Minecraft PC IP: play.cubecraft.net
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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2016
Sorry for the problem. It blows the mobs up. how higher the level how more dematch it does. Its not like the artillery tower thats for sure

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
The Grass Popp

Screenshots: View attachment 88023 View attachment 88027 View attachment 88028
Level 1 Tower Level 2 Tower Level 3 Tower

  • 25% chance to deal instant damage to enemies.
  • How big is your tower?: All 3x3. (Level 1 Tower: 4 blocks Large, Level 2: 5 blocks Large, Level 3: 7 blocks Large.)
  • How does your tower attack?: Shoots poison arrows to enemy, enemy dies in 3 shots.
  • Can your tower attack all mobs?: No. Tower Level 1 attacks (Zombie, Cave Spider)
If you win again you get Emerald xD


Dedicated Member
Aug 9, 2015
If you win again you get Emerald xD
Wait a minute, did you just say... EMERALD!!?

Emerald = green, and my title is green.
Put green in the mirror and it says: neerg. neerg is website, and we post on a website, but thats not all.
Emerald has 7 letters, and my name Robotic has 7 letters.
7+7 = 14, i might get emerald, my age is 14.
Illuminati is a triangle with 3 points, 14:3 = 4, rank has 4 letters.
4 + 4 = 8. Then we get back to 14, 14 - 8 = 6.

The price will be giving over 6 days.
Emerald = Toast/Illuminati confirmed


Dedicated Member
Aug 9, 2015
Wait a minute, did you just say... EMERALD!!?

Emerald = green, and my title is green.
Put green in the mirror and it says: neerg. neerg is website, and we post on a website, but thats not all.
Emerald has 7 letters, and my name Robotic has 7 letters.
7+7 = 14, i might get emerald, my age is 14.
Illuminati is a triangle with 3 points, 14:3 = 4, rank has 4 letters.
4 + 4 = 8. Then we get back to 14, 14 - 8 = 6.

The price will be giving over 6 days.
Emerald = Toast/Illuminati confirmed
oops 14:3 isn't 4 lmao.
Hey everyone! To celebrate the release of the latest Tower Defence update we are hosting a Tower Design Contest! Similar to the kit design contest, you will be tasked with designing a new tower to be added to the game.

You will have to build your tower and design how it will attack. Below are a few things to consider when designing and submitting your tower:

  • Towers must either fit into a 3x3 or a 5x5 square space
  • 3x3 towers need 4 tiers, as they upgrade
  • 5x5 towers only need 3 tiers
  • How does your tower attack? What makes it different from the existing towers
  • Can your tower attack all mobs? Are there certain types its extra effective against?

You may only submit ONE tower for this contest so make sure you give it a lot of thought and design the best tower possible! The tower we like the most will be added to the game and the player who submitted it will receive a rank upgrade!

How do I enter?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
I forgot to add the Endwatch tower cant attack cave spiders and is extra effective against high health mobs.

Despacito 2

Forum Professional
Dec 6, 2015
Wait a minute, did you just say... EMERALD!!?

Emerald = green, and my title is green.
Put green in the mirror and it says: neerg. neerg is website, and we post on a website, but thats not all.
Emerald has 7 letters, and my name Robotic has 7 letters.
7+7 = 14, i might get emerald, my age is 14.
Illuminati is a triangle with 3 points, 14:3 = 4, rank has 4 letters.
4 + 4 = 8. Then we get back to 14, 14 - 8 = 6.

The price will be giving over 6 days.
Emerald = Toast/Illuminati confirmed
Too late MegaIlluminati took your Rank :p And 14:3 isn't 4 and ToastIlluminati is still possible


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2016
Wither Tower:

Wither Tower

Shoots wither skulls that deal wither damage for 3-7 seconds and deals much more damage then the poison tower. But does not effect nether mobs or witches.

Suggested price - 950 coins




  • 2016-05-22_08.51.39.png
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Spiketrack Factory.
This 5x5 tower is good to have as backup in case large waves of mobs break through your defence.
This tower will lay down spiketracks on the ground, inflicting damage on the mobs dumb enough to step on these.
Since having a lot of these can be quite overpowered, these mighty machines are costly. They cost around 1500 coins to unlock in the shop.
Building one of these costs 1200 coins, upgrading it to tier II costs 700 and upgrading it to tier III costs 900.
The witherboss likes attacking these towers, meaning spiketrack factorys are likely to be destroyed during armagedon mode.

Tier I:
The tier I tower can lay down spiketracks in a 6 to 7 block range and can have a maximum of 3 spiketracks active at a time.
Spiketracks spawned by this tier look like a light gray carpet. If a mob walks over this spiketrack it will recieve 5 to 6 damage. The spiketrack gets destroyed when a mob walks over it. Flying mobs fly over these tracks, meaning they won't activate them and won't receive damage from this.

Tier II:
The tier II tower can lay down spiketracks in a 8 to 10 block range and can have a maximum of 5 spiketracks active at a time.
Spiketracks spawned by this tier look like a gray carpet. If a mob walks over this spiketrack it will recieve 8 to 11 damage. The spiketrack gets destroyed when a mob walks over it. Flying mobs fly over these tracks, meaning they won't activate them and won't receive damage from this.

Tier III:
The tier III tower can lay down spiketracks in a 10 to 14 block range and can have a maximum of 10 spiketracks active at a time.
Spiketracks spawned by this tier look like a black carpet. If a mob walks over this spiketrack it will recieve 12 to 16 damage. The spiketrack gets destroyed when a mob walks over it. Unlike the tier I & II these spiketracks scatter when stepped on, dealing 5-8 damage to nearby mobs. This includes flying mobs.

This tower can't damage slimes and magma cubes, as they absorb the spikes like a tasty meal (they destroy spiketracks but don't recieve damage from them).

(I couldn't figure out how to insert images from my computer into this entry, so I added them as files. The damage, costs and range of these machines can be tweaked a bit if needed. Sorry if I added to many screenshots to this post, I wasn't sure how many to add :/ )

Hopefully people like this idea :D


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Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2016
Tower Name: Inouye Tower

What does this Tower do?
The Inouye Tower forms clouds above it, to strike Lightning down on the mobs passing by. So for example: A Zombie Pigman crosses by next to the Inouye Tower, clouds will form above, and will Generate a lightning which charges and aims towards their Target. Any nearby troops attacking will be harmed, maybe killed.

What mobs can this Tower hit?
In the first tier, the Tower is only able to hit Ground mobs, such as Zombie's, Pigmen, Spiders and more.. But, when it is upgraded to its 2nd Tier or its 3rd Tier, it is optional chosen by the builder, to hit Air or Ground. Therefore two Tier 3 Inouye Towers which have optional chosen to Air and Ground next to each other, these towers will be unstoppable.
Mobs which are invincible to the Inouye Tower are the Cave Spiders, Blazes and Endermites.

How much will this Tower cost?

This tower will cost more per upgrade, as the damage increases per upgrade.
Tier 1 - Purchasing it: 800 Coins
Tier 2 - Upgrading it: 1000 Coins
Tier 3 - Upgrading it to Max - 1500 Coins

Tier Links/Pics:
Front Cover: http://prnt.sc/b72inr
Tier 1: http://prnt.sc/b72igx
Tier 2: http://prnt.sc/b72ikb
Tier 3: http://prnt.sc/b72ilu





Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
I was excited for this Contest/Event so I got a good idea for Tower defence so I've made one! *The tower idea is good but the Tower look is kinda not modern*

The Teleporeter
It's a useless 50% AOE Defensive Tower
It uses it's teleporting skills to Teleport Mobs forcing your way through!~~

Unlocking: 1300 Points

Tier 1: 500


Range: 5 Blocks
Teleports back: 4 blocks back
Cooldown: 4 Seconds

Tier 2: 750

Range: 7 Blocks
Teleports back: 5 blocks back
Cooldown: 3 seconds

Tier 3: 830

Range: 10 Blocks
Teleports back: 6 Blocks back
Cooldown: 3 seconds


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2016
The Tempest Tower

Rains on mobs, lowering their speed and damage by 25% while in range. After leaving range, previously lowered effects will then increase by 20%, leaving a permanent lowered speed and damage. Effects are doubled against Blazes and Magma Cubes.

Suggested Price: 300 coins
View attachment 87849 View attachment 87851
You do reallize that no one will ever use ice tower ever again except for cave spiders correct?
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