When I was part of the Moderation team, and even now, I still think the 7-day ban is a good idea. Most cheating accounts are disposable, meaning they're just used once and then thrown away. So, a 7-day ban usually stops them from coming back. (There are exceptions where the accounts get reused).
The exceptions are what this thread is aimed at, there's no point on allowing hackers who do reuse alts to be able to do so after 7 days
It's all about finding the right balance between punishing cheaters and giving people a chance to learn from their mistakes. The 7-day ban does that by giving cheaters a timeout to think about what they've done, while also giving other players a fair shot at enjoying the game without cheats.
This isn't about people who are making mistakes though, it's about hackers (likely cheat client developers themselves) who will hack for fun, people who've been playing this cat and mouse game ever since Sentinel was a thing, they are not making mistakes, this is their game, and why they play Minecraft. I don't think these account should ever be able to be reused for hacking, even if some hackers don't reuse accounts, for those who do, I think permanently banning these account is warranted, or at least 30 day banning them
It's all about finding the right balance between punishing cheaters and giving people a chance to learn from their mistakes. The 7-day ban does that by giving cheaters a timeout to think about what they've done, while also giving other players a fair shot at enjoying the game without cheats.
I think everyone here would disagree with a staff cheating ban being 7 days, because I was the exact same person 7 days ago as I am today, I was still complaining about things as usual, and wouldn't have ever changed in just a week.
And again, this thread is mainly aimed at these low level stone ranked account who are being used by cheaters to log on and get banned, not those people using closet hacks, maybe they've made a mistake, but I think everyone would still agree that 30 days is the right amount of time for those people to think about their mistake
Regarding Sentinel and its updates.
It’s true that the battle between cheaters and anti-cheat systems like Sentinel is an ongoing cat-and-mouse game. Cheaters are constantly evolving their methods to bypass detection, while anti-cheat systems strive to keep up with new techniques and exploits.
While Sentinel and similar anti-cheat mechanisms play a crucial role in maintaining the integrity of the gaming experience, it’s important to acknowledge that no anti-cheat system can ever be 100% accurate. Cheaters are resourceful and often find ways to circumvent detection, requiring constant updates and improvements to stay ahead of the curve.
I do understand the frustration of having to deal with cheaters ruining your gaming experience. But I also believe that the current team does everything they can to provide each player an enjoyable experience.
I agree with all of this, thank you for bringing it up. Currently there is only half an anti-cheat developer (as in, they're not assigned 100% to the anti-cheat). This means that on Java, human moderation is the way to go. "Hire an anti-cheat developer" may be unrealistic due to budget reasons, or, as you have said, it takes time for a developer to become familiar with the systems Cubecraft uses.
This is why I would welcome the opening of Java helper applications again, the server needs more moderators moderating games actively as Sentinel isn't cutting it at the moment, and that's okay.
But when these new moderators are added I still do think that anyone getting a 7 day ban for hacking isn't learning from their mistakes, a 30 day ban is more realistically teaching people a lesson, and would make recycling of alt accounts harder.
I think that the system of the first ban being a week is the best thing that happened, and here is why. When a player cheats for the first time and is banned by the anti-cheat, he will then think repeatedly about not breaking the rules again,
For someone using closet hacks maybe, but for the account that this thread is aimed at, I am almost 100% certain this isn't the case. On top of that I'd encourage you to read my messages above to see why I would further disagree with you
I think the system of Week Ban -> Month Ban -> Permanent Ban is very fair and there are many reasons. Tell me if you want me to say it.
and if there are cheaters who cheat every now and then, then do not worry about that. There are great staffs here and there. anti cheat Excellent, this was my opinion, thanks for reading.
I would appreciate you highlighting the reasons, yes.
Unfortunetly, I will worry, that's the way I am. I rejoined Cubecraft after a year or two a few weeks ago and came back to a server that was completely different, almost every game I went into there was a hacker. I am not just here to complain, as I know I am very much known for that

, but because I am genuinely concerned with the state of Java's cheat protections at the moment
Something needs to be done, in my opinion the measure include:
- More Java moderators (in progress)
- Being more harsh with accounts that use hack clients, especially those people who are using loads of alts