates, because if we feel an update for a game should be added, it will be suggested.
  • Listen to your community.
  • Implement suggestions faster.
If you agree the Suggestions system needs a rework please agree :agree: below. If you disagree please share your opinion and maybe it will open my mind to why the suggestions system is good, thanks for reading this thread.
Last edited:

Deleted member 584093

I agree I mean most of the suggestions I have seen that are planned haven’t been implemented in about a year, some are done quicker while others are done slowly I don’t even know why this happens


Forum Expert
Apr 21, 2020
Remove the reactions disagree and unsure as they remove the point of an online forums.
Disagree, why should you force people to write why they don’t agree with something? It saves peoples time as the reason they disagree could already have been stated by someone else. The main point of reactions is so at a glance you can see the general support and disapproval of a thread. By removing these reactions people just are not going to provide feedback, allowing for generally unapproved ideas to be implemented.
We will not be saddened by not having your updates, because if we feel an update for a game should be added, it will be suggested.
Disagreed, the whole job of people at CubeCraft is to come up with ideas that people will like. Do you see any other companies providing updates solely off of suggestions by their community? You don’t, I agree that some popular game updates and ideas need to considered more but to base everything off of community feedback is unrealistic. I agree that community suggestions are very important, but they shouldn’t be the only thing on the server.
I suggest Cubecraft use the forums as there calender, not there own one they made out through there own opinions but the ideas the community want to be seen implemented to Cubecraft.
This does not make sense to me? The forums isn’t a calendar and can’t be used to track progress, bugs, and similar things. Do you just mean they should complete all planned threads before they do anything else? If so, I disagree. Community threads are important, however, from a professional standpoint not all these ideas should be implemented at the same time. Ideas should be part of bigger updates, people aren’t going to join Cubecraft for their “We implemented ideas update” but will if those ideas are apart of bigger updates.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
Disagree, why should you force people to write why they don’t agree with something? It saves peoples time as the reason they disagree could already have been stated by someone else. The main point of reactions is so at a glance you can see the general support and disapproval of a thread. By removing these reactions people just are not going to provide feedback, allowing for generally unapproved ideas to be implemented.
I disagree, we must have different ideas of why the forums are here and it's importance to Cubecraft, it's not about making a decision as fast as the click of a red button but by thinking through your opinion and why you disagree. And as I said in my suggestion, you should agree with the disagreement or send your own disagreement.
Disagreed, the whole job of people at CubeCraft is to come up with ideas that people will like. Do you see any other companies providing updates solely off of suggestions by their community? You don’t, I agree that some popular game updates and ideas need to considered more but to base everything off of community feedback is unrealistic. I agree that community suggestions are very important, but they shouldn’t be the only thing on the server.
The community play the server a lot more than staff and can see where the problems are. The company itself can be innovative with design and brand new content but community opinions and suggestions need to be taken into account way more often without a doubt.
This does not make sense to me? The forums isn’t a calendar and can’t be used to track progress, bugs, and similar things. Do you just mean they should complete all planned threads before they do anything else? If so, I disagree. Community threads are important, however, from a professional standpoint not all these ideas should be implemented at the same time. Ideas should be part of bigger updates, people aren’t going to join Cubecraft for their “We implemented ideas update” but will if those ideas are apart of bigger updates.
I mean there development calender should be primarily focused on community suggestions
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Click Greatness

Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2021
Suggestion: CubeCraft should add Bedwars

That suggestion is an easy disagree, and leave without commenting. Sometimes we feel the need to explain, sometimes we don’t. If a suggestion is so flat that it’s a yes or no answer, chances are the suggestion either is so ridiculous bad, or it’s so self-explanatory that extra comments aren’t needed.

If the owner of the suggestion doesn’t understand why everyone disagreed and left, then they can just @ some people who disagreed if they want a more concrete reasoning from said people. Unsure is just a “hey! I saw this, but I dunno how to feel about it, keep up the good work”.

Sometimes agreeing or disagreeing can be a bit daunting. No offence but you seem to be a very a BOLD and PROUD person. You agree to suggestions that already have 24 disagrees just because you think it’s a good suggestion. Most people would’ve been swayed or at least think twice about their opinion from the sheer amount of disagrees a suggestion has. The disagree person can make a person debate with themselves before agreeing, if there was only an agree button, tons of “bad” suggestions would’ve been forwarded simply because some wouldn’t think twice before trusting their gut. Thoughts?


Dedicated Member
Jan 9, 2021
Feedback and Suggestions Sub-forum Feedback
My Opinions.

I want to first of all say thank you to all developers, admins and designers as you bring content that we as a community get to be apart of and bring us together to form connections and memories that make us happy and we thank you for this. I don't want anyone to think I am blaming anyone or not grateful for what Cubecraft has done for us as a community but I feel these somewhat harsh criticisms should be shared that are completely my opinion and should not be forced upon anyone.

I believe there are some problems with the suggestion system that should be addressed, I've been sharing my suggestions that I feel would make Cubecraft better for a while and have noticed lots of flaws in my time suggesting.

Here are my opinions on two areas relating to the Feedback and Suggestion systems of Cubecraft Games.

Disagree and Unsure Reactions

Disagree reactions are a complete fail and are currently killing the suggestions system as a whole. The whole point of an online forums is to discuss and debate ideas. Currently, neither are being done. People press there disagree button and leave the thread as fast as anything, without giving the thread owner or people who agree with the original thread point any idea of why they disagree. When the suggestion maker thinks of the idea they only see upsides - not always but they at least outweigh the downsides - yet people disagree, and why? you need to share your belief and not just disagree, its ruining the whole suggestion system. The downsides need to be pointed out, whether it be by a forums user describing the downsides they see, or staff showing interest finally and actually sharing the cubecraft related downsides.

The reason why i think disagree reactions are killing the system and not agree reactions is because disagree reactions show that the individual has an opinion on the cons or the downsides yet they don't share them, which is the most important thing in the entire forums and the whole point of a feedback and suggestions system. Whereas when someone reacts with agree they are showing they agree to the opinion already stated by others, which is a good thing to do as it still shows your opinion. The only time i see disagree being used correctly is when someone disagrees with the original suggestion posts and then agrees with the disagreement message(best messages on the forums) because it shows why you disagree. Whereas if you disagree, don't agree to the downside argument and dont say what you feel you may as well leave the thread as your useless to everyone, whether it be Cubecraft staff, the thread owner, or anyone involved in the discussion.

Unsure reactions are completely useless, and there's not much i can say about them really.. they're just useless, they tell you nothing. At least disagree reactions tell you that someone disagrees with your point(still not good as it doesn't show why).

So, in my opinion disagree reactions should be completely removed from the feedback and suggestions sub-forum, if you disagree with a point and see downsides you should share that with the people involved in the discussion and cubecraft staff. If you see a point you agree with whether it be in favour of or against the original thread point you should press agree. But please, please, share opinions on the forums and do not press a button that means nothing to everyone whether they are removed or not. And with the suggestion of disagrees being removed, unsures should too as no one likes you if you vote unsure(trust me). Agrees should stay as they show you agree with the point raised and pay a vital role in the suggestions system relating to forwarded suggestions.

Forwarded and Planned Suggestions

There is another huge problem within the suggestion system and that is the false hope it brings, like a lot of other Cubecraft messages and excuses. People get excited when a suggestion they think will improve Cubecraft for the better gets forwarded, and they should, as they've made a suggestion that the Cubecraft community clearly like. Yet, it will not be implemented unless its incredible easy and fast to make so cube look like they listen every once in a while..

There are currently, at this time, seven pages of planned and forwarded suggestions - all of which are what the *community* wants - yet, updates like simple parkour which is a joke (im sorry but wasting developer and design time on that really made me sad) and blockwars which no one asked for, go ahead. Cubecraft need to use the suggestion system for what it is - its there plans for the future-. Not there calender which says we need to do this here and this here etc etc etc. Cubecraft needs to see that the forums is what the community wants, not what the admins want.

I suggest Cubecraft use the forums as there calender, not there own one they made out through there own opinions but the ideas the community want to be seen implemented to Cubecraft. Cubecraft are constantly stating the devs are busy and admins are too busy etc.. they should not be busy with the Blockwars update that no one asked for, they should be busy adding a small, qol feature to a game like Minerware which has been suggested by the community or an extra command to make the communities time on cubecraft easier or a simple design change, for the community. That's what the community wants, not go by Cubecrafts calendar but by what the community tells you they want.

  • Use the community for what they are - your most valuable asset.
  • Use the forums as your future calendar, the community should come first.
  • Big updates mean nothing when there's seven pages of small ones, use them to your advantage and keep your community happy.
  • We will not be saddened by your updates not coming, if we are, the community will tell you on the forums!
In Conclusion...

Again, I want to repeat what I've said at first, these are my opinions, and shouldn't be forced upon anyone, it's just what I think as a Cubecraft community member. and I want to really thank Cubecraft for the happiness their server brings to so many people.

Here is a shortened list of suggestions I have named above:

  • Remove the reactions disagree and unsure as they remove the point of an online forums.
  • Implement community suggestions.
  • Implement a system where the cubecraft feedback and suggestions sub-forum IS your development and server calendar.
  • We will not be saddened by not having your updates, because if we feel an update for a game should be added, it will be suggested.
  • Listen to your community.
  • Implement suggestions faster.
If you agree the Suggestions system needs a rework please agree :agree: below. If you disagree please share your opinion and maybe it will open my mind to why the suggestions system is good, thanks for reading this thread.
I think you shouldn't delete the unsure reaction:unsure:.


Forum Expert
Dec 10, 2019
You simply can’t force people to give the reason why they disagree, of course it would make it easier for the thread owner to see why they don’t like the idea, on the other hand, on almost every suggestion there is at least 1 member who gives their opinion. If you remove the disagree reaction you can just remove the whole reaction system and go back to the weird polls and useless posts.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2021
My Guinea pigs' cage EU#12
Suggestion: CubeCraft should add Bedwars

That suggestion is an easy disagree, and leave without commenting. Sometimes we feel the need to explain, sometimes we don’t. If a suggestion is so flat that it’s a yes or no answer, chances are the suggestion either is so ridiculous bad, or it’s so self-explanatory that extra comments aren’t needed.

If the owner of the suggestion doesn’t understand why everyone disagreed and left, then they can just @ some people who disagreed if they want a more concrete reasoning from said people. Unsure is just a “hey! I saw this, but I dunno how to feel about it, keep up the good work”.

Sometimes agreeing or disagreeing can be a bit daunting. No offence but you seem to be a very a BOLD and PROUD person. You agree to suggestions that already have 24 disagrees just because you think it’s a good suggestion. Most people would’ve been swayed or at least think twice about their opinion from the sheer amount of disagrees a suggestion has. The disagree person can make a person debate with themselves before agreeing, if there was only an agree button, tons of “bad” suggestions would’ve been forwarded simply because some wouldn’t think twice before trusting their gut. Thoughts?
agree they shoud add bedwars


Novice Member
Nov 10, 2017
A cold take and honestly, I'm here for it. Though, as others have already stated, removing the disagree reaction in its entirety might not be the best course of action. There's a thing to be said about how people are very reluctant to support their arguments and simply opt to leave a downvote and flee the scene 😞. Helping no one in the process.
Instead, I suggest cube to implement a system in which anyone that chooses to downvote will be prompted to leave an explanation as to why they feel this way. If they insist on staying quiet, they can then simply exit out.
Unsure reactions are completely useless
100% agree with this, if you can't form a proper opinion, there should be no need for people to express this on someone's post.
Disagree, why should you force people to write why they don’t agree with something?
I get where you're coming from, however, we're talking about a very niche platform. This is a sub-forum specifically dedicated towards feedback & suggestions. Had it been something less specific, then yeah demanding a response seems unjustified.
We're getting into the nitty-gritty of things here and any form of user interaction is crucial to create useful feedback for the Cubecraft staff. If anything more responsiveness should be encouraged imo.
Sometimes agreeing or disagreeing can be a bit daunting
You make some fair points (: I agree that stupid suggestions don't require nuanced explanations on why they're bad. Having said that, your last argument kind of falls flat. The assumption that the pressure of other reactors gives you an incentive to follow w/e is generally accepted makes no sense to me. I don't think we should take personal feelings or peer pressure into account when talking about a non-hostile online forum.


Forum Expert
Jun 15, 2020
If the owner of the suggestion doesn’t understand why everyone disagreed and left, then they can just @ some people who disagreed if they want a more concrete reasoning from said people. Unsure is just a “hey! I saw this, but I dunno how to feel about it, keep up the good work”.
If you do this expect lots of rude comments about how asking someone to share their opinion in an opinions section of a forum is disrespectful and you obviously have a "god complex"
our forums community is great like that.
You simply can’t force people to give the reason why they disagree
No you can't, i never suggested that. But if you don't give a reason to why you disagree there is no use for you. The suggestion system was damaged by people clicking there red button and leaving the thread, no sort of community debates or discussions ususally take place anymore and that's what the forums is here for, to form conclusions
If you remove the disagree reaction you can just remove the whole reaction system and go back to the weird polls and useless posts.
I disagree, and i've raised a good couple of points as to why agree should stay and would rather if you addressed those points directly and there downsides than simply saying that if disagree would be removed agree should be too.
Sometimes agreeing or disagreeing can be a bit daunting. No offence but you seem to be a very a BOLD and PROUD person. You agree to suggestions that already have 24 disagrees just because you think it’s a good suggestion. Most people would’ve been swayed or at least think twice about their opinion from the sheer amount of disagrees a suggestion has. The disagree person can make a person debate with themselves before agreeing, if there was only an agree button, tons of “bad” suggestions would’ve been forwarded simply because some wouldn’t think twice before trusting their gut. Thoughts?
People should not be swayed by the opinions of people on the forums. In my opinion this forums in particularly notorious because of how most people know each other and will agree with their friends or with staff members just because they're their friend or a staff member.. you shouldn't be swayed by other people but rather be made think of your own opinion on a topic.

Suggestions will be forwarded because the community show an interest in the suggestion and 25 agrees are given, not because people will agree because people are agreeing, they will see all the disagreement messages under to see the other point of the argument too which is much better than disagreeing because people disagreed but rather disagreeing because you see what the disagreement argument is (don't agree to the original post and agree to the disagreement argument)
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Forum Expert
Sep 12, 2018
MinerWare Town
Looks a nerd vs nerd battle here
This does not add anything here as well...
Unsure reactions are completely useless
I totally agree with this. Agreeing or disagreeing is a fairly clear option to state your opinion, however being unsure does not add anything.

Forcing people in talking doesn't seem like the right way to me tho. Talking and communicating makes things a lot easier for everyone, but when you force people to talk, i don't think they will run away from the threads, but stay away and not giving their opinion at all.

There are currently, at this time, seven pages of planned and forwarded suggestions
This should be fixed indeed. CubeCraft forwards and plans a lot of things, without the community ever seeing them back. I would love to see some of these being implemented, while some of them don't even require that much work (i obviously can't even think about how hard the staff is working, but adding a timer delay on a few things for example is not that hard for what i know).

yet, updates like simple parkour which is a joke (im sorry but wasting developer and design time on that really made me sad) and blockwars which no one asked for, go ahead.
Updates attract new public and makes the old one more interested. For this matter, I disagree with this. I Don't think CubeCraft should stop developing new cool features that we take for granted after a while. New game modes and voting options are very cool, which I think is why they should keep adding such things, but it should not have any relation to the waiting time of other implemented suggestions.

Long story short: Due to all the things i agree and disagree with i am not gonna vote on this thread. Things being useful and things being necessary are two things that should be kept separate, but I definitely hope CubeCraft combines a bit of their strength and weakness solutions so they can work the great content that we love to see.
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