Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net


Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
Well, its finally that time huh. Only taken me so many versions of this and many things getting in the way but im finally ready to step back from cube and start the next chapter of my life. It's been a long time since i first joined this community i almost made it 4 years xd Might pop back in on the 4 year anniversary see how things are going but for now i will be stepping back for the foreseeable future to just focus on my personal life, Im growing up and i cant stay here forever.

When i joined this community i wanted to make an impact, and i think its best to say ive done that with so many things ive done over the years
@CubeCraft World Records
more than i ever could think would be possible but i somehow managed to do it all, Most of the time with help of others or some of it solely on my own i Appreciate everything people have done for me.

My relationship with the staff team by now is known to not be the best so in December i left positive feedback for every single staff member (Excluding designers no hate i just couldn't think of something) as i know they have gotten a lot of negative feedback from me over the years and i just wanted to make things that bit better (Devs you have some too they've just not reviewed it yet)
(if you want proof it was me dm me on discord)

There's so much more i wanted to do but i feel like ive done enough and more of my work nowadays isn't as appreciated anymore so there's no point me spending hours of my life on something just for no one to care about it. I also know that certain members of both the staff team and the community no longer want to see me around so hopefully this makes your day seeing me leave 🙏

Ive met some wonderful people on this server and i hope some can stay in contact as i will still be on discord im just not going to be on anything CubeCraft related. I've made some amazing memories that i wont ever forget with people here and shared some wonderful moments.

I also want to thank everyone for all the support on my personal things like my YouTube as i gained exactly (basically exactly) 1,000 subscribers from this server and i am forever grateful for everyone who has enjoyed my content if you can even call it that as not even i know what it is sometimes, I am going to be carrying on my YouTube so if you are still interested in it then keep watching if not you are more than welcome to unsubscribe as i wont be making any more CubeCraft content.

The main reason im leaving as i said is i just need to focus on my personal life, ive pushed it aside [Just like bedrock was (if you get the reference)] for the best part of 2-3 years now since covid as i wasn't even supposed to stay here for that long, it was all because of one leaderboard bug that im still here today so Here's to bugs i guess 😂


I've left the last thing i own on cube which is @CubeCraft World Records and its new Owner is @Blom along with the rest of the team, It was a great few years helping run it then ultimately taking over
I think what really gave me the realisation of needing to quit was my 15th (Yes i made 15 i don't know why either) helper application getting denied, it was at that time i chose to step back fully from playing on the server and just interacted on the forums/discord but now i feel like its time to take the step back from both here and the discord to focus on my life.

I want to thank all the friends ive made over the years for making my time here so enjoyable, all the support with all my projects and even though some aren't here anymore and left many years ago i appreciate every single one of you, From the people i grinded line dash with to those who sniped me in mega i appreciate everyone for making this server a fun place for me growing up and helped me become the person i am today ill never forget any of you.

And to you reading this now, Thankyou for taking time out of your day to read my goodbye message as i didnt think i would ever even make this post.

I will be check the forums a few times today and respond to any questions but after 10pm gmt today i will be logging out and not logging back in for the foreseeable future (unless they release line dash again while im gone then i may pop in and say a few things)

I made a video if you cant be asked to read all of this and you've just skipped to the end which you can find here:
But for one last time..

I've been saltyshadows

Thank you and goodbye :heart:

Mr Jii Gamer

Dedicated Member
Jun 10, 2022
Well, its finally that time huh. Only taken me so many versions of this and many things getting in the way but im finally ready to step back from cube and start the next chapter of my life. It's been a long time since i first joined this community i almost made it 4 years xd Might pop back in on the 4 year anniversary see how things are going but for now i will be stepping back for the foreseeable future to just focus on my personal life, Im growing up and i cant stay here forever.

When i joined this community i wanted to make an impact, and i think its best to say ive done that with so many things ive done over the years
@CubeCraft World Records
more than i ever could think would be possible but i somehow managed to do it all, Most of the time with help of others or some of it solely on my own i Appreciate everything people have done for me.

My relationship with the staff team by now is known to not be the best so in December i left positive feedback for every single staff member (Excluding designers no hate i just couldn't think of something) as i know they have gotten a lot of negative feedback from me over the years and i just wanted to make things that bit better (Devs you have some too they've just not reviewed it yet)
(if you want proof it was me dm me on discord)

There's so much more i wanted to do but i feel like ive done enough and more of my work nowadays isn't as appreciated anymore so there's no point me spending hours of my life on something just for no one to care about it. I also know that certain members of both the staff team and the community no longer want to see me around so hopefully this makes your day seeing me leave 🙏

Ive met some wonderful people on this server and i hope some can stay in contact as i will still be on discord im just not going to be on anything CubeCraft related. I've made some amazing memories that i wont ever forget with people here and shared some wonderful moments.

I also want to thank everyone for all the support on my personal things like my YouTube as i gained exactly (basically exactly) 1,000 subscribers from this server and i am forever grateful for everyone who has enjoyed my content if you can even call it that as not even i know what it is sometimes, I am going to be carrying on my YouTube so if you are still interested in it then keep watching if not you are more than welcome to unsubscribe as i wont be making any more CubeCraft content.

The main reason im leaving as i said is i just need to focus on my personal life, ive pushed it aside [Just like bedrock was (if you get the reference)] for the best part of 2-3 years now since covid as i wasn't even supposed to stay here for that long, it was all because of one leaderboard bug that im still here today so Here's to bugs i guess 😂

I've left the last thing i own on cube which is @CubeCraft World Records and its new Owner is @Blom along with the rest of the team, It was a great few years helping run it then ultimately taking over
I think what really gave me the realisation of needing to quit was my 15th (Yes i made 15 i don't know why either) helper application getting denied, it was at that time i chose to step back fully from playing on the server and just interacted on the forums/discord but now i feel like its time to take the step back from both here and the discord to focus on my life.

I want to thank all the friends ive made over the years for making my time here so enjoyable, all the support with all my projects and even though some aren't here anymore and left many years ago i appreciate every single one of you, From the people i grinded line dash with to those who sniped me in mega i appreciate everyone for making this server a fun place for me growing up and helped me become the person i am today ill never forget any of you.

And to you reading this now, Thankyou for taking time out of your day to read my goodbye message as i didnt think i would ever even make this post.

I will be check the forums a few times today and respond to any questions but after 10pm gmt today i will be logging out and not logging back in for the foreseeable future (unless they release line dash again while im gone then i may pop in and say a few things)

I made a video if you cant be asked to read all of this and you've just skipped to the end which you can find here:
But for one last time..

I've been saltyshadows

Thank you and goodbye :heart:
I hope to have a good life and future and thank you for everything you do it for the community ( the best person i see it in this community you jnwo evrything ) i hope to bee ok


Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Apr 9, 2020
Czech Republic
I saw you a lot on both discord & forums, sad you'll be no longer around :c It's pity that you didn't make it to that shiny pink helper role, I believe that you put a lot of effort in it.
Good luck on your journey through life, in both personal and professional :heart:


Sr. Moderator
Team CubeCraft
🛠️ Sr. Moderator
Jun 19, 2017
The Netherlands
Aww Salty, I'm going to miss having you around. Thank you for everything you've done over the past years, you're great please never forget that. I wish you the best in the future and I hope that you will achieve any goals you have. Have a great one 💖



Forum Expert
May 25, 2020
I physically cried while reading this, we'll all miss you Salty. You were the best of us o7.
I'll miss everyone here.
View attachment 226298
No all jokes aside, it was a blast having you on the network, I'll miss you a lot, thanks for everything ♥️
I will send you pictures from the retirement home <3
I'm still one of the newest members in the Cubecraft forums, but I can tell that you have done a lot of great things! Especially Cubecraft awards which I liked a lot! Thank you for everything!
Cube awards was one of my favourite things i would do
We wish you best in your future Salty. Thank you for everything you done for this community over the years.
Thankyou <3 keep being a wonderful forum member
I hope to have a good life and future and thank you for everything you do it for the community ( the best person i see it in this community you jnwo evrything ) i hope to bee ok
Thank you
Salty :(
We will miss you, man
I hope we can continue with our friendship and play some games sometimes! I’m not speaking for everyone, sure but, this community will miss you! I hope you can achieve your dreams and become successful!!
I will miss you too Anol, dw i'll still annoy you in dms
We'll miss you man, we appreciate and respect you. I'll definitely hop along on your 'different game' train and continue watching your content - I hope you'll enjoy the freedom it brings ❤️

Anyways, you better continue playing modded survival together with me and @AnolTongi!!

View attachment 226300
Ty hoshi for keeping an interest in my content!
I saw you a lot on both discord & forums, sad you'll be no longer around :c It's pity that you didn't make it to that shiny pink helper role, I believe that you put a lot of effort in it.
Good luck on your journey through life, in both personal and professional :heart:
Thankyou dany, i did get helper in 2022 just never sadly made it to mod.
Aww Salty, I'm going to miss having you around. Thank you for everything you've done over the past years, you're great please never forget that. I wish you the best in the future and I hope that you will achieve any goals you have. Have a great one 💖

View attachment 226303
Thankyou for your confidence during my trial sanne <3 Miss you guys and im surprised u still have that ss :o
Thank you so much for everything you did, I will definetly miss you Salty!
Thankyou Worried! keep being awesome
You were one of the only person who was himself in the time being here, I will definitely miss you <3
You're one of the coolest people i met here keep being amazing giga <3
Sad to see cool people go :heart:
Its sad to go but its for the best for my personal life and health
bye bye mr shadows ❤️
bye bye miss Wischmoppl ♥️
At least wait until cubecraft hunger games is done bro, what if you win?! In all seriousness be safe brother, good luck with all future ambitions!
Don't worry ill be kept up to date with it, Thankyou for everything pineapple one of the first ppl i ever interacted with (Still remember ur message in cpg about a staff role)
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