Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Currently, I find it very hard to motivate myself to still be around on the forums. I asked several people and they share the same opinion as me.
Therefore, I'd like to see new ways to encourage people to be around on the forums. Otherwise you could just ignore the forums and talk on Discord. That's what most people are doing atm. However, the Forums aren't anymore what they used to be, and there's hardly anything being done to rewind this process. So i came up with a few small suggestions.

1. Rewards for top 5 most active forum members every month. This will be quality over quantity and be decided by staff. With rewards like; limited emoji’s, highlighted threads, in-game items etc. This gives activity on the forums a little more credit

2. Returning meme rewards. Currently ccg memes is more dead than alive. I'd like to see meme rewards return, to encourage people posting more memes. It used to be one of the most active communities there was.

3. Login rewards. Same as with ingame. However, those rewards, will unlock exclusive banners, titles or emoji’s

4. Give Developers and Designers a more meaningful contribution to the forums. They don’t have to be forced, but I think I barely spoken to anyone of those two staff segments. I would love to know what they’re working on (within the leaking rules) and how they’re doing.

5. Advertise the forums on TikTok as well. I just found out there was a Cubecraft TikTok account. It has quite some viral video’s. Im not a social media specialist, but I think you can bring a lot of young people from there to here as well. (13+)

6. This is probably the hardest one and might also feel like a sensible or subjective suggestion. However, I miss the real Cubecraft feeling. Create a more unique identity. I used to quite flatter with cubecraft in the beginning. However, Im quite unfamiliar with what the Forums stand for atm. I think it should be a high priority to bring the Cubecraft feeling back. This is a vague criteria, but The Cubecraft Forums used to really stand out above other Forums. Right now I don't feel it really does anymore.

7. Highlight the trending page. It took me hours to find it, make it easier accessible. Same goes for other important threads. I'd also like to see the return of highlighted status posts. While they're not important to the main network, they're important to the sense of community, which is also just as important.

8. Require giveaway participants to have a registered forums account. Not sure if I even agree with this suggestion myself, but it will increase the forums statistics for sure.

9. Allow clans to advertise themselves and their servers. Normally I would have dispiced them. However, Java being in a critical state, they take a big part of its activity on the server, but also on the forums when it comes to suggestions, bug reports and community games. When they grow, the overall activity grows as well.

10. More events, competitions and forum games. (I already made a suggestion on this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/customized-emote-competition.311579/ )

Thanks for reading through all of them. This may seem like a rather unthankfull thread. However, I think the Forums need a major overhaul to redeem itself. I hope any of these suggestions will contribute to that process.
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Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Just yes, At the moment with Helper requirements Needing messages on the forums there is little to reply to and Do on the forums unless there's a Event going on (Skin, screenshot those type of events) And with the recent suggestions change It means there's less to do on the forums. I would love to see more Reasons to login to the forums every day so this gets a big agree from me :)


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
Currently, I find it very hard to motivate myself to still be around on the forums. I asked several people and they share the same opinion as me.
Therefore, I'd like to see new ways to encourage people to be around on the forums. Otherwise you could just ignore the forums and talk on Discord. That's what most people are doing atm. However, the Forums aren't anymore what they used to be, and there's hardly anything being done to rewind this process. So i came up with a few small suggestions.

1. Rewards for top 5 most active forum members every month. This will be quality over quantity and be decided by staff. With rewards like; limited emoji’s, highlighted threads, in-game items etc. This gives activity on the forums a little more credit

2. Returning meme rewards. Currently ccg memes is more dead than alive. I'd like to see meme rewards return, to encourage people posting more memes. It used to be one of the most active communities there was.

3. Login rewards. Same as with ingame. However, those rewards, will unlock exclusive banners, titles or emoji’s

4. Give Developers and Designers a more meaningful contribution to the forums. They don’t have to be forced, but I think I barely spoken to anyone of those two staff segments. I would love to know what they’re working on (within the leaking rules) and how they’re doing.

5. Advertise the forums on TikTok as well. I just found out there was a Cubecraft TikTok account. It has quite some viral video’s. Im not a social media specialist, but I think you can bring a lot of young people from there to here as well. (13+)

6. This is probably the hardest one and might also feel like a sensible or subjective suggestion. However, I miss the real Cubecraft feeling. Create a more unique identity. I used to quite flatter with cubecraft in the beginning. However, Im quite unfamiliar with what the Forums stand for atm. I think it should be a high priority to bring the Cubecraft feeling back. This is a vague criteria, but The Cubecraft Forums used to really stand out above other Forums. Right now I don't feel it really does anymore.

7. Highlight the trending page. It took me hours to find it, make it easier accessible. Same goes for other important threads. I'd also like to see the return of highlighted status posts. While they're not important to the main network, they're important to the sense of community, which is also just as important.

8. Require giveaway participants to have a registered forums account. Not sure if I even agree with this suggestion myself, but it will increase the forums statistics for sure.

9. Allow clans to advertise themselves and their servers. Normally I would have dispiced them. However, Java being in a critical state, they take a big part of its activity on the server, but also on the forums when it comes to suggestions, bug reports and community games. When they grow, the overall activity grows as well.

10. More events, competitions and forum games. (I already made a suggestion on this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/customized-emote-competition.311579/ )

Thanks for reading through all of them. This may seem like a rather unthankfull thread. However, I think the Forums need a major overhaul to redeem itself. I hope any of these suggestions will contribute to that process.
I agree on that with you, CubeCraft should pay more attention to its forums and try to encourage people to use it.
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Deleted member 584093

Currently, I find it very hard to motivate myself to still be around on the forums. I asked several people and they share the same opinion as me.
Therefore, I'd like to see new ways to encourage people to be around on the forums. Otherwise you could just ignore the forums and talk on Discord. That's what most people are doing atm. However, the Forums aren't anymore what they used to be, and there's hardly anything being done to rewind this process. So i came up with a few small suggestions.

1. Rewards for top 5 most active forum members every month. This will be quality over quantity and be decided by staff. With rewards like; limited emoji’s, highlighted threads, in-game items etc. This gives activity on the forums a little more credit

2. Returning meme rewards. Currently ccg memes is more dead than alive. I'd like to see meme rewards return, to encourage people posting more memes. It used to be one of the most active communities there was.

3. Login rewards. Same as with ingame. However, those rewards, will unlock exclusive banners, titles or emoji’s

4. Give Developers and Designers a more meaningful contribution to the forums. They don’t have to be forced, but I think I barely spoken to anyone of those two staff segments. I would love to know what they’re working on (within the leaking rules) and how they’re doing.

5. Advertise the forums on TikTok as well. I just found out there was a Cubecraft TikTok account. It has quite some viral video’s. Im not a social media specialist, but I think you can bring a lot of young people from there to here as well. (13+)

6. This is probably the hardest one and might also feel like a sensible or subjective suggestion. However, I miss the real Cubecraft feeling. Create a more unique identity. I used to quite flatter with cubecraft in the beginning. However, Im quite unfamiliar with what the Forums stand for atm. I think it should be a high priority to bring the Cubecraft feeling back. This is a vague criteria, but The Cubecraft Forums used to really stand out above other Forums. Right now I don't feel it really does anymore.

7. Highlight the trending page. It took me hours to find it, make it easier accessible. Same goes for other important threads. I'd also like to see the return of highlighted status posts. While they're not important to the main network, they're important to the sense of community, which is also just as important.

8. Require giveaway participants to have a registered forums account. Not sure if I even agree with this suggestion myself, but it will increase the forums statistics for sure.

9. Allow clans to advertise themselves and their servers. Normally I would have dispiced them. However, Java being in a critical state, they take a big part of its activity on the server, but also on the forums when it comes to suggestions, bug reports and community games. When they grow, the overall activity grows as well.

10. More events, competitions and forum games. (I already made a suggestion on this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/customized-emote-competition.311579/ )

Thanks for reading through all of them. This may seem like a rather unthankfull thread. However, I think the Forums need a major overhaul to redeem itself. I hope any of these suggestions will contribute to that process.
agreed since it’s one of the only place where u can suggest things for the server


Novice Member
Jan 1, 2022
1. Rewards for top 5 most active forum members every month. This will be quality over quantity and be decided by staff. With rewards like; limited emoji’s, highlighted threads, in-game items etc. This gives activity on the forums a little more credit
I wouldn't go too far with this and make it less manual. My suggestion below makes it easier to hand out the reward and I'd also just limit it to 1 user a month. The requirement makes it quality > quantity because you really do not want quantity > quality, speaking of experience being a forum moderator 😂

Most likes in a month by different users (so if I give you 5 likes it'll only count as 1 towards rewards). Only accounts older than 3 months are counted, this makes it less abusable and doesn't add too much work for staff to check.

Member status as "Liked x" (ex, "Liked Forum Expert") for that month. I know custom statuses are possible just unsure if this can be automated.

Permanent ingame title [Liked Forumer]
2. Returning meme rewards. Currently ccg memes is more dead than alive. I'd like to see meme rewards return, to encourage people posting more memes. It used to be one of the most active communities there was.
Certainly agree, have a fun subforum where people can post memes and jokes! Maybe also an off-topic subforum so people can talk about non-cubecraft things on the forums. This would also encourage more casual activity and not make it mandatory to speak about cubecraft on the forums.

3. Login rewards. Same as with ingame. However, those rewards, will unlock exclusive banners, titles or emoji’s
Let us keep this simple to implement and just give you some forum points for logging in x days in a row (3, 7, 14, 30). This will help you get titles faster / just in general have more Points should new titles be added.

4. Give Developers and Designers a more meaningful contribution to the forums. They don’t have to be forced, but I think I barely spoken to anyone of those two staff segments. I would love to know what they’re working on (within the leaking rules) and how they’re doing.
If this is decided to be added why not just have a subforum where designers and developers can post sneak peeks or previews of things they are working on. Could literally be a screenshot of half a design or a scoreboard from a new mode. Keep replies open and have people guess/be hyped!

5. Advertise the forums on TikTok as well. I just found out there was a Cubecraft TikTok account. It has quite some viral video’s. Im not a social media specialist, but I think you can bring a lot of young people from there to here as well. (13+)
Yes! It'd be fun to see a TikTok which includes a recent meme sound about the forums. Maybe also feature some random forum posts on there if there's something funny or something is implemented due to a suggestion (to encourage suggesting features more as you could be on their TikTok!). This also goes back to the meme/joke subforum.

6. This is probably the hardest one and might also feel like a sensible or subjective suggestion. However, I miss the real Cubecraft feeling. Create a more unique identity. I used to quite flatter with cubecraft in the beginning. However, Im quite unfamiliar with what the Forums stand for atm. I think it should be a high priority to bring the Cubecraft feeling back. This is a vague criteria, but The Cubecraft Forums used to really stand out above other Forums. Right now I don't feel it really does anymore.
Lets start with rearranging the home screen of the forums. This is what I think would be better than the current arrangement:
CubeCraft Official
Game Discussion
CubeCraft Community
Report Departement
Join Team CubeCraft

Have more subforums, certainly casual ones. As already mentioned memes/jokes and an off-topic subforum are a great start with this. Something like a community help subforum would also be nice. Now you would always have to await a staff members response if you need help with something, having this be a public forum where people can help and staff members can confirm/mark something as a good solution would get players to help faster and alleviate the workload for staff.
7. Highlight the trending page. It took me hours to find it, make it easier accessible. Same goes for other important threads. I'd also like to see the return of highlighted status posts. While they're not important to the main network, they're important to the sense of community, which is also just as important.
I would not see this as a priority as other suggestions you have made are more impactful.

8. Require giveaway participants to have a registered forums account. Not sure if I even agree with this suggestion myself, but it will increase the forums statistics for sure.
A forums account is free and having your foot in the door makes it easier to contribute or reply to a thread. So yeah I don't see why not.

9. Allow clans to advertise themselves and their servers. Normally I would have dispiced them. However, Java being in a critical state, they take a big part of its activity on the server, but also on the forums when it comes to suggestions, bug reports and community games. When they grow, the overall activity grows as well.
Make a clan subforum where clans can have their "official" thread for recruiting and informational purposes.

10. More events, competitions and forum games. (I already made a suggestion on this: https://www.cubecraft.net/threads/customized-emote-competition.311579/ )
Agreed, more things to do on the forums means more reason to be active on it!


Gameplay Engineer
Jul 12, 2020
The Netherlands
I agree with most parts of this suggestion. Few things:

1. Rewards for top 5 most active forum members every month. This will be quality over quantity and be decided by staff. With rewards like; limited emoji’s, highlighted threads, in-game items etc. This gives activity on the forums a little more credit
I like the idea of some kind of a resetting leaderboard, but I dont know how it should be determined. Making staff members decide it seems like a lot of work to do it weekly (they have to go through a lot of threads).

9. Allow clans to advertise themselves and their servers. Normally I would have dispiced them. However, Java being in a critical state, they take a big part of its activity on the server, but also on the forums when it comes to suggestions, bug reports and community games. When they grow, the overall activity grows as well.
I doubt that this would make the server more active. It would kind of turn the forums in one big recruiting place for clans


Novice Member
Jan 1, 2022
I like the idea of some kind of a resetting leaderboard, but I dont know how it should be determined. Making staff members decide it seems like a lot of work to do it weekly (they have to go through a lot of threads).
I've made a response with some of my suggestions to (re)work the suggestions a bit / give feedback. This was my reply to that part of the suggestion:
I wouldn't go too far with this and make it less manual. My suggestion below makes it easier to hand out the reward and I'd also just limit it to 1 user a month. The requirement makes it quality > quantity because you really do not want quantity > quality, speaking of experience being a forum moderator 😂

Most likes in a month by different users (so if I give you 5 likes it'll only count as 1 towards rewards). Only accounts older than 3 months are counted, this makes it less abusable and doesn't add too much work for staff to check.

Member status as "Liked x" (ex, "Liked Forum Expert") for that month. I know custom statuses are possible just unsure if this can be automated.

Permanent ingame title [Liked Forumer]

I doubt that this would make the server more active. It would kind of turn the forums in one big recruiting place for clans
From personal experience having a group of people to play with motivates people to play more often. Having a separate subforum for clans to recruit is not a bad idea as this would get more people in them and in turn indirectly get more activity on the server.


Forum Professional
May 29, 2015
Amersfoort, The Netherlands


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2021
Cordoba, Spain
From personal experience having a group of people to play with motivates people to play more often. Having a separate subforum for clans to recruit is not a bad idea as this would get more people in them and in turn indirectly get more activity on the server.
That would definitely encourage people to play more and the community would be more involved with the server. I think creating a sub-forum for clans would not be a bad idea, such as Hypixel has one for guilds to promote themselves there.
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