Convincing reason to be honest. However, This way of reporting honestly demotivates me to report hackers. I often let them be and only report if they get on my nerves and irritate me.
Understandable, but there is just no better way to do this that isn't either expensive or very inconvenient for various other reasons.
Also if that demotivates you from reporting hackers, just wait until you try to report crossteamers, trolls or campers. Imagine going through all that effort just to know that the person you reported is not gonna suffer any real consequences even if the report gets accepted.
As much as I agree that there is probably no better way to do this for now, the way of doing it now also leads to many people not wanting to go through it. Personally, the only reason I even bother is because I am petty as hell, not because I feel like it will actually help the server.
For reasons unrelated to this I know that it does not help at all.