Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
But lies from the staff team

I can still reproduce the bug the same way I could back then.


Dedicated Member
Sep 17, 2019
United States
Please re-report it then. Otherwise theres no way for us to know if its still broken or not 😉
Or besides pushing out a fix actually test it rather than pushing out an update you THINK might work. The issue with shop is nothing to do with ping or how many players there is.
It’s the server being garbage

Also why story no respond to me when I shared my points on new egg update :(
  • Like
Reactions: mismut


Feb 23, 2021
Hello CubeCrafters!

We've just updated our biggest game on our network, EggWars! - We've made changes to our Bedrock EggWars rank which adds new exclusive cosmetics including generator skins. We've also added so many new maps for both networks, and we've added new game features, tweaks, map balances and tweaks and general Quality of Life features. This update is massive, read below to learn more! 🎉

💡 Features & Tweaks - Emeralds, Favourite items, Enchants & Kits!

To build the foundation of this update, we worked with our EggWars focus group team and community suggestions to create a good balance of new features, fixes & Quality of Life.

We've made some changes to Emeralds. We've removed the radius detector on Emerald generators, so they naturally generate Emeralds without you needing to be close to the generator. We've changed it so you can upgrade Emerald generators and most maps have more than 1 Emerald generator, one will always be level 1. We've also merged the Emerald shop into the main EggWars shop, into the appropriate categories.

We've also added enchantments for armour! - You can buff up your armour even more if you have Emerald tokens.

There are new Emerald token specific items:
  • Ender chest - This allows you or your team to have your own private inventory.
  • Elytra - One flight usage, so use it wisely.
  • High-efficiency pickaxe - This allows you to break through blocks like butter.
  • Sharpness sword & axe - This will allow you to slash your enemies even faster.
Along with the Emerald tweaks. We've also added a new system into our EggWars shop which will change your EggWars experience forever! Introducing Favourite shop items! - You can now select your most used items and have them pinned at the bottom of the EggWars shop. You have 3 load-outs, one for each gamemode: Normal, Overpowered & Hardcore. Your favourite items are saved and carried over into the same gamemode. You can add, remove or tweak your favourite items whenever!

View attachment 204737
Favourited item selection.

We've added 2 new kits to EggWars. One for Java and one for Bedrock:
  • Java - Chicken Legs - Gives Speed 2 for 10 seconds on respawn
  • Bedrock - Healer - Gives golden apples

🌍 New maps!

What would a game update be without some maps!? We've added 6 brand NEW and epic maps to our EggWars gamemode for both Java & Bedrock.

Sun - Solo EggWars
View attachment 204736

Cyber City - Team EggWars/Teams of 2
View attachment 204732

Ruins - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204735

Mystery (Magic revamp) - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204734

Atlantis - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204731

Eve - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204733

🛒 EggWars Rank revamp - New cosmetics & Generator Skins!

As you know this past year we've made great strides in the quality of our cosmetics, we want to bring our ranks up to speed with this quality level as well, starting with EggWars.

We've introduced a brand new loot type, generator skins! These skins can sync to the drops of the tokens and when you upgrade them far enough they overload and have fancy animations in response to this, they also take on cool appearances depending on which type of generator it is.

You can purchase our Bedrock EggWars Rank here!

Sewer Crawler
View attachment 204739
This monster crawls in the sewer finding tokens for your battle on the surface.

View attachment 204740
There are tokens in the pipes, flush them out!

View attachment 204738

These ominous floating islands from different dimensions spawn tokens, how magical!

In addition to generator skins we've also added new egg break messages, these are selectable from the in-game loot menu allowing you to customize your egg break message in chat for other players to see.

Finally, we also put in two new egg skins & three new shop skins featuring some wacky designs.

EggDonalds Drive Thru, Human That Likes Peas & Toucan Delivery Service

Dragon's Keep & Rocketship featuring our new egg break animations

🧾 Full changelog!

This update has a lot of content, changes and tweaks. Not all we can mention above, so we've compiled a list below!
New features:
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added enchantments for armour.
- Added ability to favourite items.
- Added new Bedrock kit (Healer).
- Added new Java kit (Chicken legs).
- Added new Java ability (Eggs to Riches).
- Added 13 new Java Achievements.
- Added new Emerald items: Enderchest, Elytra, High-efficiency pickaxe, sharpness sword/axe.
- Added new generator particles on Java.
- You now receive the kill for a player if you've broken their egg and they jump into the void.
- You can now build in team respawn locations after their egg is broken.
- You now receive the win if your team wins whilst you're eliminated.
- Generators now generating 10 seconds before the game starts.

Game tweaks:
- Amended Bedrock Baker kit.
- Amended Java Shell Cracker kit.
- Amended some Java achievements.
- Spiced up particles floating around the egg on Java.
- Changed the price and health of Eggmites.
- Changed the price of the player tracker
- Added an action bar message for player tracking on Bedrock.
- Changed the price of the Blastball.
- Added a countdown message for Blastballs.
- The Blastball can now be thrown long distances.
- Slightly upped the block damage of Blastballs.
- Blastballs cannot be used very close to teammates.
- Blastballs can no longer break obsidian.
- The emerald shop has been merged with the default shop categories.
- Most maps now have multiple Emerald generators.
- Removed the little bounce TNT does when it's placed.
- Removed speed potion.
- Removed Weakness & Slowness potions.
- Changed the price of Enderpearls.
- Changed the price of Golden apples.
- Slightly upped the height that leap feathers produce.
- Changed the price of the leap feather.
- Changed the price of the stone sword on hardcore.
- Changed the price of the tower builder.
- Changed the price of the strength potion.
- Added cooldowns to ladder and wall structures.
- Changed the price of Notch apples.
- Changed the price of the shield.
- Tokens now despawn on generators over time.
- Removed EggWars shop classic view.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed ghost particles not appearing for structure items on Bedrock.
- Fixed not being able to buy items from the EggWars shop if you had blocks in your offhand.
- Fixed typos in some achievements and kit messages.
- Fixed accidentally clicking generators and getting spammed on Bedrock.
- Fixed an issue with Obsidian blocks not breaking with stone pickaxes.
- Fixed an issue with text sentences with tokens not being used in plural or singular terms.
- Fixed an issue with the shop giving items even if you don't have enough tokens.
- Fixed an issue with arrows not stacking.
- Fixed an issue with ghost blocks from TNT.
- Fixed an issue with eating 2 golden apples at the same time.
- Fixed an issue with eating food from both hands at the same time.

Map tweaks:
- Removed Magic team map.
- Fixed Diamond gen from being able to be blocked off easily on MLG.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Kong.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Toys.
- Removed helicopters from Storm.
- Flattened the terrain on Storm.
- Reduce the design at the middle on Palace.
- Split the bridges apart on Bedrock Bridges.
- Put the semi and starting islands on the same Y level on Snowy.
- Made it so you cannot build under the map on Town.
- Moved egg location on Fairytale on Bedrock.
- Blocked up the windows to the tower on Fairytale.
- Made Yellow & Purple equal distance to the middle on Forest.
- Reduced the number of generators on Fallen on Bedrock to reduce lag.
- Fixed the beds from disappearing on Town.
- Made starting islands equal to the middle on Beach.
- Filled in the stairs on Beach.
- Reduced Y-axis on Rome to allow blocking saving.
- Made Football on Java more balanced, with egg location, generators and flattening terrain.
- Made Blossom on Java more balanced, with villager location, generators and terrain.
- Added easier wants to get to the middle island and eggs on Royalty.
- Adjusted the build limit on Mansion to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Dwarven to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Waterfall to stop camping.
- Fixed an issue with the roofs on Elven on Java.
- Changed respawn and shop location and split up semi-mid ring on Golf.
- Reducing starting island iron generator from level 3 to 2 on Steampunk.
- Made the middle island equal size on Stronghold on Java.
- Reduced the number of panes, fences and cobblestone walls used on Modern.
- Reduced the amount of lava at the middle on Aztec.

There are some of the community suggestions are contributed to this update:
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/update-eggwars-mega-map.291796
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/can-we-get-more-egg-wars-mega-maps.283379
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/map-egg-wars.283662
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps.281952
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-or-move-the-emerald-gen-in-mansion-team-eggwars.279624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/feedback-about-map-egg-wars-mega.290800
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/more-maps-in-eggwars.276318
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/changes-to-eggwars-normal-mode.277742
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-allow-us-to-build-near-spawns-when-the-egg-is-gone.291756
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-generators.286758
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/mining-obsidian.290471
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-qol-features.290950
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/make-diamond-pickaxes-cost-more-gold-in-eggwars-basic.292560
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/price-reduction-for-player-trackers-repost.288624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/custom-shop-in-eggwars-repost.282248
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwor-suggestion-1-1-1.281820
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-needs-an-update-now.252546
- Special thanks to everyone from the EggWars Focus group that helped give their suggestions and feedback! <3

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy this epic EggWars update. Have fun and stay safe!


Novice Member
Apr 13, 2021
A Bridges game far far away...
Hello CubeCrafters!

We've just updated our biggest game on our network, EggWars! - We've made changes to our Bedrock EggWars rank which adds new exclusive cosmetics including generator skins. We've also added so many new maps for both networks, and we've added new game features, tweaks, map balances and tweaks and general Quality of Life features. This update is massive, read below to learn more! 🎉

💡 Features & Tweaks - Emeralds, Favourite items, Enchants & Kits!

To build the foundation of this update, we worked with our EggWars focus group team and community suggestions to create a good balance of new features, fixes & Quality of Life.

We've made some changes to Emeralds. We've removed the radius detector on Emerald generators, so they naturally generate Emeralds without you needing to be close to the generator. We've changed it so you can upgrade Emerald generators and most maps have more than 1 Emerald generator, one will always be level 1. We've also merged the Emerald shop into the main EggWars shop, into the appropriate categories.

We've also added enchantments for armour! - You can buff up your armour even more if you have Emerald tokens.

There are new Emerald token specific items:
  • Ender chest - This allows you or your team to have your own private inventory.
  • Elytra - One flight usage, so use it wisely.
  • High-efficiency pickaxe - This allows you to break through blocks like butter.
  • Sharpness sword & axe - This will allow you to slash your enemies even faster.
Along with the Emerald tweaks. We've also added a new system into our EggWars shop which will change your EggWars experience forever! Introducing Favourite shop items! - You can now select your most used items and have them pinned at the bottom of the EggWars shop. You have 3 load-outs, one for each gamemode: Normal, Overpowered & Hardcore. Your favourite items are saved and carried over into the same gamemode. You can add, remove or tweak your favourite items whenever!

View attachment 204737
Favourited item selection.

We've added 2 new kits to EggWars. One for Java and one for Bedrock:
  • Java - Chicken Legs - Gives Speed 2 for 10 seconds on respawn
  • Bedrock - Healer - Gives golden apples

🌍 New maps!

What would a game update be without some maps!? We've added 6 brand NEW and epic maps to our EggWars gamemode for both Java & Bedrock.

Sun - Solo EggWars
View attachment 204736

Cyber City - Team EggWars/Teams of 2
View attachment 204732

Ruins - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204735

Mystery (Magic revamp) - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204734

Atlantis - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204731

Eve - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204733

🛒 EggWars Rank revamp - New cosmetics & Generator Skins!

As you know this past year we've made great strides in the quality of our cosmetics, we want to bring our ranks up to speed with this quality level as well, starting with EggWars.

We've introduced a brand new loot type, generator skins! These skins can sync to the drops of the tokens and when you upgrade them far enough they overload and have fancy animations in response to this, they also take on cool appearances depending on which type of generator it is.

You can purchase our Bedrock EggWars Rank here!

Sewer Crawler
View attachment 204739
This monster crawls in the sewer finding tokens for your battle on the surface.

View attachment 204740
There are tokens in the pipes, flush them out!

View attachment 204738

These ominous floating islands from different dimensions spawn tokens, how magical!

In addition to generator skins we've also added new egg break messages, these are selectable from the in-game loot menu allowing you to customize your egg break message in chat for other players to see.

Finally, we also put in two new egg skins & three new shop skins featuring some wacky designs.

EggDonalds Drive Thru, Human That Likes Peas & Toucan Delivery Service

Dragon's Keep & Rocketship featuring our new egg break animations

🧾 Full changelog!

This update has a lot of content, changes and tweaks. Not all we can mention above, so we've compiled a list below!
New features:
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added enchantments for armour.
- Added ability to favourite items.
- Added new Bedrock kit (Healer).
- Added new Java kit (Chicken legs).
- Added new Java ability (Eggs to Riches).
- Added 13 new Java Achievements.
- Added new Emerald items: Enderchest, Elytra, High-efficiency pickaxe, sharpness sword/axe.
- Added new generator particles on Java.
- You now receive the kill for a player if you've broken their egg and they jump into the void.
- You can now build in team respawn locations after their egg is broken.
- You now receive the win if your team wins whilst you're eliminated.
- Generators now generating 10 seconds before the game starts.

Game tweaks:
- Amended Bedrock Baker kit.
- Amended Java Shell Cracker kit.
- Amended some Java achievements.
- Spiced up particles floating around the egg on Java.
- Changed the price and health of Eggmites.
- Changed the price of the player tracker
- Added an action bar message for player tracking on Bedrock.
- Changed the price of the Blastball.
- Added a countdown message for Blastballs.
- The Blastball can now be thrown long distances.
- Slightly upped the block damage of Blastballs.
- Blastballs cannot be used very close to teammates.
- Blastballs can no longer break obsidian.
- The emerald shop has been merged with the default shop categories.
- Most maps now have multiple Emerald generators.
- Removed the little bounce TNT does when it's placed.
- Removed speed potion.
- Removed Weakness & Slowness potions.
- Changed the price of Enderpearls.
- Changed the price of Golden apples.
- Slightly upped the height that leap feathers produce.
- Changed the price of the leap feather.
- Changed the price of the stone sword on hardcore.
- Changed the price of the tower builder.
- Changed the price of the strength potion.
- Added cooldowns to ladder and wall structures.
- Changed the price of Notch apples.
- Changed the price of the shield.
- Tokens now despawn on generators over time.
- Removed EggWars shop classic view.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed ghost particles not appearing for structure items on Bedrock.
- Fixed not being able to buy items from the EggWars shop if you had blocks in your offhand.
- Fixed typos in some achievements and kit messages.
- Fixed accidentally clicking generators and getting spammed on Bedrock.
- Fixed an issue with Obsidian blocks not breaking with stone pickaxes.
- Fixed an issue with text sentences with tokens not being used in plural or singular terms.
- Fixed an issue with the shop giving items even if you don't have enough tokens.
- Fixed an issue with arrows not stacking.
- Fixed an issue with ghost blocks from TNT.
- Fixed an issue with eating 2 golden apples at the same time.
- Fixed an issue with eating food from both hands at the same time.

Map tweaks:
- Removed Magic team map.
- Fixed Diamond gen from being able to be blocked off easily on MLG.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Kong.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Toys.
- Removed helicopters from Storm.
- Flattened the terrain on Storm.
- Reduce the design at the middle on Palace.
- Split the bridges apart on Bedrock Bridges.
- Put the semi and starting islands on the same Y level on Snowy.
- Made it so you cannot build under the map on Town.
- Moved egg location on Fairytale on Bedrock.
- Blocked up the windows to the tower on Fairytale.
- Made Yellow & Purple equal distance to the middle on Forest.
- Reduced the number of generators on Fallen on Bedrock to reduce lag.
- Fixed the beds from disappearing on Town.
- Made starting islands equal to the middle on Beach.
- Filled in the stairs on Beach.
- Reduced Y-axis on Rome to allow blocking saving.
- Made Football on Java more balanced, with egg location, generators and flattening terrain.
- Made Blossom on Java more balanced, with villager location, generators and terrain.
- Added easier wants to get to the middle island and eggs on Royalty.
- Adjusted the build limit on Mansion to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Dwarven to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Waterfall to stop camping.
- Fixed an issue with the roofs on Elven on Java.
- Changed respawn and shop location and split up semi-mid ring on Golf.
- Reducing starting island iron generator from level 3 to 2 on Steampunk.
- Made the middle island equal size on Stronghold on Java.
- Reduced the number of panes, fences and cobblestone walls used on Modern.
- Reduced the amount of lava at the middle on Aztec.

There are some of the community suggestions are contributed to this update:
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/update-eggwars-mega-map.291796
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/can-we-get-more-egg-wars-mega-maps.283379
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/map-egg-wars.283662
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps.281952
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-or-move-the-emerald-gen-in-mansion-team-eggwars.279624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/feedback-about-map-egg-wars-mega.290800
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/more-maps-in-eggwars.276318
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/changes-to-eggwars-normal-mode.277742
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-allow-us-to-build-near-spawns-when-the-egg-is-gone.291756
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-generators.286758
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/mining-obsidian.290471
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-qol-features.290950
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/make-diamond-pickaxes-cost-more-gold-in-eggwars-basic.292560
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/price-reduction-for-player-trackers-repost.288624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/custom-shop-in-eggwars-repost.282248
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwor-suggestion-1-1-1.281820
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-needs-an-update-now.252546
- Special thanks to everyone from the EggWars Focus group that helped give their suggestions and feedback! <3

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy this epic EggWars update. Have fun and stay safe!
why do we now only get our kits once when we first spawn in and no more after that?


Jan 2, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters!

We've just updated our biggest game on our network, EggWars! - We've made changes to our Bedrock EggWars rank which adds new exclusive cosmetics including generator skins. We've also added so many new maps for both networks, and we've added new game features, tweaks, map balances and tweaks and general Quality of Life features. This update is massive, read below to learn more! 🎉

💡 Features & Tweaks - Emeralds, Favourite items, Enchants & Kits!

To build the foundation of this update, we worked with our EggWars focus group team and community suggestions to create a good balance of new features, fixes & Quality of Life.

We've made some changes to Emeralds. We've removed the radius detector on Emerald generators, so they naturally generate Emeralds without you needing to be close to the generator. We've changed it so you can upgrade Emerald generators and most maps have more than 1 Emerald generator, one will always be level 1. We've also merged the Emerald shop into the main EggWars shop, into the appropriate categories.

We've also added enchantments for armour! - You can buff up your armour even more if you have Emerald tokens.

There are new Emerald token specific items:
  • Ender chest - This allows you or your team to have your own private inventory.
  • Elytra - One flight usage, so use it wisely.
  • High-efficiency pickaxe - This allows you to break through blocks like butter.
  • Sharpness sword & axe - This will allow you to slash your enemies even faster.
Along with the Emerald tweaks. We've also added a new system into our EggWars shop which will change your EggWars experience forever! Introducing Favourite shop items! - You can now select your most used items and have them pinned at the bottom of the EggWars shop. You have 3 load-outs, one for each gamemode: Normal, Overpowered & Hardcore. Your favourite items are saved and carried over into the same gamemode. You can add, remove or tweak your favourite items whenever!

View attachment 204737
Favourited item selection.

We've added 2 new kits to EggWars. One for Java and one for Bedrock:
  • Java - Chicken Legs - Gives Speed 2 for 10 seconds on respawn
  • Bedrock - Healer - Gives golden apples

🌍 New maps!

What would a game update be without some maps!? We've added 6 brand NEW and epic maps to our EggWars gamemode for both Java & Bedrock.

Sun - Solo EggWars
View attachment 204736

Cyber City - Team EggWars/Teams of 2
View attachment 204732

Ruins - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204735

Mystery (Magic revamp) - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204734

Atlantis - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204731

Eve - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204733

🛒 EggWars Rank revamp - New cosmetics & Generator Skins!

As you know this past year we've made great strides in the quality of our cosmetics, we want to bring our ranks up to speed with this quality level as well, starting with EggWars.

We've introduced a brand new loot type, generator skins! These skins can sync to the drops of the tokens and when you upgrade them far enough they overload and have fancy animations in response to this, they also take on cool appearances depending on which type of generator it is.

You can purchase our Bedrock EggWars Rank here!

Sewer Crawler
View attachment 204739
This monster crawls in the sewer finding tokens for your battle on the surface.

View attachment 204740
There are tokens in the pipes, flush them out!

View attachment 204738

These ominous floating islands from different dimensions spawn tokens, how magical!

In addition to generator skins we've also added new egg break messages, these are selectable from the in-game loot menu allowing you to customize your egg break message in chat for other players to see.

Finally, we also put in two new egg skins & three new shop skins featuring some wacky designs.

EggDonalds Drive Thru, Human That Likes Peas & Toucan Delivery Service

Dragon's Keep & Rocketship featuring our new egg break animations

🧾 Full changelog!

This update has a lot of content, changes and tweaks. Not all we can mention above, so we've compiled a list below!
New features:
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added enchantments for armour.
- Added ability to favourite items.
- Added new Bedrock kit (Healer).
- Added new Java kit (Chicken legs).
- Added new Java ability (Eggs to Riches).
- Added 13 new Java Achievements.
- Added new Emerald items: Enderchest, Elytra, High-efficiency pickaxe, sharpness sword/axe.
- Added new generator particles on Java.
- You now receive the kill for a player if you've broken their egg and they jump into the void.
- You can now build in team respawn locations after their egg is broken.
- You now receive the win if your team wins whilst you're eliminated.
- Generators now generating 10 seconds before the game starts.

Game tweaks:
- Amended Bedrock Baker kit.
- Amended Java Shell Cracker kit.
- Amended some Java achievements.
- Spiced up particles floating around the egg on Java.
- Changed the price and health of Eggmites.
- Changed the price of the player tracker
- Added an action bar message for player tracking on Bedrock.
- Changed the price of the Blastball.
- Added a countdown message for Blastballs.
- The Blastball can now be thrown long distances.
- Slightly upped the block damage of Blastballs.
- Blastballs cannot be used very close to teammates.
- Blastballs can no longer break obsidian.
- The emerald shop has been merged with the default shop categories.
- Most maps now have multiple Emerald generators.
- Removed the little bounce TNT does when it's placed.
- Removed speed potion.
- Removed Weakness & Slowness potions.
- Changed the price of Enderpearls.
- Changed the price of Golden apples.
- Slightly upped the height that leap feathers produce.
- Changed the price of the leap feather.
- Changed the price of the stone sword on hardcore.
- Changed the price of the tower builder.
- Changed the price of the strength potion.
- Added cooldowns to ladder and wall structures.
- Changed the price of Notch apples.
- Changed the price of the shield.
- Tokens now despawn on generators over time.
- Removed EggWars shop classic view.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed ghost particles not appearing for structure items on Bedrock.
- Fixed not being able to buy items from the EggWars shop if you had blocks in your offhand.
- Fixed typos in some achievements and kit messages.
- Fixed accidentally clicking generators and getting spammed on Bedrock.
- Fixed an issue with Obsidian blocks not breaking with stone pickaxes.
- Fixed an issue with text sentences with tokens not being used in plural or singular terms.
- Fixed an issue with the shop giving items even if you don't have enough tokens.
- Fixed an issue with arrows not stacking.
- Fixed an issue with ghost blocks from TNT.
- Fixed an issue with eating 2 golden apples at the same time.
- Fixed an issue with eating food from both hands at the same time.

Map tweaks:
- Removed Magic team map.
- Fixed Diamond gen from being able to be blocked off easily on MLG.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Kong.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Toys.
- Removed helicopters from Storm.
- Flattened the terrain on Storm.
- Reduce the design at the middle on Palace.
- Split the bridges apart on Bedrock Bridges.
- Put the semi and starting islands on the same Y level on Snowy.
- Made it so you cannot build under the map on Town.
- Moved egg location on Fairytale on Bedrock.
- Blocked up the windows to the tower on Fairytale.
- Made Yellow & Purple equal distance to the middle on Forest.
- Reduced the number of generators on Fallen on Bedrock to reduce lag.
- Fixed the beds from disappearing on Town.
- Made starting islands equal to the middle on Beach.
- Filled in the stairs on Beach.
- Reduced Y-axis on Rome to allow blocking saving.
- Made Football on Java more balanced, with egg location, generators and flattening terrain.
- Made Blossom on Java more balanced, with villager location, generators and terrain.
- Added easier wants to get to the middle island and eggs on Royalty.
- Adjusted the build limit on Mansion to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Dwarven to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Waterfall to stop camping.
- Fixed an issue with the roofs on Elven on Java.
- Changed respawn and shop location and split up semi-mid ring on Golf.
- Reducing starting island iron generator from level 3 to 2 on Steampunk.
- Made the middle island equal size on Stronghold on Java.
- Reduced the number of panes, fences and cobblestone walls used on Modern.
- Reduced the amount of lava at the middle on Aztec.

There are some of the community suggestions are contributed to this update:
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/update-eggwars-mega-map.291796
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/can-we-get-more-egg-wars-mega-maps.283379
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/map-egg-wars.283662
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps.281952
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-or-move-the-emerald-gen-in-mansion-team-eggwars.279624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/feedback-about-map-egg-wars-mega.290800
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/more-maps-in-eggwars.276318
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/changes-to-eggwars-normal-mode.277742
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-allow-us-to-build-near-spawns-when-the-egg-is-gone.291756
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-generators.286758
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/mining-obsidian.290471
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-qol-features.290950
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/make-diamond-pickaxes-cost-more-gold-in-eggwars-basic.292560
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/price-reduction-for-player-trackers-repost.288624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/custom-shop-in-eggwars-repost.282248
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwor-suggestion-1-1-1.281820
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-needs-an-update-now.252546
- Special thanks to everyone from the EggWars Focus group that helped give their suggestions and feedback! <3

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy this epic EggWars update. Have fun and stay safe!
I love the new update but I would really like to see if you guys could add more players able to play on solos,doubles and fours I think it would make egg wars more fun with more people to go against and since you guys use colors as names maybe some new teams could be named after the blocks in Minecraft. Ps this is just a suggestion I’m not trying to be rude or hate on eggwars because I play eggwars with my friends I would just really like to see more people to go against I think it would make it harder and more fun thank you for reading have a good day.
  • Angry
Reactions: DarkStray


Sep 11, 2021
I really liked the update, but I would like them to put a trio because this is something that I think is necessary many times we would join a squad match when there were 3 of us and a random one stole our minerals 😅😅, please that would make the difference. attentively foxletgmr


Jan 31, 2022
Hello CubeCrafters!

We've just updated our biggest game on our network, EggWars! - We've made changes to our Bedrock EggWars rank which adds new exclusive cosmetics including generator skins. We've also added so many new maps for both networks, and we've added new game features, tweaks, map balances and tweaks and general Quality of Life features. This update is massive, read below to learn more! 🎉

💡 Features & Tweaks - Emeralds, Favourite items, Enchants & Kits!

To build the foundation of this update, we worked with our EggWars focus group team and community suggestions to create a good balance of new features, fixes & Quality of Life.

We've made some changes to Emeralds. We've removed the radius detector on Emerald generators, so they naturally generate Emeralds without you needing to be close to the generator. We've changed it so you can upgrade Emerald generators and most maps have more than 1 Emerald generator, one will always be level 1. We've also merged the Emerald shop into the main EggWars shop, into the appropriate categories.

We've also added enchantments for armour! - You can buff up your armour even more if you have Emerald tokens.

There are new Emerald token specific items:
  • Ender chest - This allows you or your team to have your own private inventory.
  • Elytra - One flight usage, so use it wisely.
  • High-efficiency pickaxe - This allows you to break through blocks like butter.
  • Sharpness sword & axe - This will allow you to slash your enemies even faster.
Along with the Emerald tweaks. We've also added a new system into our EggWars shop which will change your EggWars experience forever! Introducing Favourite shop items! - You can now select your most used items and have them pinned at the bottom of the EggWars shop. You have 3 load-outs, one for each gamemode: Normal, Overpowered & Hardcore. Your favourite items are saved and carried over into the same gamemode. You can add, remove or tweak your favourite items whenever!

View attachment 204737
Favourited item selection.

We've added 2 new kits to EggWars. One for Java and one for Bedrock:
  • Java - Chicken Legs - Gives Speed 2 for 10 seconds on respawn
  • Bedrock - Healer - Gives golden apples

🌍 New maps!

What would a game update be without some maps!? We've added 6 brand NEW and epic maps to our EggWars gamemode for both Java & Bedrock.

Sun - Solo EggWars
View attachment 204736

Cyber City - Team EggWars/Teams of 2
View attachment 204732

Ruins - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204735

Mystery (Magic revamp) - Team EggWars/Teams of 4
View attachment 204734

Atlantis - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204731

Eve - EggWars Teams of 10 (Bedrock only)
View attachment 204733

🛒 EggWars Rank revamp - New cosmetics & Generator Skins!

As you know this past year we've made great strides in the quality of our cosmetics, we want to bring our ranks up to speed with this quality level as well, starting with EggWars.

We've introduced a brand new loot type, generator skins! These skins can sync to the drops of the tokens and when you upgrade them far enough they overload and have fancy animations in response to this, they also take on cool appearances depending on which type of generator it is.

You can purchase our Bedrock EggWars Rank here!

Sewer Crawler
View attachment 204739
This monster crawls in the sewer finding tokens for your battle on the surface.

View attachment 204740
There are tokens in the pipes, flush them out!

View attachment 204738

These ominous floating islands from different dimensions spawn tokens, how magical!

In addition to generator skins we've also added new egg break messages, these are selectable from the in-game loot menu allowing you to customize your egg break message in chat for other players to see.

Finally, we also put in two new egg skins & three new shop skins featuring some wacky designs.

EggDonalds Drive Thru, Human That Likes Peas & Toucan Delivery Service

Dragon's Keep & Rocketship featuring our new egg break animations

🧾 Full changelog!

This update has a lot of content, changes and tweaks. Not all we can mention above, so we've compiled a list below!
New features:
- Added 6 new maps.
- Added enchantments for armour.
- Added ability to favourite items.
- Added new Bedrock kit (Healer).
- Added new Java kit (Chicken legs).
- Added new Java ability (Eggs to Riches).
- Added 13 new Java Achievements.
- Added new Emerald items: Enderchest, Elytra, High-efficiency pickaxe, sharpness sword/axe.
- Added new generator particles on Java.
- You now receive the kill for a player if you've broken their egg and they jump into the void.
- You can now build in team respawn locations after their egg is broken.
- You now receive the win if your team wins whilst you're eliminated.
- Generators now generating 10 seconds before the game starts.

Game tweaks:
- Amended Bedrock Baker kit.
- Amended Java Shell Cracker kit.
- Amended some Java achievements.
- Spiced up particles floating around the egg on Java.
- Changed the price and health of Eggmites.
- Changed the price of the player tracker
- Added an action bar message for player tracking on Bedrock.
- Changed the price of the Blastball.
- Added a countdown message for Blastballs.
- The Blastball can now be thrown long distances.
- Slightly upped the block damage of Blastballs.
- Blastballs cannot be used very close to teammates.
- Blastballs can no longer break obsidian.
- The emerald shop has been merged with the default shop categories.
- Most maps now have multiple Emerald generators.
- Removed the little bounce TNT does when it's placed.
- Removed speed potion.
- Removed Weakness & Slowness potions.
- Changed the price of Enderpearls.
- Changed the price of Golden apples.
- Slightly upped the height that leap feathers produce.
- Changed the price of the leap feather.
- Changed the price of the stone sword on hardcore.
- Changed the price of the tower builder.
- Changed the price of the strength potion.
- Added cooldowns to ladder and wall structures.
- Changed the price of Notch apples.
- Changed the price of the shield.
- Tokens now despawn on generators over time.
- Removed EggWars shop classic view.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed ghost particles not appearing for structure items on Bedrock.
- Fixed not being able to buy items from the EggWars shop if you had blocks in your offhand.
- Fixed typos in some achievements and kit messages.
- Fixed accidentally clicking generators and getting spammed on Bedrock.
- Fixed an issue with Obsidian blocks not breaking with stone pickaxes.
- Fixed an issue with text sentences with tokens not being used in plural or singular terms.
- Fixed an issue with the shop giving items even if you don't have enough tokens.
- Fixed an issue with arrows not stacking.
- Fixed an issue with ghost blocks from TNT.
- Fixed an issue with eating 2 golden apples at the same time.
- Fixed an issue with eating food from both hands at the same time.

Map tweaks:
- Removed Magic team map.
- Fixed Diamond gen from being able to be blocked off easily on MLG.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Kong.
- Fixed an issue with players not being able to place blocks on barriers on Toys.
- Removed helicopters from Storm.
- Flattened the terrain on Storm.
- Reduce the design at the middle on Palace.
- Split the bridges apart on Bedrock Bridges.
- Put the semi and starting islands on the same Y level on Snowy.
- Made it so you cannot build under the map on Town.
- Moved egg location on Fairytale on Bedrock.
- Blocked up the windows to the tower on Fairytale.
- Made Yellow & Purple equal distance to the middle on Forest.
- Reduced the number of generators on Fallen on Bedrock to reduce lag.
- Fixed the beds from disappearing on Town.
- Made starting islands equal to the middle on Beach.
- Filled in the stairs on Beach.
- Reduced Y-axis on Rome to allow blocking saving.
- Made Football on Java more balanced, with egg location, generators and flattening terrain.
- Made Blossom on Java more balanced, with villager location, generators and terrain.
- Added easier wants to get to the middle island and eggs on Royalty.
- Adjusted the build limit on Mansion to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Dwarven to stop camping.
- Adjusted the build limit on Waterfall to stop camping.
- Fixed an issue with the roofs on Elven on Java.
- Changed respawn and shop location and split up semi-mid ring on Golf.
- Reducing starting island iron generator from level 3 to 2 on Steampunk.
- Made the middle island equal size on Stronghold on Java.
- Reduced the number of panes, fences and cobblestone walls used on Modern.
- Reduced the amount of lava at the middle on Aztec.

There are some of the community suggestions are contributed to this update:
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/update-eggwars-mega-map.291796
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/can-we-get-more-egg-wars-mega-maps.283379
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/map-egg-wars.283662
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-maps.281952
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/remove-or-move-the-emerald-gen-in-mansion-team-eggwars.279624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/feedback-about-map-egg-wars-mega.290800
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/more-maps-in-eggwars.276318
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/changes-to-eggwars-normal-mode.277742
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-allow-us-to-build-near-spawns-when-the-egg-is-gone.291756
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-generators.286758
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/mining-obsidian.290471
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-qol-features.290950
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/make-diamond-pickaxes-cost-more-gold-in-eggwars-basic.292560
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/price-reduction-for-player-trackers-repost.288624
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/custom-shop-in-eggwars-repost.282248
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwor-suggestion-1-1-1.281820
- https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/eggwars-needs-an-update-now.252546
- Special thanks to everyone from the EggWars Focus group that helped give their suggestions and feedback! <3

Thanks for reading. We hope you enjoy this epic EggWars update. Have fun and stay safe!
please make the favourite items slot removable, me and my partner have been playing eggwars for 2 years now and have always known the right amount of clicks to the get each item and the where the favourite item slot is messes us up. the favourites is a good idea but please make it so we can disable/enable it :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2021
Czech Republic
please make the favourite items slot removable, me and my partner have been playing eggwars for 2 years now and have always known the right amount of clicks to the get each item and the where the favourite item slot is messes us up. the favourites is a good idea but please make it so we can disable/enable it :)
dont worry you will get used to it as me, you just need some time


Dec 9, 2021
At first I was skeptical with the price changes but now I'm starting to think you might have aced this update... First time for everything huh?
Can i be in the Elite Clan? I’m a obsidian player , i was in a clan called Mx , +4years , i started to tryhard this year so im not so much level ( 54 ) but i have so much skills , i think i can be a good member of the clan!!
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