Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net

what do you think of the 1.19 update?

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Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
I left cubecraft for a few months, but I decided to join cubecraft java just to see how it was doing, and ohhh boy, it was a mess...

Since java got updated to 1.19, I noticed more lag... both performance and serverwise
For starters, java 1.19 uses more than double the ram compared to 1.12 (1.5gb max on 1.12 and 3.2gb on 1.19 (sometimes even 4gb after playing a while on 1.19))
I also use the same JVM arguments just to make sure it wasn't an issue with the RAM value I was using (I usually use 2GB)

It also has a significantly higher cpu usage and I get lagspikes when loading the lobbies or maps (my cpu has 4 cores and 8 threads which is mid-tier)
This will really affect players with low-end pcs

I also sometimes get freezed in place randomly and get kicked for "Connection Lost!" (which idk why since my internet is pretty good) so it has to be an issue with this insane update
I read some of the threads, and oh boy, a majority of the people do not like this update, which I understand why

shields are completely broken, which make u invulnerable to almost any attack
eggwars is completely broken now and none of the prices make any sense
ffa is like before but with additional lag due to being on 1.19 now
skywars barley changed, just a few additional maps which are all trash
lucky islands is the only gamemode that benefited from this update, tbh it was kinda fun using the new items but the lag hindered the experience

I don't expect anything from the staff team with saving java, it seems that this update is a sad excuse to leave java to slowly die out rather than shutting it down already.
The bad decisions from the staff have lead java from once having over 10k+ players to a mere 700 players (Even when they story first announced The Future Of CubeCraft Java, it was still pulling 1-1.5k players, which is still pretty bad but a lot better than 700 players).

Well anyways, this sums up the 1.19 update, which is complete trash. I was not suprised by this fact judging by my previous conversations with other staff members.

I cant wait for the excuses that cubecraft diehard fans/staff will have to make regarding my feedback about 1.19 update

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
I left cubecraft for a few months, but I decided to join cubecraft java just to see how it was doing, and ohhh boy, it was a mess...

Since java got updated to 1.19, I noticed more lag... both performance and serverwise
For starters, java 1.19 uses more than double the ram compared to 1.12 (1.5gb max on 1.12 and 3.2gb on 1.19 (sometimes even 4gb after playing a while on 1.19))
I also use the same JVM arguments just to make sure it wasn't an issue with the RAM value I was using (I usually use 2GB)

It also has a significantly higher cpu usage and I get lagspikes when loading the lobbies or maps (my cpu has 4 cores and 8 threads which is mid-tier)
This will really affect players with low-end pcs

I also sometimes get freezed in place randomly and get kicked for "Connection Lost!" (which idk why since my internet is pretty good) so it has to be an issue with this insane update
I read some of the threads, and oh boy, a majority of the people do not like this update, which I understand why

shields are completely broken, which make u invulnerable to almost any attack
eggwars is completely broken now and none of the prices make any sense
ffa is like before but with additional lag due to being on 1.19 now
skywars barley changed, just a few additional maps which are all trash
lucky islands is the only gamemode that benefited from this update, tbh it was kinda fun using the new items but the lag hindered the experience

I don't expect anything from the staff team with saving java, it seems that this update is a sad excuse to leave java to slowly die out rather than shutting it down already.
The bad decisions from the staff have lead java from once having over 10k+ players to a mere 700 players (Even when they story first announced The Future Of CubeCraft Java, it was still pulling 1-1.5k players, which is still pretty bad but a lot better than 700 players).

Well anyways, this sums up the 1.19 update, which is complete trash. I was not suprised by this fact judging by my previous conversations with other staff members.

I cant wait for the excuses that cubecraft diehard fans/staff will have to make regarding my feedback about 1.19 update
I see it good


Jul 19, 2022
I feel like a poll doesn't resemble the actual public opinion of the update well due to survivorship bias. A lot of people who hate the update have already quit the server and won't be voting on these polls. I think the low playercount (700 currently, on a saturday...) that has now stabilised, confirms that this update wasn't good for Cubecraft at all.
I feel like the Eggwars community took the biggest hit, with their game being pretty much deleted. Season 2 feels very underwhelming and is just a worse copy of Season 1.

The FFA community stands strong - there's little they can change/ruin about such simple a concept - but the general opinion of the FFA players feels negative when you ask for opinions in chat. There's also more competitor servers when it comes to FFA, that have less lag and the desired facilities for a more competitive playerbase. Skywars hopefully got fixed with shields finally being removed, but honestly the update doesn't net them much positive either (except for maybe the new map).

Parkour got better though! Shame noone plays it.
I'm not familiar with Skyblock so won't get into that.

Don't get me wrong, I would have loved for this update to work out. I still play FFA occasionally and enjoy it too (BRING SPACE MAP BACK THOUGH). This update just killed the existing scene and there isn't enough advertisement/name-recognition to bring in a new playerbase.

The gamemodes that made Cube interesting got worse overall. Buggy beta full of hackers scared off new visitors. People quit because their friends quit. The stream of new players isn't big enough to justify ignoring the wishes of the existing competitive playerbase. Cube playercount is dropping and there's little reason to think that will change soon. I don't see how people can defend this update when the consequences are already showing. All respect to the staff who put their hearts into this server, y'all did what you could to fix the beta as quick as possible.


Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
I love how most of the people who voted good did not give a reason why they think it's good

So for the people who voted good... Do you really think the server going from an already measly 1k players to a laughable 700 player count peak on most days makes the update good?


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
I love how most of the people who voted good did not give a reason why they think it's good
Firstly, I would like to let you know that people are not required to respond to every single thread, even if they have voted on the poll. A poll is simply there so people can easily express their opinion. Not everyone is going to want to provide arguments and counter arguments and whatnot in their every post. Besides, only one person explained their thoughts on the update. I don't think it's fair at all to call out one side specifically here. If you want more people to reply instead of vote, you shouldn't add a poll in the first place.

I feel like a poll doesn't resemble the actual public opinion of the update well due to survivorship bias. A lot of people who hate the update have already quit the server and won't be voting on these polls. I think the low playercount (700 currently, on a saturday...) that has now stabilised, confirms that this update wasn't good for Cubecraft at all.
You could provide the “poll doesn’t resemble the actual playerbase” argument for both sides. Not just the negative one. As we know, the forums are just really inactive at the moment and I doubt I can’t assume that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t have a forums account or doesn’t even know about the forums. This part of the playerbase obviously would include both people that love the update and people that dislike the update. That is why I don’t really think this is much of a strong argument for either side.

The fact that the update “may have led to” a decrease in the Java playercount does NOT automatically mean it is a bad update. You may not enjoy it as much, and others you know might not either, but I don’t think you realise that there is also a chunk of the playerbase that does enjoy the update, at least to some extent. Aside from this, while it may go in against your logic, if the playerbase does not enjoy the update as much but the update is necessary for the server to prevent the server from entirely dying out and potentially grow in the future, I’d say that is worth the risk entirely. You could try looking at the situation from a different perspective than black and white.

Since java got updated to 1.19, I noticed more lag... both performance and serverwise
For starters, java 1.19 uses more than double the ram compared to 1.12 (1.5gb max on 1.12 and 3.2gb on 1.19 (sometimes even 4gb after playing a while on 1.19))
I also use the same JVM arguments just to make sure it wasn't an issue with the RAM value I was using (I usually use 2GB)

It also has a significantly higher cpu usage and I get lagspikes when loading the lobbies or maps (my cpu has 4 cores and 8 threads which is mid-tier)
This will really affect players with low-end pcs
I am fairly certain CubeCraft already knew the newer versions were going to affect clients' performance, even before updating the network. It's simply a side effect that can't be avoided. The potential features and options, the ginormous arsenal of available blocks and items and the opportunities 1.19 provides simply outweigh this.

Unfortunately, the performance issues that are caused by 1.19 are completely out of CubeCraft's control and I don't think it's fair to put the blame on CubeCraft when all they're trying to do is update the network so that they can provide us players with more/revamped features and create a fresh, new and unique look for the server to differentiate itself from others.

I also sometimes get freezed in place randomly and get kicked for "Connection Lost!" (which idk why since my internet is pretty good) so it has to be an issue with this insane update
Do know that what they launched is the BETA version of the update, nothing official. They're simply trying out the update and continuing from there with changes that adhere more to the community's needs whilst also keeping the 1.19 update, the 1.19 update.

Either way, in a beta, bugs are bound to occur. You can always report bugs at the correct subforum and unfortunately we'll have to deal with the bugs for the meanwhile, until they get fixed.

quartz 🌈

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
the furry fandom
Since java got updated to 1.19, I noticed more lag... both performance and serverwise
For starters, java 1.19 uses more than double the ram compared to 1.12 (1.5gb max on 1.12 and 3.2gb on 1.19 (sometimes even 4gb after playing a while on 1.19))
I also use the same JVM arguments just to make sure it wasn't an issue with the RAM value I was using (I usually use 2GB)
use performance mods, i get better performance on 1.19 compared to 1.12
my cpu has 4 cores and 8 threads which is mid-tier
this doesn't matter for Minecraft since its single threaded
This will really affect players with low-end pcs
it really doesnt
I also sometimes get freezed in place randomly and get kicked for "Connection Lost!" (which idk why since my internet is pretty good) so it has to be an issue with this insane update
this is a you problem
shields are completely broken, which make u invulnerable to almost any attack
this is vanilla
skywars barley changed, just a few additional maps which are all trash
this is subjective

conclusion: this post is a useless rant trying to make cubecraft look worse than it actually is because some people (including OP) really hate progression for some reason


Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
Firstly, I would like to let you know that people are not required to respond to every single thread, even if they have voted on the poll. A poll is simply there so people can easily express their opinion. Not everyone is going to want to provide arguments and counter arguments and whatnot in their every post. Besides, only one person explained their thoughts on the update. I don't think it's fair at all to call out one side specifically here. If you want more people to reply instead of vote, you shouldn't add a poll in the first place.
That's kinda true, but I really like how you tried to dodge my question
"So for the people who voted good... Do you really think the server going from an already measly 1k players to a laughable 700 player count peak on most days makes the update good?"
I am fairly certain CubeCraft already knew the newer versions were going to affect clients' performance, even before updating the network. It's simply a side effect that can't be avoided. The potential features and options, the ginormous arsenal of available blocks and items and the opportunities 1.19 provides simply outweigh this.

Unfortunately, the performance issues that are caused by 1.19 are completely out of CubeCraft's control and I don't think it's fair to put the blame on CubeCraft when all they're trying to do is update the network so that they can provide us players with more/revamped features and create a fresh, new and unique look for the server to differentiate itself from others.
"The potential features and options, the ginormous arsenal of available blocks and items and the opportunities 1.19 provides simply outweigh this." None of the gamemodes besides lucky islands benefited from this update. Eggwars was completely ruined, skywars is just a few extra garbage maps, and ffa is just a laggy mess. I also really like how you said that cubecraft is trying to make the server be unique when they removed half of their unique gamemodes from the future of cubecraft java and the cubecraft just looks like a copy of bedrock with lag. Maybe they should have stuck to 1.12.2 and try to listen to the community and the playercount peaks wouldn't be sitting at 700 players right now
Do know that what they launched is the BETA version of the update, nothing official. They're simply trying out the update and continuing from there with changes that adhere more to the community's needs whilst also keeping the 1.19 update, the 1.19 update.

Either way, in a beta, bugs are bound to occur. You can always report bugs at the correct subforum and unfortunately we'll have to deal with the bugs for the meanwhile, until they get fixed.
Did you know that BETA is not an excuse to release a buggy update that was delayed by over 3 months? Story originally estimated that it would take 4 months to complete, but by the time the 1.19 update came out, it was already 7 months in development, and it was littered with bugs. This caused a lot of players to leave, and do you really think java will magically gain it's players back when 1.19 is out of "beta"? I'm aware that's were u can report bugs, but the point of this thread is that java is now beyond repair, so why bother reporting the bugs if the management doesn't even care about their community?

Anyways I highly doubt my reply will change your view on the 1.19 update but it was nice for you to respond


Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
use performance mods, i get better performance on 1.19 compared to 1.12
It does certainly help, but I still get significantly less fps with 1.19 optifine/sodium compared to vanilla 1.12
this doesn't matter for Minecraft since its single threaded
By your logic, any version of minecraft should be able to run on a pentium 4 completely fine, and from what i've read online, minecraft isn't necessarily single-threaded.
this is a you problem
How is this a me problem when I never had that issue before the 1.19 update?
this is vanilla
That's true, although cubecraft had a thing before the 1.19 update where u would take less damage from blocking hits with a shield as opposed to not taking any damage at all. This made the shield still useful but not too broken
conclusion: this post is a useless rant trying to make cubecraft look worse than it actually is because some people (including OP) really hate progression for some reason

going from 1000 players to a mere 700 players sure definitely means that cubecraft is doing a great job in terms of their playercount! I think that going to 500 players next month will make cubecraft feel like 2016 again!!!!

jokes aside, cubecraft hasn't managed to do anything with the 1.19 update besides evolving backwards. They are not making any "progression" in fixing java by releasing a trash update that almost nobody asked for

quartz 🌈

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
the furry fandom
By your logic, any version of minecraft should be able to run on a pentium 4 completely fine, and from what i've read online, minecraft isn't necessarily single-threaded.
A pentium 4 has way worse single-core (duh) performance than any modern cpu. Cores are not all that matter.


Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
A pentium 4 has way worse single-core (duh) performance than any modern cpu. Cores are not all that matter.
that's true, but that doesn't change my main point that 1.19 minecraft's performance is a lot worse than 1.12's performance, even if you use performance mods

If you think that isn't the case, I really suggest you watch this video


Quality Assurance
Team CubeCraft
🧪 Quality Assurance
💌 Customer Support
Oct 17, 2016
I also sometimes get freezed in place randomly and get kicked for "Connection Lost!" (which idk why since my internet is pretty good) so it has to be an issue with this insane update
This issue has since been resolved.

Kind reminder, for you and anyone reading, that if you encounter anything that you think might be a bug on our side to report it as one (https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/java-bug-reports.135/)! This is the best way to have bugs forwarded, and resolved.


May 25, 2021
use performance mods, i get better performance on 1.19 compared to 1.12

this doesn't matter for Minecraft since its single threaded

it really doesnt

this is a you problem

this is vanilla

this is subjective

conclusion: this post is a useless rant trying to make cubecraft look worse than it actually is because some people (including OP) really hate progression for some reason
that is so badly wrong with the low performance laptops hell I had a low performance laptop that couldnt even handle pre 1.9
Last edited by a moderator:


May 25, 2021
that is so badly wrong with the low performance laptops hell I had a low performance laptop that couldnt even handle pre 1.9
After taking a look at the rules I will remove profanity from my future comments but I wasn’t lying about that low laptop thing it was literally running at like 5 fps
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Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
This issue has since been resolved.
Great job fixing that annoying bug! Now there are only 999 more bugs left to fix!
Kind reminder, for you and anyone reading, that if you encounter anything that you think might be a bug on our side to report it as one (https://www.cubecraft.net/forums/java-bug-reports.135/)! This is the best way to have bugs forwarded, and resolved.
If you read all of my replies, you would've known that I said "I'm aware that's were u can report bugs, but the point of this thread is that java is now beyond repair, so why bother reporting the bugs if the management doesn't even care about their community?"
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Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
After taking a look at the rules I will remove profanity from my future comments but I wasn’t lying about that low laptop thing it was literally running at like 5 fps
my old pc, which had 2 cores and 4 threads, could play 1.12 minecraft completely fine with no lag, but when I use it on 1.19, even with performance enhancing mods, I get major lag spikes. While my new pc can handle 1.19 without significant lagspikes, the overall performance is still much lower compared to 1.12 (over 300fps in 1.12 compared to barley above 60fps in 1.19)


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
my old pc, which had 2 cores and 4 threads, could play 1.12 minecraft completely fine with no lag, but when I use it on 1.19, even with performance enhancing mods, I get major lag spikes. While my new pc can handle 1.19 without significant lagspikes, the overall performance is still much lower compared to 1.12 (over 300fps in 1.12 compared to barley above 60fps in 1.19)
I feel like this is getting a bit off-topic, and I may not be the right person to reply here as I barely know anything about PCs, but isn't the GPU (and its graphic drivers) the part that actually makes game's performance much smoother as it's able to handle more tasks at once the better it is?

I do experience worse performance on newer versions when comparing it to older versions of Minecraft, I am not going to lie about that. That still, however, does not mean it runs terribly. I only notice the difference in performance when comparing FPS from versions like 1.7 or 1.8 to 1.18 or 1.19 or adding tons of mods to the game - which does clearly show that older versions can handle more, but we're talking about Vanilla here. Of course it's going to run less smooth as the game expanded.

One last thing to add/ask: What are you comparing the FPS to? 1.12 Vanilla/OF singleplayer (which generally runs smoother) and 1.19 CubeCraft (with certain settings, possibly players on, etc) or 1.12 and 1.19 CubeCraft. There is a very clear difference.

* I personally never really experience FPS lagspikes on CubeCraft or 1.19 whatsoever. It could possibly be that you just haven't allocated enough RAM to your installation and/or there may be something with your graphic drivers. Not sure how good your PC is though/how much it can handle, so I'm not one to judge.

That's kinda true, but I really like how you tried to dodge my question
"So for the people who voted good... Do you really think the server going from an already measly 1k players to a laughable 700 player count peak on most days makes the update good?"
I... never dodged a question? I answered the question later on:
The fact that the update “may have led to” a decrease in the Java playercount does NOT automatically mean it is a bad update. You may not enjoy it as much, and others you know might not either, but I don’t think you realise that there is also a chunk of the playerbase that does enjoy the update, at least to some extent. Aside from this, while it may go in against your logic, if the playerbase does not enjoy the update as much but the update is necessary for the server to prevent the server from entirely dying out and potentially grow in the future, I’d say that is worth the risk entirely. You could try looking at the situation from a different perspective than black and white.

"The potential features and options, the ginormous arsenal of available blocks and items and the opportunities 1.19 provides simply outweigh this." None of the gamemodes besides lucky islands benefited from this update. Eggwars was completely ruined, skywars is just a few extra garbage maps, and ffa is just a laggy mess. I also really like how you said that cubecraft is trying to make the server be unique when they removed half of their unique gamemodes from the future of cubecraft java and the cubecraft just looks like a copy of bedrock with lag. Maybe they should have stuck to 1.12.2 and try to listen to the community and the playercount peaks wouldn't be sitting at 700 players right now
SkyWars having "just a few extra garbage maps" seems to me like it's benefiting from it, as they put in effort to add more maps that fit into the theme of the 1.19 update using the new amazing looking blocks whilst also providing us with new, unique gameplay mechanics (ex: dripstone pits, the Warden when close to mid, etc.) Also, I don't agree with them being 'garbage maps' at all. I'm very certain the designer team put in an incredible amount of effort and work to make these, and I must say, they're awesome to take shader pictures on!

EggWars being 'ruined' is not a fact, it's an opinion. A shared opinion of some people, but still an opinion. I must, again, agree that the changes made to EggWars definitely weren't my favourite part of the update, but you must realize that they even specifically made a thread for EggWars Season 2 suggestions after releasing the update so they can change some stuff around to fit the community more while, as I said before, keeping their concept of the 1.19 update, the same concept, just with slight modifications that fit the community more. They do care about their community.

I'm not an active FFA player whatsoever, but in my opinion the Nether map is incredibly fun and well-made (just like all of the new maps and the revamped lobbies.) I haven't really played FFA since a bit after the release so I'm unsure if they made any changes to the map and/or new kit. I'll still provide my opinion though; The new kit may be a bit underwhelming, but I do think it is fun and interesting to use. I'm sure there's also some new combos you could do with it.

Yeah, CubeCraft is trying to be unique, and in my opinion it is. Not only in the aspect of it being a 1.19+ server now, but also for many other reasons. That is another story, though. I doubt that if they would have kept the games they removed in The Big Change and The Future of CubeCraft Java, the server would still somewhat be alive now. The playercount is declining, which I'm sure they can't deny, but there's more reasons for it than you may think/believe and you can't expect CubeCraft to stay the same, with zero innovation whatsoever. Time flies by and things change.
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Novice Member
Jul 24, 2022
I feel like this is getting a bit off-topic, and I may not be the right person to reply here as I barely know anything about PCs, but isn't the GPU (and its graphic drivers) the part that actually makes game's performance much smoother as it's able to handle more tasks at once the better it is?

I do experience worse performance on newer versions when comparing it to older versions of Minecraft, I am not going to lie about that. That still, however, does not mean it runs terribly. I only notice the difference in performance when comparing FPS from versions like 1.7 or 1.8 to 1.18 or 1.19 or adding tons of mods to the game - which does clearly show that older versions can handle more, but we're talking about Vanilla here. Of course it's going to run less smooth as the game expanded.

One last thing to add/ask: What are you comparing the FPS to? 1.12 Vanilla/OF singleplayer (which generally runs smoother) and 1.19 CubeCraft (with certain settings, possibly players on, etc) or 1.12 and 1.19 CubeCraft. There is a very clear difference.

* I personally never really experience FPS lagspikes on CubeCraft or 1.19 whatsoever. It could possibly be that you just haven't allocated enough RAM to your installation and/or there may be something with your graphic drivers. Not sure how good your PC is though/how much it can handle, so I'm not one to judge.
It's not really off topic because the performance of 1.19 was one of the points in my original post. one of the reasons cubecraft should not have updated to 1.19 because of people with low end pc's. This in return results in less players and only people with more beefy pcs are able to play 1.19. Not everybody has a decent computer, and while performance mods do somewhat fix this issue, it doesn't full solve the problem. From what I know, minecraft is mainly CPU intensive and a good GPU is only required if you want to run something like shaders. I also said that I allocate 2gb of ram to minecraft, and it will often use alot more than that (sometimes over 4gb!). in 1.12 minecraft, the ram usage never goes above 1.5gb with the same amount of ram allocated, and this is better for everybody, especially those with low-end pcs.
I... never dodged a question? I answered the question later on:
The fact that the update “may have led to” a decrease in the Java playercount does NOT automatically mean it is a bad update. You may not enjoy it as much, and others you know might not either, but I don’t think you realise that there is also a chunk of the playerbase that does enjoy the update, at least to some extent. Aside from this, while it may go in against your logic, if the playerbase does not enjoy the update as much but the update is necessary for the server to prevent the server from entirely dying out and potentially grow in the future, I’d say that is worth the risk entirely. You could try looking at the situation from a different perspective than black and white.

Ok, sorry for saying that you dodged the question. Reading your response to my question made little sense. An update that causes your playercount decrease does mean that it the update was unsuccessful, especially considering that this update was supposed to bring more players to the server, but it did the complete opposite. At the bare minimum, an update should have around the same amount of players prior to the update getting released, but now java can barley crack 700 players on most days. At least before the update, the server would hit 1k players (which is still a bad number) over the weekends but java hasn't really been able to do that after the update was released, which isn't surprising to me. I won't deny that there are some people that do like this update, but when you look at the veterans who spent years on this server, and for it to all be thrown into the dumpster from this joke of an update, an overwhelmingly majority of them hate this update aswell. I find it funny that you think this update could potentially grow the amount of players, when a decent portion of people on cubecraft prior to this update were on 1.12.2. Statistically, cubecraft has lost nearly 30% of their java playerbase over the past month, going from around 1k players to barley 700 players. The "risk" cubecraft took with this update has clearly been a faliure, and will make the server slowly die out. If they simply listened to their community over the past few years, I could guarantee that java would have at least 3k players right now, but it's too late. The consequences of not listening to your community is really starting to show and I would not be suprised if cubecraft had 200 player count averages in a couple of months.
SkyWars having "just a few extra garbage maps" seems to me like it's benefiting from it, as they put in effort to add more maps that fit into the theme of the 1.19 update using the new amazing looking blocks whilst also providing us with new, unique gameplay mechanics (ex: dripstone pits, the Warden when close to mid, etc.) Also, I don't agree with them being 'garbage maps' at all. I'm very certain the designer team put in an incredible amount of effort and work to make these, and I must say, they're awesome to take shader pictures on!

EggWars being 'ruined' is not a fact, it's an opinion. A shared opinion of some people, but still an opinion. I must, again, agree that the changes made to EggWars definitely weren't my favourite part of the update, but you must realize that they even specifically made a thread for EggWars Season 2 suggestions after releasing the update so they can change some stuff around to fit the community more while, as I said before, keeping their concept of the 1.19 update, the same concept, just with slight modifications that fit the community more. They do care about their community.

I'm not an active FFA player whatsoever, but in my opinion the Nether map is incredibly fun and well-made (just like all of the new maps and the revamped lobbies.) I haven't really played FFA since a bit after the release so I'm unsure if they made any changes to the map and/or new kit. I'll still provide my opinion though; The new kit may be a bit underwhelming, but I do think it is fun and interesting to use. I'm sure there's also some new combos you could do with it.

Yeah, CubeCraft is trying to be unique, and in my opinion it is. Not only in the aspect of it being a 1.19+ server now, but also for many other reasons. That is another story, though. I doubt that if they would have kept the games they removed in The Big Change and The Future of CubeCraft Java, the server would still somewhat be alive now. The playercount is declining, which I'm sure they can't deny, but there's more reasons for it than you may think/believe and you can't expect CubeCraft to stay the same, with zero innovation whatsoever. Time flies by and things change.
You are missing the point of my thread. None of the gamemodes except for lucky islands should have been updated to 1.19. While it is true that they are doing doing a "EggWars Season 2 suggestions" suggestions thread to try to fix some of the broken things in eggwars, what they should have really done is ask what the community wanted for the future of cubecraft java BEFORE starting to work on it. Can you find a sizeable amount of people who asked for the server to be updated to 1.19? CubeCraft is failing at being unique, by slapping a garbage bedrock style forced-resource pack, along with removing their unique gamemodes such as minerware and tower defense, which was beloved by a lot of people. "Time flies by and things change" is indeed true, but when your server goes from having 3k players just 2 years ago to barley 700 players, it shows the lack of care the management has for their community. I will say it again, if cubecraft JUST listened to their community in the start of this situation of java dying, they would still have at least 3k players
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quartz 🌈

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2020
the furry fandom
cubecraft should not have updated to 1.19 because of people with low end pc's.
If you have a low-end pc you shouldn't even be playing Minecraft in the first place, it's just not fun at all, especially competitively. And considering the statistics published by the staff team about the versions used to join the server as well as the amount of "competitive" players on 1.12 I can guarantee you that less than 5% of players are affected by this.
especially considering that this update was supposed to bring more players to the server
It wasn't, actually. The reason why cubecraft updated to 1.19 was to improve the software as well as to gain the potential of making use of all the new stuff added in the past 5 years. The update is also not even completed by now. Currently, it's more of an open beta than anything (It's so they can fix bugs and stuff)
ask what the community wanted for the future of cubecraft
This is what eggwars seasons are about. This is also what the feedback forums are about. This is what the discord is partly about. They have been working with the community for quite some time now. (Spoiler alert: the idea of updating to 1.19 came from the community too tmk)
Can you a sizeable amount of people who asked for the server to be updated to 1.19?
What the majority thinks isn't always what's best. Also, the majority was already playing on 1.19.
unique gamemodes such as minerware and tower defense
This is very likely only temporary while they are working on updating these games to 1.19.


Speedy Wing Rush Gonzales
Aug 4, 2017
The Netherlands
I’m not going to respond to much else, as @quartz 🌈 took the words right out of my mouth - or fingers -, but I would like to comment on a few things.

I won't deny that there are some people that do like this update, but when you look at the veterans who spent years on this server, and for it to all be thrown into the dumpster from this joke of an update, an overwhelmingly majority of them hate this update aswell.
What you are doing right now is speaking for others, which I just can’t approve of, especially as your statement would ‘include’ myself.

I have been playing on this server since end of 2014, start of 2015 and joined the forums and Discord community in 2017 and 2018. I consider myself a ‘veteran who’s spent many years on this server’ and regardless of the changes, some totally enjoyable, and some less approvable, I haven’t ever loved this server less. And I know more of those ‘veterans’ that do enjoy the recent changes at least to some extent and/or see the potential the server has.

CubeCraft isn’t just the games but also a community, which I can assure you Team CubeCraft cares about.

You can keep throwing around words and phrases like “trash this”, “trash that”, “bad update this”, etc, but all you’re doing is providing non-constructive feedback that isn’t necessary at all. CubeCraft has heard plenty of “revert the 1.19 update back to 1.12, everybody hates it!!!”

It would be best to try providing feedback with alternative solutions that CubeCraft can actually use, as it is very clear they are not reverting back to 1.12 or below. The reasoning for this update was provided very nicely by @quartz 🌈.
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