Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
This discussion focuses on SkyWars, try to stay on topic!
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Sep 25, 2022
I don't know what happened to Cubecraft Skywars lately, but ever since this new 1.19 update, the PC players just have been pouring into the server.

I would often join a Skywars solo game on maps that have small islands that are close to each other and get absolutely rekt early in the game (when I was just opening a chest) by these PC players who can jump, sprint and bridge at the same timeI I said "players", because I got so used to repelling these early rushers, that I can easily knock one off the map, that's no big deal to me, but it's just that I can't knock 2 or more off the map when each of them comes from a different direction at lightning speed, as it is the case with these PC players.

You see, these PC players play dishonorably, so whenever they see another player struggling in a fight, they'd just take the chance to bridge over and clap them.

And then, there are even some, that are just borderline despicable in the way they play, like those who use their Bloody A70 with 1 Trillion CPS to literally block their way out of death. I'd combo them so good (on an Android phone that costed €500) until they're on 1.5 hearts IN A FAIR 1V1 FIGHT, (where both started out with full health and equal gear [most of the time, they even have better gear than me, actually]) because I POSSESS ACTUAL SKILL, and then they'd place like 10 blocks in front of them in one millisecond, jump up a tree or smth tall to heal like a wimp and come back down, to then still get comboed, again, and the process repeats, until another player jumps in out of nowhere to knock me off the map.

Bro, do these players even know how to fight like real men? You practically bought an autoclicker mouse, with an optimized keyboard and curved screen, plus shaders/texture pack on top, and crazy graphic processor with 300 fps and godly internet connection of 2ms (which alone already gives you a massive advantage), and yet you still have to resort to that tactic?

Bro, how do the creators of Cubecraft even see this as fair? My solo skywars win rate could've been higher than 41%, if it weren't for these players with their autoclicker mouses. Cubecraft is gonna be dead to mobile players, just like Hive, filled to the brim with these foreign invaders on their PCs.

I can't even open a grave or a chest in a Skywars game without some stupid PC players coming outta nowhere to knock me off the map. Bro, they sneak, and bow spam people from a distance, and when I open a chest, they'd just rush to me to get a free kill. And when I do expect them to come and react fast and manage to almost kill them, they'd run away and while I'm chasing them, another one of their kind would jump in and intervene. Dude, where the hell is your honor? These PC players force the rest of the mobile players to just adapt the camper strategy. So not only do I have to deal with these PC players, but now my own kind is playing like, so I have to also go to each of their stupid little islands and destroy them one by one to finish the game.

These PC Players, bro, they clearly do not belong in Cubecraft Bedrock. Make another server where these Bedrock PC players can go fight Java players. And before you say "Oh well, but how do you detect someone who uses mouse and keyboard, can't they just connect them to the phone via USB and act like a phone player, therefore making it useless 🤓?", Well, remember, even if they do manage to connect their keyboard and mouse to the phone, they'd still have to enable and use the keyboard and mouse control type in their settings... the owner of Cubecraft can just find a way to detect that, thus still can still detect and ban these players.

Man, back in the good ol days, when these PC players weren't there, I was having real fun, yk, as a skilled mobile player, I used to juggle my fellow players into the sky with great joy and I could actually open chests for a few seconds to collect loot without getting smacked into the void. Back then, they also had axes that you could use to break chests, so you don't have to open them and get knocked off the map.
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Forum Expert
Jul 23, 2023
United States
As a mobile player myself, that's understandable

There are ways to think ahead of other players and get the upper hand, but they can be complicated. The game isn’t made to my convenience, so I had been figuring out ways to overcome inconveniences. I’ve personally developed strategies through trial and error.

I learned after a while that it’s good to quickly look around before initially opening a chest, and in between opening chests. A rusher (with their respective bricks & chain chestplate kit) will usually take their chance as soon as the round starts. Also, I often try to “get to the high ground” as soon as possible, basically getting on top of a tree or other object. That slows enemy players down and it gives me more time to organize my inventory without being ambushed; it also makes it easier to bridge to another island.

Also my personal playing style in SkyWars Solo rarely involves going to the center since that is a big risk. A lot of people go there, and I feel like there's a statistically higher chance of dying if you go to the center as a result of you facing more players.

Varying strategies do exist, and I find most* of them acceptable (even ones that I don’t really use). If someone’s running from you, it can be annoying, but for them it's the most ideal way to win and survive and they’re not going to let themselves die. Also, occasionally I would jump in and attack someone after they’ve just won a fight and are low in health; it’s effective and I’m getting in on the action. In addition, making traps is a strategy that some players use. The person who falls into the trap might be annoyed by the inconvenience, but someone had to put in some thought to create it. Also, the person who fell in it learns what to look out for and avoid in upcoming rounds, so that’s good.

*(I do think that unacceptable strategies exist, those being camping or repeatedly chugging multiple golden apples during a fight)
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Team CubeCraft
🔨 Moderator
Oct 20, 2020
México City, México
I'm Mexican, Huh... :confusedcat:
Try playing during the daily peaks, at that moment the input device matchmaking works better, although it works even better on weekends, it cannot work better on weekdays, since the number of users is not enough.


Forum Expert
Oct 31, 2023
anywhere but here
honest advice from pc player

play minerware instead, best gamemode never fails you

getting good is a myth, try to enjoy the game more and accept things the way they are so your five stages of grief will finally come to a close
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Forum Expert
Sep 11, 2022
Somewhere in the North pole
Play minerware instead, best gamemode never fails you


Forum Expert
Jan 4, 2019
As a PC player, I agree that games aren't fair the moment that high CPS was normalized.

Players who can't click high CPS like myself find it annoying to deal with players who place blocks so fast an average player can't do. As someone who PvPed since 2016, those same players have no honor. I'm the type of guy to fight to the death in the game.

However, like someone suggested, make sure to check your settings in the server. There's a chance that you didn't notice that challenge queue was on. Turn it off and you'll play against players with the same controls as you.


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2023
I think you’re incorrectly blaming players for the inequalities between input devices, which I mostly blame Minecraft’s developers for. It’s very clear the developers aren’t focused on the competitive community (or really any community) or creating a good pvp system, instead focusing on the base game. Perhaps it’s because they only stand to get money through selling accessories and attracting new players, which they will continue to do even if they don’t update the game at all. I completely understand why your so frustrated about block placement and speed bridging, I’m a mobile player myself (IPad) and am frustrated by how seemingly hard it is to speed bridge even without jumping, and how often it just doesn’t place a block in front of me for some reason or another. I’m not entirely sure on bridging mechanics on pc or with split controls, but I believe it is less precise.

However, I do think players, and the general Minecraft community are to blame for how normalized it is to go to great lengths to obtain hardware or software which gives you an advantage over other players. This includes crazy framerate, cps, clients, and many other things I’m probably not even aware of. The Minecraft community is definitely filled with a lot of immature people who possess egos and want to do whatever it takes to win at a game, which includes giving themselves unfair advantages, it’s the same reason hackers are also so common. The size of the community and lack of authority or leaders has prevented most ground rules from being established. In order to put themselves on an even playing field with other PC players, people continue to seek out these advantages and suddenly, it feels like everyone has some sort of mouse specialized for a high click rate.

I come from a different game, lucky islands (solos). One of the main factors that drew me to it was that it felt a lot more fair between input devices. Before 1.19, blocks were given in sparse quantities, and gaps between islands were pretty small. Suddenly, being able to speed bridge was only a tiny advantage, and you were encouraged to ration your blocks, rather than use them in excess. The unique and exotic items created a PvP system with many different tactics and strategies that could counter people who only use a basic sword and spam. Middle also didn’t have better stuff than what was at starting islands, so you could take your time looting.

Of course, the 1.19 update changed this, but not because of the players, but because of the update itself. Blocks lucky blocks were added, and better gear was added to middle. Weapons are stronger and are now a lot better than using other, exotic strategies and tactics. I still think it’s better than skywars though, just not as much as it once was. I still don’t encounter rushers often, and can beat most players easily, so perhaps the lucky islands demographic is a lot more casual.


Mar 10, 2024
I don't know what happened to Cubecraft Skywars lately, but ever since this new 1.19 update, the PC players just have been pouring into the server.

I would often join a Skywars solo game on maps that have small islands that are close to each other and get absolutely rekt early in the game (when I was just opening a chest) by these PC players who can jump, sprint and bridge at the same timeI I said "players", because I got so used to repelling these early rushers, that I can easily knock one off the map, that's no big deal to me, but it's just that I can't knock 2 or more off the map when each of them comes from a different direction at lightning speed, as it is the case with these PC players.

You see, these PC players play dishonorably, so whenever they see another player struggling in a fight, they'd just take the chance to bridge over and clap them.

And then, there are even some, that are just borderline despicable in the way they play, like those who use their Bloody A70 with 1 Trillion CPS to literally block their way out of death. I'd combo them so good (on an Android phone that costed €500) until they're on 1.5 hearts IN A FAIR 1V1 FIGHT, (where both started out with full health and equal gear [most of the time, they even have better gear than me, actually]) because I POSSESS ACTUAL SKILL, and then they'd place like 10 blocks in front of them in one millisecond, jump up a tree or smth tall to heal like a wimp and come back down, to then still get comboed, again, and the process repeats, until another player jumps in out of nowhere to knock me off the map.

Bro, do these players even know how to fight like real men? You practically bought an autoclicker mouse, with an optimized keyboard and curved screen, plus shaders/texture pack on top, and crazy graphic processor with 300 fps and godly internet connection of 2ms (which alone already gives you a massive advantage), and yet you still have to resort to that tactic?

Bro, how do the creators of Cubecraft even see this as fair? My solo skywars win rate could've been higher than 41%, if it weren't for these players with their autoclicker mouses. Cubecraft is gonna be dead to mobile players, just like Hive, filled to the brim with these foreign invaders on their PCs.

I can't even open a grave or a chest in a Skywars game without some stupid PC players coming outta nowhere to knock me off the map. Bro, they sneak, and bow spam people from a distance, and when I open a chest, they'd just rush to me to get a free kill. And when I do expect them to come and react fast and manage to almost kill them, they'd run away and while I'm chasing them, another one of their kind would jump in and intervene. Dude, where the hell is your honor? These PC players force the rest of the mobile players to just adapt the camper strategy. So not only do I have to deal with these PC players, but now my own kind is playing like, so I have to also go to each of their stupid little islands and destroy them one by one to finish the game.

These PC Players, bro, they clearly do not belong in Cubecraft Bedrock. Make another server where these Bedrock PC players can go fight Java players. And before you say "Oh well, but how do you detect someone who uses mouse and keyboard, can't they just connect them to the phone via USB and act like a phone player, therefore making it useless 🤓?", Well, remember, even if they do manage to connect their keyboard and mouse to the phone, they'd still have to enable and use the keyboard and mouse control type in their settings... the owner of Cubecraft can just find a way to detect that, thus still can still detect and ban these players.

Man, back in the good ol days, when these PC players weren't there, I was having real fun, yk, as a skilled mobile player, I used to juggle my fellow players into the sky with great joy and I could actually open chests for a few seconds to collect loot without getting smacked into the void. Back then, they also had axes that you could use to break chests, so you don't have to open them and get knocked off the map.
As a back in the mobile player myself who has now converted to being a pc alien. You’re probably just playing bad let them come to u so u can stray and get them into a combo. If u go to them, ur cooked play more defensively or just play minerware it’s the best
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