Hey everyone! Today’s simple suggestion will be about removing the gamemode voting cooldown. Here it is:
As I’ve said in my introduction, I would like to see the voting cooldown removed. I will use a scenario to best describe the reasoning for making this suggestion:
So, you’ve just won a Lucky Islands Solo game and you press the play again button to go to another game. Unfortunately, the server puts you into a game that starts in 10 seconds. In your rapidity to vote for your favourite Lucky Islands mode before time runs out, you accidentally vote “Crazy” instead of “Overpowered”.
Then, you hurry to try to vote Overpowered before the time is up, and accidentally vote for the wrong mode again!
Then you tell yourself “oh, nothing to worry about, I just heard the 5 second countdown sound start, I can still vote for overpowered”. However, when you actually click the correct voting option, you are met with a message that says “You're voting too fast! Please slow down.” You then rush to try to press overpowered again, hoping it’ll work and the cooldown will no longer be present. Much to your dismay, the 2nd attempt failed yet again and you start a game on Normal mode.
Thank you for reading my suggestion! This scenario is exactly what happened to me (multiple times) and what gave me the idea for this suggestion. What do you think of it? Make sure to react using
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- Reesle :)
P.S. don’t forget to vote in the poll!
Hey everyone! Today’s simple suggestion will be about removing the gamemode voting cooldown. Here it is:
As I’ve said in my introduction, I would like to see the voting cooldown removed. I will use a scenario to best describe the reasoning for making this suggestion:
So, you’ve just won a Lucky Islands Solo game and you press the play again button to go to another game. Unfortunately, the server puts you into a game that starts in 10 seconds. In your rapidity to vote for your favourite Lucky Islands mode before time runs out, you accidentally vote “Crazy” instead of “Overpowered”.
Then, you hurry to try to vote Overpowered before the time is up, and accidentally vote for the wrong mode again!
Then you tell yourself “oh, nothing to worry about, I just heard the 5 second countdown sound start, I can still vote for overpowered”. However, when you actually click the correct voting option, you are met with a message that says “You're voting too fast! Please slow down.” You then rush to try to press overpowered again, hoping it’ll work and the cooldown will no longer be present. Much to your dismay, the 2nd attempt failed yet again and you start a game on Normal mode.
Thank you for reading my suggestion! This scenario is exactly what happened to me (multiple times) and what gave me the idea for this suggestion. What do you think of it? Make sure to react using

- Reesle :)
P.S. don’t forget to vote in the poll!